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      • KCI등재

        재일 한인마을 이야기의 두 모습

        이헌홍(Lee Heon-Hong) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2008 한국민족문화 Vol.32 No.-

        A Korean village in Japan is a physical space. So 'a story of a Korean village' does not necessarily have a directly corresponding relationship to 'a Korean village. As it were, 〈A Korean Neighbourhood〉 can have a story similar to that of 〈Hirakwon〉, and the opposite is also possible. Seeing that a viewpoint is selected and a story is constructed according to an author's view, by chance, one of these two stories is about what happened in and around a Korean village in Kanto, while the other is about what happened at its counterpart in Kansei. Therefore, the author thinks that it is possible to present these two stories of a village as a representative story of a Korean village in Japan beyond the constraints of the physical space. The former lays emphasis on a life devoted to the political ideology of North Korea, and the latter depicts the conflict, of the ethnic Koreans of the second, third and fourth generation who agonize over their identity, along with a critical view of the political situation of South Korea. The author avoids the trouble to sum up this by an item, and instead makes a conclusion with the following suggestions. First, let the author begin with 〈A Korean Neighborhood〉 that depicts the defence of ideology as a citizen of the republic or its promulgation activities. It seems that seen in this work collection could be positive meanings including the promotion of pride of citizens of the republic(North Korea) abroad, a strife for restoring rights, merits of defending Korean language and culture. However, a undeniable reality is that the ideology is in a way misled into doctrinairian idol worship. It is thought that now is time to try to create works that from a multi-cultural viewpoint of global age depict ethnic Koreans' mutual understanding and cooperation beyond a particular ideology. Then, works by ethnic Koreans in Japan, which depict an interest in politics in Korea, are all based on critical consciousness. Such a critical consciousness could be given credit of contributing to revealing the long-term seizure of power and dictatorship of a particular political group and their bad effects. However, it is hard to find works criticizing the political situation in North Korea that keeps its hereditary regime much more dictatorial. The author is afraid that it is because he is ill-informed, but there is something doubtful about this matter. Besides, we are looking forward to seeing works that truly understands the confused identity of ethnic Koreans of the new generation and helps try to find a way to solve it. Having such wishes fulfilled is a more important task.

      • KCI등재

        『漢陽』所載 在日韓人文學의 연구 방향과 과제

        이헌홍(Lee Heon-Hong) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2005 한국민족문화 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to present the necessity of a study on the literary works and related discourses in Hanyang, the Korean magazine that was ever published in Tokyo, Japan. This article will be concluded by summarizing the critical discussion and mentioning the task of study in the future. Firstly, it seems that it was, after all, ethnic Japanese-Korean writers who played a leading role in the literary works and related discourses in Hanyang, The study on ethnic Japanese-Koreans' literature so far is limited to comparatively well-known writers such as Kim Seok Beom, Lee Hee Seong, Lee Yang Ji, Kim Dal Soo, etc., and their Japanese works. Reviewing Hanyang would make it possible for us to sub-categorize the ethnic Japanese-Koreans' literature into Japanese literature and Korean literature. Secondly, the analysis and study of the literary works and related discourses in this magazine would enable us to widen and deepen Korean literature as well as to come closer to ethnic Japanese-Koreans' literature. This argument might be found convincing, considering that during the initial 10 years of Hanyang, Kim Cheol Soo, Jeong Cheal, Park Young Il, Gyung Ryun, Jeong Young Hoon, Kim Yoon, Park Il Dong, Kim Soon Nam, Jang Il Dong, etc., writers or critics quite unknown in the history of Korean literature, published the works ranging from 15 to 60. Thirdly, It is also important to unearth the works not known to the academic world yet among those ever published in Hanyang, For the writers who used to produce works in Korea, many of their works are thought to be known through the works or the complete works. However, it is also assumed that there are many works which are not known yet for various reasons. Lastly, Hanyang has been neglected in the history of Korean literature, even though it is the Korean literature magazine in which ethnic Japanese-Korean writers published literary works and gave a literary criticism in Korean language. Now it is time to investigate into the bibliographical reality of its literary works and related discourses so that it can be utilized as basic data for a subject to be followed.

      • 고전문학 : 중국 조선족 설화와 한국 설화의 비교 연구 - 계급대립담을 중심으로 -

        이헌홍 ( Heon Hong Lee ) 문창어문학회 2000 문창어문논집 Vol.37 No.-

        1) In this paper, I have investigated the tales about class conflict in a series of oral literature of Joseon people and the tales of the complete works of Seok-Jae Im the motif of which is identical with that of tales in a series of oral literature of Joseon people. I tried to make a comparative list of 29 pairs with the same type and to compare the relationship between the tales. Comsequently tales about class conflict are regarded as the representative type of the folktales of Joseon people in China which were transmitted from Korea with a variation of contents. 2) Variations of tales about class conflict can be analysed according to their charaters. While the characters of folktales of Korea show no class conflict, e.g. 'a man : his neighbor', 'a stingy old man : his neighbor', 'a man : his relatives by marriage'. 'a poor man : his rich younger brother', those of Joseon people are in class conflict, e.g. 'commons : the upper classes', 'the rich : the poor', 'master :sevant', 'landowner:ternant farmer', 'superintendent:commoner', 'superintendent : man in government employ', 'king : people'. The conflict between poverty and wealth or between the ruling and ruled classes is dealt with more predominantly than that between social positions. It seems to me that the transmitters of folktales of Joseon people show the hostility toward the upper classes which press their life, in tales about class conflict. 3) In foltkales of Korea, the story develops with focussed on its amusement. On the contrary, the folktales of Joseon people are regarded as a means to a resistance and changed intentionally. Moreover, the story is changed with intent to abolish discrimination by social position, economic inequality, and abuse of an official authority. 4) In settlement of the conflict, the folktales of Joseon people show an ideology-oriented variation. Folktales of Korea end in an individual tragedy of the lower classes by the oppression of the upper classes or in an individual revenge of the lower classes on the upper classes. On the contary, the folktales of Joseon people are group-oriented. The lower classes all have sympathy for the individual tragedy, take revenge on the upper classes, and have delight in ruining the upper classes. That the ideology of resistance of the Joseon people is reflected in their folktales.

      • KCI등재

        재일한인 생활사소설 연구

        이헌홍(Lee Heon-Hong) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2009 한국민족문화 Vol.35 No.-

        이 논문은 재일한인의 특이한 삶, 그 중에서도 특히 교육문제를 중심에 두고 그들의 삶의 일단을 소설 작품을 통해 조명해 보고자 한 것이다. 이를 요약하면 1. 90년대 이후 문예동 소속 작가들의 소설에서 조선학교 관련 교육문제를 다룬 작품이 괄목할 정도로 많다. 특히 이들의 기관지격인 『겨레문학』 1~7권에는 소설이 모두 52편 수록되어 있는데, 이 중에서 민족교육 관련 작품이 20편을 차지할 정도로 그 비중이 높다. 2. 이들 작품을 그 내용과 주제적 의미에 따라 아래의 넷으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 1) 자녀를 조선학교에 취학시키는 데 얽힌 장애와 그 극복의지 등을 그려내고 있는 경우의 작품들이다. 이와 같은 장애는 조선학교의 교육 목표, 교육과정 등의 편향성이라는 요인이 있음에도 불구하고 그 내부적 성찰은 드물고 민족교육이라는 사명감만 강조되고 있다. 2) 조선학교의 교육목표는 북한의 재외공민으로서 그들의 소위 주체사상을 선양 확립하고 민족통일을 완수함에 있다. 그 구체적 내용으로는 학교 본연의 교수 학습활동, 헌신적 학생 유치 활동, 원격지 벽지 근무의 자원, 소조활동이나 교육실습 등을 통해 이러한 사명감을 체득 양성시키는 등의 희생적 교육활동이 뚜렷이 부각된다. 3) 교육대상자의 학교생활이나 학습활동에 필수적으로 수반되는 적응의 문제를 그린 소설들이다. 여기서는 주로 일본학교에 다니는 아동이 겪는 차별, 집단따돌림 등에 얽힌 문제를 조선학교로의 편입을 통해 해결한다. 4) 조선학교에 재학 중이거나 졸업한 사람이 그 교육의 영향으로 인하여 새로운 삶에 눈뜨게 되거나 사회적 주목을 받는 경우를 말한다. 위의 세 경우와는 달리 여기서는 그 목소리가 덜 위압적이다. 3. 위에서 살핀 민족교육의 주체로서 조총련이 기여한 바는 매우 크다. 그러나 이데올로기적 편향성, 과도한 정치성 등의 한계 때문에 그들의 이러한 공적이 매몰되어온 측면도 없지 않다. 재일한인의 일본국 정주가 기정사실로 되어가고, 공생의 시대 내지는 글로벌 시대의 다문화 교육이 화두로 떠오르고 있는 이 시점에서 그 바람직한 방향으로의 모색이 소설 작품에서도 허심탄회하게 논의되어야 할 단계가 아닌가 생각한다. The purpose of this paper is to make an attempt to illumine an unique life of ethnic Koreans in Japan, especially their lives centering on education. This will be concluded by summarizing what has been dealt with so far. First, in fact, novels by writers on Muyedong(Union of Korean Literary Men in Japan) have many works dealing with education problems related to Korean schools. Particularly, there are 52 novels in all printed in ??Korean Literature??, volume 1 through 7, their official magazine, and among them works on national education are high in proportion enough to take a share of 20. Second, these works are divided into four types according to the contents and thematic significance. (1) there are works that portray obstacles to sending children to Korean schools and willingness to overcome the obstacles. These works emphasize just a sense of duty of national education, with internal reflection rarely seen even though Korean schools have biased educational goals and processes. (2) The educational goals of the Korean schools lie in promoting and establishing the so-called ' Juche' Ideology and achieving national unification as North Korean expatriates. The details remarkably show sacrificial educational activities like learning by experience and cultivating such a sense of duty through activities including the conventional role of teaching and learning, active efforts to attract students, volunteering to work at remote places, small group activities and teaching practice. (3) There are works that portray a problem of adaptation necessarily accompanying educational objects' school lives and learning activities. Here they use transfer admission into Korean schools to solve problems such as discrimination Korean children attending a Japanese school experience, being left out alone by their Japanese classmates. (4) There are works on a case where people who attend or graduated from Korean schools get enlightened to a new life or given a social attention owing to the educational influences. Here their voice is not that overbearing like the three works above. Third, Jochongyeon(Association of Korean in Japan) as an authoritative body in the nation education seen previously has made a great contribution. However, there is an aspect of their achievements being undercut due to limits such as ideological partiality, excessive political tone. At a point when ethnic Koreans' permanent settlement in Japan is becoming an established fact and multi-cultural education in an era of coexistence and globalization has been at the center of public concerns, it seems that now is time to candidly discuss in the novels what is the right direction of doing it.

      • KCI등재

        재일한인 소설에서의 혼인, 그 갈등과 거리 혹은 소외

        이헌홍(Lee Heon-Hong) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2011 한국민족문화 Vol.39 No.-

        이 논문은 혼인을 중심축으로 이야기가 전개되는 재일한인 소설을 대상으로 하여 세대간의 갈등과 거리 혹은 소외의 현실을 살펴본 것이다. 논의 된 내용을 아래와 같이 요약한다. 첫째, 박중호가 지은 〈울타리 밖으로〉에서 그리고 있는 혼인과 그에 수반되는 제반 갈등은 개인적 가정의 문제를 넘어 재일한인 일반에게 닥쳐오고 있는 민족사적 차원의 문제로 귀결된다. 즉, 재일 1ㆍ2세대가 유지해 온 민족의 혈연적, 문화적 정체성을 고수할 것인가, 아니면 어차피 일본 땅에서 일본인과 함께 살아갈 수밖에 없는 정주화의 현실에서 서로를 받아들여 함께 섞어가면서 살아갈 것인가의 문제이다. 여기서 우리는 재일한인의 혼인이 안고 있는 현실적 갈등은 물론 그 고뇌마저도 되새겨야 할 필요가 있지 않을까 한다. 둘째, 조남두의 〈타향에서 생각하는 고향〉은 혼인을 매개로 펼쳐지는 재일한인의 세대교체와 그에 따른 갈등은 물론, 구세대가 소외되는 현실까지를 핍진하게 그려내고 있다. 이 경우의 세대교체는 주류 세대의 바뀜에 따른 신ㆍ구세대의 삶의 방식이나 가치관의 교체가 더 큰 문제로 부각된다. 따라서 우리는 이 작품에 나타난 구세대의 소외 현실을 통해 재일한인의 미래상은 물론, 그들의 정체성 문제가 어떤 모습으로 자리 잡아 갈 수 있을 것인가에 대한 관심의 폭과 깊이를 더해 가는 계기를 마련해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 김길호의 〈결혼행진곡〉에서 우리는 일본 사회의 주류에서 배제된 재일한인이 소수자로서 소외받는 현실과 함께, 소수자 집단 내에서도 갖춘 계층에 의해 못 갖춘 계층이 겪는 또 다른 소외의 모습을 찾을 수 있다. 이처럼 같은 재일이라도 상이한 능력과 조건을 갖추었기에, 일본인과 대등한 위치에 오른 사람과 그렇지 못한 사람과의 사이에는 또 다른 차별이 있고, 그로 인해 소외받기 십상인 당사자가 엄연히 존재하고 있는 현실을 우리는 이 작품을 통해 바라볼 수 있지 않을까 한다. 위의 논의를 통해 필자는 혼인이 갖는 개인적, 가정적 의미는 물론, 그 사회적 의미와 가치까지도 아울러 탐색할 수 있을 것이라 생각한다. 앞으로 보다 많은 작품을 대상으로 논의가 확대, 진전되기를 기대한다. With novels by ethnic Koreans in Japan that unfold centering around marriage, the author examined the reality of conflict, distance or alienation between generations. The discussion above is summarized as follows. First, marriage and its attendant conflicts, depicted by 『Out of the Fence』by Bak, Jungho, come down to the problem of ethnohistorical dimension that is being confronted by the whole ethnic Koreans beyond an individual family. In other words, it is the problem of whether to hold to the ethnic, cultural identity that the ethnic Koreans of the first and second generation have stuck to, or to live together in the reality of settlement that makes ethnic Koreans in Japan have no choice but to mix with Japanese At this point, we need to think over the realistic conflict, and even the agony, that ethnic Koreans' marriage have. Second, 『Hometown Thought away from Home』by Cho, Namho, gives a true-to-life description not only of a generational shift of the ethnic Koreans in Japan and its attendant conflict that develops through marriages, but of the reality of the alienation of the older generation as well. The generational shift in this case characterizes as more of a problem a shift in the lifestyle or values of the older generation and the younger generation with a dominant generation changing. Through the reality of the alienation of the older generation, therefore, we need to pay wider and deeper attention to what the future image of the ethnic Koreans in Japan will be and what change their identity will undergo. Third, 『Wedding March』by Kim, Gilho depicts one kind of alienation that ethnic Koreans in Japan excluded from the mainstream of the Japanese society face as a minor and another kind of alienation that within the minor group the underprivileged get from the privileged. This work ene les us to see the reality that among the ethnic Koreans there is another get rimiminor group thea mse who hadegech abilinoes and condinoons that they got even with Japanese and thmse who did not and that ther thmes exist a party vulnerable to alienation. The marriage in the novels develops centering around the stories involved in a series of procedures and rituals for marriage, marital relations as its extension, couple-oriented family life and so on. Therefore, it is considered that through these works we can see not only the individual or domestic meanings and values of marriage but also the social ones. Hopefully there will be more discussion with more works from a wide perspective like this.

      • KCI등재

        에스닉 잡지 소재 재일한인 생활사소설의 양상과 의미

        이헌홍(Lee Heon-Hong) 한국문학회 2007 韓國文學論叢 Vol.47 No.-

          The purpose of this paper is to examine the kinds of novels through which the Koreans in Japan portray themselves and the significance which the novels carry. For this, sorted out were 30 novels of the ethnic Koreans" lives in Japan among numerous ones put in such ethnic magazines as 『Hanyang』, 『Samcheolli』and 『Cheonggu』. Then they were classified into three patterns, 16 works typical of each pattern were analyzed to infer the significance, and the study topics not quite dealt with in this paper were presented. It is summarized as follows:<BR>  1. the pattern and significance of novels of the Koreans" lives in Japan<BR>  (l) The first pattern is the novels that depict the hardships of the ethnic Koreans in Japan who live a floating life and their hope of settling down. These novels are in turn divided into the types of novels about the Koreans who drown their nostalgia and the types of novels about the Koreans who endlessly challenge themselves to survive in Japan. Wanderers ultimately desire to work hard and save enough money to go back home and settle down or to live an endless challenging life for survival in japan, which is a place far away from home. However, their desire never gets off the ground, and it rarely comes true.<BR>  (2) The emigration to Japan accompanies the separation from a family. The ethnic Koreans in Japan dream of returning to their hometown and living as a host. Mostly such a dream just remained hard to fulfill. The dream, however, has continued on without ceasing until the second and third generation, and further, the fourth and fifth, though the intensity is different. Some novels depict the agony and longing of separated families and the reality of their unfulfilled dream of homecoming and reunion. Others depict the shared agony transcending the generation difference and the hope of reunion through overcoming the agony.<BR>  (3) The orientation to be an "ethnic Korean in japan" is simply changeable according to the internal and external circumstances or times to which he/she is exposed. Taking this situation into consideration, the author categorized the reality of oppressed desire for belonging and stability and the agony of where to belong, and examined the pattern in which the themes develop in novels with a result that there are two types. Some works show a natural argument for national consciousness and its limits. Others depict ethnic Koreans" root chasing and self-awakening of ethnicity in japan.<BR>  2. Future projects.<BR>  (l) To study the works not analyzed in this paper, among the novels of the ethnic Koreans" lives that were put in the three magazines, particularly over 10 works in 『Samcheolli』.<BR>  (2) To study the authors who contributed the novels of the ethnic Koreans" lives to 『Hanyang』, such as Kim Cheol-su, Kim Gyeong-sik, Jeong Cheol, Lee Sun-hak, Lee Sang-Jik.<BR>  (3) To analyze in terms of an author the novelists who contributed more than two works of the ethnic Koreans" lives to 『Hanyang』 and 『Samcheolli』, such as Kim Cheol-su, Kim Gyeong-sik, Kim Hak-yeong, Kim Seck-beom, Kim Tae-saeng, Jeong Seung-bak, Kim Dal-su, Won Su-il, so that the study can be deeper and wider.<BR>  (4) To examine and analyze the correlation between the character of each of the magazines, such as 『Hanyang』, 『Samcheolli』, 『Cheonggu』, and the novels put in them in order to further the significance.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        〈박문수전〉, 한문본과 한글본의 비교 연구

        이헌홍(Lee Heon Hong) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2007 동양한문학연구 Vol.24 No.-

          〈박문수전〉은 1910년대에 간행된 소위 구활자본으로서, 박문수 어사가 암행 도중에 신장(神將)으로 가장하여, 남의 아내를 탈취하려는 악한을 징치하는 내용의 송사소설이다. 이제까지 〈박문수전〉은 구활자본 한글소설로만 알려져 왔을 뿐만 아니라 그 연구 또한 한글본만을 대상으로 이루어졌다. 필자는 『양은천미(揚隱闡微)』 소재의 〈박영성가장천신(朴靈城假粧天神)〉이라는 작품이 구활자본 〈박문수전〉과 대동소이한 내용의 이본임을 확인하고, 이를 ‘한문본 박문수전’이라 지칭하면서 양자를 비교해 보았다. 그 결과를 아래와 같이 요약하고자 한다.<BR>  한문본이 〈박문수전〉의 선본(善本)이다. 지금까지 공개된 〈박문수전〉 중에서 그 내용으로 보아 변별성이 있는 이본은 구활자본 1종과 한문본 1종뿐이다. 둘 중에서는 한문본이 한글본보다 이야기가 정제된 작품으로서의 면모를 보이는 선본이다. 이는 작중 공간과 시간 설정의 적의성, 사건 전개의 인과성, 이야기의 개연성 등의 여러 측면에서 확인 가능한 사실이다.<BR>  한문본이 한글본보다 선행하는 이본이다. 한문본이 수록된 『양은천미』의 편찬 연대에 의거 박문수전의 저작 또한 ‘1907~1919년 사이에 이루어진 것’으로 추정할 수 있다는 것이 이제까지의 연구 성과이다. 필자는 〈박영성가장천신〉 즉, 한문본 〈박문수전〉의 내용 중에서 단서를 찾아 그 저작 연대를 ‘1907~1914년 사이’로 추정할 수 있었다. 따라서 1915년을 상한 선으로 하는 구활자본 〈박문수전〉보다는 한문본이 앞서는 것이다.<BR>  〈박문수전〉은 그 줄거리가 비교적 단순한, 사건 중심의 고전소설이다. 이로 미루어 보건대, 이 작품의 제재적 근원은 설화에 있을 가능성이 많다. 이에 관련된 필자의 후속 논문은 다른 기회를 통해 발표할 예정이다. 앞으로 〈박문수전〉의 이본이 추가로 발굴되고, 한글본의 저작자인 현병주에 대한 정보는 물론, 『양은천미』 의 저작자에 대한 연구 등이 다각도로 이루어질 때 박문수전 연구는 그 심도를 더할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.   So far, 〈The Story of Park, Mun-Su〉 has been known only as an old printed version of the Korean novel. The author confirmed that the work, 〈Parkyoungsung gajangcheonshin〉, which is included in ?Yangeuncheonmi?, is a different version almost identical with an old printed version of 〈The Story of Park, Mun-su〉 and made a comparison of the two, calling the former "a Chinese version of the story of Park, Mun-su. The results are as following:<BR>  1. A Chinese version is a representative one of 〈The Story of Park, Mun-su〉.<BR>  Judging from the contents, there are no variant versions of 〈The Story of Park, Mun-su〉 with distinction, known so far, but an old printed version and a Chinese version. Of the two, the Chinese version has the more refined story than the Korean one. It can be identified from many aspects, such as the appropriateness of the setting of space and time in the story, the causality of the story development, the probability of the story, etc.<BR>  2. The Chinese version is a variant one that precedes the Korean version.<BR>  The results of the study so far are that the work of 〈The Story of Park, Mun-su〉 can be assumed to have been written between 1907 and 1919 on the basis of when 「Yangeuncheonmi」in which the Chinese version is collected was compiled. The author, who had found out a clue in the contents of the Chinese version of 〈The Story of Park, Mun-su〉, was able to assume that it had been written between 1907 and 1914. It follows from this that the old printed version of the Story of Park, Mun-su, which does not date back later than 1915, postdates the Chinese version.<BR>  3. Hopefully, variant versions of the Story of Park, Mun-su will be added and a study on the writer of 「Yangeuncheonmi」 as well as Hyeon, Byeong-ju, the writer of the Korean version, will be made from different angles. By doing so, the Story of Park, Mun-su can be studied more seriously and deeply.

      • KCI등재

        재일한인 소설에서의 혼인, 결핍 현실의 상징과 그 탈출구

        이헌홍(Lee, Heon-Hong) 한국문학회 2010 韓國文學論叢 Vol.56 No.-

        재일한인 소설 중에서 혼인 문제 즉, 부부관계를 맺거나 부부생활을 영위하는데 얽힌 사연을 중심축으로 하여 전개되는 작품은 필자가 찾은 것만도 10여 편이다. 여기서는 그 작품들 중에서도 특히, 혼인을 통해 결핍 현실을 담아내면서 그로부터의 탈출구를 모색하고 있는 경우를 살펴보았다. 1. 결핍의 현실 때문에 혼인 생활을 지속적으로 영위할 수 없음은 물론, 그 결핍으로부터 벗어날 수 있는 출구조차 제대로 보이지 않는 경우를 그린 작품이 김경식의 <낙일>(1966년)이다. 여기서 주인공 내외가 겪는 삶은 광복 전후의 혼란기를 무대로 전개되는 재일한인의 결핍 현실은 물론, 출구조차 찾을 길 없는 암울한 일상 그 자체를 대변하는 것이다. 2. 김석범의 <결혼식 날>(1978년)에서는 결핍 현실로 인한 1세의 안타까움과 그로부터의 탈출구가 2세에 이르러서야 겨우 마련되고 있는 모습을 보인다. 여기서 우리는 재일한인의 특이한 삶이 대물림되면서 조금씩이나마 밝은 빛을 더해가는 모습을 더듬게 된다.3. 원수일의 <뱀과 개구리>(1983년)에서 사위와 장모는 혼인을 통해 각자의 결핍을 해소하려고 한다. 그러나 총각은 사랑하는 처녀를 아내로 맞은 대신 장모에게 종속당하는 처지가 된다. 이처럼 혼인을 통해 스스로 마련한 출구에도 함께 하는 공생의 영역이 있는가 하면, 각자의 목표에 집착하는 이기적 영역 또한 엄연한 현실임을 보여주고 있다. 4. 현행자의 <순이의 결혼>(1997년)은 결핍 현실과 그 돌파구로서의 혼인이라는 의미와 함께, ‘미지의 세계 일본, 그곳에 사는 재일동포와의 결혼’이라는 환상에 빠져 서두른 결혼이 몰고 올 위험성도 아울러 보여주고 있다. 그러나 그것을 불행으로만 치부하지 아니하고, 자기에게 주어진 운명으로 담담히 받아들이면서 자신의 역할을 찾아나서는 여주인공의 마음에서 우리는 혼인의 참된 의미를 다시 생각하게 된다. 5. 위의 논의로 미루어볼 때 혼인의 진정한 의미는 어느 일방의 행복 즉, 결핍에 대한 충족이나 소망의 성취에 있는 것이 아니라, 서로의 상처를 보듬고 함께 헤쳐가면서 새로운 삶, 새로운 세계를 일구어 나감에 있다는 평범한 진리를 다시 확인하게 된다. 이와 함께 분석 대상 작품의 창작 시기가 우연히도 60년대, 70년대, 80년대, 그리고 90년대인데, 이에 따라 결핍 현실에 대처하는 방식의 차이에도 주목할 필요가 있지 않을까 한다. Of the novels written by Japan-based Korean authors, those which narrate about the episodic stories centering around the subject of marriage - namely, certain sorts of stories developed through the character's involvement into a husband/wife relationship or the maintenance of his/her marriage life - are more than a few. In my personal research so far, there are about ten works that specifically depict marriage lives. In this paper, among those works, the focus is put on the narrative development and the meaning of such cases that the reality of ‘life with a lack’ is described by means of ‘marriage’and, also, exits from the state of lack are sought out therein. The overview of such cases can be summarized as follows: 1. For the works that depict a certain situation in which the reality of ‘life with a lack’ mars the actual sustaining of the marriage life and, also, blurs the vision for any possible exit, Nak Il by Gyoung-Sik Kim(1966) is a good example. In the novel, the kind of life that the main characters, a married couple, go through represents not only the reality with a lack for Japan-based Koreans - in the chaotic times around the Korean Independence - but also the gloomy, dark aspect of their everyday life with no exit to be found whatsoever. 2. In Seok-Beom Kim's A Wedding Day(1978), the devastation oozed out of the reality with a lack is portrayed through the life of a first-generation Japan-based Korean. The obtainment of the basis of the exit from such a reality is barely made possible when the second-generation Koreans come into the scene. In that phase, one can get a grasp of the life changes that the a typical lives of the Japan-based Koreans come to gain brightness bit by bit while showing the inevitable inheritance. 3. The son-in-law and the mother-in-law featuring in Soo-Il Won's A Snake and A Frog(1983) attempt to resolve the lack of his own by means of a marriage. The young man, however, falls into a situation in that he has to remain subordinate to his mother-in-law at the cost of getting the love of his life to become his wife. With the marriage functioning as a key clue, this story illustrates that even the self-acquired exit has a symbiotic area and, also, that the individual obsessions with their goals represent the egocentric dimension of the very reality. 4. With a focus on ‘the reality with a lack’ and the entailment of marriage as an escape from such a reality, Soon-Yi's Wedding(1997) by Haeng-Ja Hyun shows us the possible risks/dangers of any marriage done in haste from the illusion of ‘getting married to a Korean who lives in Japan, a new, unknown world’. It, nevertheless, invites the readers to rethink the true meaning of marriage by describing the main female character's mental attitude to calmly accept the circumstances as her given fate, not a misfortune, and look for the roles of her own in life. 5. From the above stated discussion, we come to be reassured of the simple truth that the true meaning of marriage lies not in the happiness of one party (i.e. the replenishment of a lack or the accomplishment of a dream or wish) but in the process of working toward a new life and a new world while embracing each other's wounds and getting over the scars together. In addition, noticing that those literary works analyzed here happen to have the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's as their chronological settings respectively, this paper suggests that it also should be worthwhile to pay attention to the differences in the manner in which characters react to the reality with a lack.

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