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      • 영한 동시통역과 번역의 실제적 측면에 대한 소고

        이태형 한국강원영어영문학회 1988 영어영문학 Vol.7 No.1

        Translation and interpretation, particularly simultaneous interpretation, differ from each other in many respects, The basic aim of this study is to find the differences between these two activities through case studies and error analysis. Scrutinizing many recorded tapes of actual international conferences, the writer found that the accuracy of an interpertation depends, to a large extent, on $quot;syllable per minute$quot; (S. P. M.) of the source language (SL). In other words, it can be said that the slower the original speech is, the more accurate the interpretation becomes. Concerning the S.P.M. of target language(TL), accuracy was found to be in direct proportion to the SL/TL. It means that a high rate of syllable utterence by the simltaneous interperter, compared to that of the speaker, can be regarded as a quality interpretation. Besides, the accuracy of an interpretation shows nearly the same figure as the interpreter's coverage of N and V of the SL. Having studied that, the writer tried to prescribe some measures to solve the structural difficulties of English to Korea simultaneous inerpretation including class-sifting, omission of subject and pronouns, and cutting excessive modifiers.

      • 바이오 폴리머를 사용한 친환경 포장의 적용

        이태형,오영탁,강무석,이중우 한국항해항만학회 2018 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2018 No.추계

        근래 국내 해안에서도 해수면의 상승에 따른 파랑에너지의 증가로 인해 해안침식 현상에 대처하기 위한 연구를 계속해오고 있다. 본 연구는 다공성 골재 포장 재료인 투수 바이오 콘크리트를 해안의 침식사면에 적용하고 현장 모니터링을 통해 파력저감 및 세굴방지와 식생이 복원된 효과를 확인하였다. 호안 사면의 시공과 함께 생겨날 수 있는 바닷가 친수공간에 다공성 포장으로 산책로를 시공하여 오염물질의 해안 유입을 저감하여 해안 생태계를 보호하는데 기여한다. 또한, 하천에서 적용한 사례를 제시하여 해안으로 연결되는 하천을 보호하는데 다공성 포장을 적용할 수 있음을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재


        이태형 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2019 人文科學 Vol.116 No.-

        During the Tang Song Dynasty, the company was called '小道' or '薄技' and was recognized as an emotional literature dealing with love between man and women. On the other hand, when he came to Jin Yuan Dynasty, he emphasized the importance of projecting the writer's subjective consciousness that reflects the times, views of life, and political attitudes. In addition, as Ci's Poetry emphasized Confucian poetry tradition by reciting her emotions at Jin Yuan Dynasty in earnest, the musical character of Ci's Poetry gradually faded. Lee Je-hyun's a Goryeo scholar, wrote many original works by using his favorite autographs such as "柳永(Liu yong)," "蘇軾(Su Shi)" and "吳激(Wu Ji)" or "元好問(Yuan Hao Wen) " as examples. In fact, Korean artists used to create creative death by digesting their own materials by accepting the historical theory that used to be popular in the Jin Yuan era in private creation, using similar contents, themes, and foregrounds that used to be hominids, the operation of the same order, borrowing similar phrases or phrases, or rhymes. Therefore, Seo Geo-jeong of the Joseon Dynasty highly valued Lee Je-hyun's private works, which were published in 10 volumes of 『益齋亂稿』. Seo Geo-jung acknowledged that the Goryeo Dynasty signatories did not know Chinese, so he could not build a temple, and claimed that Lee was able to build a temple because he had earlier gone to China and learned to study Qing Culture. However, Seo's theory is not true, although similar. According to the analysis of five Ci Pai, which were widely used among the 53 Ci's Poetry of Lee Je-hyun, he already had a foundation to build a private temple for himself from the Goryeo Dynasty, and later, he went to China to interact with many Chinese writers, building a unique Korean Ci Xue through multi-faceted knowledge theory and practice. In addition, it was revealed that his private school training was transferred from North Song Dynasty to Won Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Goryeo Dynasty. It is believed that contemporary or junior scholars failed to create such high-quality pieces as Lee Je-hyun because they lacked various foundations for private affairs like Lee Je-hyun. 唐宋 시기 詞를 ‘小道’ 혹은 ‘薄技’라고 불렀고 남녀간의 애정을 다루는 ‘言情’의 문학으로 인식되었다. 반면 金元시기에 와서는 사에 ‘言志’를 부분을 강조하여 시대상황, 인생관, 정치태도 등을 반영한 작가의 주관적 의식을 투영하는 것을 중시했다. 또한 본격적으로 金元代에 오면 詞가 ‘情性’을 읊어 儒家의 詩敎論을 강조함으로써 音韻과 格律을 강구하지 않는 면이 많아지게 되어 詞의 음악적 특성이 점차 퇴색하게 되었다. 고려사인 이제현은 북송대 유영, 소식, 원금대 오격이나 원호문 등과 같은 사인이 즐겨썼던 사패를 본보기로 삼아 모방하여 독창적인 사작품을 많이 지었다. 실제 한국사인들은 사창작에 있어 금원대 유행했던 사론을 수용하여 호방사인 다용한 내용 · 주제 · 전고, 사조의 운용, 비슷한 구절이나 어구의 차용, 원운에 대해 차운하거나 화운하여 사를 지으면서 나름대로 자기 것으로 소화시켜 창조적으로 사를 짓곤 했다. 그래서 조선시대 서거정은 『東人詩話』에서 『益齋亂稿』 10권에 실려있는 이제현의 사작품을 매우 높이 평가하였다. 그는 고려시대 사인들은 중국어를 몰라서, 倚聲塡詞할 수 없었다고 인식했고, 이제현은 일찍이 중국에 가서 일찍이 北學을 배웠기 때문에 사를 지을 수 있었다고 주장했다. 그러나 서거정의 학설을 비슷하긴 하지만 사실이 아니다. 이제현의 53수 사작품 중에서 다용했던 5개 사패를 뽑아 분석해본 결과 , 그는 고려에 있을 때부터 이미 중국어를 알아서 사를 지을 수 지을 수 있는 기초토대가 있었고, 이후에 중국에 가서 많은 중국문인들과 교류하면서 사에 대한 다방면의 지식이론 및 실제 연습을 통하여 뛰어난 한국 특유의 사를 짓게 되었던 것이다. 아울러 그의 詞學 연원이 북송에서 원, 금 그리고 고려를 거쳐서 전래되었음을 알 수 있었다. 동시대 또는 후학자들이 이제현처럼 수준 높은 사작품을 창작하지 못한 것은 그들이 이제현과 같은 사에 대한 다양한 기초토대가 부족했기 때문이라고 사료된다.

      • Relationship of S100 calcium binding protein A9 (S100A9) with neutophilic inflammation in murine asthma model

        이태형,송현지,전지애,박종숙,박춘식 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2015 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 추계학술대회 초록집 Vol.120 No.-

        Background: We previously reported elevation of S100A9 protein in sputum of neutrophilic uncontrolled asthmatics. [AAAI, on 2013 Oct;111(4):268-275]. The aim of this study was to validate the role of S100A9 expression in neutrophilic airway inflammation of OVA/CFA murine asthma model. Method: Expression of S100A9 protein was measured using a western blot. Spatial expression of S100A9 and neutrophil elastase (N.E) was visualized using immunofluorescene stain. To evaluate the potency of S100A9 on neutrophilic inflammation, temporal changes of neutrophil infiltration was analyzed in lung tissues of the OVA/CFA model and in those of C57BL/6 mice after intra-tracheal S100A9 protein (10ug) administration. OVA/CFA mice were treated with anti-S100A9 antibody via intra-nasal route. Expressions of neutrophilic cytokines were confirmed using a western blot. Results: S100A9 started to increase from day 14 and peaked at day 23 while the number of inflammatory cells significantly increased with a concomitant escalation of airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) at day 23. N.E and S100A9 were co-localized in peri-bronchially infiltrating cells. Intra-tracheal instillation of S100A9 induced a rapid increase of neutrophils in BAL fluid which peaked at 24hr. Intra-nasal administration of anti-S100A9 antibody restored the increase of the numbers of inflammatory cells and AHR in CFA/OVA mice to those of sham mice. Conclusion: S100A9 directly activates neutrophilic inflammation in the airway. This study suggests that neutrophils may be the major cell source of S100A9 protein.

      • KCI등재

        吳文英 詞에 나타난 ‘淸麗’ 풍격특징 고찰

        이태형 중국학연구회 2022 중국학연구 Vol.- No.100

        남송 사인 吳文英(1200?-1260?)은 사의 예술성을 최고봉으로 이끈 南宋 詞壇의 대표적인 雅詞派 사작가라고 말할 수 있다. 그는 사를 예술적으로 심화시킴으로써 婉約詞를 크게 발전시켰다. 북송의 대사가인 周邦彦(1057-1121)의 사풍을 계승하여 화려한 글자와 농염한 색채어로 艶詞를 장식했다. 그의 사는 매우 심원하고, 구성은 면밀하며, 글자의 사용도 그윽하고 깊어 대체적으로 고상하면서도 깊고 진한 맛이 우러나온다. 그러나 남송의 사작가들을 모두 낮추어서 폄하했다. 대부분 사론가들은 오문영의 사작품을 ‘難澁’, ‘朦朧’, ‘象徵’, ‘彫琢’, ‘隔’, ‘淸空’, ‘實質’하다는 풍격 용어를 사용하여 품평했다. 본 연구를 통해서 ‘淸麗’ 풍격 역시 오문영의 사에 보이는 하나의 새로운 풍격임을 알 수 있었다. 먼저 역대문학작품이나 문학이론서에서 어떻게 정의하고 있고 사용되었는지에 관하여 통시적이고 공시적으로 살펴본 후 ‘淸麗 風格’에 대한 함의를 살펴보고, 실제 남송대 완약사인 吳文英의 사작품에서 어떻게 나타났는지 분석했다. ‘淸麗’하다고 품평된 작가의 작품에서 살펴보면 대부분의 작품들이 맑고 깨끗한 자연 경관의 묘사를 위주로 하였고, ‘淸’한 전체적 풍격 속에 아름다운 ‘麗’의 요소의 境界가 동시에 구현되었음을 알 수 있다. 단순한 자연경관의 맑고 깨끗한 모습을 사에 표현하지 않고, 작가 내면의 그리움, 외로움, 쓸쓸함, 적막한 의경을 투영시켜서 청려한 풍격이 드러났다. 이처럼 ‘淸麗’ 풍격을 지닌 작품은 오문영의 전체 사작품 총340수 중에서 차지하는 비율을 결코 무시할 수 없다.

      • Investigation of the physical and chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols in various environments

        이태형 한국공업화학회 2019 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2019 No.0

        To improve our knowledge of aerosol chemistry and pollutants as function of different locations, the physical and chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol was studied in ambient air by using HR-ToF-AMS, PTR-ToF-MS, SMPS and several gas analyzers at the several sites. Study sites include the residential area, the rural environment of high NH<sub>3</sub> concentration and high NOx emission on the road. SO<sub>2</sub> is an important secondary aerosol precursor in the rural environment of high NH<sub>3</sub> concentration in general while the evolution of organics oxidation becomes more important at the residential area during the summer season. The secondary production of NH4NO3 aerosol plays an important role for changing the mass concentration of PM2.5 at the high NOx emission on the road. This talk will review observations from our own work concerning the chemical and physical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol and their sources.

      • KCI등재

        영어 한국어간 순차통역의 시간적 양상

        이태형 한국통역번역학회 2013 통역과 번역 Vol.15 No.2

        This article employed temporal variables including pause, syllables perminute, and speech proportion to examine the information processesinvolved in consecutive interpretation from English into Korean. Acomputer-aided analysis of an actual news conference via consecutiveinterpretation revealed that the interpreter, using some 60% of the timespent by the speaker, produced more syllables than the speaker with ahigher speech proportion than the speaker. As the speech proportion ofthe interpreter generally does not exceed that of the speaker insimultaneous mode due to the more complex processing load by theinterpreter than the speaker, this clearly shows that the cognitive loadinvolved in consecutive interpretation is lighter than that ofsimultaneous mode. The interpreter maintained the same level of pausesand speech proportion interpreting a speech without a script when sheprocessed a speech with a script secured in advance. A statisticallysignificant relationship among these temporal variables of the interpreterand the speaker demonstrates that they can be reliable research tools inscrutinizing the cognitive process of consecutive interpretation

      • KCI등재


        이태형 한국중국어문학회 2007 中國文學 Vol.51 No.-

        Shou Ci(Birthday Congratulatory Poetry) occupies really one tenth of the whole Ci works written by South Song Dynasty(南宋) writers. Of which Shou Ci(壽詞) their replays their mood of Leisure, Friendship and Ambitions as well. So Shou Ci cannot be ignored for its spiritual value. Birth Congratulatory literature began in the Qin Dynasty(先秦) and since it had until South Song Dynasty. We cause a panoramic view of the evolution of this genre before the Southern Song Dynasty. The objects of Birthday Congratulatory Poetry were all Nobility, Aristocracy, relatives Family, Friends therefore the content of this was monotonous. The popularity of this genre in the Southern Song Dynasty directly connected with the prevalence of the genre`s creation. The writer Groups of Birthday Congratulatory Poetry commemorating senior officers expressed their unique artistic conception and creative talent of lyrics commemorating their own life and Birth. They offered a record of their own life experiences with hidden disillusions and sights over empty dreams theirs achievement. Its Flows with sparkling illumination of the reality of life with sincere blessing. This paper classifies the Birthday Congratulatory Ci Poetry of the Southern Song Dynasty into Three Types, and probes into its features separately; Birth Congratulatory Ci Poetry for kings and aristocracy, Poetry of Congratulating Others such as relatives family and friends, Poetry of Congratulatory themselves. The purpose of this paper is to obtain a new understanding of their Social and Cultural Functions and Aesthetic features of Ci poetry.

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