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        사내커뮤니케이션과 구성원 정서적, 자주적, 변화참여 열의와의 관계 연구

        신호창(Shin, Ho-Chang),송주현(Song, Ju-Hyun) 한국정치정보학회 2015 정치정보연구 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 현대 경영에서 중요시되는 소통과 그 동안 커뮤니케이션학에서는 잘 다루어지지 않았던 열의(engagement)의 개념에 주목하여 사내커뮤니케이션과 구성원 열의와의 관계를 통합적으로 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 실무 종사자 약 300여 명을 표집하여 서베이 연구를 실시하였으며, 본 정량적 연구결과를 보강하고 변인간의 관계를 심층적으로 이해하고자 사내커뮤니케이션과 밀접한 직무를 수행하는 국내 유수 기업의 홍보, 인사, 기업 문화 담당 실무자 11명을 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 진행했다. 연구결과, 사내커뮤니케이션의 차원과 구성원 열의의 세부 변인 간에 밀접한 영향 관계가 나타났다. 기업의 가치관(경영이념)에 대한 구성원의 이해가 높을수록 구성원은 기업에 대한 소속감, 애착감이 높아지는 상관관계가 나타났으며, 업무상황에서 개인의 커뮤니케이션 능력과 구성원의 역할인지가 높을수록 업무에 대한 의미감과 자신감이 높게 나타나는 정(+)적인 관계를 발견할 수 있었다. 또한 조직 변화 시기에 구성원의 지지와 참여를 이끌어내기 위해서는 커뮤니케이션 캠페인 활동이 필수적이며, 이를 통해 성공적인 변화를 안착할 수 있음이 드러났다. 본 연구는 그동안 다양한 용어와 개념적 접근으로 혼재되었던 열의(engagement)를 종합적으로 고찰하여 한국형 구성원 열의를 설명하고자 시도했던 첫 연구라 할 수 있다. 특히 구성원 열의를 자발적이고 능동적인 개념에 주목하여 3가지 차원(정서적 열의, 자주적 열의, 변화참여 열의)을 도출하였다는 점에서 현대 조직 구성원의 특성을 반영하여 열의에 대한 새로운 논의를 이끌어냈다. 또한, 실무적으로도 사보제작 및 사내방송을 통한 일방향적인 커뮤니케이션 전술의 한계를 벗어나 구성원의 열의를 증진시키는 데 기여할 수 있는 커뮤니케이션 콘텐츠 및 전략을 논의하였다. The purpose of present study is to identify relations of internal communication (sharing the values, clearness of work communication, communication campaigns) and employee engagement(affective, independent, change-participation will in change situation). The major findings of the study are summarized as follows: First, there is a direct correlation between sharing the values and affective employee engagement. Especially, employees’ understanding of CEO’s philosophy is significantly associated with employees’ membership and organizational identification. Second, the clearness of work communication has positively related to independent employee engagement in work circumstance. In particular, through the open communication at work, personal communication ability and knowledge of working role are considerably associated with perception of work meaningfulness and job confidence. Third, communication campaign has positive effect on employee change-participation will in organizational change situation. This study has a significance owing to looking into the relations between communication and employee engagement in multiple levels. It focuses on not only the specific conditions related to employee’s job satisfaction or citizenship behaviors but also participation will in organizational changing situation. Also, this study strongly concludes that internal communication factors need to be considered in order to increase the level of employee engagement and improve the work effectiveness.


        hnRNPK-regulated PTOV1-AS1 modulates heme oxygenase-1 expression via miR-1207-5p

        ( Chang Hoon Shin ),( Seongho Ryu ),( Hyeon Ho Kim ) 생화학분자생물학회(구 한국생화학분자생물학회) 2017 BMB Reports Vol.50 No.4

        Antisense transcripts were initially identified as transcriptional noise, but have since been reported to play an important role in the quality control of miRNA functions. In this report, we tested the hypothesis that heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNPK) regulates miRNA function via competitive endogenous RNAs, such as pseudogenes, long non-coding RNAs, and antisense transcripts. Based on analyses of RNA sequencing data, the knockdown of hnRNPK decreased the antisense PTOV1-AS1 transcript which harbors five binding sites for miR-1207-5p. We identified heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mRNA as a novel target of miR-1207-5p by western blotting and Ago2 immunoprecipitation. The knockdown of hnRNPK or PTOV1-AS1 suppressed HO-1 expression by increasing the enrichment of HO-1 mRNA in miR-1207-5p-mediated miRISC. Downregulation of HO-1 by a miR-1207-5p mimic or knockdown of hnRNPK and PTOV1- AS1 inhibited the proliferation and clonogenic ability of HeLa cells. Taken together, our results demonstrate that hnRNPKregulated PTOV1-AS1 modulates HO-1 expression via miR- 1207-5p. [BMB Reports 2017; 50(4): 220-225]

      • KCI등재

        석탄(石灘) 이신의(李愼儀)의 『대학(大學)』 독해(讀解)와 그 특징(特徵)

        신창호 ( Chang Ho Shin ) 한국철학사연구회 2012 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.35

        본고는 석탄 이신의의 『대학차록(大學箚錄)』을 통해, 『대학』을 바라보는 그의 독창적 안목을 고찰하는 작업이다. 이신의(李愼儀, 1551-1627)는 조선 중기의 학자이자 정치가로, 본관은 전의(全義)이고 자는 경칙(景則)이며 호는 석탄(石灘), 시호는 문정(文貞)이다. 그의 『대학차록』은 『대학장구』를 읽고 체득한 내용을 수시로 적은 기록으로 석탄이 정치지도자로서 기초를 다지는 학문의 초기 과정에서 저술되었다. 석탄은 『대학장구』의 체제인 장(章)과 구(句)의 의미를 명확하게 구분하여 분석적 학문방법론의 새 지평을 열었다. 『대학장구』「서」에서는 대학의 핵심이 경(敬)에 있음을 강조하였고, 『대학』이 심(心)과 성(性)을 함께 다루고 있다는 사실도 밝혔다. 『대학(장구)대전』의 경문(經文) 독해에서는 삼강령(三綱領)의 핵심을 명(明)과 신(新)과 지(止)에 달려 있다고 보고, 대학의 ``도(道)``, ``명(明)``과 ``덕(德)``의 맥락을 구체적으로 해석하였다. 또한 명명덕(明明德)과 신민(新民)을 비롯한 『대학』의 여러 개념과 의미를 지(知)와 행(行), 체(體)와 용(用)의 관계로 읽어내며, 성리학을 한층 발전시켰다. 『대학장구』전문(傳文) 독해의 경우, 전 10장 전체에 걸쳐 50여구 하나하나를 분석적으로 검토하였다. 주자의 격물(格物) 이론이 담겨 있는 전5장의 경우, 세 부분으로 나누어 해독하면서, 이치의 궁구와 개별 사물에 대한 격물치지(格物致知), 모든 사물에 대한 물격지지(物格知至)로 나누어 ``이치-공부-효험’의 순서로 정돈하였다. 마지막으로 정치사상의 핵심을 보여준 전10장에서는 혈구(혈矩)의 길을 집중적으로 강조하며, 그것이 목민관의 제일 덕목임을 일러주고 있다. This research is to investigate his creative perspective to Deahak through Seoktan Lee Shin-Ui`s Daehakcharok. Lee Shin-Ui is a scholar and politician in the middle of Joseon Dynasty. His ancestral home is Jeonui. The honor name is Gyeongchik and pen name is Seoktan. The posthumous name is MunJeong. His Daehakcharok was written in the process of taking basic foundation as the politic leader. It was a record that he usually wrote down things realized after reading Deahakjanggu. Seoktan clearly classified the meaning of Jang (chapter) and Gu (phrase) as the structure of Deahakjanggu, and created new realm about the method of classified study. In the preface of Deahakjanggu, he emphasized that the core of Deahak is in Gyeong (敬, respect or honor), and clarified that Deahak deals with Sim (心, mind) and Seong (性, human nature). In the interpretation of Daehakdeajeon, he thought that the core of Samgangnyeong (三 綱領, three doctrines or essential principles) depended on Myeong (明, realizing), Shin (新, taking re-newness), and Ji (止, achieving) as the meaning of ``realizing, taking re-newness, and achieving``, and interpreted the context of Tao (道, the way), Myeong (明, realizing), and Deuk (德, virtue) in detail. In addition, he interpreted various concepts and meaning of Deahak with Myeongmyeongdeuk (明明德, realizing human nature) and Sinmin (新民, renewing people) as relationship with Ji(知, realization), Haeng(行, practice), Che(體, main structure), and Yong (用, dealing with), and developed Neo-Confucianism deeply. In case of the main interpretation of Deahakjanggu, he analytically reviewed 50 phrases one by one throughout 10 total chapters. In case of chapter five which includes Zhuzi`s the theory of Gyeokmul (格物, approaching things or persons), he interpreted it in three parts and classified Gyeokmulchiji(格物致知, approaching things or persons and then realizing their nature) about researching deeply of principle and each thing, and Mulgyeokjiji(物格知至, approaching things or persons and then realizing them) about all things. He arranged in order of ``principleresearching-result`` as well. In final, chapter ten showing the core of politic thought emphasized the way of Hyeolgu(혈矩, considering others` situation through his/her own experience) intensively and informed that it is the best virtue for a governor.

      • KCI등재

        PR 실무자와 기자의 언론관계에 관한 상호 인식 비교 연구

        신호창 ( Ho Chang Shin ),김미현 ( Mi Hyun Kim ) 한국PR학회 2002 PR연구 Vol.6 No.1

        Media relations to take deep effect to audience is the highest priority for public relations practitioners to increase the high contact with their public. Indeed, this process remains the misunderstanding and prejudice between journalists and PR practitioners. This study is attempt to compare the perception based on the pre-study done by Ho-Chang Shin in 1994. Questionnaires were sent to 200 journalists and 200 public relations practitioners and 102 journalists(response rate=51.0%) and 127(63.5%) practitioners were replied. Here are the findings : First, the field of media relations consists mainly of obtaining publicity is considered important by journalist and public relations practitioner. And they think that the negative factor such as treats including dining or restriction of press release is not important. This result shows the different thing compared to the pre-study. Second, public relations practitioners and journalists disagree regarding the point of view of media relations. Practitioners perceive journalists a specialized and high-responsibility man. but journalist has lower respects about themselves than practitioner perceive them. The two group reported different perception of public relations` view. It is found that practitioner has more positive thinking on the public relations` view than journalist. In the correlations, practitioners` and journalists` perception on each other shows significant difference. PR practitioner recognize journalist as a partner at a same level. But journalist consider PR practitioner and information source. Third, practitioner and journalist have similarity on their ethical value. If its degree is low, it is possible that activities such as treat, presents and request to correct news to enhance relationship between two groups. Fourth, in media relations, practitioners are tends to corporate with journalists for company`s positive image. And they also react objectively to the crisis. But journalist is reluctant to agree the various activities of PR practitioners in media relations. Fifth, the result here for media relations model of Korea compared to pre-study can be suggested as follows : ① journalist-oriented, ② media coverage, ③ information distortion, ④ information management, and ⑤ positive public relations.

      • Induction of heme oxygenase-1 protects against podocyte apoptosis under diabetic conditions

        Lee, Sang Choel,Han, Seung Hyeok,Li, Jin Ji,Lee, Sun Ha,Jung, Dong-Sub,Kwak, Seung-Jae,Kim, Seung Hye,Kim, Dong Ki,Yoo, Tae-Hyun,Kim, Jin Hyun,Chang, Se-Ho,Han, Dae Suk,Kang, Shin-Wook International Society of Nephrology 2009 Kidney international Vol.76 No.8

        Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an anti-oxidant enzyme normally upregulated in response to oxidant injury. Here we determined the role of HO-1 in podocyte apoptosis in glomeruli of streptozotocin-treated rats and in immortalized mouse podocytes cultured in media containing normal or high glucose. HO-1 expression, its activity, the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 protein, and active caspase-3 fragments were all significantly higher in isolated glomeruli of diabetic rats and in high glucose–treated podocytes. These increases were inhibited by zinc protoporphyrin treatment of the rats or by HO-1 siRNA treatment of the podocytes in culture. The number of apoptotic cells was also significantly increased in the glomeruli of diabetic rats and in high glucose–treated podocytes. Inhibition of HO-1 accentuated the increase in apoptotic cells both in vivo and in vitro. Our findings suggest that HO-1 expression protects against podocyte apoptosis under diabetic conditions.


        Intracavitary Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Cystic Brain Tumors with Holmium-166-Chico : A Pilot Study

        Ha, Eun Jin,Gwak, Ho-Shin,Rhee, Chang Hun,Youn, Sang Min,Choi, Chang-Woon,Cheon, Gi Jeong The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2013 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.54 No.3

        Objective : Intracavitary injection of beta-emitting radiation source for control of cystic tumors has been tried with a benefit of localized internal radiation. The authors treated cystic brain tumor patients with Holmium-166-chitosan complex (Ho-166-chico), composed of a beta-emitting radionuclide Holmium-166 and biodegradable chit polymer, and evaluated the safety and effective measurement for response. Methods : Twenty-two patients with recurrent cystic brain tumor and/or located in a deep or eloquent area were enrolled in this pilot study. The cyst volume and wall thickness were determined on CT or MRI to assess radiological response. The activity of Ho-166-chico injected via Ommaya reservoir was prescribed to be 10-25 Gy to the cyst wall in a depth of 4 mm. Results : There was neither complications related to systemic absorption nor leakage of Ho-166-chico in all 22 patients. But, two cases of oculomotor paresis were observed in patients with recurrent craniopharyngioma. Radiological response was seen in 14 of 20 available follow-up images (70%). Seven patients of 'evident' radiological response experienced more than 25% decrease of both cyst volume and wall thickness. Another 7 patients with 'suggestive' response showed decrease of cyst volume without definitive change of the wall thickness or vice versa. All patients with benign tumors or low grade gliomas experienced symptomatic improvement. Conclusion : Ho-166-chico intracavitary radiation therapy for cystic tumor is a safe method of palliation without serious complications. The determination of both minimal effective dosage and time interval of repeated injection through phase 1 trial could improve the results in the future.

      • KCI등재

        사상 : 농암 김창협의 학문 수용과 지각론

        김영훈 ( Young Hoon Kim ),전선숙 ( Sun Suk Jeon ),신창호 ( Chang Ho Shin ) 영산대학교 동양문화연구원 2012 동양문화연구 Vol.11 No.-

        본 연구는 조선시대 유학자인 농암(農巖) 김창협(金昌協, 1651-1708)의 학문 수용 과정을 지각론을 중심으로 살펴본 것이다. 김창협은 율곡학파 계열의 학자이지만 퇴계 이황의 학설에 호감을 갖고 이를 긍정하여 자신의 학파와 절충하는 독특한 사상을 전개하였다. 율곡 이이의 사단칠정론에 대해 반대한 것은 아니지만 비판적 입장을 취하면서, 리발(理發)을 중심으로 하는 퇴계 이황의 이론을 수용하였다. 그것은 호락논쟁으로 이어지면서 김창협의 학문적 성숙을 유도하였고, 마침내 지각설이라는 이론 체계로 드러났다. 그의 지각론은 첫째, 성(性)은 성즉리(性卽理)의 입장에서 파악해야 하고 지(智) 또는 리(理)를 중심으로 해석해야 한다는 것, 둘째, 지(智)는 분별의 리(理)로 해석하는 것이 옳고, ‘밝게 비춘다’라는 구절의 해석에서 기미와 색상은 자연스럽게 드러난다는 점, 셋째, 지(智)는 사물의 시비득실(是非得失)의 차별을 구별하고 판단하는 기준이 된다는 점 등이 강조되었다. 다시 말하면, 인간은 사물을 접하게 마련이고, 심(心)의 지각은 이를 감각 기관을 통하여 받으며, 지각을 통해 받아들인 것은 인의예지신(仁義禮智信)의 성(性)에 의해 정해지고, 인간은 자신의 행동을 결정하며, 지는 인간의 내부에서 구체적인 정(情)의 작용인 측은지심, 수오지심, 사양지심, 시비지심의 모습으로 나타난다는 것이다. 이러한 인식은 인간을 주체이고 능동적 역할을 하는 존재로 부각시키는 사상적 근거가 된다. This research aimed to review the process regarding acceptance of studies about Nongam Kim Chang-Hyeop who was a confucian of Joseon Dynasty with the theory of intelligence and perception as the central figure. Being the scholar of Yulgok school, Kim Chang-Hyeop was interested in Toegye Lee Hwang`s theory, agreed with it, made a compromise with his school, and developed his unique thought. Although he did not object to Yulgok Lee Yi`s Sa Dan Chil Jeong Non(四端七情論, it is a theory regarding Sa Dan which are perfect virtue, righteousness, courtesy, and perception according to the theory of Mencius. and Chil Jeong which are pleasure, anger, sadness, joy, love, hate, and avariciousness), he took a critical attitude regarding it and accepted Lee Hwang`s theory with Li Bal(理發, appearing principle law) as the central figure. It was followed by Ho Rak Non Jaeng(湖洛論爭, it is an argument regarding whether human nature and thing`s nature are same or not), led the maturity of Kim Chang-Hyeop`s study, and finally appeared with the theoretical system of intelligence and perception. His theory of intelligence and perception emphasized that first, nature is perceived by "nature is principle law" and interpreted by intelligence or principle law. Second, it is right that intelligence is interpreted by principle law of discernment and smell, taste, and color naturally appear with interpretation of "shine brightly on." Third, intelligence is the criterion of discernment and judgement regarding differentiation of Si Bi Deuk Sil(是非得失, right, wrong, obtaining, and losing) about things. In other words, a person always faces any things, intelligence and perception of mind is arranged through sense organ, things accepted through intelligence and perception are determined by the nature of In Ui Ye Ji Sin(仁義禮智信, perfect virtue, righteousness, courtesy, intelligence, and trust), people determine their action, intelligence appears with the working of feeling which are Cheuk Eun Ji Sim, So O Ji Sim, Sa Yang Ji Sim, and Si Bi Si Sim. This perception becomes a foundation of thought which emphasizes human beings as a active role and a subject.

      • PET/CT 검사 환자의 피폭선량 경감을 위한 연구

        김봉수,표성재,조용귀,신채호,조진우,김창호,Kim, Bong-Su,Pyo, Sung-Jai,Cho, Yong-Gyi,Shin, Chai-Ho,Cho, Jin-Woo,Kim, Chang-Ho 대한핵의학기술학회 2009 핵의학 기술 Vol.13 No.3

        목적 : 환자의 피폭선량 감소를 위해 PET/CT검사 시Pitch를 조절하여 환자의 피폭선량을 줄일 수 있는 방법에 대해 고려해 보고 Pitch 조정이 CT 영상과 PET의 SUV값에 영향을 주어 변화가 있는지를 살펴 보고자 한다. 방법 : Siemens사의 Biograph Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scanner (CT 형식 : TRCT-240-130 (WCT-240-130)을 사용하였다. 환자의 피폭선량 평가로는 CT 조사선량 측정기인 PTW-DIADOS 11003/1383를 사용하여 선량을 측정하였고 Pitch 조정이 CT 영상에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 AAPM Standard Phantom을 이용하여 pitch 변화에 따른 CT 영상의 공간 분해능을 측정하여 비교하였다. 그리고, PET source consists of a solid radioactive cylinder phantom을 사용하여 Pitch 변화에 따른 Fusion 영상의 SUV값을 산출하여 PET/CT 영상에서 SUV값이 변하였는지 확인하였다. 결과 : 2slice CT scanner에서는 Pitch가 0.7~1.3까지는 방사선량이 크게 떨어지나 1.5~1.9까지는 방사선량의 감소가 작아졌으며 Pitch값이 커질수록 환자의 피폭선량이 작아지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 Pitch값의 증가에 따른 SUV값의 변화는 거의 없었으며. Pitch값이 PET SUV값에 영향을 주지 않는다는 것을 알 수 있었다. Pitch의 변화가 CT 영상에도 크게 영향을 주지 않는 것을 알 수 있었다. 결론 : 위의 결과로 PET/CT를 사용하는 병원은 영상의 왜곡이 없고 PET SUV값에 영향을 주지 않는 범위 내에서 각 병원에 맞는 Pitch값을 찾아서 환자의 피폭 경감을 위해 노력해야 할 것이다. 그리고 Multi-detector를 가진 CT scanner인 경우에 모두 해당 될 것이라 생각되며 향후 다른 장비에서도 이와 같은 실험이 필요하다 하겠다. Purpose: As the number of patients has increased since the installation of a PET/CT, we are now examining about 2500-3000 annually. We have realized that if we properly adjust a pitch under the same condition of a CT during a PET/CT exam, radiation quantity that reaches the patient can change. In order to reduce the exposure dose of a patient, the research examines a method of reducing the exposure dose of a patient by controlling the pitch during a PET/CT exam, viewing whether the adjustment of the pitch influences CT image and PET SUV. Methods: The equipment used is a Biograph Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scanner (CT type: TRCT-240-130 (WCT-240-130)) of Siemens company. For the evaluation of exposure dose of a patient, we measured radiation quantities using a PTW-DIADOS 11003/1383, which is a CT radiation measurement instrument used by Siemens. We measured and analyzed the space resolutions of CT images caused by the change of pitches using an AAPM Standard Phantom in order to see how the adjustment of pitches influenced the CT images. In addition, in order to obtain SUVs caused by each change of pitches using a PET source made with a solid radioactive cylinder phantom, we confirmed whether the SUVs changed in the PET/CT images by calculating the SUVs of the fusion images caused by the change of pitches after obtaining CT and PET images and finishing the test. Results: 2slice CT scanner showed that radiation quantities largely dropped when pitches ranged from 0.7 to 1.3 and that the reduction of radiation quantities were smaller when pitches ranged from 1.5 to 1.9. That is, we found that the bigger pitch values are the smaller the radiation quantities of a patient are. Moreover, we realized that there is no change of SUVs caused by the increase of pitches and that pitch values do not influence PET SUVs and the quality of CT images. It is judged that using 1.5 as a pitch value contributes to the reduction of exposure dose of a patient as long as there is no problem in the quality of an image. Conclusions: When seeing the result of the research, hospital using a PET/CT should make an effort to reduce the exposure dose of a patient seeking pitch values appropriate for their hospital within the range in which there is no image distortion and PET SUVs are not influenced from pitches. We think that the research can apply to all multi-detectors having a CT scanner and that such a research will be needed for other equipments in the future.

      • CMOS 연산 증폭기 및 비교기 회로의 자동 설계

        신현우,김천호,김득경,신창호,신경욱 國立金烏工科大學校附設生産技術硏究所 1994 産業技術開發硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The paper describes a CMOS analog circuit design tool, K_ACD(Kumoh_Analog Circuits Designer), and design results. The K_ACD was developed for automatic design of fundamental analog circuit blocks such as comparator, unbuffered OP AMP, and buffered OP AMP. For given specifications and process parameters, it computes bias currents, transistor sizes, voltage gain, and power dissipation, then SPICE simulations are automatically carried out. Some design examples show usefulness of the K_ACD in analog circuit designs.



        Chang, Joo Hyun,Shin, Jae Pil,Kim, In Taek,Park, Dong Ho Lippincott 2016 Retina Vol.36 No.1

        <P>Purpose:To evaluate the variation of 24-hour intraocular pressure (IOP) in silicone oil (SO)-filled eyes.Methods:Prospective, nonrandomized comparative case series of 42 eyes of 21 patients, each with an SO-filled eye after vitrectomy. The fellow eyes served as controls. Each subject slept the usual 8 hours, and IOPs were measured at 4-hour intervals over 24 hours, twice before sleep (5:30 and 9:30 pm), twice during sleep (1:30 and 5:30 am), and twice after sleep (9.30 am and 1:30 pm). Intraocular pressure was measured in the sitting position using a Goldmann applanation tonometer. The SO-filled eyes and fellow eyes were compared with respect to diurnal-to-nocturnal and nocturnal-to-diurnal IOP changes.Results:At all 6 time points, SO-filled eyes had higher mean IOPs than fellow eyes (all P < 0.05). For both groups, mean nocturnal IOP was higher than mean diurnal IOP (both P < 0.001). Changes in diurnal-to-nocturnal IOP and nocturnal-to-diurnal IOP between SO-filled eyes and fellow eyes did not differ significantly (P > 0.05, respectively). The peak IOP occurred in the nocturnal period for all fellow eyes and for 94.7% of SO-filled eyes.Conclusion:The IOP of SO-filled eyes varied over a 24-hour period, peaking largely in the nocturnal period, as observed for the IOP of fellow eyes.</P>

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