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        남자 간호사의 사회적지지, 정서적 소진 및 직무스트레스가 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 요인

        강정희,Kang, Jeong Hee 한국가정간호학회 2018 가정간호학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: This study was to investigate the relationship between social support, emotional exhaustion and job stress job satisfaction and intention to leave of male nurses. Methods: The subjects of this study were 90 male nurses working in hospitals, and data analysis was performed multiple regression analysis to examine factors affecting job satisfaction and intention to leave. Results: The current job satisfaction rate of male nurses was 52.8%, and the rate of intention to leave within one year was 38.2%. Job satisfaction was lower for male nurses as job stress was higher(${\beta}=-.44$), p<.001), and the higher the supervisory support in social support, the higher the job satisfaction(${\beta}=.23$), p=.011). The higher the emotional exhaustion, the higher the intention to leave(${\beta}=.35$, p<.001). Conclusion: In order to maintain male nurses as important nursing staff in hospitals, various policy are needed to reduce the job stress of male nurses and to increase job satisfaction by lowering job stress and to reduce the intention to leave by reducing emotional exhaustion.

      • KCI등재

        복막투석 환자를 위한 표준화된 간호교육 프로토콜의 개발

        강정희,강지연,이영옥,Kang, Jeong-Hee,Kang, Ji-Yeon,Lee, Young-Ock 한국중환자간호학회 2011 중환자간호학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized education protocol for peritoneal dialysis patients. Methods: First, the demand for education was investigated from the 27 patients on peritoneal dialysis and 16 guardians, and later, the standardized nursing education protocol has been developed through the comprehensive literature review and the critical analysis of the related studies. Contents validity and applicability have been tested through the expert group survey. Results: The standardized peritoneal dialysis nursing education protocol with 9 areas and 20 items has been developed. The content validity for timing and duration, contents, method, and place of education proposed by the protocol were all above than 0.8. In terms of the applicability of the protocol, the experts scored between 4.20 to 4.93 for all items except one. The item on home visit education acquired the lowest applicability score, because there might exist potential restrictions in visiting patient's home. Conclusion: The standardized education protocol developed in this study turned out to be adequate by representing high content validity for all items and the applicability also was high except the item on home visit education. Further researches to test the effects of this education protocol should be done.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        온라인 서비스 시장에서의 개인정보 보호와 경쟁법 집행 -소비자 선택(Consumer Choice) 패러다임의 적용을 중심으로-

        강정희 ( Jeong Hee Kang ) 한국경쟁법학회 2015 競爭法硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        The noticeable enforcement of competition law in the online service market, such as international investigations on the recent privacy breaches that occur frequently or leading Internet portal Google`` shows how important personal information is in today``s digital age. For example, Internet portal carriers such as Google are mainly largely dependent on online advertising revenue, and in such online advertising accumulated data such as personal information play an important role in improving the quality of service and accessing users more attractively. In the most of markets in today``s economy as well as online advertising services market, businesses rely on vast amounts of personal information in developing their services and digitalizing personal information is constantly creating new types of business models. Personal information itself is the foundation of the service. With the development of services which are based on the personal information, it is difficult to find out how much personal information businesses collect and how they take advantage of personal information. Internet users go to Internet portals for the digital services such as e-mail or search engines provided free of charge. Why are Internet portal operators providing free online services Individuals are providing their valuable personal data for the digital services. To consumers, personal information is the currency to be paid as consideration for the online service. Despite the fact that personal information is accepted as a very important commodities in the market and is affecting the market, competition harm or consumer interests disturbance caused thereby does not get much attention. It is two areas where competition law could intervene in relation to the handling of personal information. One is when by using anti-competitive or unfair means, online service providers try to get data or prohibit competitor from collecting data. The other is when the risk of businesses`` accumulating data is considered in merger reviews. However when a series of businesses`` actions of using personal information which have an anti-competitive effect, do not fit exactly into an existing type of misconduct or illegality criteria, for example, the cases where the retention of personal information could be a source of market power or the result of the recombination of the personal information is the tool competitiveness in the new business market, there is a problem to find a limit. Industrial society was the price-competing market based on the production and sale of goods, but non-price competitive market has emerged as the main stage today. As society has developed thus, new areas that were not considered as a market at all began to come into the market economy. For example there are online services based on the individual information or markets where creativity or innovation is the most important competing tool not price. As new areas where it is difficult to determine illegality with a cost-effective approach alone which is competition law illegality existing criteria, it is preferred to configure the new paradigm. It is the ``consumer choice`` paradigm that arises by this need. The role of competition in the consumer choice frame is to protect the consumer``s choices in the market. In other words, we need to protect array of options which are significantly important to consumers. This paper is trying to introduce ``consumer choice`` paradigm as illegality criteria in collecting, using and restricting personal information that is a source of strength in the digital economy, and apply it in the competition law enforcement.

      • KCI등재

        중년독신여성의 성공적 노화에 대한 인식과 준비에 대한 질적 연구

        강정희 ( Jeong Hee Kang ),설연욱 ( Yeon Wook Seol ) 한국가족복지학회 2012 한국가족복지학 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 중년독신여성의 성공적 노화에 대한 인식과 성공적 노년생활 준비에 관한 질적 연구이다. 심층면접을 통해서 연구 자료가 얻어졌고, 자료 분석은 Strauss 와 Corbin(1990)이 제안한 지속적 비교분석방법(constant comparative analysis)을 사용하였다. 연구 참여자는 눈덩이 표집방법을 사용하여 40-50대의 연령으로, 결혼경험이 없는 미혼독신여성들 7명이 선택되었다. 연구의 결과는 크게 3개의 주제로 다음과 같이 범주화되었다: (1) 노화에 대한 인식- 나이듦의 편안함과 막막함 (2) 성공적 노화에 대한 인식- 삶의 부벽이자 존재의미로서의 일하기, 가족 밖에서 사람 울타리 만들기, 꿈을 실현하거나 취미활동하기, 몸과 마음이 건강한 노인 되기 (3) 성공적 노화에 대한 준비- 생각해 본 적 없음, 관념적 준비, 생애과정상의 현실적 준비, 독신의 득과 실.본 연구는 기혼과 노년기성인들로 국한된 성공적 노화의 개념을, 중년 독신자들의 관점에서 재구성할 필요성을 제기하는 이론적 의의를 가진다. 또한 가족중심과 결혼지향적인 한국문화 속에서 독신으로서 노화를 경험하는 과정에서 가지게 되는 중년독신여성의 심리·정서적인 문제에 개입하고, 더불어중년독신자들이 성공적 노화를 적절히 준비할 수 있는 예방교육 및 사회서비스 제공을 설계하는 실천적 의의를 가진다. This study seeks to explore unmarried middle-aged women`s perceptions of successful aging and their preparation efforts for successful aging. The data were collected by in-depth interviews with seven participants. The seven participants were unmarried middle-aged women 45 to 52 years old. They were invited to participate in the study through a snowball sampling method. The collected data were analyzed by a constant comparative analysis. The findings were categorized into the following three themes: (1) the perception of aging- comfort and difficulty, (2) the perception of successful aging- working for support and meaning in life; making social relationships outside the family; making one`s dreams come true and engaging in leisure activity; being healthy when older both physically and mentally, (3) preparation for successful aging- no preparation; abstract preparation; practical preparation; and benefits and drawbacks from one`s unmarried status. This study has a theoretic significance in that it can expand the existing conception of successful aging from the perspective of unmarried middle-aged women. In addition, this study has practical significance because it can intervene in the psychosocial problems unmarried middle-aged women face in a family- and marriage-centered culture. Social programs should be developed to educate unmarried middle-aged people regarding successful aging.

      • KCI등재

        65세 이상 인구의 고용형태와 의료요구 미충족 경험률의 관련성

        강정희(Kang, Jeong-Hee),김철웅(Kim, Chul-Woung),서남규(Seo, Nam-Kyu) 한국노년학회 2017 한국노년학 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 한국의 65세 이상 노인의 의료요구 미충족 경험률을 알아보고, 고용형태와 의료요구 미충족 경험률 및 경제적 이유로 인한 의료요구 미충족 경험률의 관련성을 분석하는 것이다. 연구방법은 2013년 한국의료패널자료를 이용하여 65세 이상인구 5,528명을 대상으로 고용형태에 따른 의료요구 미충족 경험률과 경제적 이유로 인한 의료요구 미충족 경험률의 관련성을 알아보기 위해 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 65세 이상 노인의 의료요구 미충족 경험률은 18.9%로 유렵연합국 노인인구집단보다 의료요구 미충족 경험률이 2-3배 높았다. 그리고, 의료요구 미충족을 경험한 노인 중 의료요구 미충족을 경험한 이유가 경제적 이유라고 응답한 노인은 42.8%였으므로 경제적 이유로 인한 의료요구 미충족 경험률은 8.1%이다. 임시직으로 경제활동을 하는 노인은 은퇴로 경제활동을 하지 않는 노인보다 의료요구 미충족 경험률이 높았고(ORs=1.75), 일용직으로 경제활동을 하는 노인은 경제적 이유로 인한 의료요구 미충족 경험률이 높았다(ORs=1.92). 경제활동 상태에 따른 의료요구 미충족 경험률의 차이는 ‘질병과 손상’을 가진 노인을 제외하고는 종사상의 지위에 따른 차이가 크지 않았다. 의료요구 미충족 경험 이유가 높은 의료비 부담이라고 응답한 경우에도 경제활동 상태에 따른 의료요구 미충족 경험률의 차이는 ‘질병과 손상’을 가진 노인을 제외하고는 종사상 지위에 따른 차이가 크지 않았다. 다만, 경제활동자 중에서는 ‘일용직’ 노인의 경제적 이유로 의료요구 미충족 경험률이 가장 높았다. 또한, 소득이 적을수록 의료요구 미충족을 경험할 가능성이 높았다. 결론적으로 한국 노인의 의료 요구 미충족을 해결하기 위해서는 노후소득보장제도의 개선뿐만 아니라 평균수명 증가에 따른 경제활동에 참여하는 노인의 일자리 형태 및 임금수준에 대한 개선방안이 필요할 것으로 보이며, 더불어 의료비를 해결할수 있는 건강보험의 보장성이 강화되어야 할 것으로 보인다. The present study aimed to investigate the rate of unmet healthcare needs for elderly over the age of 65 years, as well as analyze the relevance between employment status and unmet healthcare needs due to financial reasons. With regard to the study method, a logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the correlation between employment status and unmet healthcare needs due to financial reasons, targeting 5,528 subjects over the age of 65 years. The results showed that the rate of unmet healthcare needs was 18.9%, in which the rate of unmet healthcare needs due to financial reason was 8.1%. The rate of unmet health needs was higher for temporary workers(ORs=1.75) than for retirement workers. However, the rate of unmet healthcare needs caused by financial reasons was higher among day workers(ORs=1.92). In conclusion, in order to prevent unmet healthcare needs for senior Korean patients, it is necessary to not only improve the income security system for the elderly, but also improve the occupational form and level of income of these economically active citizens, considering the increase in average life expectancy. Moreover, it is also necessary to reinforce health insurance coverage systems for settling medical expenses.

      • KCI등재

        노인요양시설 요양보호사의 낙상 관련 돌봄 경험에 대한 질적 연구

        강정희(Kang, Jeong Hee) 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2016 社會科學硏究 Vol.32 No.3

        본 연구는 노인요양시설에 종사하는 요양보호사를 대상으로 하여 낙상과 관련한 돌봄 경험이 어떠한지를 조사하는데 목적이 있다. 질적 연구접근을 통한 심층면접을 이용하여 자료수집이 이루어졌다. 요양보호사 7명이 연구 참여자로 선정되었고, 수집된 자료는 지속적인 비교분석 방법을 통하여 분석되었다. 연구결과로 도출된 4가지의 최종주제는 첫째, 낙상 원인에 대한 인식, 둘째, 낙상예방을 위한 돌봄, 셋째, 낙상예방을 위한 돌봄 시 힘든 점, 넷째, 낙상사고에 대한 대처이다. 본 연구는 노인요양시설에서 낙상을 예방하고, 보다 나은 돌봄 서비스를 제공하기 위한 실천적, 정책적 대안을 모색하는데 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study was to examine care workers" care experiences about falls at nursing home settings. This study was conducted by a qualitative study approach. Seven participants were invited to study through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The participants have had a long-term career as care workers. The data were collected by in-depth interviews with seven participants and analyzed by constant comparison method. Four major categories were emerged as follows: (1) perception about causes of fall occurrence, (2) care for fall prevention, (3) difficulties in caring for fall prevention, (4) coping with fall occurrence. This study provides practical and policy implications in order to prevent fall and to develop a better care service at nursing home settings.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ미 FTA상 경쟁관련 분야 및 동의의결제

        강정희(Kang, Jeong Hee) 서강대학교 법학연구소 2012 법과기업연구 Vol.2 No.1

        On November 22, 2012, the ratified bill of KOR-US FTA passed the Assembly plenary session and the Agreement took effect on March 15, 2012. Before the effectuation of KOR-US FTA, KOR-EU FTA took effect on July 1, 2011. Now Korea became the only country in Asia to execute FTA with U.S.A. and EU, who are the largest economic bloc in the world. Hence, open-door policy and competition will even more accelerate in future and the fundamental law of free market, the Competition Policy, will be even more important and crucial. Therefore, it is necessary to review what types of issues are regulated under the Competition Chapter and how such regulations affect the Competition Policy in Korea. The Competition Chapter of KOR-US FTA is composed of total 9 articles and the details could be divided into relevant matters of enforcement of a competition policy, designated monopoly/state enterprise and consumer protection. For the enforcement of a competition policy, it regulates the right of defense of person on trial to be guaranteed in the hearing process, state enterprise, Consent Resolution procedural transparency, consent decision or commitment decision. Under designated monopoly and state enterprise related articles, the obligations of designated monopoly and state enterprise are listed. Lastly, the articles related to consumer protection regulates introduction of cooperative provisions related to consumer rights for prompt settlement of consumer problem between countries. In accordance with the articles above, Korea is now obligated to introduce Consent Resolution due to execution of legislation and the revised Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act was passed which set up the Consent Resolution on the same day when the ratified bill of KOR-US FTA passed the Assembly plenary session and became effective on December 2, 2012. The consent Resolution allows prompt conclusion of a case related to a competition policy, where an entrepreneur suggests an administrative policy and the competitive authority approves the legitimacy of such policy without reviewing any illegality of it. Along with the execution of KOR-US FTA, now Korea is facing the generation of open-door policy and competition. Therefore, it is crucial to review thoroughly that what matters are regulated under the competition chapter of KOR-US FTA (Chapter 16), and discuss the future direction of Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act and Competition Policy in Korea. It is expected that Consent Resolution will play a key role in the procedure of law enforcement by Fair Trade Commission as a newly introduced system in Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act; hence, it should be examined in details and would like to present a proposal for activation of Consent Resolution.

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