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      • KCI등재

        현행 처용무 "상대무(相對舞),상배무(相背舞)" 춤동작의 무용서사 연구

        최미연 ( Mi Yeon Choi ) 대한무용학회 2011 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.69 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to interpret the epic of dance for the dance movements of Cheoyong dance ``Sangdea Sangbae dance.`` First of all, it was compared with the bibliographic explanation of Jeong-jae-mu-do-hol-gi (Suyangsu-Mureupdipimu in Ak-hak-gue-bem) known as the base of Sangdea Sangbae dance. The result showed many differences, and the comparison between the current dance movements of Cheoyong dance ``Sangdea Sangbae dance`` and the choreography of Cheoyong dance initially created in 1929, was made to find out the difference. And, these two Cheoyong dances were compared with the dance movements of ``Jang-saeng-bo-yeon-ji-mu`` and ``Yeon-baek-bok-ji-mu`` of court dance of five people Jeongjaemu which was performed in Yiwangjik Ahakbu (Yiwangjik Court Music Division) in the Japanese imperial period. The result showed that current Cheoyeong dance and that of 1929 were greatly similar to ``Jang-saeng-bo-yeon-ji-mu`` and ``Yeon-baek-bok-ji-mu`` in terms of order and formation. Specially, the part of ``Sangdea Sangbae dance`` was the one in which Sawubang formation was inserted. Sawubang is the formation appeared in all of the court dances of five people Jeongjaemu like ``Mansumu, Ohyangsun, Choiwhamu, Jang-saeng-bo-yeon-ji-mu, and Yeon-baek-bok-ji-mu.`` In addition, it was found that wish for king`s longevity became the major content of the court dance of five people Jeongjaemu when the words of song and admiration were observed. Thus, in Korean court dance, the formation of five people Sawubang in ``Sangdea Sangbae dance`` can be interpreted as the meaning related with ``longevity.`` And what Cheoyong dance used the dance movements of five people Jeongjaemu court dance alternately without resistance in terms of imagnation, means that there is epical common feature. In other words, it can be interpreted that Cheoyong dance ``Sangdea Sangbae dance`` contains the wish for ``longevity,`` the epic of Korean dance.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of Political Situations on the Early History of English Language Education in Korea

        Choi, Yeon-Hee 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2006 교과교육학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        한국 영어교육은 정치적 상황에 많은 영향을 받아왔다. 특히 초창기에는 그 영향이 지배적이었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 구한말, 일제시대, 그리고 미군정기로부터 1955년 제1차 중등교육과정이 발표되기 전까지 시기의 영어교육에 미친 정치적 요인을 분석하고자 한다. 구한말은 조선왕조가 쇄국정치를 폐지하고 일본, 미국 등과 통상조약을 맺으면서 문호를 개방하여 영어가 소개된 시기이다. 이는 한국 영어교육이 처음 시작된 시기로서, 한국 근대화를 추구한 고종과 선각자, 또한 기독교 전파라는 종교적 목적을 가졌던 미국 기독교 선교사들에 의해 영어교육이 주도되었다. 영어는 주로 귀족이나 정부 관료의 업무 목적을 위해 가르쳤기 때문에 특수 목적을 위한 영어의 한 유형이었으며, 대부분의 교사가 영미인이었기 때문에 영어로의 교수가 이루어졌던 시기이다. 또한 기독교 학교들에서는 모든 교과가 영어로 가르쳐져서 일종의 몰입 학습 유형이었다. 이러한 특징을 가졌던 영어교육은 일제시대에 일본어 교육 정책, 조선인의 일본 황국민화(동화 정책), 일본의 중일전쟁 및 2차 세계대전 참여로 야기된 전시교육정책의 영향을 받았다. 일제 시대 초기에는 일본어 교육 강화로 영어교육이 침체되었다가 3·1 운동 등과 같은 독립 운동이 시작되자 일본식민정부는 문화 정치를 표명하면서 다시 영어교육을 부활시켰다. 그러나 이는 표면적으로만 이루어진 것이었다. 또한 일제시대 말에는 영어가 적대국 언어로 규정되어 교실언어로서의 사용이 금지되고 영미인 교사들이 일본인 교사로 대치되어, 영어 수업이 이루어져도 영어를 공부 시간에 사용하는 시간은 아주 제한적이었으며, 경성제국대학 입시에 영어가 포함되어 입시 위주의 영어 학습이 시작되었다. 세 번째, 해방 후부터 제1차 중등 교육과정이 공포되기 전 1955년까지는 정치적으로 아주 불안정한 시기였다. 해방과 동시에 남북이 둘로 나누어져 남한은 미군정의 통치를 받게 되었다. 이에 영어교육이 다시 정립되기 시작하였다. 그러나 일제 시대의 영어교육 방법이 그대로 전수되어 시험을 위한 영어교육, 교사중심, 문자언어중심, 문법, 독해중심의 교육이 부활되었다. 이러한 영어교육은 1990년대에 제6차, 제7차 교육과정 개편을 통해 학생중심, 의사소통 중심, 언어기능 중심의 영어교육으로 전환되었지만, 일부 일선 교육 현장에서는 현재까지도 이어지고 있다. This paper explores the impact of political situations in Korea on the early history of its English language education. It is classified into three major periods: the end of Joseon Dynasty(the beginning of English language education). the Japanese colonial time(the declination, revival, and oppression of it), and after liberation from Japan till 1955 including U.S. military govemment(the reestablishment of it). The period was strongly infleunced by the king's modernization policy and American missionaries' propaganda of Christianity. It was mainly for aristocrats and government officers. The second period was dominated by the policies of the Japanese colonial government. including a Japanese-only policy and the wartime education policy during World War Ⅱ. The status of the English language weakened and native speaking teachers were replaced by Japanese instructions. The last period is the emergence period of English language education after liberation from Japan. It had a signification impact of the U.S. military government. which established a comerstone of its reestablishment.

      • KCI등재

        판소리에 엇중모리 대목의 전승과정에 관한 고찰

        최지연(Choi Ji yeon) 국립국악원 2017 국악원논문집 Vol.36 No.-

        This paper examines the lyrics, the positioning, and the musical features of eotjungmori passage in pansori starting from the period that it was established through its hand-down process afterwards. In this study, we analyzed pansori related literature, mainly the change in rhythmic structure evinced in musical transcriptions of pansori, and audio materials that included recordings of passages with eotjungmori rhythm. As a result, it was found that there was a change in the hand-down pattern of eotjungmori passage through the first half of the 20th century. In the early and mid 20th century, eotjungmori passages can be found in the musical transcriptions of Shim Chong-sun and Kim Yeo-ran. In pansori batang (story), it appears not in conjunction with particular lyrics but is scattered in various passages. After the mid 20th century, while there are differences depending on the singer or batang, the number of eotjungmori passages has generally been reduced to one or two per batang. Although this period usually shows a trend toward reduction in the number of eotjungmori passages, Kim Yeon-soo’s works illustrate an increase, differing from other schools and singers at the time. Likewise, the addition of eotjungmori passages in the performances of Oh Jung-suk can be attributed to those composed by her mentor Kim Yeon-soo. The tendency of reduction in the number of eotjungmori passages converges to combine with particular lyrics through the mid and late 20th century. A good example is the epilogue (huildam) that concludes pansori performance. In addition, it also appears in the form of some ‘background lyrics’ by combining with lyrics such as background lyrics for Chunhyang’s mother in Chunhyangga or background lyrics for the crow in fighting for high seat scene in Soogoongga. However, the epilogue in this era is often referred to as a different rhythmic pattern. For example, in recordings by Jung Ung-min, Park Bongsul or of Lim Bang-ul’s Jeokbyeokga, the epilogue called Jungmori. After the reduction of the number of eotjungmori passages at the end of the 20th century, eotjungmori passages that converged to combine with a particular lyric became completely fixed while still exhibiting a hand-down pattern. The end of the 20th century was the time when the terminology for the epilogue that had been referred to by various names including eotjungmori, jungjungmori, jungmori, and eotmori through mid and late 20th century became standardized as eotjungmori. On the other hand, the musical features of eotjungmori passages showed a general similarity regardless of the school or singer. Except for the sound that makes a one-time appearance among the emergent sounds, eotjungmori passages contain the sound of “sol,” “do ”, “re ”, “mi ”, “fa ”, “sol ”, “la ” and all end with “do ”. In comparison to other passages, the appearances of sigimsae or yoseong are relatively rare, but there are some suggestions of chuseong in the progression of “So”-“Do.” Also, in sequential descent progression such as “mi ”-“re ”-“do ” or “sol ”-“re ”-“do ”, it is characterized by a thick yoseong of “re .” The main melodic features are leap progression and sequential descent progression. For leap progression, regardless of the direction of the leap, the leap is mainly 4 or 5 intervals, and sequential descent progression leads to sigimsae or repetition of same note. These musical features are the characteristics of ujo and are universal characteristics of pansori eotjungmori which are commonly found today. Through this, it was found that the musical features were passed down without a great change, unlike the process in which the lyric of eotjungmori passage became fixed. In other words, it is in the middle of the 20th century that passages with eotjungmori rhythm in pansori were used at the end of each batang and the epilogue was typically sung in place of lyrics. 본고는 판소리에서 엇중모리 대목이 확립되는 시기와 그 이후의 전승과정에 대해 사설 및 배치되는 위치, 그리고 음악적 특징과 관련해 살펴보았다. 엇중모리장단 대목이 포함된 판소리 관련 문헌자료와 음원자료를 대상으로, 문헌자료의 경우 장단이 병기된 판소리 창본들을, 음원자료의 경우 엇중모리장단 대목이 녹음된 음반자료들을 중심으로 다루었다. 그 결과 20세기 전반에 걸쳐 시기에 따라 엇중모리 대목의 전승 양상에 변화가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 20세기 초중반의 엇중모리 대목은 심정순과 김여란의 창본에서 살펴볼 수 있었으며 판소리 한바탕에서 특정 사설과 결합하지 않고 여러 대목에 산재하는 형태로 등장한다. 이후 20세기 중반을 지나면서 엇중모리 대목은 창자별, 바탕별 차이는 있으나 대개 한 바탕에서의 엇중모리 대목이 한 두 대목으로 축소된다. 이 시기는 대개 엇중모리 대목이 축소되는 방향성을 보여주지만 김연수의 경우만 예외적으로 엇중모리 대목의 수가 다른 유파나 창자들에 비해 추가된다. 김연수의 제자인 오정숙에게도 공통적으로 나타나는 엇중모리 대목 수의 추가는 김연수가 작창한 대목이다. 엇중모리 대목이 축소되는 방향성은 20세기 중후반을 거치면서 특정 사설과의 결합으로 모아지는데, 대표적인 사설이 판소리 한바탕의 끝을 맺는 후일담이다. 그밖에 춘향가 중 월매 과거 내력, 수궁가 상좌다툼 중 까마귀 내력과 같은 사설과도 결합하여 ‘○○내력 사설’형태로 나타난다. 그러나 이 시기의 후일담은 종종 다른 장단으로 불리기도 했는데 정응민, 박봉술의 창본이나 임방울의 적벽가 음반을 보면 후일담이 중모리로 부르고 있어 좋은 예라 하겠다. 엇중모리 대목이 축소되는 과정 이후인 20세기 말이 되면 특정 사설과의 결합으로 모아졌던 엇중모리 대목이 완전히 고착화되어 변함없이 전승양상을 보여준다. 20세기 말은 20세기 중·후반에서 후일담이 엇중모리를 포함하여 중중모리, 중모리, 엇모리 등의 장단으로 불렸던 것이 모두 엇중모리로 고착화되는 시기로 이로써 후일담이 엇중모리 대목으로 정착하게 된다. 한편 엇중모리 대목의 음악적 특징은 유파나 창자에 관계없이 전반적인 공통점을 보여주었다. 출현음 중에서 일회적 출현을 하는 음을 제외하면 ‘솔’, ‘도 ’, ‘레 ’, ‘미 ’, ‘파 ’, ‘솔 ’, ‘라 ’의 출현음을 보여주고 모두 ‘도’로 종지한다. 시김새나 요성이 다른 대목들에 비해 전반적으로 적은 편이나 솔 - 도 의 진행에서 추성이 일부 나타나고, ‘미 ’-‘레 ’-‘도 ’ 또는 ‘솔 ’-‘레 ’-‘도 ’ 로 순차하행시 ‘레 ’에 굵은 요성이 특징적이다. 선율적 특징은 도약 진행과 순차적 하강진행을 꼽을 수 있는데 도약진행은 방향에 관계없이 주로 4도, 5도 도약이 많고 순차적 하강진행은 시김새나 동음반복을 만들어낸다. 이러한 음악적 특징은 우조의 특징과 같으며 오늘날 확인되는 판소리 엇중모리의 보편적인 특성이다. 이를 통해 엇중모리 대목의 사설이 고착되는 과정과 달리 음악적 특징은 큰 변화 없이 전승된 것을 알 수 있었다. 즉, 판소리에서 엇중모리 장단 대목이 각 바탕의 가장 마지막에 사용되고, 해당 사설로 주로 후일담을 부르게 된 것은 20세기 중반이고 이러한 형태가 완전히 고착화 된 것은 20세기 후반이라 할 수 있겠지만, 그 음악적 특징은 엇중모리 장단 대목의 생성 이후 변화 없이 전승된 것으로 보인다. 즉, 판소리 엇중모리장단 대목의 전승에 있어서는 그 음악적 특징은 별다른 변화가 없었으며, 사설 내용과 그 대목이 불리는 위치가 20세기 중반 이후 오늘날과 같이 확립되고 그 이후 고착화되는 과정을 거쳤다고 할 수 있겠다.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 『고려대장경』 각성인의 참여형태와 조성공간 : Peoples and the Places

        최연주 한국중세사학회 2004 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.16

        This paper is a study on the participation method of Kakseongins(刻成人) and the engraving location of Goryeodaejangkyeong(高麗大藏經). The compared and classified the participation method of Kakseongins in Goryeodaejangkyeong work. And the investigated how each pictorial book was made and how they managed the process. The participation method of Kakseongins can be divided into two types. The first type is engraving on wood of one whole volume by only one Kakseongin. The second type is making one volume by more than two Kakseongins. The synergic work of more than two Kakseongins was done in accordance with unit one volume. The synergic participation method was very popular after the 30th year of Kojong(高宗) when Bunsadogampan(分司都監板) began to be produced. At the beginning of engraving, both of the two types went side by side. But after the 30th year of Kojong, the first type decreased and the second type increased. It was changed but to a synergic involvement method of a plate of the sutras center after the Bunsadogampan was produced. So that the sutra of the engraved since an ancient the 30th year of Kojong was the newcomer than former time and had consequently plenty Kakseongin. This is understood an awakening business organization of the Daejangdogam(大藏都監) and Bunsadogam(經板) structure setup as the result to be reflected. The wood engraving location or furtherance location of the Kyeomgpan(分司都監) which is the empty room is not a specific area. We are namely the government office empty room and employee existing location which is established anew. We were made up his task at same time and made finally in the Daejangdogam or Bunsadogam. An each pictorial book had particular operation system. One Kakseongin worked in both Daejangdogam and Iunsadogam in the same year, and it reflects that the two organizations had does cooperation system. The Goryeodaejangkyeong was consist of Daejangdogam-the central organization, and ßunsadogam-nation-wide organization system, and wood engraving location-the sub-structure under each Dogam(都監) organization system. The wood engraving location seems to have contained the maintained before national wood engraving location, temples and new built wood engraving location. The furtherance location of pictorial an each book under influence of constructed therefore strict cooperation system.

      • KCI등재

        FDTD Modeling for the Accurate Electromagnetic Wave Analysis of Graphene

        Yeon‑Hwa Kim,Hongjin Choi,Jeahoon Cho,Kyung‑Young Jung 대한전기학회 2020 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.15 No.3

        We develop a fnite-diference time-domain (FDTD) method suitable for the electromagnetic (EM) analysis of graphene. In this work, we employ the modifed Lorentz model for dispersion modeling, the two-dimensional (2-D) sheet model for geometrical modeling, and the complex-frequency-shifted (CFS)-perfectly matched layer (PML) for the absorbing boundary condition. In specifc, the accurate complex-conjugate pole-residue (CCPR) dispersion model is frst adapted for the electrical modeling of graphene by using the robust vector ftting. Next, the CCPR parameters are converted to the modifed Lorentz parameters and then the modifed Lorentz-based dispersive FDTD formulation is used to enhance the computational efciency. In FDTD cell modeling, the 2-D sheet cells are allocated for graphene rather than the conventional FDTD cell-based modeling. Finally, CFS-PML are employed for terminating the computational domain to avoid the late-time instability. The presented FDTD approach is validated in numerical examples for graphene-based parallel plate waveguides.

      • KCI등재

        경쟁 위협과 자기자본비용

        임승연(Lim, Seung-Yeon),최가영(Choi, Ga-Young) 한국국제회계학회 2021 국제회계연구 Vol.- No.99

        [연구목적] 본 연구에서는 기업의 사업보고서의 비계량적 정보에 기반한 경쟁 변수인 기업의 경쟁 위협과 자기자본비용 간의 관계를 분석하고자 한다. 선행연구에 의하면 기업 간 경쟁이 치열해질수록 기업의 이익이 줄어들고 변동성이 높아지기 때문에 부도 위험이 증가할 수 있지만, 또 한편으로는 이러한 경쟁이 외부의 감독(monitoring) 역할을 하게 되어 경영진과 주주간의 대리인 위험을 감소시켜 정보비대칭 위험이 줄어들 수도 있다. 따라서 기업이 직면한 경쟁 정도는 자기자본비용에 영향을 미칠 수 있으므로 이는 실증분석의 대상이 된다. [연구방법] Hoberg et al.(2014)에 의해 개발된 기업 수준의 경쟁 위협 변수(Fluidity)를 이용하여 기업이 직면한 경쟁과 자기자본비용 간의 관계를 살펴본다. 또한, 매출 상위기업이나 이익 상위 기업은 경쟁의 선도자(leaders)로서 해당 기업이 제공하는 정보는 독점정보의 공시비용(proprietary cost)이 클 것으로 예상되므로, 매출(이익)의 상위기업으로서 매출액(혹은 당기순이익) 기준으로 상위 10%와 25%에 속하는 기업에 더미변수를 부여하여 기업의 경쟁 변수와 자기자본비용 간의 관계에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 분석한다. [연구결과] 본 연구에서는 경쟁 위협이 심해질수록 자기자본비용이 감소하는 결과를 제시한다. 이는 경쟁이 치열해질수록 경영진과 주주간의 대리인 위험을 감소시켜 정보비대칭 위험이 줄어들기 때문이라고 해석할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 관계는 매출(이익) 측면에서 선도 기업에서는 반대로 나타나고 있다, 즉, 매출(이익)의 상위 기업의 경우 독점정보의 공시비용 때문에 경쟁이 심해질수록 자기자본비용이 증가한다는 결과를 제시한다. [연구의 시사점] 본 연구는 정보위험 관점에서 기업 수준의 경쟁 위협과 자기자본비용 간의 관계를 실증분석한 후, 기업이 경쟁의 선도기업인지 여부에 따라 이들 간의 관계가 다름을 보인 최초의 연구이다. 경쟁에서 기업의 위치에 따라 정보위험 역시 달라진다는 것을 시사하고 있다. [Purpose] This study investigates the relation between the firm-level competition using qualitative information based on financial statements and the implied cost of equity capital. While some studies suggest that intensified competition may lead to distress risk due to a decreased profit or its uncertainty, other studies suggest that competition may play a monitoring role and hence decrease information risk caused by the reduced agency problem between manager and owners. Therefore, competition may be related to the cost of equity capital. [Methodology] As a proxy for firm-level competition, we use Fluidity developed by Hoberg et al.(2014) and examine the relation between a firm’s competition and its cost of equity capital. In addition, we divide firms into industry leaders and industry followers based on sales or profit, and then reexamine the relation between firm-level competition and cost of equity capital for the industry leader companies because the leader companies tend to be reluctant to provide their information due to proprietary costs. [Findings] This study provides evidence of the negative relation between firm-level competition and cost of equity capital, suggesting that information asymmetry decreases as competition intensifies. However, for the leader companies, we find the positive relation between firm-level competition and cost of equity capital due to proprietary costs. [Implications] We shed light on information risk in the relation between the firm-level competition and cost of equity capital. This is the first paper to show that the relation between the firm-level competition and cost of equity capital can be different depending on the firm’s competitive status.

      • OB-63 : Positive effects of Teratogenic risk counseling in pregnant women inadvertently exposed to medications

        ( Hyo Yeon Gwak ),( Jung Eun Lee ),( Ju Young Choi ),( So Yeon Kim ),( Song Mi Park ),( June Seek Choi1,),( Hyun Kyong Ahn ),( Min Hyung Kim ),( Jin Hoon Chung ),( Moon Young Kim ),( Hyun Mee Ryu ),( 대한산부인과학회 2014 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.100 No.-

        목적: To evaluate the positive effects of teratogenic risk counseling in pregnant women inadvertently exposed to medication in early pregnancy. 방법: In a prospective cohort study, 250 pregnant women exposed to medications in early pregnancy were recruited after teratogenic risk counseling at Korean MotherSafe Counsling Center, which has given information about teratogenic risk of medication to pregnant women. Positive effects are evaluated by visual analogue scale(VAS) for perception on teratogenic risk and percent prefering termination of pregnancy after medication exposures in pregnancy. 결과: Mean age of participants is 31.8±5.3years old. Mean gravidity is 2.4±2.1. Medications exposed in early pregnancy include antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antacid and so on. Mean perceptive teratogen risk before and after the counseling is 33.9±1.6% and 15.8±1.6%, respectively. And mean percent prefering termination of pregnancy (≥5) before and after the counseling is 31.1±1.9% and 13.5±1.7%, respectively. 결론: Our data suggest that information on teratogenic risk for pregnant women inadvertently exposed to medication may have positive effects for reassuring pregnant women and preventing termination of pregnancy.

      • KCI등재후보

        복싱에어로빅 참여자의 건강증진 생활양식에 관한 연구

        최윤동(choi Yoon-Dong),최조연(choi Jo-Yeon) 한국체육과학회 2005 한국체육과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Among various life-time sports, the boxing-aerobic as aerobic exercise which unites the boxing with the aerobic has been recently attracted public attention due to usefulness and effectiveness. Naturally, the boxing-aerobic enables all over the body to equally train and each body part light and flexible as well as participants to be on a effective diet. The purpose of this study is to look into minutely life satisfaction according to health promoting life styles of participants in boxing-aerobic among life-time sports as well as offers fundamental information for self-control and life quality improvement of boxing-aerobic participants. Specially, it aims to identify differences in health promoting life styles in accordance with demographic characteristics of participants in boxing-aerobic. In order to accomplish the purpose, a convenient sample of 130 boxing-aerobic participants was selected, and the questionnaire for life styles test used for this study was made out by Seo,Yeon-Ok(1994). The background variables of the study were demographic characteristics such as age, education, average income, marriage, career to participate, blood type and religion. Through the analysis of established hypothesis and collected data, it is concluded that the higher monthly average income, the higher health promoting life styles.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluating the effects of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) venom on the expression of insulin sensitivity and inflammation-related genes in co-culture of adipocytes and macrophages

        Kim Hee‐Yeon,Jo Min Jeong,Nam So Yung,Kim Kwang Min,Choi Moon Bo,Lee Yong‐Ho 한국곤충학회 2020 Entomological Research Vol.50 No.5

        Obese adipose tissue is characterized by adipocyte hypertrophy and a massive macrophage infiltration. The interaction between macrophages with mature adipocytes releases pro-inflammatory cytokines. This chronic inflammatory state can contribute to obesity-related complications, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, we can attempt to prevent and treat obesity-related diseases by inhibiting macrophage infiltration and blocking their interaction with adipocytes. Honey bee (Apis mellifera) venom (BV) has been reported to have anti-inflammatory effects. Although BV is used to treat chronic inflammatory diseases, few studies have addressed its use in obesity-associated inflammation. This study examines the inhibitory effects of BV on lipid accumulation in differentiating preadipocytes, inflammation, and insulin resistance in macrophages and adipocyte-macrophage co-culture system. We treated 3 T3-L1 preadipocytes with BV during differentiation. We later measured lipid accumulation and gene expression of master adipogenic transcription factors. After RAW264.7 and 3 T3-L1 cells were pretreated with BV, RAW264.7 cells were activated with LPS or co-cultured with pretreated 3 T3-L1 cells. Gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and insulin sensitizing genes was measured in these cells. BV inhibited lipid accumulation and C/EBPα and PPARγ gene expression during intermediate and late 3 T3-L1 cell differentiation. BV also suppressed gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (COX-2, iNOS, MCP-1, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6) in LPS-stimulated macrophages, and in co-culture of 3 T3-L1 adipocytes and RAW264.7 macrophages. However, adiponectin and GLUT-4 expression were both significantly increased by BV in co-culture. These findings demonstrate that BV attenuates adipocyte hypertrophy and improves obesity-related inflammation and insulin resistance in obese adipose tissue.

      • 제조에 對한 文獻的 考察

        안태규,최병렬,송기철,이용연,유화승,서상훈,최우진,조정효,이연월,손창규,조종관 대전대학교 한방병원 2001 惠和醫學 Vol.10 No.1

        In the literatual study on Holotrichia, the results were obtained as follows ; 1. Holotrichia is larva of Holotrichia diomphalia Bates etc. powder or liquor of Holotrichia is used medically. 2. Appearance of Holotrichia is shape of kidney, yellowish color. 3. The oriental characters of Holotrichia is warm, toxicant, salty. 4. The significant efficancy of Holotrichia is breaking the stagnant blood. 5. Holotrichia can be applied to the diseases related to thrombosis, and recover the demage of liver. 6. Holotrichia avails Liver diseases such as Hepatitis, Liver cirrhosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Hepatoma etc.

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