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      • 호남평야지 청보리-벼 이모작에서 벼 폿트묘 적정 재식밀도 구명

        강신구 ( Shin Gu Kang ),김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),상완규 ( Wan Gyu Sang ),이민희 ( Min Hee Lee ),박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),이점호 ( Jeom Ho Lee ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2014 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.2

        본 시험은 호남평야지에서 청보리-벼 이모작 재배시 벼폿트묘에 알맞은 적정 재식밀도를 구명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 관행산파묘와 폿트묘를 이용하여 재식밀도별 생육상황을 보면 경직경은 관계없이 관행보다 폿트묘에서 굵었고, 출수기는 폿트묘 이앙구에서 50주~70주/3.3m2가 관행보다 2일, 80주/3.3m2가 관행보다 1일 정도 빨랐다. 간장은 관행산파묘보다 폿트묘의 간장이 더 컸고, 재식밀도별로는 재식밀도가 낮을수록 간장이 더 크게 나타났으나, 이삭길이는 재식밀도별로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이삭수는 재식밀도가 높아질수록 단위면적당 이삭수가 많아지는 경향이었다. 등숙비율 및 천립중은 육묘방법 및 재식밀도 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 백미수량은 재식밀도별로 보면 폿트묘 60주/3.3m2가 543kg/10a로 관행 518kg/10a 보다5% 증수하였다. 완전미 비율은 폿트묘 80주/3.3m2 이앙구에서 다소 낮았고, 육묘방법간에 차이는 없었으나 재식밀도 간에는 다소 차이가 있었던 반면, 아밀로스 함량은 재식밀도 간에 유의한 차이가 없었다. This experiment was carried out to investigate the optimum planting density for rice pot seedling cultivation by machine transplanting in forage barley-rice double cropping system in Honam plain area. Field experiment was conducted at research field of NICS in Iksan in 2012 and 2013. Rice seedling of Chinnongbyeo (mid-late maturing) was raised for 30 days in pot-seedling tray (448 holes) and conventional tray, and transplanted on June 10 in both years. Planting densities of pot seedling were 50, 60, 70, and 80 hills/3.3m2. Conventional tray seedling was transplanted as control at a planting density of 80 hills/3.3m2 on June 10. Tiller number per m was increased as planting density increasing, but stem diameter was decreased. Heading dates of pot seedling plots were August 19 except 80 hills/3.3m2, which were 2 days earlier than the control. Culm length, number of panicle, panicle length, and ripening grain ratio were higher in pot seedling compared to the controls, but 1000-grain weight showed no significant difference. Milled rice yield was significantly different between planting densities. The highest grain yield was 543kg/10a in 60 hills/3.3m2 of pot seedling, and it was 5% higher than its control (518kg/10a). Head rice ratios of pot seedlings and the controls were not significantly different in both transplanting dates.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 자연과학; 벼 재배양식간 간단관개에 따른 물 절약 효과

        강신구 ( Shin Gu Kang ),구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),이경보 ( Kyeong Bo Lee ),최민규 ( Min Kyu Choi ),상완규 ( Wan Gyu Sang ),김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),김보경 ( Bo Kyeong Kim ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2013 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.25 No.3

        To verify the effect of intermittent irrigation on water saving, two irrigation regimes, intermittent irrigation (II) and conventional irrigation (CI), were applied to machine transplanting (TP) and wet-hill-seeding (WHS) in 2009 and 2010. In intermittent irrigation plots, alternate flooding was applied from 20 days after transplanting and from 30 days after direct seeding. Conventional irrigation was imposed by continuous flooding including broken irrigation. The amount of irrigation water in II plots was 22% and 24% lower than that in CI plots of machine transplanting and wet-hill-seeding cultivation, respectively. Water productivity of intermittent irrigation plots ranged from 0.73 and 0.79. There were no significant different in plant growth and milled rice yield between the irrigation methods.

      • KCI등재

        남부평야지 이모작에서 벼 무논점파 재배시 파종기에 따른 생육 및 수량

        강신구 ( Shin Gu Kang ),최민규 ( Min Kyu Choi ),구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),상완규 ( Wan Gyu Sang ),이민희 ( Min Hee Lee ),김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),최원영 ( Won Young Choi ),김보경 ( Bo Kyeong Kim ),이점호 ( Jeom 한국국제농업개발학회 2014 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.26 No.3

        Field experiments were conducted to identify the safe seeding date for rice wet hill direct seeding on puddled paddy surface after barley or wheat cultivation in Honam plain area. Two Korean bred-cultivars, Unkwangbyeo (early maturing) and Dongjin2 (mid-late maturing), were seeded 4 times by 10-day interval from May 25 to June 25 in 2012 and 2013. Seedling stand decreased as seeded later, but it was in optimal range in all the seeding dates. Heading date of the last seeding of Unkwangbyeo on June 25 was August 28, and the last seeding of Dongjing2 on June 25 was September 2, which was within the limit date of heading (September 3). Panicle numbers per m2 were not significantly different until the third seeding on June 15, but it decreased in the seeding date on June 25. Number of grains per panicle decreased as seeded later. Milled rice yield and head rice ratio was also decreased as seeded later, and were the lowest in the last seeding date on June 25. Protein content of Unkwangbyeo was similar regardless of seeding dates, but it increased at later seeding dates in Dongjin2. According to the above results, the seeding date would be recommended within June 25 for Unkwangbyeo, June 15 for Dongjin2 in wet hill direct seeding on puddled paddy in Honam double cropping area.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 탄자니아 잔지바르에 도입한 개량된 옥수수 자유방임품종의 적응시험

        강신구 ( Shin Gu Kang ),유수프주마하미스 ( Yusuphu Juma Hamis ),마리암주마압둘라 ( Mariam Juma Abdula ),김순권 ( Soon Kwon Kim ),박태선 ( Tae Seon Park ),이경보 ( Kyeong Bo Lee ),최민규 ( Min Kyu Choi ),구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),박홍규 ( Hong 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        To support maize seed program in Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous state of Tanzania, four improved open-pollinated maize varieties (OPVs) were introduced and tested at Kizimbani Agricultural Research Station (KARS) in 2006. In the different environment from Tanzania mainland, Tuxpeno-1 showed best performance with 3.9 t ha-1, followed by Staha (3.8 t ha-1), Situka (3.0 t ha-1), and TMV-1 (2.0 t ha-1). These results are over the average yield of Zanizbar, but less or more than the potential yield by 76%, 72%, 67%, 47%, respectively. It was understood that the lower yield was primarily due to less fertile soil. General growth of TMV-1 was poor, and Situka was revealed to be weak to pests and diseases in the island, so they were not recommended to farmers. KARS started to conduct seed multiplication and supply as a following up program for farmers.

      • 벼 품종간 엽 생장속도 차이가 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),강신구 ( Shin Ku Kang ),상완규 ( Wan Gyu Sang ),이민희,박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),이점호 ( Jeom Ho Lee ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2014 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.1

        본 연구는 이앙시기 변동에 따른 벼 품종들의 출엽특성을 비교하고자 국립식량과학원 벼맥류부 벼시험포장에서 수행되었다. 국내에서 육성되어 재배되는 벼 품종들을 대상으로 출수기까지 벼 출엽속도를 비교해 본 결과 출수기가 늦어질수록 출엽수가 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 그러나 같은 이앙시기에서 동일한 출수를 보여도 벼 품종간 출엽속도의 차이를 보였다. 조생종에서 출수기가 비슷했던 진부벼에 비해 운봉벼는 동일 시기에 1.2엽이 더 전개되었고 중생종에서 광안벼나 화영벼는 간척벼에 비해 각각 1.6엽, 1.4엽이 더 전개되어 품종간 출엽속도의 차이를 보였다. 이앙시기가 늦어짐에 따라 주간에서 전개되는 엽수는 줄어드는 경향이었으나 품종에 따라 증가하는 경우도 있어 일정한 비율로 출엽수가 감소한다고 추정하기는 어려웠다. 다른 품종에 비해 출엽수가 증가하는 경우 출수기 건물중도 높은 경향을 보였으나, 이것은 출엽이 빠른 품종이 생육량을 증대시킨 것에 비해 생육기간 연장에 의해 더 많은 기간 식물체가 영양생장을 하였기 때문으로 판단된다. 5월 16일 이앙하여 7월 20일 전후에 출수한 조생종은 출수후 40일간 평균기온이 약 26℃에서 등숙하였고 6월 15일 이앙에서는 24℃보다 다소 높은 온도에서 등숙하였다. 따라서 출수가 빨랐던 5월 16일 이앙에서는 운봉, 남원, 진부는 수량이 크게 감소한 반면 운광벼는 고온등숙 조건에서도 높은 수량을 나타냈다. 중만생종 벼 품종의 경우 6월 15일 이앙에서 8월 하순에 출수하여 등숙하였는데, 6월 1일과 6월 15일 이앙시 수량을 비교하면 대청벼는 크게 감소했으나 일미벼나 남평벼는 상대적으로 높은 수량을 보여 늦은 출수에 의한 저온 등숙조건에서도 수량성이 양호한 특성을 보였다. This experiment was conducted to compare emergence rate on main culm leaf among cultivars having similar heading date and to evaluate the effects of leaf emergence rate on growth and yield of rice. During 2009~2011, five early maturing rice cultivars(Unbong, Namweon, Jinbu, Unkwang and Sangju), four middle maturing rice cultivars(Seojin, Ganckeok, Hwayeong and Kwangan) and four middle-late maturing rice cultivars(Daecheong, Ilpum, Ilmi and Nampyeong) were transplanted at three different dates from May 16 to June 15 in Iksan region. Number of leaf emerged on main culm increased as heading date delayed, but some rice cultivars having similar heading date showed noticeable difference in emerged leaf number. In transplanting on May 16, the early maturing cultivar, Jinbu, had 1.2 leaf more than Unbong which had similar heading date. Similarly middle maturing cultivar, Kwangan, had 1.6 and 1.4 more emerged leaf than Hwayoung and Gancheok, respectively. As transplanting date delayed, leaf number emerged on main culm decreased in general dates, but some cultivars get increased leaf number in late transplanting dates. Consequently, it was difficult to get a constant rate in leaf number corrected with transplanting date. Cultivars having more emerged leaf number generally had increased dry weight at heading stage, and it is postulated that the increase in dry weight was more contributed by prolonged growth duration than by leaf emergence rate. In transplanting on May 16, early maturing cultivars, Unbong, Namweon and Jinbu showed significant yield decrease compared to yield in transplanting on June 15 because of high temperature during ripening stage, but Unkwang showed least reduction in yield. In transplanting on June 15, middle-late maturing cultivars, yield of Daecheong showed significantly reduced compared to that in transplanting on June 1 because of low temperature during ripening stage, but Ilmi and Nampyeong showed slight reduction in yield.

      • 기후변화에 대비한 한국에서 벼 2기작 재배에 관한 연구

        구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),강신구 ( Shin Ku Kang ),상완규 ( Wan Gyu Sang ),이민희,박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),이점호 ( Jeom Ho Lee ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2014 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.1

        본 연구는 기후온난화에 따른 벼 생육환경 변화를 조사하고, 우리나라 지역 및 벼 품종별 재배기간 변화를 비교하여 우리나라에서 벼 2기작재배의 가능성 정도를 진단하고자 하였다. 이앙시기에 따른 생존율은 이앙된 벼가 0°C 이하의 저온을 경과하면 생존율이 급격하게 저하되지만, 야간 저온이 0°C를 벗어나는 시기부터 이앙이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 전기작 재배에서 관행 육묘상자로 육묘후 이앙한 것에 비해 폿트상자의 크기를 증대하여 벼 이앙시 생육단계를 달리한 경우 1~2일의 추가적인 생육일수 단축효과가 있었다. 벼 품종별 출수기는 진부올벼가 7월 4일로 가장 빨랐고 둔내 벼와는 2~3일의 출수기 차이가 있었다. 저온피해가 발생하지 않는다면 진부올벼의 가장 빠른 출수기는 6월 30일 또는 7월 1일경일 것으로 추정된다. 따라서 관행 벼 육묘상자로 육묘시 6월 말 또는 7월 초에 출수하여 8월 5일경 수확하고 8월 10일 이전에 이앙하는 벼 2기작이 가능하나 8월10일경에 후기작을 이앙하면 등숙기 저온으로 벼 수량이 크게 감소하였다. 후기작 이앙시기에 7월 10일 이앙한 경우 8월 하순에 출수가 가능했고 이앙시기가 늦어지면서 점차 출수도 늦어져 7월 30일 이앙에서는 품종에 따라 9월 7일~9월 14일에 출수하였고, 8월 10일 이앙에서는 온도가 낮아지면서 출수가 더 늦어져 대부분 9월 20일 이후에 출수하였다. 7월 30일 이앙한 경우 출수후 최저온도 0°C 출현일까지 최저 853°C가 확보되어 등숙이 양호하게 이루어졌으나, 8월 10일 이앙한 경우에는 온도가 저하되면서 출수가 늦게 이루어져 대부분의 품종에서 800°C 이하에서 등숙이 종료되어 수량이 크게 감소하였다. 후기작 이앙에서 출수기는 9월 중순 전후이므로 이 시기 이후 적산온도가 많이 확보되는 지역은 벼 2기작 재배가 가능하다고 추정할 수 있다. 9월 10일에 출수해서 등숙이 가능한 지역은 제주지역, 전남, 경남 평야지 및 정읍 전주 등의 전북지역 평야지도 후기작에 적합한 품종을 선정하면 벼 2기작 재배가 가능하리라 생각되며, 이러한 지역에서는 벼 2기작 재배만이 아니라 토지생산성 및 수량을 극대화하기 위해 다양한 작물과의 작부체계 구성을 위해 좀 더 자세한 검토가 이루어져야 할 것으로 보인다. This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of rice double cropping in Korea by assessing the growth and yield performance of rice cultivars transplanted at the extremely early and late dates. When transplanted rice confront with low temperature below 0℃, the survival rate decreased drastically, so we can judge that earliest transplanting was possible when low temperature escape from 0℃. Heading date, July 4, of Jinbuolbyeo was faster 2~3 days than those of Dunaebyeo. If rice has not get cold damage, the earliest heading date of Jinbujolbyeo can advance to June 30 or July 1. Therefore, it can be possible to harvest on August 5 after heading on later June or early July, and to transplant on August 10. But if transplanting delayed until August 10, the yield of second rice cropping decreased drastically owing to low temperature during ripening stage. In second rice cropping from late July to early August, ripening were relatively good until transplanting on August 5. So we can judge transplanting of second rice cropping should be performed before this season. In transplanting on July 30, cumulative temperature between heading and first frosting was 853°C and ripening was in appropriate level, but in transplanting on August 10, heading was delayed by low temperature, so ripening was finished below 800℃ and rice yield decreased drastically. For appropriate ripening and rice yield, it is necessary that cumulative temperature of ripening duration between heading and first frosting is over 800°C. In transplanting of second cropping, the heading time were located in middle 10 days of September, so we can presume that rice double cropping is possible in regions which have more ripening temperature over 800℃ from middle 10 days of September. The regions in which ripening is possible in heading on September 10 were Jeju island, plain area of Jeonnam and Kyungnam province and some plain area of Jeonbuk province. In this region, we should review comprehensively the possibility of rice double cropping and other cropping system with another crops to increase income and productivity of land.

      • 고품질벼 품종의 등숙기 차광에 의한 광합성 물질 변화

        이민희 ( Min Hee Lee ),강신구 ( Shin Gu Kang ),상완규 ( Wan Gyu Sang ),구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),이점호 ( Jeom Ho Lee ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2014 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.2

        최근 육성된 고품질 벼 품종인 보람찬, 호품 및 호농을 공시하여 출수 직후 차광 처리(50, 70%)에 의한 등숙기 일조부족이 광합성능 및 관련 물질 변화와 수량에 미치는 영향을 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 등숙기 Fv/Fm값은 자연광에서 자란 경우 25일을 기점으로 감소하기 시작하여 55일에는 보람찬이 0.614로 가장 많이 감소하였으나, 차광 처리구에서는 50% 및 70% 모두 0.8 이상을 유지하며 유의적인 변화는 없었다. 등숙기 엽록소 함량은 자연광에서 자란 경우 출수 후 15일 이 지난 시점에 호농 (152), 호품 (146), 보람찬 (130) 순이며, 호농이 보람찬과 호품에 비해 엽록소를 오래 유지하는 것으로 나타났다. 등숙기 차광처리에 의해 천립중과 수량은 차광에 따라 감소하였고, 차광률에 따라 더 높은 감소율을 보였다. 천립중은 세 품종중 호농이 가장 적게 감소하는 경향을 보였다. Sunlight is the main energy source on Earth which is energy used by photosynthesis to convert light energy to chemical energy. In this study, the light use efficiency and photosynthetic characteristics of high-quality rice cultivars after shading on grain filling stage. For the study, we treated of three levels of shade (0, 50 and 70%) on rice at grain filling stage and used three high yielding rice cultivars, such as Hopum, Honong, and Boramchan. The shade was given for the respective plots from heading up to harvesting. We were performed to determine growth survey, SPAD and chlorophyll fluorescence 15, 35, 55 days after shading on grain filling stage. Results of analysis of the results representing the maximum photosynthetic efficiency of PSII, Fv/Fm, and SPAD and were decreased by depending on the time at full sunlight. But shade treatments were not changed and a significant difference among cultivars did not appear. Total Chlorophyll (tChl) and carotenoid (tCar) contents was decreased by depending on the time at full sunlight. Also total chlorophyll content was decreased by level of shade but total carotenoid content was not changed at shading treatment. Rice yield and 1000 grain weight were decreased by depending on the level of shade. Change of 1000 grain weights due to shading treatments was found to be less in Honong than that in Boramchan and Hopum. But rice yields the rate of decrease was not observed the difference between varieties, when protected from light 70%, and decreased to less than 50%.

      • KCI등재

        벼 2기작 재배를 위한 조기재배 환경에서 벼 생육 및 수량변화

        구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),최민규 ( Min Kyu Choi ),강신구 ( Shin Ku Kang ),박태선 ( Tae Seon Park ),김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),고재권 ( Jae Kwon Ko ),이변우 ( Byun Woo Lee ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.5

        This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of rice double cropping in Korea by assessing the growth and yield performance of rice cultivars transplanted at the extremely-early date. When the transplanted rice seedling was exposed to low temperature below 0oC, the survival rate decreased drastically. However, short exposure to below 0oC one or two times did not damage transplanted rice seedling so severely. Thus, the earliest transplanting in spring would be possible when minimum temperature rises above 0oC. Compared with the conventional seedling nursery tray (CSNT), seedling rearing with the potted nursery tray was more effective for increasing leaf age and seedling dry weight during nursery period. In the first rice cropping, rice cultivation with seedlings reared in PSNT showed shorter growth duration and cumulative temperature from transplanting to heading than that with seedlings reared in CSNT. The earliest heading date on July 4 in Jinbuolbyeo was earlier by two to three days than that of Dunaebyeo. If rice has not exposed to cold damage, the earliest heading date of Jinbujolbyeo can advance to June 30 or July 1. In this case, rice harvest would be possible on August 5, enabling the rice transplanting of the second rice cropping before August 10. At transplanting time with low temperature damage rice yield were less than 400 kg/10a while rice yield exceeded 400 kg/10a at transplanting time without low temperature damage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 자연과학; 벼 포트묘의 이모작 이앙시기별 생육 및 수량변화

        김영두 ( Young Doo Kim ),강신구 ( Shin Gu Kang ),구본일 ( Bon Il Ku ),최민규 ( Min Kyu Choi ),박홍규 ( Hong Kyu Park ),상완규 ( Wan Gyu Sang ),이민희 ( Min Hee Lee ),김보경 ( Bo Kyeong Kim ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2013 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        청보리와 밀을 재배한 후 벼 이앙시기를 6월 10일 및 6월 25일로 달리하여 포트육묘의 재배적인 효과를 검토하고자 친농 품종을 공시하여 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 이앙시기별 생육상황을 보면 경직경은 두 시기 모두 관행재배보다 포트재배가 굵었으며, 초장 및 유효경비율도 같은 경향이었으나, LAI, 완전미비율 및 단백질함량은 이앙시기간 차이가 인정되었다. 간장, 수장 및 등숙비율은 두 시기 모두 관행재배보다 포트재배에서 컸으나, 수수는 관행재배가 포트재배 보다 많았고, 천립중은 비슷한 경향이었다. 백미수량은 6월 10일 이앙에서는 관행재배보다 포트재배가 544 kg/10a, 6월 25일 이앙에서 513 kg/10a로 관행재배보다 각각 4%로 증수하였다. 수량과 수량구성요소와의 상관관계를 보면 두 시기 모두 관행재배는 수수 및 등숙비율에서, 포트재배는 1수립수에서 정의 상관이 인정되었다. 또한 기여도를 보면 두 시기 모두 관행재배는 수수 및 천립중이, 포트재배는 1수립수 및 수수의 기여도가 높았다. 주간과 분얼간 분포도는 두 시기 모두 관행재배는 1차, 주간, 2차 분얼 순이었고, 포트재배는 1차 분얼이 많았으나 주간이나 2차 분얼은 비슷하였다. The healthy rice seedling (Oriza sativa L.) for optimal yield in rice-winter cereals double cropping system is required to enhance the agronomic and economic sustainability of crop production in the southern plain area of Korea. Performance of the pot seedling and conventional tray seedling (control) methods using Chinnongbyeo was compared at two transplanting times of June 10 and June 25 in 2011 following forage barley and wheat cultivation, respectively. Culm diameter, plant height, and productive tillering ratio were higher in pot seedling in both transplanting times than those of the conventional tray seedling. However, leaf area index (LAI), perfect grain ratio, and protein content in milled rice were different by transplanting time. Milled rice yields of pot seedling were 544 kg/10a in June 10 and 513 kg/10a in June 25, respectively, which were 4% higher than the tray seedling. In both transplanting time, panicle number and ripened grain ratio were correlated with milled rice yield in conventional tray seedling, and number of spikelet per panicle in pot seedling. Path coefficients showed higher direct effect of panicle number and 1000-grain weight on yield in tray seedling, and spikelet number per panicle and panicle number in pot seedling. Number of tillers of each order in tray seedling for both transplanting time were different with the order of primary tiller, main stem, and secondary tiller. Pot seedling had more primary tiller than main stem and secondary which were similar in both transplanting time.

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