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      • 두피 전체의 발모광을 보이는 정신분열병 1례

        고정인,신성훈,이상열 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1998 圓光醫科學 Vol.14 No.1

        Trichotillomania is characterized by recurrent pulling of one's hair, resulting in significant hair loss and involves many hours each day of pulling hair or thinking about pulling hair. Patients pulled hair from a variety of sites, including scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic region, face, and body, but the highest incidence and severity involved scalp hair. This symptom arises as a part of symptom complexes in a variety of psychiatric disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, mental retardation, eating disorder and schizophrenic disorder. The authors experienced a case of trichotillomania in a 42 year old schizophrenic patient whose total hair in scalp was pull out. Several literatures were reviewed and psychiatric aspect of trichotillomania were discussed. For the treatment of this patient, haloperidol and supportive psychotherapy had been tried and been proven effective.

      • 두피 전체의 발모광을 보이는 정신분열병 1례

        고정인,신성훈,이상열 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1998 圓光精神醫學 Vol.14 No.1

        Trichotillomania is characterized by recurrent pulling of one's hair, resulting in significant hair loss and involves many hours each day of pulling hair or thinking about pulling hair. Patients pulled hair from a variety of sites, including scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic region, face, and body, but the highest incidence and severity involved scalp hair. This symptom asries as a part of symptom complexes in a variety of psychiatric disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, mental retardation, eating disorder and schizophrenic disorder. The authors experienced a case of trichotillomania in a 42 year old schizophrenic patient whose total hair in scalp was pull out. Several literatures were reviewed and psychiatric aspect of trichotillomania were discussed. For the treatment of this patient, haloperidol and supportive psychotherapy had been tried and been proven effective.

      • 정신분열증 환자와 우울증 환자의 MMPI-2 프로파일

        고윤화,손용훈,윤정흠,오상우,이귀행,박민철 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2008 圓光醫科學 Vol.23 No.2

        Background: Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2(MMPI-2) is superior to its predecessor in differential diagnosis. this study was to investigate MMPI-2 profiles of the patients with schizophrenia and depression and to discriminate among two groups. Methods: The sample consisted of 35 patients with schizophrenia(male 24, female 11), 35 patients with depression(male 18, female 17) diagnosed by the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders(DSM-IV) for schizophrenia & depression at department of neuropsychiatry in WonKwang University from January 2005 to December 2007. The data from the results were analyzed statistically by t-test and discriminant analysis. Results: The results were as follows. First, according to t-test results the comparison of schizophrenia patients and depression patients in MMPI-2 among two groups showed significant differences; the validity scales: F, F(P); The clinical scales: D, Pa; The restructured clinical scales: Rcd(dem), RC4, RC6, RC8; The content scales: ANX, DEP, BIZ; The supplementary scales: AGGR, PSYC, Mt, GF, O-H. Second, as a results discriminant analysis, BIZ, D were significant predictors in distinguishing patients with schizophrenia from patients with depression. Third, probability to be discriminated schizophrenia in schizophrenia was 91.4%, probability to be discriminated depression in depression was 85.7%. Conclusion: Finally, we remind readers that although the MMPI-2 may prove to be useful in the task of differential diagnosis, it should be used only in combination with other patient information. 배경: MMPI-2는 감별진단에서 기존의 MMPI 보다 더 우수하다. 본 연구는 정신분열증 환자와 우울증 환자의 MMPI-2 프로파일과 두 집단을 판별하는 연구를 하였다. 방법: 2005년 1월부터 2007년 12월까지 원광대학교 병원 신경정신과에서 정신분열증과 우울증으로 진단된 정신분열증 환자 35명(남성 24명, 여성 11명), 우울증 환자 35명(남성 18명, 여성 17명)이 본 연구에 참여하였다. 자료는 t-검증과 판별분석으로 분석하였다. 결과: 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. t-검증 결과, 두 집단간 유의미한 차이를 보인 척도들로는 타당도 척도에서 F, F(P) 척도, 임상척도에서 D, Pa, 척도, 재구성 임상척도에서 Rcd(dem), RC4, RC6, RC8척도 였다. 내용척도에서는 ANX, DEP, BIZ척도 였으며 보충척도에서는 AGGR, PSYC, MT, GF O-H척도 였다. 2. 판별 분석 결과로서, 정신분열증과 우울증을 구별하는데 가장 유의한 예언요소는 BIZ, D척도로 나타났다. 3. 판별함수를 통한 진단율은 정신분열증을 정신분열증으로 판별해주는 정확도는 91.4%였고, 우울증을 우울증으로 판별해주는 정확도는 85.7%였다. 결론: 본 연구 결과를 통해서 MMPI-2가 두 집단을 감별하는데 유용하다고 증명되었을지 모르지만 더욱 정확하게 감별하기 위해서 환자의 기타 정보를 사용해야 할 것이다.

      • 과도 절삭에서의 절삭 공정 시뮬레이션

        고정훈,조동우,윤원수,김주한 한국공작기계학회 2001 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2001 No.-

        In most of the existing mechanistic models, the cutting process simulation is often restricted to a single path machining operation under a fixed cutting condition. Complex cutting processes such as die or mold manufacturing, however, are performed under two- or three-dimensional multiple tool paths. Since the tool paths in CNC machining are composed of line and arc segments, transient cuts are frequently occured due to the multiple paths. Even in steady cuts, the width of cut is varied with each segment. In this regard, this paper deals with the development of process simulation system for transient cuts, where continuously changing cutting configuration is computed, and then the cutting forces are predicted.

      • 방사선 조사를 받은 흰쥐 신경뇌하수체 관문의 미세구조 : 관문의 새로운 개념설정 Establishment of a New Concept on the Barrier

        이헌용,안의태,양남길,고정식,박경호 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        신경뇌하수체는 뇌의 일부지만 뇌실둘레기관(circumventricular organ)으로서 전형적인 혈액-뇌관문이 없으므로 혈관 안팎의 물질이동이 자유로운 신경내분비기관이다. 이 실험에서는 심한 방사선 조사시에 혈액-신경뇌하수체관문의 형태적 대응을-연구함으로써, 관문의 특성을 분석했으며, 관문의 구성을 구체적으로 설정하여 이를 개념화 할 것을 제안하였다. 체중 200-250g의 숫흰쥐를 sodium thiopenthal 로 마취시킨 후 Mitsubishi선형가속기로 방사선 조사를 시켰다. 조사조건은 거리 80cm, 조사구역 30 X 30cm, 조사깊이 1.2cm, 조사속도 분당 200 rads로 하여 실험군에 따라 3,000 rads 또는 6,000 rads가 되도록 했다. 조사후 6시간, 2일, 6일후에 각군의 동물을 도살 하여 신경뇌하수체를 떼어냈다. 떼어낸 조직은 1% glutaradehyde- 1% paraformaldehyde액에 1차 고정하고, 1% osmium tetroxide액에 2차 고정하였고, araldine혼합액에 포매된 조직은 절편을 만들어 uranyl acetate와 lead citrate액으로 염색해서 전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 주로 모세혈관주위공간에서 관문구조를 중심으로 관찰한 결과 3,000 rads 조사군과 6,000 rads조사군 모두가 비슷하게 심한 변화를 보였고, 변화의 정도가 2일군에서 가장 심했으며 6일군에서는 약간 안정되는 모습이었으나 변화의 양상은 모든 실험군을 통해서 비슷하였다. 가장 두드러진 변화는 모세혈관주위공간에서 나타났는데 공간의 확장, 큰포식세포의 증가와 활성화, 신경뇌하수체세포속에 들어 있던 신경종말들의 이탈, 먼지 같은 물질의 증가 등을 들 수 있었다. 특히 큰 포식세포의 변화는 매우 특징적이어서 넓은 세포질관(판상족, lamellipoda)을 형성하여 모세혈관과 신경뇌하수체세포사이를 차단시킬 뿐아니라 왕성한 포식작용으로 공간내의 축삭종말들을 용해시켰다. 큰포식세포의 세포질안에는 과립형질내세망들이 매우 발달하였고, 세포질 영역이 매우 넓어진 것으로 볼 때, 이들이 기동타격대로서 활발히 움직이는 매우 효율적인 관문의 구성성분으로 생각되었다. 특히 신경뇌하수체는 전형적인 혈액-뇌관문이 없으므로 신경내분비기능의 수행에는 유리하나 면역활성물질이나 독성물질등 뇌에 해로운 물질의 왕래를 차단하여 제거하거나, 과다하게 분비된 신경호르몬을 조절하는 일이 중요하다고 볼 때, 큰포식세포가 이같은 역할에 적합한 구성성분이라는 결론을 얻었다. 이 실험에서는 효율성이 높은 관문으로서 혈액-신경뇌하수체관문이 구성성분을 차례로 기재하고 이를 개념화 할 것을 제안한다. 모세혈관과 축삭종말사이에 형성되어 있는 혈액-신경뇌하수체관문이 구성을 차례로 표기하면 다음과 같다 (그림 9,10). 1. 유창모세혈관 내피 2. 모세혈관 내피의 기저판 3. 혈관주위세포와 기저판("이차방어선", 한정된 범위내에서 움직일 수 있다). 4. 큰포식세포, 필요에 따라 판상족(lamellipoda)을 넓게 뻗는다.("삼차방어선", 모세혈관 주위공간 속을 이동해 다니는 "기동타격대") 5. 신경뇌하수체세포의 기저판 6. 신경뇌하수체세포의 세포질돌기(호르몬분비 조절) To study the morphological characteristics of the blood-neurohypophysis barrier system in a severely altered situation, the heads of rats were exposed to heavy X-irradiation. Rats weighing 200-250 g each were anesthetized with sodium thiopenthal, and placed on the table of Mitsubishi linear accelerator ML-4MV. Only heads of rats were placed within the exposure area of 30 cm X 30 cm. Irradiation was processed at the distance of 80 cm, with the speed of 200 rads/min in the radiation depth of 1.2cm. Total doses were 3,000 rads or 6,000 rads according to the animals of the different experimental groups. Rats were sacrificed on 6 hours, 2 days or 6 days following radiations. Tissue blocks of neurohypophyses were fixed in the 1% glutaraldehyde-1% paraformaldehyde solution, and they were refixed in the 1% osmium tetroxide solution. Ultrathin sections were contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate solutions. Electron micrographs exhibited dramatic changes within the perivascular space of neurohypopysis. The perivascular space was greatly enlarged, and it contained many macrophages, floating axonal endings and plentiful flocculent materials. The enlargement was largest in the 2 day-group animals. Many macrophages are activated, and it showed tremendous cytoplasmic lamellipoda. Wide plate of macrophagic cytoplasm usually engulfed the floating axon terminals, and are located between the cappillary and the pituicytes. The situation gave the impression that macrophages prevent, filter and/or retrieve the excessive materials transported between the capillary and the axonal endings. Since the perivascular microenvironment of neurohypophysis is more vulnerable as compared with those brain areas equipped with blood-brain barrier, the functional barrier system by macrophages in the neurohypophysis should have important role. The concept of blood-neurohypophyseal barrier with the following components is proposed. The components of the barrier system from the blood pool to the hormonal pool are 1. Endothelium of fenestrated capillary 2. BAsal lamina of endothelium 3. Pericyte("second line of defense". mobile in a limited area) 4. Macrophage, extending its wide cytoplasmic plate(the lamelipoda) in need("third line of defense". freely movable in the perivascular space, "active surveillance system") 5. Basal lamina of pituicyte 6. Cytoplasmic processes of pituicyte

      • 극단 저체중 신생아에서의 동맥관 개존증 결찰술을 위한 진정맥 마취 경험 2례

        최영균,고명진,이상은,조광래,김영환,임세훈,이정한,이근무,정순호,김영재,신치만 仁濟大學校 白病院 2010 仁濟醫學 Vol.31 No.-

        Running title: Cases of anesthesia for extremely low birth weight infant. Extremely low birth weight infants (birth weight < 1000 g) are prone to various morbidities such as respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis and retinopathy. To accomplish successful anesthetic management, many precautions must be continuously taken during the operation. First, inspired oxygen concentration should be adjusted to avoid oxygen toxicity. Second, body temperature must be maintained adequately. Third, hemodynamic parameters should be kept stable. We report 2 cases of successful anesthetic management for extremely low birth weight infant who underwent ligation of patent ductus arteriosus at the neonatal intensive care unit.

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      • KCI등재

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