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        고려시대 본품항두(本品行頭)

        이진한 한국역사연구회 2004 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.54

        In this article, the Bonpum Hangdu/本品行頭 figures of the Goryeo dynasty will be examined. In major national ceremonies, these Bonpum Hangdu figures were positioned in the most prominent places among fellow figures who shared the same Hangryeol ranking, and during those occasions the Hangdu figures were put in charge of certain special tasks. It was an honorable treatment for these figures, to let them take charge in such tasks. Previously, the official ranking indicated by a Bonpum Hangdu post was believed to be the Bonpum ranking of that person as well. And one of the previous understandings regarding the Bonpum Hangdu figures was that, for example, when a Bonpum Hangdu figure was appointed to a post like the post of Yaebu Shirang/禮部侍郞(holding the rank of Jeong 4th Pum) and also to a post, say, Uh-Seungseon/右承宣(holding the rank of Jeong 3rd Pum), such person would be considered as a Bonpum Hangdu figure of the Jeong 3rd Pum ranking group, instead of being recognized as a Bonpum Hangdu figure for the Jeong 4th Pum ranking group. But according to a series of analyses with related examples, it seems to be clear that the official rank indicated by the Bonpum Hangdu post itself did not function as an indicator of the rank. Such Bonpum Hangdu post had to be given to a person with yet another Bonpum post. And the rank of that Bonpum post served as an indicator of to which Bonpum that person should be belonged, as a Hangdu figure. For example, if a person was assigned to posts of Yaebu Shirang and Uh-Seungseon at the same time, the Jeong 4th Pum rank would serve as a Bonpum rank, and the Uh-Seungseon post, regardless of its inherent rank, would only serve as an indication that this person was a Hangdu figure. So, the person in question was to be considered a Bonpum Hangdu figure, representing the officials holding the rank of the Jeong 4th Pum. What should be noted is that even though the Bonpum Hangdu posts carried official ranks, they did not serve as an indicator of the person's official status in terms of ranking. This was a unique characteristic of the Goyeo administrative system, and should be considered an instrumental concept that would help us distinguish the concurrent titles(posts) from the Bonpum posts. The concurrent titles did not mean the title of the person, and the Bonpum posts were what truly indicated that person's ranking.

      • 생활습관병 예방 프로젝트 2 바로알기 - 잘못된 자세가 불러오는 척추질환

        이진한,Lee, Jin-Han 한국건강관리협회 2013 건강소식 Vol.37 No.3

        가슴, 배, 엉덩이로 떨어지는 척추의 'S라인'은 아름다운 허리선을 대표한다. 그러나 외면적 아름다움보다 내면이 건강한 허리를 만들기 위해 신경 써야 할 것은 바로 척추의 중심을 잡는 일. 잘못된 자세로 신체의 균형이 깨져 발생하는 요통은 다양한 질환으로 발전하게 된다. 가장 대표적인 척추질환에 대해 알아보자.

      • KCI등재
      • 兒童의 運動參與에 관한 硏究 : A focus on the participation in athletic teams 運動部에 가입을 中心으로

        노일환,李鎭漢 公州大學校스포츠科學硏究所 1999 스포츠科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.13

        This study was carried to derive the following conclusions as a result of the analysis of the cause and effect relationship between the social characteristics and the indiviaual athletic role caused by the family members affecting on athletic socialization as a role of the childhood participation in athletic activities : 1) The parental admissive attitude and the friends' inducement to take part in an athletic team have an important effect on it. 2) The differential attitude in gender toward the participation in the team is great(P〈0.01). Especially the participation and intesest by the boys are greater than those of the girls. And their motivations and objectives differ depending on the gender. 3) In case of childhood the initial athletic socialization appears to be formed already before the fourth year of primary school. 4) The important others involved in the athletic participation are dependent factors of parents, friends and individuals. 5) The difference between membership and non-membership of an athletic team is P〈0.01. The interest and concern is the secondany athletic participation by a child are different and they are independent between each other. 6) The athletic participation (an independent factor) by a child is affecting the attitude and consciousness toward athletics by his/her parents. Here I would like to propose the followings based on the above : 1) A further study is needed to be carried with a focus on the intersocialization of his/her family members and friends caused by the child athletic participation. 2) A study is also needed to be carried on the self-socialization by a child athletic participation and the problems occurring there should be raised.

      • KCI등재
      • 생활습관병 예방 프로젝트 3 예방하기 - 간염 제대로 관리하자

        이진한,Lee, Jin-Han 한국건강관리협회 2013 건강소식 Vol.37 No.12

        일상 속에서 간염은 대수롭지 않게 취급되거나, 아예 사람들의 관심 밖에 있는 경우가 많다. 하지만 간염은 피로와 감기 몸살 증상을 일으키는 등 일상생활에 지장을 줄 뿐만 아니라 방치할 경우 간경화나 간암과 같은 치명적인 간 질환으로 발전해 당신의 생명을 위협할 수도 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 해양사의 재인식과 새로운 유형의 ‘해양역사인물’ 찾기

        이진한 한국해양수산개발원 2017 해양정책연구 Vol.32 No.1

        In this article, we review Korea's maritime history, examine policies of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries that aim to promote the public interest in maritime affairs by introducing historical maritime figures, and discuss how these policies need to evolve. First we argue that developing a perspective on its maritime history is essential for accurate understanding of the Korean history, and examine marine-related affinities of our ancestors within a contemporary context. Then we introduce the concept of historical maritime figures, categorize them based on their activities and achievements, and identify who would be newly included in the list of historical maritime figures. Based on this work, we propose how to combine their achievements with marine spirits to raise the awareness among more people. The primary task is to develop contents that can draw attention of youngsters, and prod people to voluntarily share and convey information on historical maritime figures through various media sources including SNS. Most of all, close policy coordination with related organizations is essential so that contents on historical maritime figures are broadly included in social studies textbooks for grammar schools and history textbooks for middle- and high schools. 본고는 한국 해양사에 대해 재조명하고, ‘해양역사인물’ 선정 사업을 통해 국민들에게 해양에 대한 관심을 높이려는 해양수산부의 정책과 그 발전 방향을 고찰하였다. 한국사를 올바르게 이해하기 위해서는 해양사적 인식이 필수적이며, 우리 조상들의 해양적 속성을 찾아내 현대적 의미로 승화시켜야 한다는 점을 설명하였다. 다음으로 ‘해양역사인물’에 대한 개념을 검토하고, 인물의 활동 내용을 고려하여 유형화하였으며, 이미 선정된 ‘해양역사인물’에 포함되지 않은 다양한 분야의 인물을 발굴하였다. 그리고 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 인물들의 업적을 해양 정신과 연계시켜 국민들에게 알리는 방식을 제시하였다. 먼저 청소년들이 관심을 끌만한 방식으로 콘텐츠를 만들 필요가 있으며, SNS 등을 통해 그 달의 ‘해양역사인물’에 관한 정보를 국민들에게 전달하는 능동적인 방식을 도입해야 한다. 무엇보다도 ‘해양역사인물’이 초등학교 사회 교과서나 중고등학교 역사 교과서에 많이 서술되도록 관련 기관들과의 긴밀한 정책적 협조가 이루어져야할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        高麗時代 本品行頭制의 運營과 變化

        이진한 고려사학회 2007 한국사학보 Vol.- No.26

        This paper have examined the efficiency of the Bonpumhangdu system which had put in act in 1116(the 11th year of the Goryeo king Yejong's reign) in the aspects of court rituals and of plural office-holding system, and have followed the abolishing process during the Military regime(1178~1278). This Bonpumhangdu system was used in placing officials, who belonged to the same rank, in order. The Goryeo officials could decide where he should stand in the royal court according to whether he holds the post of Hangdu of his own rank, or how many Hangdu posts he holds. The official who held the Hangdu post was outranked and could stand in front of other colleagues of the same rank, which was an honor both for the official himself and for his clan. It was one of the main principles of the Goryeo court that even a very small difference among governmental posts should be strictly recognized. The Bonpumhangdu system clearly illustrates this distinctive application of the official regulations of the Goryeo dynasty. As we have seen, the Hangdu post was an additional post given only with a main post. This trait helped the Goryeo personnel management to function harmoniously. It also served as a method of privileging the official who held the post. However, the system got distorted as the Hangdu post was given to the military officers after the Military coup d'eta in 1170. The post was changed into a regular post, not an additional honor as before, and became nominal in the reign of king Chungryeolwang. 1116년(예종 11)에 실시된 본품항두제의 제도적 효율성을 의례와 겸직제의 측면에서 확인하고, 무신정권의 성립 이후 제도의 폐지과정을 고찰하였다. 이 제도의 운영 방식에 의하면, 같은 반차의 관인들을 본품항두직의 겸직 여부 또는 그 수에 따라 그 서열을 갈랐으며 그것은 의례에 서는 위치로 표현되었다. 관인들 간의 작은 지위의 차이조차 구별해야 한다는 것이 고려시대 관제 운영 원칙의 하나였으며, 이러한 사실을 본품항두제가 잘 보여주고 있었다. 그리고 본품항두직을 겸직으로 운영했던 것은 본품 관직과 함께 제수함으로써 인사를 보다 원활하게 할 뿐 아니라 본품항두직과 같은 중요한 관직을 수행하는 관인을 우대하기 위한 것이었다. 그런데 무신정권기에 본품항두직을 무반에게 제수하면서 제도의 변질이 시작되었고, 점차 그것이 본품 관직으로 바뀌어 갔으며, 결국 충렬왕대에는 제도 자체가 유명무실해졌다.

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