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        조선후기 역관 양성의 실제 –사역원의 원적(元籍)과 승차(陞差)

        우현정(Woo, Hyunjung) 교육사학회 2021 교육사학연구 Vol.31 No.1

        본 연구에서는 사역원의 가장 기초적인 관제라고 할 수 있는 ‘원적’을 소개하고, 원적을 토대로 한 사역원 역관의 승차 과정을 구체적으로 드러내고자 하였다. 원적에는 실차생도, 예차생도와 같이 초급 역관부터 전함관과 권지, 한학관 등 중급역관, 마지막으로 정3품 이상의 고급 역관인 상사당상까지 포함되어 조선후기 역관이 사역원이라는 동일 기관에서 여러 직급을 거쳐 성장해 간다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 생도에서 전함관과 권지로 변모하는 것은 사역원 내에서 진출할 수 있는 관직의 범위가 넓어지는 것을 의미하고, 전함관과 권지라는 직급에서 다양한 관직을 역임하여 최종적으로 상사당상에 오르기 위해서 정기적인 학습과 평가에 참여하는 것이 매우 중요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히 주목할 점은 사역원 생도가 성년이 되어 일정한 시재를 통해 전함관이 되거나 역과에 합격하여 권지가 되는 것이 거의 동일한 대우를 받는다는 점과 사역원에서 원적 내 직급을 유지하기 위해서 전공 교육과정에 따른 꾸준한 학습이 요구된다는 점 등이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 사실은 당시 외국어교육을 통한 인재 양성이 질적으로 매우 엄격하게 관리되었다는 사실을 보여주고, 조선후기 인재양성과 선발이 긴밀하게 연결되어 있다는 것을 확인하게 한다. The purpose of this study is to introduce "Original domiciles (元籍)", which is Sayeok-won"s (司譯院) most basic government position system, and to clarify the promotion process of Sayeok-won translator based on the original domiciles. Original domiciles included elementary translators such as Students (生徒) and Candidates (預差生徒), intermediate translators such as Experienced (前銜官) and Apprentices (權知), and Chinese readers (漢學官), and lastly, the senior translator, senior official (常仕堂上), which was developed in the same institution. The transformation from Student to Experienced and Apprentices also meant a wider range of government positions within Sayeok-won, and it was very important to participate in regular learning and evaluation to eventually reach the senior official. In particular, it is noteworthy that Sayeok-won Students are treated almost the same way to become Experienced or Apprentices through certain tests, and that steady learning is required according to the major curriculum to maintain their position in Sayeok-won. This fact shows that the training of talent through foreign language education was managed very strictly in quality at the time, and confirms that the training and selection of talent in the late Joseon Dynasty are closely linked.

      • KCI등재

        갑오개혁 이전의 관립외국어학교에 관한 연구

        우현정(Woo, Hyunjung) 교육사학회 2018 교육사학연구 Vol.28 No.2

        이 연구에서는 19세기 후반 한어학교의 설립과 관립한어학교로의 전환, 폐쇄 그리고 관련 인물 등을 중심으로 갑오개혁 이전 관립외국어학교 등장에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 그 결과 한어학교는 한어학당이란 명칭으로 1891년 8월에 설립되어 1894년 6월부터 10월까지 관립학교로 전환되었고, 1895년 1월 이후에 폐지된 것으로 보인다. 또한 한어학교의 교사는 관립한어학교로 전환되기 이전과 이후에 각각 1명씩 총 2명이 초빙되었고, 이들은 모두 청국정부와 긴밀하게 관련된 인물들로 추정된다. 이는 조선의 전통적 외국어교육기관인 사역원에서 조선인 역관들이 교관으로 참여하였다는 것과 구분된다. 한어학교 생도의 경우, 관립한어학교로 전환되기 이전과 이후에 각각 7명과 2∼8명이 확인된다. 관립한어학교로 전환되기 이전의 생도 중 일부는 입학 이전에 전통적 외국어교육의 경험을 가지고 있었고, 입학 이후에는 외국어교육과 관련된 진로로 대부분 진출한 반면, 관립한어학교로 전환된 이후의 생도들에서는 이러한 특징이 거의 확인되지 않았다. 추후 한어학교의 최초 설립 당시와 관립한어학교 전환 이후의 운영 규정과 교육 내용에 대한 사료가 확보된다면 갑오개혁 전후 관립외국어학교의 설립 배경에 대한 풍부한 기술이 가능할 것으로 기대된다. The purpose of this study was to examine the establishment of the public foreign language school before GABO reforms through the establishment and closure of a Chinese language school in the late 19th century, and the explanation of the characters related to the Chinese language school. As a result, the Chinese language school was established in August 1891 and was converted to a public school from June to October 1894, and is supposed to have been abolished after January 1895. In addition, two teachers were invited, one for each before and after the transition to a public school. They are all presumed to be closely related to the Qing government. This is different from the Korean delegates participated as instructors in the traditional foreign language school of the Chosun Dynasty. The number of students who entered Chinese language school before the transition to the official Chinese language school is confirmed by 7 persons. Immediately after conversion, 2 to 8 persons are confirmed. Some of the students who entered the Chinese language school before the transition to the official Chinese language school had experience of traditional foreign language education before entering the school. After entering the school, most of them went to the foreign language education related course. On the other hand, these characteristics have not been confirmed to the students after they have been converted into official Chinese language schools. It is expected that if the data on the operation and the curriculum of Chinese language school are secured in the future, it will be possible to mention the background of the establishment of the public foreign language schools in the GABO reforms.

      • KCI등재

        디자인 강국으로 거듭나기

        우현정(Woo, Hyunjung) 한국미술사교육학회 2015 美術史學 Vol.- No.30

        본 연구는 1837년 설립되어 현재 왕립미술대학으로 이어지는 영국 국립디자인학교의 발전과정을 디자인 교육 개혁자인 헨리 콜의 영향력과 그가 고안한 사우스 켄싱턴 교과과정을 중심으로 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 특히 사우스 켄싱턴 교과과정을 중기 빅토리아 시기 영국 정부의 디자인 개혁의지를 투영하는 핵심 요소로 간주하며 근대 디자인 교육의 토대가 된 이 교과과정의 역사적 의의를 재구성하고자 하였다. 니콜라우스 페브스너를 위시한 기존의 대다수 연구자들은 국립디자인학교의 초기 운영에 관한 한계점에 치중한 나머지 국립디자인학교의 발전상에서 시대별 성과를 조망하려는 시도는 부족하였다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 1835년부터 사우스 켄싱턴 교과과정이 완전히 정착하는 1860년대 초중반으로 연구시기를 확장하여 이 교과과정의 도입으로 국립디자인학교에 나타난 급격한 변화의 양상들을 교과목 과정, 자립형 운영 구조에 초점을 맞추어 살펴보았다. 영국은 자국의 문화 예술 수준과 제조업 분야의 경쟁력이 독일과 프랑스에 비해 현저히 떨어진다는 것을 인지하고 1835년부터 2년에 걸쳐 미술과 제조업에 관한 특별위원회를 개최하여 문제점 해결을 위한 적극적인 자세를 취했다. 그 결과 국립디자인학교가 설립되었지만 15년간 별다른 성과를 보이지 못한 채 드로잉 학교라는 비난에 직면에 있었다. 이런 상황에서 1851년 만국박람회의 기획에 참여한 뒤 이듬해 실용미술국의 관리 감독이 된 헨리콜이 국립디자인학교를 맡으며 내세운 전략은 전 국민의 기초 미술 지식을 강화하는 것이었다. 이를 위해 그는 23단계의 사우스 켄싱턴 교과과정을 고안해냈고 미술교육사범학교를 중심으로 전국 초등학교 및 미술학교에 전파하였다. 헨리 콜은 산업 혁명 이후 달라진 전문인 교육을 활성화시키기 위해 기초 드로잉 수업이 선행되어야 한다고 주장하였다. 당시 만연하던 공리주의적 교육 철학을 기반으로 삼아 그는 사우스 켄싱턴 박물관의 소장품을 지속적으로 보강하고 전국 순회 전시회 및 강연회를 기획하는 등 사우스 켄싱턴 지역을 디자인 미술 교육의 중심지로 탈바꿈시키는 데 최선의 노력을 쏟았다. 궁극적으로 본 연구는 기초 드로잉을 하나의 기술로 간주하고 이를 모든 사람들이 습득할 수 있도록 국가적 차원의 지원을 이끌어낸 헨리 콜의 비전을 재조명함으로써 사우스 켄싱턴 교과과정이 영국 산업 디자인의 발전에 미친 영향력을 확인하는 데 집중하였다. 나아가 영국 디자인 교육의 효시가 된 사우스 켄싱턴 교과과정을 분석하는 본 연구가 150년의 시차를 가진 현 국내 디자인 교육계에 던지는 시사점이 무엇인지 생각해보는 계기를 마련하고자 하였다. The objective of this thesis is to examine the developments of the Government School of Design in Britain, based on the influence of Henry Cole, a reformer of design education, and the South Kensington Curriculum. In particular, with the South Kensington Curriculum being considered as the core element that reflected the will for design reformations by the British government in the Victorian Era, the aim of this thesis was to restructure the historic significance of this curriculum that became the foundation of modern design education. Recognizing that the standards of the native cultural arts and the competitiveness in the manufacturing industry was substantially behind that of Germany or France, British government organized the Select Committee on Arts and Manufactures for two years since 1835 and took an active stance towards solving this problem. As a result, the Government School of Design was established, but with 15 years of not so apparent results, the school was faced with ‘Drawing School’ criticisms. When Henry Cole took charge of the Government School of Design, who participated in the Great Exhibition of 1851 and became the Superintendent of General Management at the Department of Practical Art in the following year, he imposed the curriculum strategy to strengthen the national elementary instruction in art. In order to do this, he designed the South Kensington Curriculum in 23 stages, and began spreading the curriculum to national elementary schools and provincial art schools over the country, with the Normal Training School of Art as the central institution. Henry Cole asserted to push forward with basic drawing classes so as to revitalize professional education which was changed after the Industrial Revolution. Based on the utilitarian educational philosophy, he consistently reinforced the collection at the South Kensington Museum and organized lectures and National Touring Museums putting his utmost efforts to transform the South Kensington region into a hub of design arts education. Ultimately, by considering basic drawing as a technique, and by re-sketching Henry Cole’s vision which induced support in the national level so that this technique can be acquired by everyone, this paper focus on the influence of the South Kensington Curriculum on the development of British industrial design.

      • KCI등재

        Outbreak of Rice Panicle Blast in Jeonbuk Province of Korea in 2021

        Hyunjung Chung,Woo-Il Lee,Soo Yeon Choi,Nak-Jung Choi,Sang-Min Kim,윤주연,Bong Choon Lee 한국식물병리학회 2023 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.39 No.1

        Rice panicle blast is one of the most serious diseases threatening stable rice production by causing severe damage to rice yields and quality. The disease is easy to occur under low air temperature and frequent heavy rainfall during the heading season of rice. In 2021, a rice panicle blast severely occurred in the Jeonbuk province of Korea. The incidence area of panicle blast accounted for 27.7% of the rice cultivation area of Jeonbuk province in 2021, which was 13.7-times higher than in 2019 and 2.6-times higher than in 2020. This study evaluated the incidence areas of rice panicle blast in each region of Jeonbuk province in 2021. The weather conditions during the heading season of rice, mainly cultivated rice cultivars, and the race diversity of the Jeonbuk isolates were also investigated. It will provide important information for the effective control of the rice panicle blast.

      • KCI등재

        Gray Matter Microstructural Abnormalities and Working Memory Deficits in Individuals with Schizophrenia

        HyunJung Kim,Seung-Hyun Shon,Sung Woo Joo,Woon Yoon,Jang-Han Lee,Ji-Won Hur,JungSun Lee 대한신경정신의학회 2019 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.16 No.3

        Objective: Working memory impairments serve as prognostic factors for patients with schizophrenia. Working memory deficits are mainly associated with gray matter (GM) thickness and volume. We investigated the association between GM diffusivity and working memory in controls and individuals with schizophrenia. Methods: T1 and diffusion tensor images of the brain, working memory task (letter number sequencing) scores, and the demographic data of 90 individuals with schizophrenia and 97 controls were collected from the SchizConnect database. T1 images were parcellated into the 68 GM Regions of Interest (ROI). Axial Diffusivity (AD), Fractional Anisotropy (FA), Radial Diffusivity (RD), and Trace (TR) were calculated for each of the ROIs. Results: Compared to the controls, schizophrenia group showed significantly increased AD, RD, and TR in specific regions on the frontal, temporal, and anterior cingulate area. Moreover, working memory was negatively correlated with AD, RD, and TR in the lateral orbitofrontal, superior temporal, inferior temporal, and rostral anterior cingulate area on left hemisphere in the individuals with schizophrenia. Conclusion: These results demonstrated GM microstructural abnormalities in the frontal, temporal, and anterior cingulate regions of individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore, these regional GM microstructural abnormalities suggest a neuropathological basis for the working memory deficits observed clinically in individuals with schizophrenia.

      • KCI등재

        Sedentary Time and Fast-Food Consumption Associated With Weight Gain During COVID-19 Lockdown in Children and Adolescents With Overweight or Obesity

        Woo Sarah,Yang Heonil,Kim YoonMyung,Lim Hyunjung,Song Hong Ji,Park Kyung Hee 대한의학회 2022 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.37 No.12

        Background: The coronavirus disease pandemic is predicted to have adverse health effects on children and adolescents who are overweight or obese due to restricted school activity and stay-at-home orders. The purpose of this observational study was to determine the factors associated with weight gain in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown. Methods: Ninety-seven participants (sex- and age-specific body mass index (BMI) ≥ 85th percentile) were included. A baseline examination was conducted pre-COVID-19 (August 2019 to January 2020), and re-examination was performed post-lockdown (June to September 2020) and the results were compared. Correlation and regression analyses were conducted to investigate the association among changes in cardiometabolic markers and lifestyle behaviors with changes in BMI z-score. Results: During the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in BMI z-score (2.56 [2.01–2.94] to 2.62 [2.03–3.18]) was noticed in children and adolescents with obesity. Changes in cardiometabolic markers including liver enzymes, triglycerides (r = 0.398), leptin (r = 0.578), and adiponectin (r = −0.326), as well as muscular strength (r = −0.212), were correlated with the increase in BMI z-score. According to a multivariate regression analysis, changes in sedentary time (B = 0.016; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.001–0.032) and fast-food consumption (B = 0.067; 95% CI, 0.013–0.122) were the lifestyle variables associated with BMI z-score increase. Conclusion: Changes in lifestyle behaviors including fast-food consumption and sedentary time during the COVID-19 pandemic may be associated with weight gain. In order to prevent health-related risks in children and adolescents with obesity during the pandemic, it is important to maintain the level of physical activity and healthy dietary habits.


        Original Article : Increased Prevalence of Colorectal Neoplasia in Korean Patients with Sporadic Duodenal Adenomas: A Case-Control Study

        ( Woo Chul Chung ),( Bo In Lee ),( Sang Young Roh ),( Jae Wuk Kwak ),( Sun Mee Hwang ),( Yoon Ho Ko ),( Jung Hwan Oh ),( Hyunjung Cho ),( Hiun Suk Chae ),( Young Seok Cho ) 대한간학회 2011 Gut and Liver Vol.5 No.4

        Background/Aims: Recent data from Western populations have suggested that patients with sporadic duodenal adenomas are at a higher risk for the development of colorectal neoplasia. In this study, we compared the frequency of colorectal neoplasia in patients with sporadic duodenal adenomas to healthy control subjects. Methods: This retrospective case-control study used the databases of 3 teaching hospitals in Gyeonggi-do Province, South Korea. The colonoscopy fi ndings of patients with sporadic duodenal adenomas were compared with those of age- and gender-matched healthy individuals who had undergone gastroduodenoscopies and colonoscopies during general screening examinations. Results: Between 2001 and 2008, 45 patients were diagnosed endoscopically with sporadic duodenal adenomas; 26 (58%) of these patients received colonoscopies. Colorectal neoplasia (42% vs 21%; odds ratio [OR], 2.8; 95% confi dence interval [CI], 1.1 to 7.4) and advanced colorectal adenoma (19% vs 3%; OR, 9.0; 95% CI, 1.6 to 50.0) were signifi cantly more common in patients with sporadic duodenal adenomas than in healthy control subjects. Conclusions: Compared with healthy individuals, patients with sporadic duodenal adenomas were at a signifi cantly higher risk for developing colorectal neoplasia. Such at-risk patients should undergo routine screening colonoscopies. (Gut Liver 2011;5:432-436)


        Weight misperception and its association with dieting methods and eating behaviors in South Korean adolescents

        Hyunjung Lim,Hae-Jeung Lee,Sangshin Park,Cho-il Kim,Hee-Kyung Joh,Sang Woo Oh 대한지역사회영양학회 2014 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.8 No.2

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: There is little information on the association between weight misperception and eating behavior in Korean adolescents. Therefore, we investigated the association of food intake habits and dieting method and disturbed eating behavior (DEB) in relation to weight misperception. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Data was collected by using a nationwide online panel survey from 6,943 adolescents enrolled in middle/high school. DEB was measured with the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) and those who scored ≥ 20 on the EAT-26 were considered to have eating disorder. Logistic regressions were conducted to examine the association between weight misperception based on self-reported weight status and dieting method and eating behaviors. RESULTS: The proportion of weight underestimation was 23.5% and that of overestimation was 24.0%. Weight overestimating girls were more likely to engage in various unhealthy dieting practices (OR = 1.69 for fasting; OR = 1.88 for laxative or diuretic use; OR = 2.05 for self-induced vomiting after meals; P < 0.05). Moreover, there was a strong association between overestimation and undesirable eating behaviors, especially among girls, e.g.: having breakfast (OR = 0.85), high consumption of fast foods (OR = 1.28) and regular sodas (OR = 1.39), but not among boys. In both genders, weight overestimation appears to be a major risk factor for DEB (OR = 1.34 for boys and OR = 1.41 for girls; P < 0.05). CONSLUSIONS: Weight overestimation is associated with unhealthy weight control practices and eating behaviors. We particularly found a significant association between weight overestimation and DEB among nationwide Korean adolescents.

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