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      • KCI등재

        자토석독구결에 나타난 선어말어미 ‘-겨-’의 통합 양상과 의미 기능

        이상금 구결학회 2019 구결연구 Vol.43 No.-

        This study aims to show the syntagmatic phenomenon and the semantic function of the prefinal ending ‘-gyeo-’ in Jatoseokdok-kugyol. It was confirmed that verbs, adjectives, and copula could all come before ‘--,’ followed by ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘-{雖}’, ‘-’, ‘-’. When the predicate words incorporated in ‘--’ were arranged according to the order of arrangement, ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’ were preceded and ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’ were followed. Two types of ‘--’ followed by ‘--’ were discussed. There were also no examples of ‘--’ and ‘-o-’ integrating with ‘--.’ For ‘--’ that appears in various environments, the semantic function of ‘--’ that encompasses the emerging environment was not decided, but the semantic function of ‘--’ that appears in the naming constructions, ‘-’ and ‘有’ was reviewed. This paper proposes that the semantic function of ‘--’ was defined as the speaker’s attitude towards the truth of the proposition. It was also discussed that ‘-’ and ‘有’ can be interpreted as ‘speaker's confidence’ and ‘past tense or perfective respectively in the context. 본고는 자토석독구결 자료에 나타난 ‘-[겨]-’의 통합 양상과 의미 기능을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한 것이다. 먼저 ‘--’에 통합된 선후행 요소를 검토함으로써 ‘--’의 통합 특성을 정리하였다. ‘--’는 동사, 형용사, 계사와 바로 통합할 수 있었고 종결어미 ‘-’, 연결어미 ‘-’, ‘-’, ‘-{雖}-’, 동명사어미 ‘-’, ‘-’ 등과 통합할 수 있었다. 선어말어미 ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’는 ‘--’에 선행하였고 ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘--’는 ‘--’에 후행하였다. ‘--’는 ‘--’에 선행하기도 하였고 후행하기도 하였는데 ‘--’에 후행하는 ‘--’에는 두 종류가 있음을 논의하였다. 한편 ‘--’가 ‘--’나 ‘-오-’와 통합된 예는 보이지 않는 것을 확인하였다. 다양한 환경에 나타난 ‘--’에 대해 그 출현 환경을 아우르는 의미 기능을 밝히지 못하고 명명 구문, ‘-’, ‘有’ 등에 나타난 ‘--’를 어떤 의미로 볼 수 있을지 논의하였다. 검토 결과 이러한 구문에서 ‘--’는 ‘명제의 진실함에 대한 화자의 판단’을 나타내는 것으로 파악하였다. 또한 ‘-’와 ‘有’의 ‘--’는 문맥상 각각 ‘진실일 가능성이 높다는 화자의 판단’이나 ‘과거 또는 완료’의 의미로도 해석이 가능함을 논의하였다.

      • KCI우수등재

        유아교육의 질적 고양을 위한 과제

        이상금 한국교육학회 1992 敎育學硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        특히 지방자치체 시대를 앞두고 유아교육의 체제 정비는 유아교육의 질적 향상과 깊이 관련되는 문제이기도 하다. 그리하여 여기에서는 우선 유치원의 공교육화와 학급 인원수 감축의 과제로 한정하여 논의하고자 한다.

      • 대구지역 남·여 대학생의 아침식사여부에 따른 식습관 및 영양섭취상태에 관한 연구

        이상금,김성미 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 2008 科學論集 Vol.34 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate food habits, nutrition knowledge, anthropometric measurement and nutrient intakes according to breakfast frequency of 286 college students(154 male and 132 female) in Daegu area. As a consequence, the following findings were obtained. About 81.1% of respondents well perceived the importance of breakfast, about 70.1% of below 2 per week respondents perceived that. It was found that most of the college students attached importance to breakfast regardless of the frequency of taking breakfast. The cause of eating breakfast was hungry and the main reason for skipping breakfast was no time to eat. The rate of skipping breakfast was higher that the style of mother's occupation was part timer and all day worker than no job. The skipping breakfast rate of take home with family group was 62.8%, but the more frequency eat breakfast than cook for oneself group. The Satisfaction of breakfast was a higher breakfast frequency. The nutrition knowledge and food habits average score according to breakfast frequency was the best score (5 or every day per week group : 10.13(male : 9.14, female : 10.21), 20.90(male : 20.82, female : 21.05)) It was found that most of the respondents got nutritional information from mass media such as radio, TV and internet. 61.9% of them showed a low practical rate with respect to 'I think that the acquired information is right but do not practice it.' As can be seen above, it could be found that college students perceived the importance of breakfast. Analyze nutrient intakes according to breakfast frequency, all groups were below the RI in energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat. The more they were skipping breakfast, the less vitamin, inorganic matter and dietary foods intakes were become. Lack of will practiced knowledge was blocking that correct the bad food habits, for all plenty of chance to contact with nutrition knowledge from the internet and mass communication. The college students will have to concerned about good food habits for healthful the period of adult.

      • KCI등재

        번역학 위상에 대한 고찰과 모형

        이상금 한국독어독문학회 1997 獨逸文學 Vol.62 No.1

        Bis in die 60er und 70er Jahre ist die U¨bersetzungswissenschaft meist mit rein linguistischen Modellen erlau¨tert worden. Dagegen hat W. Koller die U¨bersetzung aus neuen Perspektiven aufgefaßt. Nach seiner Auffassung ist die U¨bersetzung eben nicht als bloße linguistische Umkodierung zu bezeichnen. Dadurch trat eine wichtige wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis, da sich die Sprache aus einer bestimmten Situation innerhalb eines kulturellen Rahmens ergebe, auf. D.h. die U¨bersetzung kann nicht als Substitution des Sprachzeicheninventars beschrieben werden, sondern als kultureller Transfer. Hier ist Kriterium der U¨bersetzung endg¨ultig nicht mehr Bedeutungsidentita¨t beider Sprachen, sondern die kommunikative A¨quivalenz zweier Texte. Nach Steiners Definition ist es Kernwort, daß Sprache gar nicht in erster Linie Informationen vermittele, sondern ihrem Ursprung und Wesen nach Potentiale der Fiktion und der unentscheidbaren Futurita¨t realisiere. Bezu¨glich seiner Definition kann man eine wichtige Definition der U¨bersetzung aufstellen, daß Sprache als geistige Mobilita¨t zwischen den Sprachen der Raum sei, wo die Bewegung zwischen Eigenem und Anderem, als Bewegung auf Freiheit hin konkret werde. Wie oben untersucht wird, hat die U¨bersetzungswissenschaft, die sick freilich von der linguistischen Seite unterscheidet, ihren Weg zur Eigensta¨ndigkeit durch die Entwicklung neuer Perspektiven und eigener Methoden fortgesetzt. Da die von mir untersuchte U¨bersetzungswissenschaft auf die literaturwissenschaftliche Richtung orientiert ist, handelt es sich in dieser Arbeit um $quot;Metatext und soziokulturelle Elemente$quot;, weil man die obengenannte Definition fu¨r eine Anna¨herung an neue Paradigmen in der heutigen U¨bersetzungsforschung halten kann. Also ist heute U¨bersetzungswissenschaft als interdisziplina¨re multiperspektivische Einheitzu verstehen.

      • KCI등재

        한국 현대시의 구체문학적 성향과 진단

        이상금 부산대학교 사범대학 1993 교사교육연구 Vol.27 No.-

        Meine Absicht in dieser Abhandlung ist, eine Analyse ueb¨r das moderne koreanische Gedicht vorzunehmen. Nachdem ich in meiner Forschung, der von mir schon untersuchten 「Analyse ueb¨r die moderne koreanische Dichtung (Ⅰ)-von Gesichtspunkt der konkreten Literatur aus-(in : The Journal, College of Education, Vol. 17, Pusan National Univ., 1988), einige Voraussetzungen erfu¨llt habe, interessierte ich mich weiter fu¨r die in 80er Jahren merkwu¨rdig aufgetretenden 'Avantgarde-Gedichte'. Seit 1980 haben Chi-Woo Hwang, Nam-Chul Park, Sang-Bae Park, Nam-Sik Chung usw. durch Verfolgung der verschiedenen Darstellungsweisen ihre experimentarisch-und avantgardischen Gedichte Vero¨ffentlicht. In ihrer Texte kann man Destruktion der herko¨emmlichen Poetik finden. Besonders ist das sinnvoll fu¨r Leser in postindustriellen Gesellschaft, demjenigen eine neue Mo¨glichkeit bei der Interpretation des Gedichtes zu bieten. Da Konkrete Dichtung bezu¨glich der Literatursprache die Einsicht darueb¨r besitzt, daβ die Sprache nicht mehr notwendiges und genu¨gendes Mittel zur Darstellung des poetischen Objekts sein ko¨nnte, wird ihre Aktivita¨t mit der auβer - oder entsprachlichen Realita¨t immer sta¨rker geworden. Die literarischen Technik der Dichter, die meist zur starken Neigung des revolutionaeren Schaffensvorgans geho¨rten, sind Typographie mit Druckwiederkonstrukturen, Konstellation fu¨r vielschichtige Lesebewegung, Symbolisierung durch Piktogram, phonetisches oder akustisches Gedicht und Montage-Engagement usw. Diese methedologischen Wendungen wu¨rde einen Sinn im koreanischen Literaturgebiet erst nehmen, wenn Denken der Dichter nach neudimensioner Realitaet und Reproduktion der alltaeglichen Umwelt, um Baumaterial fu¨r die Werke vielseitig wieder herzustellen, naturgema¨β erschaffen kann. Hier sind in der ersten Linie praktische Rationalitaet und funktionale Wahrheit einzuordnen. Tatsa¨chlich ergab sich so die in 80er Jahren aufgetauchteten Gedichte in Korea aus einer viel engeren A¨hnlichkeit oder starken Tendenz zur konkreten Poesie. Die avantgardistischen Dichter schufen ihre eigentuemiliche Schaffenstheorie und setzten diese unmittelbar in ihr Text um. Also hiemit sind einige erfolgreiche Wertungen im koreanischen Gedichtsbereich zu rechnen : Erweiterung und Abloesueng der herkoemmlichen Poetik, Mannigfaltigkeit bei Interpretation des Gedichtes dem Leser zu bieten, die literarische Sprache und Elemente gru¨ndsa¨tzlich zu destruktieren oder wieder zu erkennen, Engagement iin postindustriellen Massengesellschaft usw. Mit diesen Zusammenha¨ngen nach der 'Einleitung' geht es um Arbeit in fu¨nf einzelnen Schnitten auseinander : nach der 'Einleitung' geht es um 'Rationalita¨t-Begriff in konkreten Poesie' und 'Daseinsbewuβtsein und das Moderne des Dichters',um 'zur konkretpoetischer Tendenz im koreanischen Gedicht' sowie abschlieβend um 'Schluβ'.

      • Montessori 敎育法의 現代的 意義

        李相琴 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1976 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        People in the childhood education profession have renewed their interest in Maria Montessori's educational theory and method. Certainly, her educational theory and method have influenced, and stillare influencing, the pre- and the post-childhood educational theory and practice; however, it seemed to me that the following critical points made and discussed in this paper should be also considered in our understanding her educational works. First, M. Montessori's concepts of "liberty" and "independence" are particularistic: the essence of Montessorian educational processes would be using Montessorian teaching materials without changing the prescribed instructional directions; then, in what way, could the children be liberated and be independent from the prescribed educational world? So, it seemed to me that the children in Montessorian schools could be free only within the prescribed atmosphere. Second, M. Montessori's emphasis on the sensorial education could have theoretical supports from a few developmental and cognitive psychological theories. However, in terms of implementations of the sensorial education, Montessorian training materials are very empirical; more coherent and scientific efforts should be made for the validation of Montessorian materials as the truly developmental materials. Third, M. Montessori's educational philosophies could not be liberated from the Catholic or religiously dogmatic ideas. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the mentality of any great ideologist in human history was not liberated from his or her immediately and culturally indoctrinated ideas; it was also the case for M. Montessori. It seemed to me that the unilaterality born in the relationship between the Montessorian "prepared environment" and the children could be found in the relationship between God and His World and men. Fourth, the importance of the development of democratic social activities, of the psychological language development, and of the cultivation of child's ingenuous creativity were not emphasized as much as they should be. In this respect, it seems to me that there will be some limits in replicating Montessorian infant schools. There are more than the four points made above in understanding implementing M. Montessori's works. But the main point stressed in this paper is that the Montessorian theory and method should be reexamined in the light of up-to-date psychological and educational theories. If it would be necessary to revise some of Montessori's educational methods, it should be done as soon as possible. (eg. American Montessori schools.)

      • 초기 어린이운동의 성립과 교육적 의의

        이상금 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1991 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.59 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to summarize the historical process of the Orini(childrens)movement which started from the first Orini day ceremony in May 1,1923 and continued until the Japanese colonial regime prohibited it in 1937. Although this Orini movement has been studied from the perspective of childrens culture, music and nationalism movement, it has never been studied in the view of education. The results of this study show the following things: brought about finally the educational movement in Korea. Based on this fact, the findings in this studies are summarized as follows: (1) The Orini movement stressed on the child-centered education and inspired the importance of the children. There is siginificance in the fact that these thoughts did not came from western education but arised spontaneously in Korea. (2) The Korean Declaration of Children in May 1,1923 emphasized upon childrens individuality and rights. This declaration is one year earlier than the UN Childrens Declaration which was declared at Jeneva in 1924. (3) The Orini movement raised up the enlightment in Korean society and family. (4) The Orini movement protected Korean language and culture excluded from teaching in the school by the Japanese regime.

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