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      • KCI등재

        식민지 지식인의 갈등과 고뇌 그리고 허위의식

        고재석(Ko Jae-seok) 우리말글학회 2009 우리말 글 Vol.47 No.-

        A studying abroad is a course of learning through joining between two countries and cultures. And students studying abroad should accustom themselves to it's culture, language, living styles and so on. But they recognize that the original idea of studying abroad belong to their individual and national profits with their studying abroad. In the result of situation studying abroad, they experience on the stress of antagonistic relationships such as relation between assimilation and dissimilation, and between dependence and independence. And students can be called 'marginal man' who should experience on the hard learning courses of circulation between maladjustment and adjustment, or adjustment and maladjustment with experiencing on the special situation that the compulsive conformity and self conscious alienation between two cultures. I think that Joseph Joo(朱耀燮, 1902~1972)´s 『A Price of First Love(첫사랑값)』(1925~27), Kwangsoo Lee(李光洙, 1892~1950)´s 『Letters in Blood(血書)』(1924) need to be taken notice for the studying. These works include not only self-presentations of intellectuals who had studied in Japan, China, and Korea before and after the 3.1 Movement but also characters who had been suffered and agonized between the modern nationalism and the private consciousness. 『A Price of First Love』 is an incomplete frame medium-lenth story which recollects main character 'M' through his diary in which M gives up his Chinese female lover and comes back to his country but finally suicides by himself. 『Letters in Blood'』 is a short novel that a main character, 'I' refuse a Japanese woman's courtship and recollects the woman's death. These two novels pretty well show the mental agony of intellectuals who suffer from the problems on "how to live" in the real colonial lives decorated with cultural politics after the 3.1 Movement.

      • KCI등재

        깨달음의 미학과 행동적 수양주의

        고재석(Ko Jae-seok) 우리말글학회 2006 우리말 글 Vol.38 No.-

        Han Yongun (1879~1944) is chiefly remembered as an ardent patriot, reformist, modernizing priest, and as the author of Your Silence under Japanese rule. For these reasons he holds an important place within Koreans' collective memory of their nation's troubled modern history. As a precious cultural heritage, Han Yongun has become a hot commodity in today's so-called “cultural memory.” Although much has been written about him - particularly on his life and literature - as an embodiment of a poet, a revolutionary, and a Zen monk, little attention has been given to the notions he personally set examples to his country people in his life and literature. Han Yongun has maintained that Buddhism must be socially aware to contribute to the modern world. According to him, “if one cares only for a tranquil dwelling-place, this merely amounts to a rejection of the world; and if one only keeps one’s body still, one is merely self-complacent. Buddhism is a teaching meant for the world, a religion devoted to the liberation of sentient beings!” Through the analysis of his translation of Chaegeundam (菜根譚) and Yushim(惟心)the monthly magazine he published, this paper offers a perspective on “real” Han Yongun - not as a “cultural star” but as a social writer, a man of action, who has carried those Buddhist precepts into practice.

      • KCI등재

        미디어 권력에 균열내기: 강준만의 상징투쟁(1989~2005)에 대한 사회학적 해석

        고재석 ( Jae Seok Ko ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2021 지역과 세계 Vol.45 No.1

        비판적 지식인 강준만은 주어진 역사적·사회적 배경 위에서 특정한 실천을 통해 장을 재편한 사회적 행위자다. 이는 미디어와 저널리즘 역사에서 경시돼 왔다. 이 연구는 피에르 부르디외의 ‘장’(field) 개념을 활용해 강준만의 성취와 그 성취의 바탕이 된 당대 미디어 장의 상황을 규명한다. 또 미셸 푸코의 눈을 빌려 부르디외 사회학에서 간과된 담론의 권력효과를 읽어낸다. 장과 담론이 순환하는 연구대상을 세밀히 해석하기 위해 ‘상징투쟁’ 개념도 활용한다. 본문에서는 1990년대 강준만의 실천경로를 주류신문에 맞선 지식인의 ‘상징투쟁’으로 분석하며 논지를 전개한다. 신문 장, 지식 장, 출판 장을 아우르는 문화생산의 장은 실천을 가능케 하는 사회(학)적 공간이다. 또 지배분파의 상징권력에 이의를 제기한 지식인들의 미디어전략과 담론실천을 검토한다. 결론을 대신해 강준만의 상징투쟁이 장에 남긴 유산을 성찰적으로 검토한다. 연구자는 상징투쟁자 강준만이 ‘게릴라 지식인’의 이름으로 현실화 한 객관화 된 하나의 현상이라고 본다. 강준만은 지적 실천과 사회적 저항 사이를 순환하며 미디어 권력 균열에 성공한 지식인이다. This research attempts to clarify sociologically what signifies the emergence of the critical intellectual in 1990s Korea. This work critically deals with the history of Kang Joon-Man's journalistic activity after the time of democratization, with a particular focus on his symbolic struggle. I believe Kang's achievement is not a mere intellectual consequence of an individual scholar, and it cannot be separated from the process of socialization wherein Kang's practice and social space in his time confront each other. We assume that Kang's intellectual career and writings reveal the specific relationship between the newspaper field and the history of intellectual. We try to clarify this relationship, conceptualizing the newspaper field as an important “structural opportunity space” for Kang's activity. I will not treat Kang as an individual but based on an objective and social reality that is realized in the name of the “guerilla intellectual” in the newspaper field. This social aspect of Kang's writings has been neglected by almost all attempts to explain the media and journalistic history, and his critical activities. Kang has succeeded in transforming the effects of his intellectual practice and social resistance, and he has settled as one of main actors in both the social and intellectual spheres in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        일그러진 기억의 거울

        고재석(Ko Jae-seok) 우리말글학회 2010 우리말 글 Vol.50 No.-

        Han, Yong-un(1879∼1944), a buddhist monk, a poet, is the one who wanted to overcome frustration under the Japanese control through the decision on being ordained as a buddhist monk and the imagination of the world made up of words. In 1904 he entered the Buddhist priesthood, and in 1905 he left for Vladivostok and was put in near-death situation since he was mistaken for a Japanese spy. After he had a close call, he learned Japanese and modern studies in Myoung-jin College(明進學校) established by Korean Buddhism in 1906. After studying in Japan for half a year, he came back to homeland and actively worked as an instructor. Then, he evoked criticism with a petition to Masatake, Terauchi, the first governor, for permission of marriage licence for buddhist monks as a population growth policy in September, 1910. However, Han caused great confusion constantly changing his statement about this matter in his memoirs later. It was considered that he would not admit the truth. As a result, the chronology of his early whereabouts and life has been differently presented. It is not good for the right description of the history of Modern Korean Literature. He, the owner of emancipatory interests, was not the one who opened up his mind from the beginning. Han planned reformation of Korean Buddhism accepting the reality in resignation and anger under the Japanese colonial control, and he was born again acting conscience under the exclusion of the religious body and political persecution. Therefore, it is unfortunate to distort the truth of history in order to make him as a representation of national identity.

      • KCI등재

        메탈할라이드와 엘이디 오징어 집어등의 겸용시 배치조건에 따른 수중조도분포 비교분석

        정미숙,이기대,고재석,배재현,Jung, Mee Suk,Lee, Ki Dae,Ko, Jae Seok,Bae, Jae Hyun 한국광학회 2014 한국광학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        어류를 잡기 위한 기존의 여러 방법 중 하나로, 한국과 일본에서는 광원을 이용해 오징어를 잡는 방법이 주로 행하여져 왔다. 사용된 광원으로는 메탈할라이드를 이용한 방법이 주로 이용되었으나 유가 상승으로 인한 유지비용 상승이 문제로 대두되어져 왔다. 또한 메탈할라이드 광원은 고온으로 인한 화상의 위험과 인체에 유해한 자외선 스펙트럼 방출로 인하여 어업인의 건강을 위협하여 왔다. 이에 반해 엘이디 광원은 저전력, 저발열의 장점을 가지고 있어서 메탈할라이드 광원을 대체하는 연구가 주로 한국과 일본에서 이루어져 왔으나, 메탈할라이드 광원 대비 낮은 광량과 다른 배광특성으로 인해 어획량은 메탈할라이드 집어등 어선 대비 저조한 실정이다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하고자 본 논문에서는 기존의 메탈할라이드 집어등 어선과 가장 유사한 조도 분포를 얻기 위해 메탈할라이드 광원과 엘이디 광원을 조합 배치하였고, 그때의 수심별 조도 분포 시뮬레이션을 하여 최적의 배치조건을 제시하였다. A combination of MHL and LED fish-luring light is used in this study. Its yield, characteristics, and irradiance distribution are evaluated and analyzed. To obtain an irradiance distribution similar to that of an MHL, we suggest the optimal arrangement of MHL and LED.

      • KCI등재

        경험 서사 창작 교육의 내용 구성 원리 탐색

        전한성 ( Han Sung Jeon ),고재석 ( Jae Seok Ko ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2014 국어교육 Vol.0 No.144

        The purpose of this study was to establish the direction of contents construction of the eduction of creative writing of experience narrative. Based on the critical mind that getting rid of alienation from self-doubling which might result from the process of creation of learning creator and recognizing the relationship between the real world and fictional world correctly were required, this study focused on the genre of autobiography which represented self experience. Largely, there were three aspects of the reason why this study paid attention to autobiography. First, it is related to the anthropological viewpoint reflected in literature education. Second, it is concerned with the practical aspect of a cultural viewpoint reflected in literature education. Third, it is connected with aesthetic autonomy of literature. The data for this study was autobiographies of high school students, which help them, that is, learners to reflect their lives by themselves in the process of narrating their experience and to realize the aesthetic value of their creative works. The data collected was totally 352 from Gwangmyung High school 2th grade students(153), Baemyung High school 1th grade students(86), and Poongmoon Girls`` High school 2th grade students(113). Through analyzing the data, this study looked into various ways of the expression of self experience in their autobiographies in order to establish the direction of contents construction of the eduction of creative writing of experience narrative. The results were as follows. First, the content of concerning the world which enables learners to recognize narratives of their lives and the experience of life-world should be considered. Second, self-examination through the statement of confession of the first person should be included for the contents. Third, the reconstruction of experience narratives through the deconstruction of genre of autobiography is required. Finally, the contents should be established in a way of reflecting their experience connecting with their lives from the aspects of story construction.

      • KCI등재

        조류의 부리에 대한 생체모방을 활용한 로봇팔 구조개선 융합 탐구 -3D 모델링과 프린팅을 이용하여-

        엄증태 ( Jeung Tae Eom ),권승혁 ( Seung Hyuk Kwon ),오재영 ( Jae Yeong Oh ),이영지 ( Young Ji Lee ),송용진 ( Yong Jin Song ),표지원 ( Ji Won Pyo ),고재석 ( Jae Seok Ko ),권용주 ( Yong Ju Kwon ) 韓國生物敎育學會 2016 생물교육 Vol.44 No.1

        This study was a convergence inquiry task which utilizes 3D modeling and printing to improve the structure of robot-arm based on biomimicry of avian beak in biology education. The process of study was performed as through understanding and training of 3D modeling and printing, task selection of problem solving, identifying of the problem situation with target setting, biomimicry based solution searching and designing, 3D modeling and 3D printing, and testing process of the printed product. Three high school students were participated in the study to perform the inquiry through the biomimicry based convergence thinking process. Results were as followed: First, students explored and generated biological knowledge about avian beak and engineering knowledge in which the biological knowledge on avian beak was applied. With applying the biological and engineering knowledge, students designed 3 kinds of new robot-arms which were improved in the structure. Three products through 3D modeling and 3D printing were produced using the improved design. The products were tested whether they could solve effectively the problem of previous robot-arm. The result was shown that there was some differences among the improved products of robot-arm. This study suggests that high school students can utilize 3D modeling and 3D printing to perform convergence inquiry in biology education.

      • KCI등재

        한용운과 그의 시대 2

        고재석 국어국문학회 2004 국어국문학 Vol.- No.138

        Recently people are raising their voices over the examination and settlement of the past. However, pro-Japanese is a heartbreaking issue for all of us, that cannot be disputed simply based on results or motives. Evaluation of literary works and writers during the period of Japanese imperialism must be made comprehensively in the other-centered study. Nevertheless, it seems that Han Yong-Un's literature and life are framed to be a cultural form necessary for maintaining our historical identity out of obsession to the settlement of the past. This article is my secondary study to inquire into the question. Han Yong-Un is mainly concerned with liberation. This is evidenced by his daughter's memory. She said "my father was a politician". and Lee Neung-hwa evaluated Han Yong-Un with a reformative Buddhist monk who advocated Destruction first construction second. Since he tried to publish The Theory of Chosun new Buddhism(『朝鮮佛敎維新論』,1913) and The Encyclopedia of Buddhism(『佛敎大典』,1914) and to establish the Buddhist Alliance(1914) after the failure of the Imjejong(臨濟宗) movement(1912), his absence from the Buddhist circle from September 1914 to September 1916 showed that he could not do by the resistance of the Buddhist circle under the influence of the government-general. Realizing that the true value is discovered only after passing through the present reality damaged, he, who had been alienated from the Buddhist circle, came back to Gyeongseong(京城=Seoul) in autumn 1916. His article Three Days with Old Paintings and Calligraphic Works(『古書畵의 三日』) published in MaeilShinbo(『每日申報』,1916.12.7-15) draws attention as a turning point of his life and literature. He had visited enlightenment thinker O Se-chang, who had collected a lot of old paintings and calligraphic works, and recognized the meaning of tradition and history, watching genuine works created by 1,291 ancestors throughout 1,200 years. There he also met writers of Yusim(『惟心』,1918) that he would publish later and the leaders of the 3.1 Movement(1919). In addition, he had sought for historical lessons and superiorities in moral culture through criticizing the contents and ideas of old paintings and calligraphic works rather than appreciating them aesthetically. Such neo-traditionalism shows a sense of history more actively than the leaders of Enlightenment that advocated the power of education and economy without independence in the 1910s, critical affirmation of tradition distinguished from the denial of tradition, and an utilitarian viewpoint with the purpose of digging up historical lessons different from the classicism of the Moonjang(『文章』) group in the 1930s who pursued aesthetic cognition through affective rapport with antiques. Confirming through the impressive experience that remains from the past are the root of peoples spiritual life, he advocated mindculturalism armed with moral culture and practical action and found a starting point for making a breakthrough in the reality of a colony swept by material civilization. Here the most noteworthy book is Jeongseongangeui Chaegeundam(『精選講義 菜根譚』,1917).

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