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      • KCI등재

        5세기 이전 신라의 동해안방면 진출과 ‘東海岸路’

        강봉룡(Kang, Bong-Yong) 한국고대사학회 2011 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        일찍부터 동해안로는 고대의 여러 세력이 교류하던 통로로 기능하였다. 동해안에는 ‘嶺東濊’라 불리는 토착세력(동해안세력)이 분포해 있었는데, 이들은 한반도 서북한 지역의 정치세력이 ‘고조선→임둔군→현토군→낙랑군→고구려’로 변동되는 것에 따라 복속관계를 무상히 교대해갔다. 이들 서북한지역의 정치세력은 교대로 동해안세력을 복속시키면서 동해안로를 따라 남쪽의 신라와 직간접적인 교류를 하였다. 고조선과 秦, 그리고 낙랑의 유민들이 동해안로를 따라 내려와 신라의 구성원으로 합류하였고, 신라는 이로 인해 상당한 사회변동을 겪게 되었던 것이다. 고구려와 신라는, 처음엔 동해안로를 통해서 평화로운 관계를 유지했으나, 5세기 전반부터 갈등의 조짐이 나타났고, 5세기 중반에 동해안로에서 무력 충돌사건이 터지면서 파경을 맞게 되었다. 이 단계에 동해안의 주요 세력집단은 신라에 기울었고, 그럴수록 신라와 고구려의 양국 관계는 더욱 악화될 수밖에 없었다. 신라는 2세기 초부터 국제 교역의 거점으로 추정되는 사도성(영덕)을 장악하는 것으로부터 시작하여, 4∼5세기를 거치면서 실직(삼척)과 하슬라(강릉), 그리고 비열홀 (안변) 지역으로 영향력을 확대하면서 동해안로를 장악해 갔다. 이에 따라 마찬가지로 동해안으로 영향력을 확대해오고 있던 고구려와의 충돌이 불가피하였는바, 신라는 고구려의 침략을 저지하면서 동해안세력에 대한 지배의 강도를 높여갈 수 있었다. The east coastal route once had long served as a passage through which several ancient powers remained in contact with one another. The east coast was where Yeongdongye, an indigenous power, was widely distributed. As political power, in the northwestern area of the Korean peninsula, passed from Gojoseon to Imdungun to Hyeontogun to Nakranggun to Goguryeo, Yeongdongye found itself in a position of subjugation to the dominant political power. The dominant political power in the region had direct and indirect contact with Silla in the south, along the east coastal route, while conquering the east coastal powers. People from Gojoseon, the Qin Dynasty of China and Nakrang traveled along the east coastal route to join Silla, which ultimately led to considerable social change in Silla. At first, Goguryeo and Silla maintained a peaceful relationship regarding the east coastal route. However, tensions began to rise during the first half of the 5thcentury, and a military confrontation brokeout between the two nations on the east coastal route in the mid-5thcentury. When the two nations eventually fell apart, the dominant political players in the east coastal area leaned towards Silla, further fueling antagonism between Silla and Goguryeo. With the conquest of Sadoseong(present-day Yeongdeok), it was assumed the region would become the stronghold of international trade as early as the 2ndcentury. Indeed, Silla gradually expanded its dominance to include Siljik(present-daySokcho), Haseulla(present-dayGangneung) and Biyeolhol(present-dayAnbyeon), thus seizing the east coastal route. Consequently, it was inevitable that Silla would collide with Goguryeo, which was also increasing its influence along the east coast. It was by keeping Goguryeo at bay that Silla succeeded in dominating the eastcoast.

      • KCI등재

        고대 동아시아 海上交易에서 百濟의 역할

        姜鳳龍(Kang Bong-Yong) 한국상고사학회 2002 한국상고사학보 Vol.38 No.-

        한반도를 에워싸고 있는 서해와 남해는 고대 동아시아 문물교류의 통로였다. 이를 통해 한∙중∙일 삼국 사이에 활발한 문물교류가 이루어졌고, 각국은 문화의 발전과 國富의 증진을 성취해갈 수 있었다. 따라서 이 항로가 어떤 이유에 의해서건 경색되게 된다면, 그 걸림돌을 제거하지 않으면 안되었다. 위만조선이 걸림돌이 되었을 때, 漢이 이를 멸하고 그곳에 낙랑군을 두어 교역의 대리역으로 삼았다. 그리고 낙랑군과 뒤에 신설된 대방군은 동아시아 국제교역의 대리역을 충실히 수행했다. 그런데 4세기에 들어 낙랑∙대방군이 고구려에 의해 축출되자, 한강하류역에서 일어난 백제가 그 역할을 자임하고 나섰다. 백제의 근초고왕은 그 역할을 훌륭하게 수행하였고, 그 결과 백제는 해양강국의 면모를 갖추게 되었다.그러나 4세기 말경부터 고구려가 이에 반격을 가하면서 동아시아 국제교역의 새로운 장애물로 대두하였다. 동아시아 여러 나라는 다시금 교역 통로가 경색됨으로 인해 고통을 받아야 했다. 백제는 주변국가를 설득하여 反高句麗 국제연대망을 구축하여 대항하였으나, 고구려의 강력한 저지선을 돌파하는 데에는 역부족이었다. 이미 고구려는 중국의 남∙북조 및 북방의 柔然과 4강의 세력균형을 구축해 놓은 상황이었기 때문에 누구도 고구려의 교역 방해 공작을 쉽게 저지할 수 없었던 것이다. 근초고왕 대의 해양강국을 재건하려는 백제의 노력은 번번이 수포로 돌아갔으며 숫한 시련과 좌절을 맛보아야 했다. 내분이 일어나 국왕이 시해되기도 했고, 충실한 백제의 추종세력이던 왜가 백제를 통하지 않고 중국 남조와 직접 거래하는 ‘홀로서기’를 시도하기도 하여, 백제를 더욱 어렵게 만들었다. 그렇지만 백제의 해양강국 재건의 꿈은 무령왕대에 이루어졌다. 신라∙가야∙왜, 그리고 중국 왕조와의 연맹관계를 회복∙강화하고, 고구려를 군사적으로 압도하면서, 서해와 남해의 연안항로를 재개시킬 수 있었던 것이다. 이로써 백제는 다시 강국이 되었음을 국제적으로 공인받고 동아시아 국제교역을 주도적으로 중개해 갈 수 있었다. 그리고 이런 추세는 성왕 대에까지 이어졌다. 그렇지만 이것은 오래가지 못했다. 곧바로 신라의 도전이 이어졌던 것이다. The Yellow Sea and the South Sea surrounding the Korean peninsula were important channels for cultural exchange between the ancient kingdoms in East Asia. Each kingdom in Korea, China, and Japan was able to achieve cultural development and wealth via the exchanges. Any obstacle that blocked the maritime routed linking between kingdoms had to be removed. When Wiman Joseon(衞滿朝鮮) began to pose a threat, Han China destroyed the kingdom and established Nangnang Commandery(樂浪郡) and, later, Daebang Commandery(帶方郡) on the Korean peninsular to use them as the base for its international trade with the rest of the region. When the two Han Commanderies were eventually ousted from the peninsula by Goguryo(高九麗) in the 4th century, Baekje(白濟) began to emerge as a power that would succeed the role the two Han commanderies had played. It was during the reign of King Geunchogo(近肖古王) that Baekje established itself as a major maritime power in East Asia. In late 4th century, however, Baekje's role as a mediator for international trade began to be checked by Goguryeo, and the regional maritime trade persuaded neighboring countries to form an international alliance against Goguryeo to restore the disrupted maritime trade routes. However, the kingdom never succeeded in holding its enemy in check because by that time Goguryeo had already become one of the major powers in East Asis in close cooperation with both southern and northern dynasties in China as well as a northern kingdom called Yuyeon. During the reign of King Geunchogo, Baekje suffered a serious setback caused by Goguryeo's interruption of the kingdom's efforts to regain its maritime power. Baekje also suffered from a series of political and economic disturbances that broke out during the same period. A king was murdered in an internal struggle for power, and Wae bagan to independently contact the Chinese southern ddynasties without Baekje's mediation. It was during the reign of King Muryeong(武寧王) that Baekje regain its maritime power. The kingdom finally restored its alliance with Silla(新蘿), Gaya(加耶), Wae(倭) and the southern dynasties of China ,and reopened its maritime trade routes while efficiently blocking interruptions by Goguryeo. Baekje's prosperity as a leading maritime power in the region continued until the reign of King Seong(聖王), when the kingdom began to be seriously challenged by Silla.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        바다로 보는 한국사

        강봉룡(Kang, Bong-yong) 역사학회 2016 역사학보 Vol.0 No.232

        Although, until the Three Kingdoms Period, mainly the coastal sea roads had been relied on, ever since the Unified Silla(新羅), the sea roads that cross or divide the Yellow Sea had been newly pioneered. With the sea roads getting diversified and expanded, the civilization interchanges in East Asia had been developing innovatively. Such a trend had continued until the Koryo(高麗) Dynasty. However, entering into the 13<SUP>th</SUP> century, while being invaded by the Mongol Empire, a new situation was entered into. The mighty sea power of Koryo fell. And the island and coastal regions continued to be desolated. At the end of the Koryo Dynasty, although the discussions about reconstructing the island and coastal regions took place, the newly-born Joseon(朝鮮) could not accept this. For Joseon, there was no choice but to follow up the measures of the sea prohibition and the empty islands of Ming(明). From the latter half of the 17<SUP>th</SUP> century, the islands changed from a space in which one cannot live to a space in which one can live. But the sea prohibition became even more strengthened. Such a situation had continued until concluding the terms between Josun and Japan in 1876.

      • KCI등재

        전남 신안군 섬갯벌의 지형, 지질, 경관평가 및 활용방안

        오강호 ( Kang Ho Oh ),정철환 ( Chull Hwan Chung ),홍선기 ( Sun Kee Hong ),강봉룡 ( Bong Yong Kang ),김재은 ( Jae Eun Kim ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2013 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        This study investigated the natural environment of the tidal flat island in Shinangun, Jeonnam. The main topic involved was geomorphology, geology and landscape. In general, the natural environment of tidal flats is only evaluated upon ``State`` in PSR (Pressure-State-Response) frameworks. The tidal flats in the Bigeum-Docho-Anjwa airea have a high value of conserving ecosystem, natural landscape, sediment, seawater quality, geomorphology and geology. The Haeui-myeon area includes Okdo in the center of Palgupo sea, which is called the Diamond Islands. The tidal flats have a large number of marine products, such as fishing without gear, which contributes largely to the income of local fishing households. The tidal flats of Aphaemyeon and Jeungdo-Byeongpungdo have been considerably damaged due to reclamation, filling-up, etc, along with a poor natural environment caused by particulate matter, waste fishing gear and domestic waste. By enabling the selection of those tidal flats in Shinangun, tidal flats are expected to establish a system for conserving and managing tidal flats.

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