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        家族法改正의 內容과 課題

        權龍雨(Kwon Yong-Woo),金永圭(Kim Young-Kyu) 한국법학회 2005 법학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        The revision of the Civil Law on 2005 preludes a major change in the traditional family concept of Koreans as it abolishes 'hojuje' or the patriarchal family registry system which will take effect in 2008. Under the revised Civil Law, children are allowed to adopt his or her mother's family name based on mutual consent from both parents, If a woman remarries, her children can also follow the family name of the stepfather with the court's approval. The revised Civil Law is a triumph of individual dignity and equality and an inevitable response to the change in the times. On February 3rd 2005, the Constitutional Court handed down a 6-3 decision, ruling that the patriarchal family registry system is unconstitutional, triggering off public movement on the revision. This represents a step forward for human rights. The main features of this revision in Family Law are as follows: 1. Abolition of the head of family system and prescribing new definition of family. 2. Easing the presumption of father's surname for new borne child. 3. Repealing the prevention on the marriage between same origins and adjusting the scope of intermarriage. 4. Abolition of forbidden clause of women's digamy in special period, improving of denial of paternity system, reforming of assent to adoption of person under fifteen years of age, introducing of adoption as a children of natural father and owing a precedence of welfare interest duty to parents. 5. Allowing the rights of succession for one who supports his parents and improving qualified acceptance of heritage. Still, efforts will be needed to apply the revised law, because new system is said to be fragmentary and unconnected with actual circumstances. On this paper, I suggest several alternatives for future revision mainly on adjustment of the scope of relatives and supplement of contributory portion on inheritance and apportionment for person having special connection . Above all things, I propose that the patriarchal family registration system would be replaced with an individual registration system. The envisioned registry document will each include records of people's birth, marriage, death and adoptions, along with their parents, spouses and children, but will not contain information on their siblings. The revision will pave the way for children to change their surnames, which were traditionally only taken from their father's, In addition, the abolishment of the hoju system is expected to bring significant changes in our society, which has so far served as the basis of the country's family registry system. So alternative methods should be explored to minimize difficulties accompanying changes in old practices.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        胎兒의 權利能力

        권용우(Kwon, Yong-Woo) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The Korean Civil Code adopting the doctrine of individual protection relating to legal protecton of unborn child's interests exceptionally and restrictively recognizes the unborn child's legal capacity. However, there have been conflict between the theory of condition precedent and condition subsequent regards to the legal nature of it because the Code simply stipulates "~be deemed to have been already born." Moreover, the case law from the Korean Supreme Court has also been inconsistent. By the way, because the legislative intent of the Koren Civil Code which exceptionally and restrictively recognizes the unborn child's legal capacity is to protect the unborn child, the theory of condition subsequent which puts emphasis on the protection of the unborn child's intersts seems to be reasonable. However, the theory complexifies legal relationships. Thus, the theory of condition precedent is more reasonable under the construction of the Korean Civil Code and the reasons for that are as follows. First, the Korean Civil Code does not recgnize organs that protect the unborn child's interests such as legal guardian or amministrator of property. Legislatively, it is desirable to appoint administrator of property for unborn child's interests under the supervision of the Family Court in order to manage the unborn child's property. Second, although there is no difference in shares of statutory inheritance between male and female, it will be evident after the delivery whether the child is twins or triplets. Moreover, because there could be the case of stillbirth, we should suspend the division of inherited property until the delivery. Third and the last, even the biological mother does sometimes not know when she was pregnant. In this case, if the mother who does not know the pregnancy excludes the unborn child in dividing the inherited property, the process would be complicated because the unborn child should request for the recovery of inheritance after his/her birth. Moreover, there would be the case that the unborn child is biologically not the husband's child. Nevertheless, under the theory of condition subsequent, the unborn child who is not legitmate child inherit the property so that the true heir should request for the recovery of inheritance.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 그린벨트에 관한 쟁점 연구

        권용우(Yong Woo Kwon) 한국도시지리학회 1999 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        In the late 1990s the controversial debates on the greenbelts have been carried out. These controversy focuses on the conservation, dergulation, or negotiation of the greenbelts in Korea. However they may take any kind of paradigm on the greenbelts, they should have the proenvironmentalism and the citizenship for the greenbelts. They also must get the appropriate policies for the quality of life and the conservation of ecosystems in Korea. Various benefits including the reduction of taxes have to be supplied for the residents who have not used their real estates because of conserving the greenbelts. The establishment of greenbelts should be done according to the philosophy of the longterm plan. When they estimate the urbanism about the greenbelts, they should take into consideration the aspects of the commuting and traffic flows between the central cities and the suburbs.

      • KCI등재

        수도권 통근권역의 공간적 범위 , 1995~1997

        권용우(Yong Woo Kwon) 한국도시지리학회 2000 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The spatial commuting fief in the Seoul metropolitan region during the period 1995-1997 reaches to the 45-55km from the central city of Seoul. The limit of the Seoul commuting field in 1995 is Pochun-gun, and the limit of the Seoul commuting field in 1997 is Yangpyung-gun. The spatial configulation of the Seoul commuting field is the star-shaped pattern along the main roads from the central city of Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        취득시효완성자의 대상청구권

        권용우 ( Yong Woo Kwon ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2006 법학논총 Vol.30 No.1

        In Bezug auf den Surrogationsanspruch des Glaubigen infolge der unmoglichen Leistung ist im koreanischen Burgerlichen Gesetzbuch keine ausdruckliche Regelung enthalten. Im Schriftum und in der Rechtsprechung wird dennoch die Ansicht vertreten, dass dem Glaubigen das Anspruchsrecht auf das Surrogat zuerkannt warden soll. Umstritten ist aber, ob auch dem Erwerber durch die Ersitzung, der durch Ablauf der Ersitzungsfrist beim Besitz das Eigentumsrecht an Grundstucken erworben hat, ebenfalls der Surrogationsanspruch zuerkannt werden soll, wenn es sich hier um die unmogliche Leistung hinsichtlich des Anspruchrechts auf grundbucherliche Eintragung handelt. Die Rechtsprechung des koreanischen Oberstgerichtshofs uber diese Frage, ob das Anspruchsrecht auf das Surrogat auch dem Ersitzungserwerber zuerkannt werden soll, bleibt nicht konsequent. Der Oberstgerichtshof hat durch das Urteil 94 da 25025 vom 9. 12. 1994 dem Ersitzungserwerber das Anspruchsrecht auf Entschadigung bei Grundstucksenteignung zuerkannt, und seitdem hat er erstmal weiterhin konsequent daran festgehalten. Der Oberstgerichtshof hat dann im Urteil 94 da 43825 vom 10. 12. 1996, wobei es sich im Grunde um gleiches wie im genannten Urteil vom 1994 handelt, die Ansicht geaußert, dass in diesem Fall die Ausubung des Surrogationsanspruchs durch den Ersitzungserwerber des Grundstucks nicht grenzenlos erlaubt, sondern beschrankt werden soll. Nach diesem Urteil sei namlich zur Ausubung des Surrogationsanspruchs durch den Ersitzungserwerber wegen der unmoglichen Leistung neben der allgemeinen Grundvoraussetzung dafur weitere zusatzliche Voraussetzung notwendig, dass er vor dem Eintritt der unmoglichen Leistung gegen die eingetragene Person das Recht infolge der Ersitzung behaupten oder den Eintragungsanspruch wegen der Ersitzung erheben muss. Nach der Begrundung des Oberstgerichtshofs entspricht es dies der Idee der Billigkeit, dass der Ersitzungserwerber an Grundstucken das Anspruchsrecht auf das Surrogat aufgrund der Nichterfullung hinsichtlich des Eintragungsanspruchs nicht ausuben kann, wenn er vorher das Recht wegen der Ersitzung gegen die eintragungspflichtige Person nicht behauptet oder ausgeubt hat. Ich schließe mich dieser Ansicht des Oberstgerichtshofs an.

      • KCI등재후보

        유책 배우자의 이혼청구권

        권용우 ( Yong Woo Kwon ) 단국대학교법학연구소 2009 법학논총 Vol.33 No.1

        This article review stheories of whether we recognize the guilty spouse`s claim for divorce and analyzes cases from the Supreme Court of Republic of Korea. In short, I conclude as following. First, there have been positivism and negativism regarding to wheather we recgnize the guilty spouse`s claim for divorce and, further, limitarians in principle disallow the guilty spouse`s claim for divorce, but they allow his/her claim only when the guilty spouse satisfies some conditions. In my view, limitariansperspective seems the most persuasive. Second, the Korean Supreme Court had consistently denied the claim for divorce from the guilty spouse who caused the breakdown of his/her marriage. However, the Supreme Court has restrictively permitted the guilty spouse`s claim for divorce only when he/she satisfies the following three elements since mid-1980s: ① in the case of recrimination-the case when the both spouses have causes for divorce-; ② when the other spouse also wants to divorce when the guilty spouse claims for divorce; and ③ when there had already been other causes for divorce before the guilty spouse`s wrong doing. Third, as such, in principle, the Korean Supreme Court has denied the guilty spouse`s claim for divorce and, at the same time, restrictively allowed his/her claim for divorce only when the guilty spouse satisfies the above three elements. This is the natural conclusion from the viewpoint that valuees on the morality of marriage. However, we need to concern that the global trend of causes for divorce changes from fault principle to breakdown principle and how we introduce and understand this trend. In other words, we could encounter with the question whether we should stick to the fault principle when the relationship of marriage itself was already broken irretrievably and remains in ruin. Therefore, I conclude that we would better try to accept the breakdown principle that opens an opportunity to start a new life for the couple by eliminating the ruined marital relationship with the consideration of the maintenance for the spouse and children as well as the euqitable distribution of marital property.

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