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      • KCI등재후보

        스페인어 사건 명사구에서 나타나는 논항보어의 이동과 피(被)영향성 해석

        곽재용 ( Jae Yong Kwak ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2008 외국어교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        In this paper the researcher will try to give a syntactic account for the movement of the affected argument with respect to the Event Nominal in Spanish. As the point of departure the researcher will take the proposals of Bleam(1999, 2000a, 2000b) and Picallo(1999) in which they relate the affected interpretation to the movement of the affected argument in syntax. In section 1, the researcher will review the two types of Nominalizations that Grimshaw(1990) and Picallo(1999) described in their papers: event nominal and result nominal. In section 2, the researcher will sketch the central properties of event nominals related to the locative alternation and the psychological verb in both some empirical and theoretical respects. In section 3, the researcher will present my own proposal, based on the distributed morphology of Halle & Marantz(1993) and Harley & Noyer(1998a, 1998b). The researcher will basically claim that the affectedness with respect to the event nominalization can be explained as the result of the passive nominal derivation to denote eventuality in the nominalization, by exploiting the mechanism of overt movement of the affected argument to the outer specification of verb phrases (Bleam, 1999, 2000a, 2000b). In section 4, the researcher will summarize the main results of this investigation. En este trabajo intentaremos ofrecer un analisis sintactico del movimiento del argumento afectado con respecto al Nominal Eventivo en espanol. Para nuestro punto de partida, adoptaremos las propuestas de Bleam (1999, 2000a, 2000b), Travis(1991) y Picallo(1999) en las que ellos relacionan la interpretacion de afectividad con el movimiento del argumento afectado en sintaxis. En la seccio`n 1, repasaremos dos tipos de Nominalizacion que describen Grimshaw(1990) y Picallo(1999): nominal eventivo y nominal resultativo. En la seccion 2, observaremos las propiedades centrales de nominales eventivos relacionados con los verbos de alternancia locativa y tambien con los verbos psicologicos desde el punto de vista empirico y teorico. En la section 3 mostraremos nuestra propia propuesta basandonos en la Morfologia Distribuida de Halle y Marantz(1993) y Harley y Noyer(1998a, 1998b). Insistimos en que la afectividad con respecto a la Nominalizacion puede explicarse como el resultado de la derivacion del nominal pasivo para denotar la eventualidad en la Nominalizacion, con el mecanismo de movimiento explicito del argumento afectado al Espec exterior del Sv (Bleam, 1999, 2000a, 2000b). En la seccion 4 ofreceremos un resumen de esta investigacion.

      • KCI등재후보

        신장이식 환자의 임상적 분석

        곽재용(Jae Yong Kwak),박성광(Sung Kwang Park),강성귀(Sung Kyew Kang),이승렬(Seung Ryeol Rhee) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.6

        N/A Objectives: Kidney transplantation is generally considered the best available treatment for most patients requiring replacement therapy for end-stage renal disease. After the introduction of Cyclosporine (CsA), graft and patient survival rate have been improved. CsA was introduced our center for routine use, thus we analyzed the outcome of CsA-treated primary living donor renal transplantations. Methods: Between February 1989 and August 1993, 67 cases of renal transplantation were performed at Chonbuk National University Hospital. The results of the transplantation were analyzed according to various factors known to influence the outcome of transplant recipients. Results: 1) The common underlying disease of end stage renal disease was chronic glomerulonephritis, chroinc pyelonephritis and IgA nephropathy. 2) The mean age of recipients and donors were 42.1 years and 40.2 years and the male to female ratio was 2.7 : 1 and 0.9 : 1 respectively. 3) Among 67 patients, 53 patients recieved kidney from living-related donors (LRD) and 14 patients from living-nonrelated donors (LNLD). 4) The results of human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) typing in 53 LRD were identical (ID) in 2 cases and HLA haploidentical (HID) in 51 cases. In 14 LNRD, the mean matched number of HLA-AB antigens were 0.5±0.5 and those of HLA-DR antigens were 0.7±0.4. 5) The overall patient survival rate and graft survival rate were 97%/95%, 95%/88%, 93%/85% and 91%/85% at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years respectively. Among HLA-HID group, graft survival rate of cyclosporine A group and conversion from cyclosporine A to azathioprine group was 97%/100%, 91%/100%, 91%/88% and 91%/88% at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years respectively. 6) Donor age had no effect on allograft survival. 7) Thirty one acute rejection episodes were occurred in 23 recipients (34.3%) and 26 episodes were occurred within 1 year. 8) The medical complications were presented with infections (bacterial 67.6%, viral 20.6%, fungal 11.8%), hypertention, bone marrow suppression, posttransplant diabetes, chronic rejection, peptic ulcer, acne and hyperlipidemia. Comptication of cyclosporin A were gingival hyperplasia, hyperkalemia, nephrotoxicity. 9) The surgical complieations were rupture of renal artery anastomosis site, rupture of transplant kidney and adhesive ileus. 10) The 6 patients lost their grafts because of death in 4, chronic rejection in 1, rupture of transplant kideny in l. 11) There were four deaths, and the causes of death were pneumonia and chronic rejection in two cases, gastrointestinal bleeding and chronic rejection in one case and rupture of renal artery anastomosis site in one case. Conclusions: This results suggest that cyclosporine improved the outcome of living-donor transplant recipients. 1-and 4-year patient and graft survival is similar in living-related and unrelated living-donor renal transplatation. Although incidence of rejection is higher in unrelated living-donor than living-related, but outcome do now show differences. Other factors little or no effect on graft survival.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인어 문법서에서 사용되는 문법용어 “과거 분사”에 대한 제고

        곽재용(Kwak Jae-yong) 한국외국어교육학회 2008 Foreign languages education Vol.15 No.2

          The dictionary of Real Academia Espa?ola (2001) indicates that the passive participle is used for the formation of the composed tense, of the passive voice and of the verbal periphrasis. But most of the Spanish grammar books in Korea use the term past participle instead of passive participle and Korean learners of Spanish experience considerable difficulties to understand its grammatical use. We will show that it is necessary to specify the particular properties of the passive participle, the adjectival participle and the perfect participle in order to avoid the ambiguous definition of "past participle" used in most of the Spanish grammar books in Korea

      • KCI등재

        복합 술어의 하위원인제공자로 해석되는 스페인어 현재분사구문에 관한 형태-통사적 분석

        곽재용 ( Jae Yong Kwak ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2011 지중해지역연구 Vol.13 No.2

        En cuanto a la CGE(Construccion de Gerundio en espanol, Lagunilla(1999: 3447) describe que los llamados gerundios predicativos modifican al verbo y al SN sujeto u objeto de la oracion en la que se hallan integrados, como lo hacen el adjetivo y otras categorias de naturaleza predicativa, mientras que los gerundios adjuntos modifican solo al verbo y pueden expresar varios contenidos como instrumento, causa, condicion, consecuencia, etc., por lo que esta autora considera el SG-causa(sintagma de gerundio con la interpretacion de causa) como adjunto. Por otro lado, Paris(2003) argumenta que el SG-causa presenta la propiedad de complemento, insistiendo en que el SG-causa aparece seleccionado por el verbo principal debido a la propiedad lexica del verbo causativo psicologico. En este sentido, segun Paris, el SG-causa no debe clasificarse como adjunto. En este trabajo intentaremos mostrar que el SG-causa es uno de los segmentos que forman un predicado complejo y actua como un causante interno dentro de su estructura configuracional en el sentido de Pesetsky(1995). Finalmente, sobre la base de esta propiedad configuracional, ofreceremos un analisis de la Materializacion Nula del nucleo en la secuencia [CAUSp + SD-CAUSANTE] bajo el marco de la Morfologia Distribuida de Halle y Marantz(1993) y Harley y Noyer(1997, 1998).

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 스페인어 형용사파생동사의 비논항 간접보어의 형태 -통사적 특성

        곽재용 ( Jae Yong Kwak ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2012 지중해지역연구 Vol.14 No.2

        Campos(1999) considera complementos indirectos a aquellos sintagmas nominales que forman parte de la estructura argumental de un verbo que aparece con un complemento directo, con el cual se relaciona. Gutierrez Ordonez(1999), siguiendo la misma linea que Campos(1999), Demonte(1994) y Strozer(1976), describe que los predicados de transferencia seleccionan complemento indirecto argumental, mientras que los verbos de ``creacion``, ``destruccion`` o ``preparacion`` pueden seleccionar opcionalmente los complementos indirectos no argumentales, involucrados en la accion del verbo. Gumiel et al.(1999) argumentan que los verbos deadjetivales como ``engordar``, ``agrandar`` y ``ampliar`` comparten algunas propiedades cruciales con los predicados secundarios resultativos suponiendo que los verbos deadjetivales y los predicados secundarios resultativos comparten una misma estructura. Ellos insisten en que los sufijos ``en-/a-/?`` ocupan en la posicion nuclear del SP en la estructura sintactica del verbo deadjetival, tal y como suponen Hale y Keyser(1993) sobre la preposicion locativa abstracta con respecto a la estructura sintactica lexica del verbo denominal. En este trabajo intentaremos mostrar que los SSDD dativos en la construccion de los verbos deadjetivales son complementos indirectos no argumentales debido a la propiedad configuracional y los sufijos no tienen nada que ver con la preposicion locativa ni con la estructura analitica del verbo deadjetival. Queremos ofrecer una sugerencia alternativa argumentando que el nucleo del SGrado abstracto es un locus de grado de Estado debido a la caracteristica de los predicados deadjetivales y de su raiz lexica. Destacamos que el clitico dativo relacionado con el complemento indirecto no argumental esta sujeto a la condicion de materializacion para los predicados deadjetivales desde el punto de vista de la Morfologia Distribuida de Halle y Marantz(1993, 1988).

      • KCI등재

        스페인어에서 복합술어로 기능하는 일부 [estar+pp]구조에 관한 연구

        곽재용 ( Jae Yong Kwak ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2007 지중해지역연구 Vol.9 No.1

        El objetivo de este trabajo es representar un analisis morfosintactico de las manifestaciones de algunas construcciones con [estar+pp] que funcionan como predicado complejo en espanol. La construccion "La ciudad fue rodeada por las tropas enemigas" se define pasiva verbal de caracteristica eventiva y el complemento agente causante esta expresado por medio de la preposicion "por". Por otro lado, la construccion "La ciudad esta rodeada por las tropas enemigas", que se define resultativa, no puede denotar la caracteristica eventiva sino la estativa. En esta construccion, la frase preposicional se comporta como causante y no se puede caracterizar como agente causante, lo que no puede omitirse en la estructura derivacional. El presente trabajo pretende proponer una ulterior elaboracion del concepto de predicado complejo para las construcciones con [estar+pp] derivadas de los predicados estativos como verbos psicologicos, verbos estativos o verbos reflexivos inherentes con o sin frase preposicional. El marco principal en que se desarrolla es de la Morfologia Distribuida de Harley y Noyer(1998). En este trabajo ofreceremos una nueva alternativa explicativa para las construcciones con [estar+pp] adoptando varios estudios como Alboiu et al.(2004), Pesetsky(1995), Baker y Stewart(1997).

      • KCI등재

        제한적 관계절에 나타나는 스페인어 관계한정사 cuyo의 통사적 특성

        곽재용 ( Jae Yong Kwak ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2015 지중해지역연구 Vol.17 No.1

        In this article, we argue that the spell-out condition of the Spanish relative determiner CUYO is structurally related with [+WH] complex relative construction under the basic hypothesis that the [Φ-feature] of the Latin possessive relative determiner CUIUS diverges as to the way of its specification in Spanish and Italian, the [+WH}[+REL(ative] element occupies in the Spec of CP, and the [Φ-feature] of relativized element must be explicitly realized in the morphosyntax. We propose an alternative approach based on the previous studies of Kayne(1994), Cardinaletti(1998), Cinque(1995) about the realization of Spanish relative determiner cuyo, in order to account for several previously unaccounted phenomena. We discuss some consequences potentially relevant for the Italian possessive relative constructions, in the light of the Distributed Morphology(cf. Halle & Marantz(1993), Harley & Noyer(1998)), and subsequent works.

      • KCI등재

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