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        실재계의 시학 - 이승훈의 시와 시론 -

        이성혁 ( Lee Seong-hyuk ) 국제어문학회 2016 국제어문 Vol.0 No.68

        초기 이승훈의 시 쓰기는 일상의 사회생활로부터 시의 세계를 따로 구성한다는 면에서 유미주의적인 성격을 갖고 있었다. 이 성격은 모더니즘과도 공유하는 것이었다. 나아가 시인은 진술 행위 주체와 진술 대상의 주체를 분리하는 과정에서 자아가 허상임을 깨닫고는 제도로서의 서정시를 부정했다. 이러한 시 쓰기는 시라는 장르를 파괴하려고 한다는 점에서 유미주의와는 다른 길로 들어서는 것이지만, 한편으로 제도화된 일상에 대한 거부라는 측면에서는 여전히 유미주의와 맞닿아 있었다. 하지만 있음과 없음의 경계선을 지우는 선의 사상과 만나면서, 그는 아방가르드의 정치적 방향보다는 유희적 방향으로 나아갔다. 이 과정에서 그는 일상을 그대로 시에 옮기면서 일상에서 순간적으로 나타나는 `공(空)-실재`를 포착하는 작업을 해나갔다. 일상에서 실재의 흔적을 발견하는 작업은 일상에서 미를 발견하는 작업이기도 했다. 그래서 이승훈의 후기 시에서는 미와 일상의 거리가 좁혀지고 일상의 심미화가 이루어지는 포스트모더니즘적인 특성이 나타난다. 하지만 이승훈 시인은 여기서 멈추지 않는다. 자아의 해체, 시와 일상 사이의 경계 해체, 대상의 해체와 꿈과 현실 사이의 경계를 해체하는 그의 최근 작업은 아예 상징체계에서 벗어난 상태에서의 시 쓰기, 즉 광기의 시 쓰기-이승훈 자신이 `영도의 시 쓰기`라고 칭한-로 나아가고 있다. 이는 그가 다시 과격한 아방가르드적인 시 쓰기로 방향을 전환했음을 의미한다. The early poems of Lee Seunghun are significant in that they separate the world of poetry from everyday life, which is also performed by modernist poetry. Furthermore, the poet realizes that the self is empty while the writing subject and the writing object are separate entities and rejects lyrical poetry as an institution. This writing of poetry is both different from and similar to aestheticism because on the one hand, it tries to destroy the genre of poetry itself, and on the other, it rejects the institutionalized flow of everyday life. However, Lee follows a direction of pleasure, not politics, by encountering Zen, which erases the boundary between being and non-being. In this process, he portrays his daily life in his poetry and captures “the real” that suddenly appears in everyday life. Since this can also be seen as discovering the beauty of daily life, the distance between Lee`s poems and daily life is narrowed down and his poems achieve the aestheticization of daily life. In this respect, his poetry is postmodernist. However, the poet does not stop there. In his poetry, he deconstructs the self and an object, blurring the line between poetry and everyday life, as well as between dreams and reality. His recent works describe poetry that is completely out of the symbolical; he calls it “writing degree zero.” In this manner, Lee Seunghun embraced radical writing, or avant-garde poetry writing.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대 초기 낭만주의 시의 산문화 경향과 시적 이미지

        이성혁(Lee, Seong-hyuk) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.48

        시의 근대성은 시적인 것과 산문적인 것이라는 두 극(極) 사이에서 방황해간 궤적으로 나타난다. 한국 근대시는 낭만주의를 통해 정립되기 시작했다. 한국 근대 초기 낭만주의 시인들은 현실로부터 자율적인 시적 공간을 마련하여 시적인 것을 확보하고자 했다. 하지만 삶을 옥죄는 현실에 대한 감정의 토로로 나아가거나 은유적으로라도 산문적 현실을 담아내야 했기 때문에 산문화에의 지향으로 이끌리게 되었다. 그래서 한국 근대 낭만주의 시에는 시적인 것과 타율적인 산문성이 모순적으로 공존한다. 낭만주의가 연 근대시는, 독일 초기 낭만주의에서 볼 수 있듯이, 세계를 낭만화하자는 기획 아래서 시의 산문화가 이루어지면서 형성되어갔다. 나아가 시의 산문화는 산문을 이미지의 논리에 용해시키고 이미지의 리듬을 확보하면서 포에지를 획득해 나갔다. 이러한 근대 자유시의 성립 과정은 한국 근대초기 낭만주의 시인들 역시 보여주었는데, 그들은 시적인 것과 산문성의 긴장을 해결하기 위하여 시에 유입된 산문성을 시적 이미지의 창출과 구성을 통해 승화하고자 했다. 1910년대 『학지광』에 실린 몇몇 시들은, 정형률에서 탈피하면서 산문과는 다른 자유시의 독자적인 미적 가치를 마련하려는 시인들의 노력을 보여주었다. 그들은 서정적 주체의 내면 공간을 형성시키는 방식으로 시적인 것을 만들어내고자 했다. 하지만 시의 공간에 산문적인 것이 침투하면서 시인들은 시적인 것을 확보하는 데에 어려움을 겪게 된다. 김억은 ‘밤’의 상징적 이미지를 구축하여 이러한 어려움을 해결하려고 했다. 주요한은 「불놀이」에서 ‘밤’의 상징적 이미지를 이어받으면서 ‘불꽃’의 이미지를 통해 산문을 산문시로 승화하는 데 성공했다. 김억과 주요한은 ‘밤의 낭만주의’를 통해 한국 근대시를 출범시켰다. 1920년대의 1920년대의 많은 시들이, 낭만적인 감정의 분출을 통해 산문에 리듬을 만들어냄으로써 시적인 것을 획득하는 「불놀이」의 길을 따라갔다. 이상화와 김소월은 산문이 개입되는 낭만주의의 두 양상을 잘 보여준다. 이들은 시에 시적인 것을 유지하면서 산문을 들여오는 방안으로 ‘대지’의 상징에 기댔다. 이들은 ‘대지의 시학’을 통해 한국의 산문적 현실을 시에 담아내면서, 이를 낭만적으로 승화시켰다. 이상화 시에서 대지의 이미지는 성적인 의미를 품으면서 열정적이고 발랄한 리듬을 산출했다. 김소월은 대지의 이미지를 통해 상실을 노래했으며, 나아가 일상의 노동을 시화하면서 산문적 경향에 이끌렸다. 이상화와 김소월은 밤의 낭만주의에서 낮의 낭만주의로의 이행을 보여주면서 한국 낭만주의의 두 전형을 정립했다고 평가할 수 있다. The poetry modernity has appeared in the trace of wandering between poetic extreme and prosaic extreme. Korean modern poetry established through the Romanticism. Korean Romantic poet of early modern age tried to secure the poetic making autonomous poetic space from reality. However Korean modern poetry inclined to the prosaic tendency because of exposing the feelings of choking reality or having to express the prosaic reality metaphorically. Therefore Korean Romantic modern poem had coexistence of both the poetic and the heteronomous prosaic. Like early Romanticism of Germany we could have seen, modern poem which Romanticism opened has been formed making poem prosaic under the plan of romanticizing the world. Furthermore, to make the poem prosaic has been acquiring the ‘poesie’ not only melting the prose in image logic but also securing the image rhythm. Korean Romantic poet of early modern age also showed the formation process of modern free verse. They tried to sublimate the prosaic of poem through creating and organizing the poetic image in order to relax the tension between the poetic and the prosaic. Several poems which was published in the 『Hak Ji Kwang』 of 1910s showed the effort of poet who has created the independent aesthetic value of free verse differently from prose getting out of fixed rhythm. They tried to make the poetic forming the inward space of lyrical subject. However poets had hard time securing the poetic while the prosaic passing through in the poem space. Kim Yeok tried to solve such a difficulty by means of cultivating the symbolic image of ‘night’. Ju Yo-Han succeeded in sublimating the prose into prose poem through the image of flame, while he inherited the symbolic image of ‘night’ from the 「Fireworks」. Kim Yeok and Ju Yo-Han inaugurated Korean modern poetry through the ‘Romanticism of night’. A lot of poetry of 1920s followed the way of 「Fireworks」 acquiring the poetic by means of making the rhythm in the prose through the eruption of romantic emotion. Lee Sang-Wha and Kim So-Wol showed the aspect of Romanticism intervening the prose very well. They leaned on the symbol of the ‘Earth’ as a way of adopting the prose maintaining the poetic in the poetry. They not only melted the prosaic reality of Korea into the poetry through the ‘Poetics of Earth’ but also sublimated it romantically. The earth image of Lee Sang-Wha’s poem not only had the sexual meaning but also produced the passionate and vivacious rhythm. Kim So-Wol recited the loss through the earth image. In addition, he was attracted by the prosaic tendency poeticizing everyday labor. It could be evaluated that Lee Sang-Wha and Kim So-Wol established two models of Korean Romanticism, while showing the transition from Romanticism of night to Romanticism of day.

      • KCI등재

        Shaphylococcus enterotoxin B와 lipopolysaccharide를 작용시킨 사람 섬유아 세포에서 생성된 Transforming Growth Factor-β₁의 정량적 분석

        이성근,김광혁,김욱규,김종렬,정인교,양동규 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.2

        TGF-β1 is a potent chemotactic factor for inflammatory cells and fibroblasts. It also stimulates the celluar source and components of extracellular matrix and the production of proteinase inhibitors. Collectively, these biologic activities lead to the accumulation and stabilization of the nascent matrix, which is vital to infection control. The objective of this study is to investigate production of TGF-β in vitro fibroblast culture in the presence of Staphylococcus enterotoxin B(SEB) and/or lipopolysaccharide(LPS) and to elucidate the role of TGF-β1 which may be responsible for infection control. The fibroblasts were originated from gingiva and facial dermis in 26 year-old male patient. In the presence of LPS(0.01㎍, 0.1㎍, 1.0㎍), SEB(0.01㎍, 0.l㎍, 1.0㎍) respectively, cells(5×103ml) were cultivated in vitro. At 1, 3, and 5 days after incubation, cells were counted. Also, cells(2.5×105ml) were cultivated in EMEM with LPS(0.01, 0.1 and 1.0㎍), SEB(0.01, 0.1 and 1.0㎍) respectively and LPS(0.1㎍) and SEB (0.1㎍) in combination for 24,48, and 72 hours respectively. Culture supernatants were harvested at 1, 2, and 3 days after incubation period and triplicate culture supernatants were pooled and TGF-β1 was assayed in duplicate. The results were as follows. 1.In gingival fibroblast induced with SEB and LPS respectively or in combination, the suppression of cell Proliferation occurred very significantly since 3 days after incubation, compared with the control and the production of TGF-β1 occurred very significantly at 1 day after incubation, compared with the control. 2.In facial dermal fibroblast induced with SEB and LPS respectively or in combination. the suppression of cell proliferation occurred very significantly at 1 day after incubation, compared with the control. In SEB exposure, the production of TGF-β1 was decreased very significantly at 1 day after incubation, compared with the control. However, in LPS, SEB and LPS exposure, the production of TGF-β1 was increased very significantly at 1 day after incubation, compared with the control. In conclusion, the concentration of bacterial toxins and the incubation period correlated with cell proliferation and production of TGF-β1 very significantly. The gingival and facial dermal fibroblasts have different phenotype each other The orchestrated understanding of fibroblast proliferation and TGF-β1 production play an important part in host defense against the bacterial Infection and may prevent tissue necrosis such as necrotizing fasciitis and life-threatening syndrome such as multiple organ failure.

      • 設計洪水量의 誘導를 위한 冪變換과 頻度分布分析의 比較

        李淳赫,羅性均 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1990 農業科學硏究 Vol.8 No.2

        This study was conducted to pursue the normalization of frequency distribution by approaching the coefficient of skewness to zero through power transformation to the annual maximum series of four watersheds along Han, Guem, Nag Dong river basin. Analysis for the comparison of design flows according to the return periods were carried out between the best fitted probability distribution and power transformation. The results were analyzed and summarized as follows. 1. Power transformation has found to be best one in comparison with log and square root transformation for being the coefficient of skewness into closer zero as a means of getting the normalization of frequency distribution in the annual maxium series for the applied watersheds. 2. The best fitted probability was acknowledged as three paramater lognormal destribution for Jeong sun of Han, Im Ha of Nag Dong river basin and type 1 extremal distribution for Seok Hwa, Gyu Am of Geum river, respectively. 3. Empirical formulas for the probable flood flows and design flows according to the return periods were derivated for the applied watersheds. 4. Relative errors of three parameter lognormals and type 1 extermal distribution to power transformation which was acknowledged as a best fitted probable flows were shown to be within 10 percent in common for all watersheds from two to two hundred years of return period. 5. The part of higher nonexceedance probabilities, i.e. probable flood flows for power transformation leas found to be more approached to the observed data in comparison with the results of other fitted distributions in view of relative suitability.

      • 다공질 실리콘층을 이용한 습도센서의 개발

        이주혁,이성필,김성진 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1998 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        A humidity sensor using porous silicon layer as humidity-sensing material is developed. Its structure was designed monolithically to be compatible to the integrated circuit technology, and the porous silicon layer was formed on p-type wafers with the low resistivity of 0.01 Ωcm to be stable mechanically. Proto-type sensors were fabricated using processes such as localized formation of porous silicon, oxidation of porous silicon layer, and etching of oxidized porous silicon layer. The dependence of capacitance on relative humidity was measured at room temperature, where the capacitance increased from 0.3 nF to 1nF for the relative humidity of 55 to 90% over.

      • Weibull分布에 의한 確率渴水量의 誘導

        李淳赫,趙成甲 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1991 農業科學硏究 Vol.9 No.2

        Derivation of probable drought flow was attempted for getting the hydrologic design criterion of various hydraulic structures which can be contributed to the planning of water utilization. Weibull distribution was used for the analysis of drought flow frequency with annual drought flow of three watersheds at Geum, Nak Dong and Yeong San river basin. The results were analyzed and summarized as follows. 1.Basic statistics were calculated for the analysis of extremal distribution to the research watersheds. 2.Necessary parameters were derivated by weibull distribution for the research watersheds. 3.Formulas for the probable drought flow were derivated by the method of weibull distribution and probable drought flow for the applied watersheds were calculated by above mentioned formulas to the return periods of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years. 4.Probable drought flows by weibull method were shown to be much closer to the observed at the research watersheds in general. 5.It is to be desired that weibull distribution used in this study would be compared with other transformation methods for getting the drought flow could be acknnowleged as it estimated in accurate.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • 스페로이드 조합자극치료 적용 후 만성요통의 통증 감소 효과

        홍성찬,김영빈,박병근,김유성,이성진,정동혁 원광대학교 체력과학연구소 2008 體力科學硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        The aim of the present study is to evaluate effects of Spheroid 9000NS applied to 10 elderly patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. The effects were measured and analyzed by means of MPQWL, VRS, VAS-I and VAS-U after 4, 8 and 12 weeks, respectively, during the 12-week application of the Spheroid 9000NS. From the findings of the measurement and analysis, following conclusion could be drawn: 1. Significant reductions in MPQWL were confirmed at each period of measurement since the use of Spheroid 9000NS(p<.001). 2. Significant reductions were also revealed in VRS at each period of the measurement(p<.001). 3. Significant reductions were also revealed in VAS-I at each period of the measurement(p<.001). 4. The same reductions were found as well in VAS-U 4, 8 and 12 weeks after the application of the Spheroid 9000NS(p<.001). In sum, it may be concluded from the outcomes that the use of Spheroid 9000NS may help reduce drastically Chronic Low Back Pain, mostly effective to remove them speedily and safely. Patients, rehabilitation therapists and health experts are, therefore, recommended to employ the products as safe and effective means to control pains. Continued researches and experiments should further be conducted to collect more data from the larger population of patients with particular diseases in clinical situation, though.

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