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        특집2: 동아시아 문화와 사상의 교류와 변전 : 『자본론』 번역과 일본 국가사회주의의 흥기 - 타카바타케 모토유키(高전素之)를 중심으로

        강문희 ( Mun Hee Kang ) 반교어문학회 2015 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.0 No.39

        동아시아에서의 사회주의 텍스트 번역에 대한 연구는 기왕의 번역 개념어 비교나 운동사, 사회사 연구를 기반으로 삼아, 번역자와 그 주변을 경유하여 나타난 효과를 보다 자세하게 논구할 필요가 있다. 그러한 작업의 일환으로써 이글은 우선 『자본론』 번역자들의 텍스트에 대한 태도와 이해방식을 고찰하고, 그 중 동아시아 최초의 『자본론』 완역자인 타카바타케 모토유키(高전素之)의 번역이 성립된 현실적, 이론적 조건을 논증하고자 한다. 타카바타케는 마르크스라는 충격에 대한 대응으로써 번역이라는 방식을 선택했고, 이는 번역의 선취에 대한 욕망, 마르크스와 자기를 일치시키려는 실천이었다. 번역과 문필대리업에 있어서 근대적 형태를 취하면서 사회주의자들의 글쓰기를 뒷받침해준 ‘매문사’는 이에 커다란 역할을 했다. 그는 이를 자신의 국가사회주의라는 이론적 배경을 구성하고 실행할 계기로 삼았으며, 적극적으로 이를 활용하고자 했다. 또, 타카바타케는 진화론의 이론을 바탕으로 국가와 사회주의의 결합을 주장했다. 여기서 국가=국체와 사회주의라는 충돌하는 두 가치는 모순되지만 모순되지 않는 것처럼 결합한다. 따라서 이 논문은 동아시아에서 사회주의의 고전이라고 불릴 만한 텍스트인 『자본론』의 번역이 어떤 과정을 거쳐 어떠한 모습을 드러내는지 그 역동성을 포착하는 데 도움이 될 것이라 생각한다. 자본론 번역의 검토는 일국 번역사안의 한 텍스트의 번역이라는 문제 뿐 아니라 한일 근대 비평의 개념적 장을 지배한 사회주의적 지식의 성립, 또 초기 자본론 번역의 예기치 않은 결과로서 형성된 국가사회주의라는 새로운 사상적 움직임 등을 다각적 차원에서 구명하는 데 유효할 것이라 여겨진다. 나아가, 근대 사회주의 텍스트를 대하는 주체의 접촉과 충격의 순간, 그리고 이를 전유하는 맥락을 어떻게 전파-수용-이식-확산이라는 도식을 지양하면서 파악할 수 있을 것인가에 대한 고민 또한 본고가 염두에 두는 중요한 지점이다. The study on translation of socialism text in East Asia needs full and detailed discussion about the effect which has been revealed by translater and his surroundings based on comparison of existing translated concept words or study on movement history and social history. As a work to do so, first of all this study will quickly examine the attitude of 『The Capital』 translaters on the text and ways to understand it, and among them this study will verify the realistic and theoretical conditions of accomplishing Takabatake Motoyuki``s translation, who is the first complete translater of the 『The Capital』. Takabatake chose translation as the way to response on shock of Marx, and it was desire for the first translation and the fulfillment of the concordance of Marx and himself. The ``Maemun-Sa`` which had taken modern system in the business of translation and writing agency and supporting the socialists for writing had a great role for it. He took this a motivation to form and carry out a theoretical background of his national socialism, and tried to use it actively. And Takabatake asserted the unity of nation and socialism based on the evolution theory, in here he united two contradictory values of the nation=national identity and socialism as they are not contradicted. So I think this study will help to catch the dynamics that what shape the translation of the text 『The Capital』 which could be called as classic of the socialism in East Asia revealed through what process. The translation is considered that it is effective not only to figure out the history of a national translation but also various dimensions including system of Korea Japan literature field and its formation. Further more, the agony that how the contact of main agents who face at modern socialism text and the moment of its shock, and context of exclusive possession of it do not fixate the diagram of propagation-acceptation-transplant-expansion is important consideration of this study.

      • KCI등재

        근대 초기 동아시아 언어규범의 경합과 고유성의 발견 - 고토쿠 슈스이(幸德秋水)의 『공산당선언』번역을 중심으로

        강문희 ( Mun Hee Kang ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2014 어문론총 Vol.61 No.-

        Translation of Communist Manifesto by Shusui Kotoku(幸德秋水) is meaningful in that he took the initiative for the first time in Japan but it also calls for attention in that his ‘struggle with translation’ came from the fact that it could not be free from the influence of the Chinese context’(漢文脈). Translation of Communist Manifesto by Kotoku cannot be defined by Japanese translation of Chinese characters, pure Chinese text, or unity of speech and writing. However, the following should be considered first before making any judgment. The fact that he considered his translation as failure and also his style of writing as an old-fashioned one that should be corrected at that time, it should be asked whether he recognized responsibilities for translation, if so, what those responsibilities were, and also in what language norm these responsibilities with translation were possible. Shusui Kotoku was a fairly well-known writer who was good at writing Chinese poetry or writing in Chinese characters. He was knowledgeable with Chinese literature and even insisted on kindness and integrity as a subject of revolution. To be sure, since 1905 when he fled to the US, his ideology radically changed but Chinese literature had an influence on his ideology, as shown in his idea that fluent use of Chinese sentences is still important. However, his translation of Communist Manifesto was influenced by Chinese characters and written in sentences that are difficult to understand to people ‘who did not learn classic, high-level Chinese, which had to change because of unity of speech and writing that was established by tacit demand that it should go in different direction from Chinese literature. Therefore, translation of Communist Manifesto is an essential text when reviewing the externalization process of Chinese text. From the Sino-Japanese War, China began to have increasing interest in Japan, which brought about the birth of East Studies. At this time, Japanese books were actively translated as they shared same letters. However, many conceptual words used in translation showed regional differences in their combinations even though they were made up of the same letters. Therefore, regional ‘uniqueness’ is revealed. Also, instead of focusing on ‘uniqueness’ of canon that was based on ‘selection’ and ‘exclusion’ as mentioned by many critiques of modern national state theory, now, it is perhaps time to pay attention to the context in which such uniqueness was born. Shusui Kotoku preferred easy and readable style of translation while recognizing the long history and universality of Chinese characters and literature. This is where he shows irony in his attitude towards Chinese characters. Even though there is no clear distinction between unique Japanese language and Chinese characters, which come from the ‘outside’, he defines it as ‘letters of China’ and, hence, reminding readers of regional uniqueness. However, one cannot ignore that the ‘letters of China’ are suitable to translate Western theories. This conflict of perceptions led to his practical theory of translation. He insisted on style of translation that harmonizes various styles of writing with flexible attitude by assigning universality of Chinese letters to that of civilization. So far, there is little research on translation by Shusui Kotoku and it does not show how he struggled in the midst of language norm and responsibilities of translation during the Meiji period. Shusui Kotoku actively continued journalism until his death and discussed political issues at that time through the network in Japan and elsewhere, cautious about the possibility that his translation remains limited to his own nation.

      • KCI등재

        지방재정지원금 배분의 결정요인 - 이론모형 및 실증연구에 관한 비판적 고찰

        강문희(Kang Mun-Hee) 한국지방정부학회 2007 지방정부연구 Vol.10 No.4

          This article rests on a critical concern that the existing theories and empirical studies on the causes of central financial aid distribution lose their explanatory validity by contradicting each other in terms of logical reasoning and findings as well. By reviewing the theoretical logic and research findings from 40 different empirical studies, this article highlights the problem of contradiction as caused by rigid structure of theory and different applications of research methods. Unlike the common assumption that the causal variables (needs, power, and situation) affecting central aid distribution may be identified by an aggregate data analysis, however, this article contends that their influence may appear differently, depending on the nature of the political process by interacting with each other. In conclusion, this article urges development of an alternative model to explain when and how the causal variable will be of importance in the process of central aid decisions.   본 연구는 지금까지 지방재정지원금 결정요인과 관련하여 나타난 세 가지 이론 모형과 이에 기초한 실증적 연구들이 상충된 논리구조와 연구결과를 양산해 옴으로써 더 이상 현실설명의 적실성을 잃고 있다는 문제의식에 바탕을 두고 있다. 이들의 논리구조와 연구결과를 국내외의 대표적인 40개 실증연구를 통해 살펴본 결과, 기본적으로 지금까지 나타난 상충성은 분석방법의 상이성과 이론 및 분석방법의 경직성에서 초래되고 있음을 밝히고 있다. 이를 바탕으로 본 연구는 원인변수(causal variables: 수요, 권력, 상황)의 존재 자체가 자동적으로 재정지원금 배분에 영향력을 행사할 것이라는 회귀방정식에 기초한 기존 이론모형의 전제에서 벗어나, 이들의 영향력은 실제 지원금배분의 결정과정에서 상호 희석되거나 돌출됨으로써 다르게 나타날 수 있다는 비판적 주장을 전개하며, 세 이론모형의 통합을 통한 보다 적실성 있는 수정모형의 도출을 촉구하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        은나노물질을 포함한 수질시료의 보관조건

        강문희(Mun Hee Kang),박솔(Sol Park),이상우(Sang Woo Lee),김현아(Hyun A Kim),이병태(Byung Tae Lee),엄익춘(Ig Chun Eom),김순오(Soon Oh Kim) 大韓環境工學會 2015 대한환경공학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        나노기술의 이용도가 높아지면서 나노물질 유출로 인한 환경오염 문제가 제기되고 있다. 수질시료 내 나노물질의 분석을 위해서는 시료의 교란을 최소화할 수 있는 보관조건 마련이 선결 요건이지만, 아직까지 적합한 보관조건이 제시되고 있지 않다. 이에 본 연구는 citrate로 코팅된 은 나노물질(cit-AgNP)을 대상으로 금속나노물질을 함유한 수질시료의 보관조건을 제시하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 시간분해 동적산란법(time-resolved dynamic light scattering)을 이용하여 pH, 배경용액의 농도, 온도, 나노물질의 농도 등과 같은 환경적인 조건과 시간에 따른 cit-AgNP의 크기 변화를 관찰하였다. 실험을 통한 각환경조건별 AgNP의 응집특성을 해석하고 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 시료의 보관조건을 제시하였다. 그리고 AgNP의 입자농도와 응집속도의 선형적 관계로부터 구한 doublet time을 이용하여 시료의 보관기간을 산정하였다. 실험결과, pH는 7 이상, 배경용액(Ca(NO₃)2)의 농도는 3 mM 이하, 온도는 냉장(4℃) 상태, 그리고 cit-AgNP의 농도는 2 mg/L 이하에서 응집속도가 0에 가까운 값을 나타내었다. 또한 수질시료 내 존재하는 100 nm cit-AgNP의 농도를 환경에 존재할 수 있는 낮은 수준인 1 μg/L로가정한 후 doublet time를 구한 결과, 가능한 시료의 보관기간은 15.79~17.53일 정도인 것으로 조사되었다. 하지만 pH와 배경용액의 농도 조절은 시료의 변질과 교란이 우려되기 때문에 보관조건으로 일반화하여 제시하는 것은 적절하지 않고, 나노물질 자체의 농도를 조절하는 것은 수질시료 내 나노물질의 농도 등의 분석을 위한 시료의 보관조건으로 바람직하지 않다. 그러므로 본 연구의 결과로부터 일반화하여 제시할 수 있는 보관조건은 냉장(4℃) 상태에서 2주일 정도인 것으로 판단된다. A prerequisite for precise quantification of nanomaterials contained in environmental samples is to prepare suitable preservation conditions of samples. This study was initiated to suggest preservation conditions of aqueous samples for analyses of metal nanomaterials. Variation in the size of silver nanomaterial (cit-AgNP) was observed according to change in various conditions, such as pH, electrolyte concentration, temperature, nanomaterial concentration, and time. Aggregation of AgNP was characterized for each environmental condition, and finally proper preservation conditions of samples were proposed based on experimental results on AgNP aggregation. In addition, the preservation period of sample was computed by the doublet time of AgNP. The results indicate that the aggregation rate of cit-AgNP was close to 0 at the conditions of pH of ≥ 7, electrolyte (Ca(NO₃)2) concentration of ≤ 3 mM, temperature of 4℃, and cit-AgNP concentration of ≤ 2 mg/L. Furthermore, the experimental results on doublet time of cit-AgNP suggest that maximum preservation period was evaluated to be 15.79~17.53 days when the concentration of 100 nm cit-AgNP is assumed to be 1 μg/L which is considered as an environmentally-relevant concentration of engineered nanomaterials. Our results suggest that samples should be preserved at 4℃ and analyzed within 2 weeks.

      • Urban Governance of East Asian Cities in the Era of Glocalization

        Kang Mun-Hee(강문희),Park Jae-Wook,Jung Hae-Yong 서울행정학회 2005 서울행정학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to compare the pattern of urban governance among three major East Asian port cities (Pusan, Osaka, and Shanghaz), by focusing on their urban development policy making process and strategy. Specifically, this study attempts to highlight the similarities and differences of urban development process in those cities by applying three same questions. (l)Who are the principal actors in the policy-initiation and decision-making process for urban development? (2)What are the main features of political-economy of their urban development strategy? (3)How does each city implement urban development policy and programs? In order to answer these questions, this study employs an integrated framework of comparative analysis, which combines three major approaches in the study of urban politics-power structure, political-economy, and implement process. What follows is an attempt to further our understanding of the urban governance in Asian cities, by elaborating some factors expected to affect those three major dimensions of urban development. Features of political structure, economic condition, authority of city government, prime purpose of urban development, and power dynamics among three major actors (local authority, business, and civil society) are found to influence the fate of urban development programs in three cities.

      • KCI등재

        도시의 지배구조와 통치양식

        강문희(Kang Mun Hee),박재욱(Park Jae-wook) 21세기정치학회 2006 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.16 No.3

        This study examines the current state of theories on power structure and mode of governance in urban politics in view of their logical structure and methodological problems. It then extends its argument by illustrating major findings of Korean case studies and examining their problems. A general review on existing theories reveal that they are still in need of more extensive case studies and methodological integration or restructure for the generalization of theoretical explanation. Korean case studies based on those theories also show their limit in the generalization and depth of explanation. The failure in explaining the feature of urban structure and hasty attempt to draw a conclusion from a few case studies are the major problems. As a conclusion, this study emphasizes more in-depth study on individual city and comparative study for an indigenous theory building for Korean urban politics.

      • KCI우수등재

        영아 - 어머니간 사호작용 측면에서 애착에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구

        김승경(Seung Kyoung Kim),강문희(Mun Hee Kang) 한국아동학회 1999 兒童學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        This study focused on the temperament of infants and on maternal sensitivity in the investigation of the factors which affect infant-mother attachment. The 67 infant-mother pairs were divided into two groups on the basis of attachment security scores. Results showed a relationship between infant-mother attachment and temperament. There was also a relationship between maternal sensitivity and infant temperament. Factors most strongly affecting infant-mother attachment were infant`s sociability, mother`s emotion, and mother`s satisfaction with the degree of infant`s sociability.

      • KCI등재

        행정부별 도시재정지원정책의 결정유형 : 정책목표와 정치적 상황 Program Nature and Political Situations

        강문희 한국정책학회 2002 韓國政策學會報 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 지방교부세와 국고보조금을 중심으로 이루어진 우리나라 중앙정부의 지방정부에 대한 주요 재정지원정책이 지난 24년(1970-1993)간에 걸쳐 어떻게 이루어졌는지를 전국의 중소도시정부들을 대상으로 한 시계열자료를 통해 분석한 것이다. 특히 본 논문은 그동안 구체적인 경험적 검증 없이 하나의 의혹으로만 제기되어왔던 합리적 또는 관료적 기준에 의한 배분과 정치적 배분이라는 가설적 현실의 분석에 초점을 두고 있다. 분석 결과, 중앙정부의 재원배분결정행위는 결코 객관적 관료주의 결정론이나 정치적 결정론 중 어느 하나의 이론에 따라 일방적으로 설명할 수 없다는 사실을 입증하고 있으며, 특히 정치적 위기상황이 재원배분의 정치화를 가져온다는 이론적 설명의 가능성을 제시하고 있다. The distributional characteristics of central aid to local governments have been explained by three different theories. Scholars from socio-economic approach have suggested that central aid is distributed in broad accordance with financial need from local governments. According to scholars from political approach, however, politics always lies behind the distribution of central aid. In between those two contrasting explanations, contingency approach suggests that central aid decision varies depending on the nature of aid programs and political situation as well. The purpose of this study is to find out a pattern of central aid decision in Korea by applying empirical tests on the above three explanations. For this purpose, this study focuses on two major central aid programs, local share tax and grants-in-aid, during the period from 1970 to 1993, spanning four different administrations. The analysis reveals some intriguing evidence of political bias in distribution of both aid programs. Central government readily used financial aid as political instrument to secure its survival when it faced severe challenges during some crucial election years. Central aid distribution is relatively apolitical when politics is stable, but becomes very political when politics is unstable. In general, this study confirms that the pattern of central aid decision varies depending its program nature and surrounding political situation.

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