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      • KCI등재

        만경강 본류의 자연정화능 향상을 위한 식생학적 진단

        이경보,김창환,김종구,이덕배,박찬원,나승용 한국환경농학회 2003 한국환경농학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        만경강 본류를 대상으로 수질을 개선하기 위한 일환으로 하천식생의 종구성, 하천형태에 따른 군락의 구조, 단면분석을 통한 현존식생의 분포 등을 종합적으로 분석하여 하천 생태계에 대한 종합적 해석과 식생에 의한 자연정화능 활용방안을 평가하고자 2001년 6월부터 2002년 3월까지 수질 및 식생에 관한 자연정화능을 조사, 평가하였다. 만경강 본류 수질중 T-N의 농도는 갈수기인 겨울철이 17.23 mg/L로 가장 높았으며, 여름철이 8.59 mg/L로 낮았고, 상류보다는 하류에서 그 농도가 높았다. 또한 평균 T-P의 농도는 여름철과 가을철에 각각 0.45, 0.47 mg/L로 비슷하였으나 겨울철에 1.79 mg/L로 농도가 높아졌다. BOD의 농도는 상류유역에서 0.95~2.57 mg/L로 Ⅰ~Ⅱ급수 수질을 나타내었으나 하류유역에서는 6.87~9.72 mg/L로 Ⅴ급수에 가까운 수질이었다. 만경강 상류의 식물상은 73과 134속 218종 33변종으로 총 251종류가 조사되었으며, 중류 일대에서 조사된 식물은 33과 69속 82종 16변종으로 총 98종류가 조사되었다. 그리고 만경강 하류 일대에서 관찰된 식물은 27과 58속 71종 14변종으로 총 85종류가 조사되었다. 만경강 유역에서 자연정화능에 의한 수질개선을 도모하기 위해 식물 생활형별로 하천 정화능이 뛰어난 식물을 조사 분석한 결과 침수식물은 붕어마름, 검정말, 부엽식물은 어리연꽃, 왜개연꽃, 추수식물은 갈대, 줄, 부들, 습생식물은 큰황새 냉이, 고마리 등이 질소, 인 흡수능이 우수한 식물이었다. This study was conducted to get some information on plants abilities to enhance water purification and to find out away to conserve the ecosystem in Mankyeong river. Vegetation were surveyed at 4 sites pointing by 1:5,000 topographical map, from June 2001 through March 2002. T-N content in water were high in all sites of Mankyeong river, the average T-N levels were 8.59 and 17.23 ㎎/L summer and winter, respectively. The average T-P level during summer was 0.47 ㎎/L, but that was 1.79 ㎎/L during winter. The BOD level in Mankyeong upstream ranged from 0.95 to 2.57 ㎎/L which would be in Ⅰ or Ⅱ grade according to water quality criteria by Ministry of Environment, but BOD level in Mankyeong downstream ranged from 6.87 to 9.72 ㎎/L. The plant species of river flora were found 251, 98 and 85, upstream, midstream and down stream, respectively. Among the surveyed plants, Ceratophyllum demersum, submerged plant and Nuphar subinteperrimum took up higher contents of phosphate and nitrogen than other plants. The Phragmites communis and Zizania latifolia having much biomass were thought to be suitable plants for enhancement of the natural water purification.

      • KCI등재

        동진강의 식물상과 식생

        이경보,김창환,이덕배,김종구,박찬원 한국환경농학회 2004 한국환경농학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        동진강 일대의 인위적인 교란에 의한 하천식생의 복원 및 복구를 위한 기초적인 자료를 제공하고자 2001년 6월부터 2002년 3월까지 하천식생의 종 구성, 하천형태에 따른 군락의 구조, 현존식생의 분포 등을 종합적으로 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다.동진강 유역에서 조사된 하천식생은 73과 188속 238종 33변종 1품종으로 총 272종류가 조사되었다. 또한 관속식물의 생활형에 따라 분류하면 침수식물이 23종, 부엽식물이 7종, 부유식물이 2종, 정수식물이 18종, 습생식물이 53종, 수변식물이 168종이었으며, 수생식물과 습생식물은 각각 50종과 53종류로 전체 조사된 272종류 중 37.9%를 차지하였다. 식물생활형의 분포비율은 휴면형 1년생 식물이 97종 35.7%, 수생식물이 78종 28.7%, 반지중식물이 41종 15.1%, 지중식물이 22종 8.1%, 지표식물이 12종 4.4%가 관찰되었다.동진강 상류유역의 식물군락은 검정말군락, 검정말-실말군락, 붕어마름군락, 달뿌리풀군락, 고마리군락, 큰황새냉이군락, 여뀌군락 등 총 8개의 식물군락이 분포하였다. 동진강 중류유역은 수생식물인 줄과 갈대군락, 그리고 수변식물군락으로 고마리군락, 교란지식생인 환삼덩굴군락 등 총4개 군락이 분포하였고, 동진강 하류 유역은 자라풀군락, 붕어마름군락, 마름군락, 줄군락, 갈대군락의 5개 습생식물군락과 털물참새피군락, 고마리군락의 2개 습생식물군락, 새콩 등의 나대지 식물군락 등 총 8개 식물군락이 관찰되었다 This study was conducted to get some vegetation information and to find out a way to conserve the ecosystem in the Dongjin River. The riparian vegetation was investigted by Zurich-Montpellier school's method from June 2001 to March 2002. The number of riparian plants were 73 families, 188 genera, 238 species, 33 varietles or 272 Taxa in Dongjin River. The characteristics of life form spectra were 97 therophytes(35.7%), 78 hydrophytes (28.7%), 41 hemicryptophytes (15.1%) 22 geophytes (8.1%), and 12 chamaephytes (4.4%). The riparian vegetaton was identified 8 plant communities (Potamogeton brechtoldii, Hydrill verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton malaianus, Phragnites japonica, Persicaria thunbergii, Cardamine scutata, Persicaria hydropiper) in upstream, 4 plant communities(Zizania latifoliar, Phragmites communis, Persicaria thunbergii, Hunmulus japonicus) in midstream and 8 plant communities(Hydrocharis dubia, Ceratophyllum demersum, Trapa japonica, Zizania Iatifolia, Paspalum distichum, Phragmites communis, Persicaria thunbergii, Amphicarpaea edgeworthii) in downstream of the Dongjin River.

      • 산화스트레스와 항산화제

        이병근,정동춘,전태원,정성태,정덕조 師範大學 體育硏究所 1998 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.19 No.2

        Performance of strenuous physical activity can increase oxygen consumption by 10 to 15-fold over rest to meet energy demands. The resulting elevated oxygen consumption produces an "oxidative stress" that leads to the generation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation. A defense system of free radical scavengers minimizes these dangerous radicals. Indirect measurements of free radicals generated during exercise include assessing products of lipid peroxidation that appear in the blood (e.g., malondialdehyde and conjugated dienes) or expired in the breath (pentane). Changes in antioxidant scavengers and associated enzymes (e.g., glutathione, tocopherol, glutathione peroxidase) also provide clues about demands on the defense system. Physical training has been shown to result in an augmented antioxidant system and a reduction in lipid peroxidation. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the role antioxidants play in physical activity and physical performance. This attention is largely focused on the increase in free radicals generated during strenuous exercise. As oxygen consumption, and hence oxidative stress, is increased, free radicals are produced. Studies have reported that antioxidant supplementation can reduce evidence of exercise induced lipid perozidation. It has been suggested that those who engage in chronic physical activity, placing a constant oxidative stress on the muscles and other cells, may require additional antioxidants to help them recover from exercise. Other than their role in reducing tissue damage, the data are equivocal with respect to whether antioxidants will directly enhance physical performance. Antioxidant supplementation may be prepared to handle an sudden increase in oxidative stress. Studies have shown increases in oxidative stress during performance of strenuous exercise and then supplementation would reduce this stress. The effects of antioxidant supplementation on physical performance are very affirmative.

      • 半夏의 修治方法에 따른 細胞毒性硏究

        李秀培,金德宗,金康柱,田炳勳,禹元洪 圓光大學校 韓醫學硏究所 1993 원광한의학 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to know the effects of Pinelliae Tuber on the cytotoxicity of human gingival fibroblasts according to brewing methods. Pinelliae Tuber was extracted by water in the state of being raw materials, prebrewing with Zingiberis Tuber and alumen. The extracted Pinelliae Tuber was applied to the cultured human gingival fibroblasts. The cytotoxic effct of Pinelliae Tuber was meaeured by MTTassay and microscopic findings. The results were as follows : 1. The cell viability of the fibroblasts by Pinelliae Tuber water extracts significantly decreased compared to control group. 2. The cell viability by the Pinelliae Tuber extracts prebrewed with Zingiberis Tuber was similiar to those of control group. 3. The cell viability by the Pinelliae Tuber extracts prebrewed with alumen slightly decreased, but was higher than those of PT group. 4. According to the microscopec findings, the number of cell count were smaller than normal in all experimental group, specially in the PT group, and showed the shrinkage of cytoplasmic process in the PT group and PA group.

      • KCI등재후보

        만경강 상류 수질 및 식생분포와 토양환경에 따른 하천식생의 종 다양성

        이경보,김창환,이덕배,김종구,박찬원,나승용 한국환경농학회 2003 한국환경농학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        만경강 상류유역 수질 및 하천식생 군락 변화를 조사 분석하여 수질에 따른 하천식생의 종 다양성 및 토양요인에 따른 종 다양성의 변화를 평가하기 위하여 2001년 6월부터 2002년 9월까지 만경강 상류유역 5개 조사지점을 선정한 후 조사를 실시하였다. 수질중 T-N의 농도는 전주천과 삼천에서 높았으며, 겨울철에 전주천에서 7.45 mg/L로 가장 높았다. 무기태 질소 성분벽 함량은 NH₄-N 경우 고산천과 소양천 유역은 0.01~0.06 mg/L 범위로 계절별 커다란 차이가 없는 낮은 농도를 나타냈으나, 생활하수가 유입되는 전주천과 삼천에서는 0.77~3.01 mg/L로 계절별로 큰 차이를 보였다. T-P의 농도는 계절별로 비슷하였으나 전주천에서 겨울천에 0.89 mg/L로 가장 높았다. 계절별 BOD의 농도는 고산천과 소양천 유역에서 0.92~2.14 mg/L를 나타내었으나 생활하수가 유입되는 유역에서는 2.01~7.65 mg/L범위를 보였다. SO₄²^(-)의 농도는 농업용수 수질기준인 50 mg/L를 초과하는 지역은 없었으며 소양천에서 다소 높았다. 만경강 지류인 고산천에서 조사된 식물은 59과 과 129속 165종 20변종으로 총 185종류가 조사되었으며, 소양천에서 조사된 식물은 53과 111속 141종 19변종으로 총 160종이었고, 전주천 하류에서 조사된 식물은 37과 68속 86종 15변종으로 총 103종이었다. 그리고 삼천에서 조사된 식물은 32과 92속 110종 18변종으로 총 128종류 조사되었으며, 만경강 본류인 하리유역에서 조사된 식물은 73과 134속 218종 33변종으로 총 251종류가 조사되었는데 식물의 생활형에 따라 분류하면 침수식물이 13종, 부엽식물이 5종, 부유식물이 2종, 추수식물이 26종, 수생식물이 46종, 습생식물이 47종으로 조사지점중 이 지역의 식생이 가장 다양하였다. 식물사회학적 방법에 따라 분류된 하천식생의 식물군락은 10개의 수생식물 군락과 2개의 습생 및 수변식물 군락으로 대별되어졌다. 이들 군락들에 대한 4종류(종수, 종의 풍부도지수, 종의 이질성지수, 종의 균등도지수)의 종 다양성과 토양요인(pH, EC, 유기물 함량, 전질소, 인삭)과의 관계를 분석한 결과 pH가 높을수록 4종류의 종 다양성 지수는 높아 졌으며, EC는 값이 높을수록 종수(SN), 종의 풍부도지수(SR), 종의 이질성지수(H'), 종의 균등도지수(J')가 낮아 졌다. 또한 유기물 함량(OM)과 전질소(T-N)의 경우도 4종류의 다양성지수와는 부의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 인산(P₂O_(5))은 4종류의 다양성 지수의 변화에 영향을 미치지 않았다. This study was conducted to evaluate influence of chemical properties in the riparian on the species diversity and to get plant information for enhancement of natural purification in Mankyeong River. The concentration of total nitrogen was high in Jeonju and Sam stream, while that of total nitrogen showed the highest peak in Winter. Concentrations of NH₄-N was 0.01-0.06 ㎎/L in Gosan and Soyang stream. The water quality of upstream along with Mankyeong River was suitable for the imgation source. The riparian vegetation was investigated by Zurich-Montpellier school's method from June, 2001 to September, 2002. The number of riparian plants were 59 families, 129 genera, 165 species, 20 varieties in Gosancheon, on the while 53 families, 111 genera, 141 species, 19 varieties in Soyangcheon The number of riparian plants in Hari basin was higher than that of other sites namely, 73 families, 134 genera, 218 species, 33 varieties. Riparian vegetation was consisted of 12 plant communities. The contents of organic matter, total nitrogen and electrical conductivity had negative relationship with species diversity (Species richness index, Heterogeneity index, Species evenness index, Species number). On the while, species diversity had positive relationship with soil pH. Species diversity of the plant communities were affected by topography and disturbance.

      • 부산지역 강하먼지 중 불용성 중금속 함유량

        이용범,황용식,이창희,박명희,이채관,강동묵,김정원,전병일,문덕환 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.1

        ■ Objectives The purpose of this study was to estimate qualitatively various bulk deposition flux of insoluble heavy metal components by applying regional and seasonal distribution. our institution from January 1980 to December 31th, 2001. ■ Materials and Methods Dustfall particles were collected by the modified American dust jar (wide inlet bottle type) at 6 sampling sites in Pusan area from March, 1999 to February, 2000. Five chemical species (Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni and Pb) were analyzed by AAS(Perkin-Elmer 4100ZL). ■ Results The mean values of each heavy metal concentrations were Cd for 3.947 g/㎢/month, Cr for 0.191 ㎏/㎢/month, Mn for 0.375 ㎏/㎢/month, Ni for 0.176 ㎏/㎢/month, and Pb for 0.823 ㎏/㎢/month. ■ Conclusions Insoluble heavy metal amount of regional variations were found in order of industrial zone, coastal zone, commercial zone, agricultural zone and residential zone.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        백두구, 소두구 및 砂仁의 形態 鑑別에 관한 硏究

        金鍾元,任德彬,李暎鍾 대한본초학회 2005 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        Objectives : In order to distinguish Amomi Cardamomi Fructus, Cardamomi Fructus, and Amomi Fructus, their external, internal, and flour states were observed via microscopic examination. Method : The slice of the tested material made by paraffin section technique was colored with Safranine Malachite Green contrast methods, and the flour of it was mounted by the liquid made by the same ratio of each of glycerin, acetic acid, and water, and then observed and photographed by olymphus-BHT. Result : 1. The seed of Amomum cardomomwn Linne is close to a ball-shape, the color of its pericarp is milk-white or light brown with a diameter of 0.8~1.2cm. The seed of Elettaria cardamomum Maton is oval, and the color of its pericarp is light yellow or yellow-green with a length of 1~2cm and diameter of 5~7cm. The seed of Amomum xanthoides Wallich is close to a ball-shape, and the color of its pericarp is yellow-brown or brown, with thin and compact protrusion, and with a length of 1.5~2cm and diameter of 1~1.5cm. 2. As for the internal form, the mesocarp of Amomi Cardamomi Fructus and '1,Cardamomi Fructus shows once-rounded vascular bundles, and that of Amomi Fructus shows once- or twice-rounded vascular bundles. Amomi Cardamomi Fructus has annulus of stone cells layered among vascular bundles, but Cardamomi Fructus and Amomi Fructus do not have them. Endopleura has stone cells, and the stone cells of Cardamomi Fructus are 16~20㎛ long and 10~20㎛ wide, while Cardamomi Fructus itself is 50~60㎛ long and 40㎛ wide, and the stone cells of Amomi Fructus is 12~16㎛ long and 12㎛ wide. 3. In flour states, the cell sizes of endopleura are as follows: Amomi Cardamomi Fructus and Amomi Fructus are small by 9~25㎛, while Cardamomi Fructus is relatively large with a length of 50~60㎛ and width of 40㎛. Conclusion : Significant differences were found among Amomi Cardamomi Fructus, Cardamomi Fructus, and Amomi Fructus in their external forms. In addition, there were also some differences in their internal and flour states. Therefore, they can be distinguished through observation via microscopic examination.

      • 도시유역 배수 관망체계의 계량형태학적 분석

        박상덕,김문모,이원한 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1991 논문집 Vol.23 No.2

        The objective of this study is to analyse the validity of urban drainage systems. Morphometric theory is applied to storm sewer systems of Seoul city for analysing this drainage network morphometrically. As the result, Horton's stream order method is applicable to the urban drainage systems and the validity of the drainage systems is judged and also applying this result to ungaged basin. Same as the rainfall intensity, duration and bifurcation ratio in case of bad drainage systems, the peak flow per unit drainage area is smaller than that of good drainage systems. So, if the bifurcation ratio is large, the flood control is advantageous. Because the shape of the basin effects on the runoff hydrograph, successive study considered to morphometric characteristics of the basin is needed.

      • 삼변수 kappa 분포를 적용한 매년 최대연속강우량 계열의 빈도해석

        박상덕,이원환 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1991 논문집 Vol.23 No.2

        The total depths of a rainfall event may be important in planning of flood control. This study is to analyse the applicability of three parameter kappa distribution for annual maximum series of continuous rainfall at Seoul, Incheon, Busan, and Kwangju meteorological station and to compare to three parameter lognormal distribution, extremal type 1 distribution, Pearson type 3 distribution, and log-Pearson type 3 distribution. As results of this study annual maximum series of continuous rainfall are random data and are fitted by three parameter kappa distribution. For large return period the probable continuous rainfall depths by three parameter kappa distribution are more than those by other distribution, for small return period the rainfall depths are less. The probable continuous rainfall depths by extremal type 1 distribution are computed less than by other distribution. The type of best fitted probable distribution for a rainfall data must be chosen by considering the X² value and the probable rainfall depths for large return period.

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