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      • KCI등재

        삼성 이건희 회장의 기업활동과 경영혁신전략

        李建熹(Kun - Hee Lee) 한국경영사학회 2005 經營史學 Vol.38 No.-

        According to profesSOf John Corter of Harvard University, one of the main factor that cause corporate to experience failure in reform is due to the existing coo야 rate cultural that may hamper the smooth penetration. Hence when cooperate is bui lding ethical cutture, it is necessary to construct an infrastructure that brings ethical execution in the center of organizational management process. Yet the reform, constructing a new ethical infraslructure, can only be driven by the CEO of the organization. Chairman Kun- Hee Lee, the head of the Samsung, has set his own ethicaJ spirit further building an infrastructure with eth ical management rnindset that applies from a high-ranked executive to low-ranked manager through this Chairman Kun-Hee 나e. as a g미 ding figure, has advanced powerful re form even to bring change in the mindset of CEO’s. other executives and its employees. Samsung’s ethical infrastructure lies in Mto produce the su야r lative goods and services based on competent hurnan and technological resources to make a contribulion to human societ y ’ and in management philosophy that is regulating the credita비 lity or t rustiness of the company. Thus Samsung, through the regular sessions of education and forwarding lhe ethical infrastructure,

      • KCI등재

        삼성(三星)그룹 글로벌 CEO이건희 회장의 시대별 기업 활동과 경영전략

        이건희 ( Kun Hee Lee ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2006 유라시아연구 Vol.3 No.1

        According to professor John Corter of Harvard University, one of the main factor that cause corporate to experience failure in reform is due to the existing cooperate cultural that may hamper the smooth penetration. Hence when cooperate is building ethical culture, it is necessary to construct an infrastructure that brings ethical execution in the center of organizational management process. Yet the reform, constructing a new ethical infrastructure, can only be driven by the CEO of the organization. Chairman Kun-Hee Lee, the head of the Samsung, has set his own ethical spirit further building an infrastructure with ethical management mindset that applies from a high-ranked executive to low-ranked manager: through this Chairman Kun-Hee Lee, as a guiding figure, has advanced powerful reform even to bring change in the mindset of CEO``s, other executives and its employees. Samsung`s ethical infrastructure lies in “to produce the superlative goods and services based on competent human and technological resources to make a contribution to human society” and in management philosophy that is regulating the creditability or trustiness of the company. Thus Samsung, through the regular sessions of education and forwarding the ethical infrastructure, has developed into leading group not only in domestic sphere but also maintained its peculiarity in global sphere. The Samsung``s management reform strategy began with “The Frankfurt declaration” on June 1993 and the epochal event has altered Samsung``s constitution. At that time, Samsung Electronics were fiercely competing against currently known as LG Electronics in a domestic market yet applying the “quality based management” and recruiting competent human resources as well as investing more on R&D to stand as globally recognized first-class manufactured goods, Samsung Electronics became the leading electronics sector in domestic economy. Furthermore overcoming the IMF crisis in the late 90`s, Samsung was put as a leading figure among the corporate with globally competent information technology sources in year 2000. In year 1992, a year before starting the grand reform strategy, Samsung`s total profits before tax stayed 230 billion Korean Won but by the end of 2004, the total profits before tax became 60 times more, 14 trillion Korean Won. At the same time, the debt ratio was reduced from336% to 90% and moreover, Samsung`s brand value hiked up as competent as No.1 brand at a global market: they became one of the leading companies in the world. In addition, Samsung carries the vision of an enterprise based on sharing and coexisting humanity, Samsung, through the active social contribution to the digitally neglected social class, not only in Korea but also in countries like Russia and Southeast Asia, has strengthened its brand image, friendliness and trustiness as well as taking full responsibility as an undertaking citizenry. Due to the Chairman Kun-Hee Lee`s endeavors to build Samsung as the world`s best company, active corporate activities and incessant management strategies led Samsung as the leading domestic enterprise in the global market also one of the most preferable company to invest among the Foreign Direct Investors. Currently, Samsung is putting all-in efforts in preparation for anew management project for coming decade along the training employees to become globally competent: they are not just leading a comfortable life with present time, the biggest profit in history, rather they are still seeking for reform or change in preparation to future: the exploratory question of what could Samsung do to compete in the future global market? Such a forwardly put vision of Samsung could be guidance and may well be considered to search for future direction of Korean corporate and society. Samsung aims 4 main strategies: first, management of globally competent human resources in preparation to the next 5~10 years, second, procuring the service sector and world``s best product, third, seeking the opportunity for preoccupying global market by searching for the hopeful sector in the future, and last, social-friendly management and reaching the world top brand value. As the world moves step closer to the post-internet, ubiquitous and biotechnology era, the encouragement of society to such entrepreneurs is needed for Samsung to continue the myth of the world``s best enterprise.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국경영사학회 30년사(1986~2016) - 성장 · 발전기(2000~2011) -

        이건희(Kun-Hee Lee) 한국경영사학회 2017 經營史學 Vol.83 No.-

        한국경영사학회는 사단법인으로 법인화함으로써 정관을 재정비하고 회장단을 구성하고 학회 회원 수의 배가운동 (倍加運動)과 평생회비 및 운영기금의 조성을 위하여 노력해 왔다. 학회지 <경영사학>(The Review of Business History) 의 발간 횟수를 1회에서 2회로, 또는 연간 4회 발간으로 증간을 도모하며, 대기업집단(LG그룹, SK그룹, 두산그룹, 삼성그룹)의 집중연구와, 단행본 발간을 도서출판 수서원(修書院)을 통하여 지속하였다. 특히, 2000~2011년의 한국경영사학회의 성장·발전에는 SPC그룹, 효성그룹, 동원그룹, 보령그룹, 동화약품그룹 등을 연구하고 학회지 <경영사학>과 단행본을 발간하였으며, 애경(愛敬)그룹은 장영신 회장연구와 더불어 국문 및 영문 단행본을 완간하였다. 2000~2011년 성장·발전기간에는 학회차원의 국제학술대회와 해외학술탐사를 정례화 (定例化)함으로써 북유럽지역, 북미, 남미지역, 호주 및 뉴질랜드지역, 남부 아프리카지역, 북부 아프리카지역, 그리고 유라시아지역을 포함한 광범위한 지역의 학술탐사를 지속하여 왔다. 해외학술탐사 및 국제학술대회는 매년 7월 초부터 10여 일간의 일정으로 시행해 왔으며, 누적방문국은 50여 개국과 1회 평균 참여 회원 수 30여명인 우리나라 사회과학분야 의 학회 중에서 가장 활발한 계기가 되었다. 한국경영사학회에서는 <창업자 대상(大賞)> 규정을 제정하고 LG그룹(창업자 구인회), SK그룹(창업자 최종현 회장), 두산그룹(창업자 박승직) 등 THE AWARD of FOUNDER 를 시상하였다. 또한 한국경영사학회에서는 < 전문경영자대상 > 또는 < CEO 대상 > 시상규정을 제 정하여 한국의 중견기업을 선도해 온 전문경영자 또는 CEO들에게 < CEO 대상 >을 시상하여 왔다. 2000~2011년 기간의 성장·발전기간에는 <경영사학> 에 게재된 논문수가 총 359편으로 주요논문 주제의 대상국은 주로 한국을 대상으로 한 것이 주종(主宗)을 이루고 있으나, 그 이외에도 일본, 프랑스, 캐나다, 인도, 러시아, 영국, 싱가포르 등의 범주로 크게 확대되어 왔다. 그리고 <경영사학> 의 새로운 연구영역으로서의 주요 테마도 다변화하였다. 예를 들면, 1) 한국 마케팅사(史), 2) 조선시대 사학(史學)연구, 3) 일본 식민지기간의 기업연구, 4) 중국의 경영사상연구, 5) 일본제약사/ 유통관련연구, 6) 한국건설업연구, 7) 앙트레프레너십 연구 등을 들 수 있다. 한국경영사학회의 성장 발전기의 특성과 성과분석을 하면, 1) 대기업집단의 체계적 연구, 2) 한국 창업자(entrepreneur)에 대한 연구, 3) 창업자 대상 및 전문경영자(CEO) 대상 시상규정 제정과 집행, 4) 해외학술탐사의 지속적 결행, 5) 한. 일간 경영사학 연 구진의 정례적 교류 활동을 들 수 있다. Proper Historical Research is to interpret all sorts of facts from past experiences from a present perspective, and to evaluate them with the utmost objectivity. A historian tries his best to maintain objectivity. On the 30th Anniversary of the Korea Academy of Business History, we devided description periods as 1) the Incorporated Period, 2) the Take-off Period, 3) the Growth and Development Period, 4) the Maturity Period of the Association. (1) I focused on the Growth and Development Period in the year of 2000~2011. Six members of President of the Korea Academy of Business History were in charge of academic works of control. They were Kun Hee Lee (the 7th, 2000~ 2001), Seung Wook Lee (the 8th, 2002~ 2003), Young Rae Kim (the 9th, 2004~ 2005), Mun Sun Lee(the 10th, 2006~ 2007), Kwang Joo Lee (the 11th, 2008~ 2009), and Shin Kim ( 12th, 2010 ~1011). (2) We studied group founder of the main Korean group as special issues. the contents of the study on each group founder is as following. The Studies on the founder of each Business Group: 1) Modern Historical Study on the Entrepreneur, 2) The process of Growth and Development, 3) The Entrepreneurial Life and Philosophy of Founders, 4) The Relations among Management Ideology, Strategy, and Corporate Performance, 5) Ethical Management and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities, 6) A Study on the Corporate Culture, 7) The Effect of Corporate on the Korean Business Administration Paradigm. (3) However, as Management History is a journal intended for scholars and therefore largely inaccessible to the general public, and because of the demand for a way to make known the admirable life of the founder as an example to many, it was decided to publish a summary of the study in book form. Therefore, the motivation for publishing these kind of books to share the fruits of serious scholarship will the public, and enables proper evaluation of the life of the founder. We always hope that it will be evaluated as a valuable case-study resource for not only the management sciences, but also the financial media sectors as well. (4) During the Growth and Development Period(2000~ 2011), we studied on 1) the Founder Koo In Hoi and Chairman Koo Ja Kyung of LG Group, 2) Founder Choy Jong Hyun of SK Group, 3) Founder Park Seung Jik and Chairman Park Doo Byung of Doo San Group, 4) Founder Kim Seung Ho of Boryung Pharmacy Group, 5) Founder Chang Young Shin of AEKYUNG Group, 6) Founder Huh Chang Sung and Chairman Huh Young In of SPC Group, 7) Founder Cho Hong Je of Hyo Sung Group, 8) Founder Yoon Chang Sik and Chairman Yoon Kwang Yeol of Dong Hwa Pharmacy Co., 9) Founder Kim Chae Chul of Dong Won Group, 10) Founder Kim Jong Hee and Chairman Kim Seung Youn(Han Hwa Group) and published in Korean Editions and some of it , in English Edition too. (5) During the Growth and Development Period (2000~ 2011), the Korea Academy of Business History awarded The Award of Founder to LG Group (Founder Koo In Hoi and Chairman Koo Ja Kyung ), SK Group (Founder Choy Jong Hyun ), Doo San Group (Foundeer Park Seung Jik and Chairman Park Doo Byung), Ae Kyung Group (Chairman Chang Young Shin), SPC Group (Founder Hur Chang Sung and Chairman Hur Young In), Hyosung Group (Founder Ch Hong Je), Dong Won Group (Founder Kim Chae Chul), Han Hwa Group (Founder Kim Jong Hee and Chairman Kim Seung Youn)and many kinds of entrepreneurs of the enterprises were awarded the CEO Award. And also, the Association awarded The CEO Award to the Representative of Bluecord Technology (President, Lim Chae Hwan), FILA Group( President, Yoon Yoon Soo) and many other women CEOs. As a result, I analysed comprehensively the trend of business historian articles presented during the Growth and Development Period( 2000~ 2011) and themes of researchers during the periods. Furthermore, research subjects articles submitted by several countries were confirmed.

      • KCI우수등재

        경영재무전략을 위한 배당정책이용 연구

        이건희(Kun Hee Lee) 한국경영학회 1994 經營學硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        실제로 배당의 정보효과가 존재하는지의 연부는 실증분석에 의하여 명확해졌다. 그러나 모든 이론을 거울삼아 보면, 우리는 배당의 정보효과에 관하여 회의적이고 부정적이 된다. 그 이유는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 低位安定配當에 기인한다. 기업은 내부유보를 높이기 위해서 배당을 억제하는 유인을 갖기 때문에 低位의 配當率을 안정적으로 유지하려고 한다. 이와 같은 低位安定配當率政策이 지배적으로 되는 경우에 이익이 증가되는 것으로 보고 배당율을 높이기도 하고, 이와는 반대로 이익이 감소되는 것으로 보고 배당율을 낮추기도 한다. 이처럼 이익의 증감에 맞추어 배당율이 빈번히 변경되므로 배당이 기업의 장래수익을 예측하는데 정보로서의 역할을 수행하는 것이다. 그러나, 예를 들어 업적이 악화되었음에도 불구하고 배당성향을 낮추기 위해서 배당율을 일정하게 유지하면, 배당성향이 극단적으로 높게 되므로, 이것은 사후적으로 조정을 하게 되어 투자자에게 새로운 정보를 제공할 가능성이 적어 진다. 둘째로는, 同一産業內의 기업의 사이에서 받게 되는 配當率의 현상이 있다. 동일산업내라고 하더라도 배당율은 동일하거나 상이할 수 있는데, 장래수익의 차이를 식별하기 위한 신호로서 배당율을 사용하기란 어려운 일이다. 업적이 나쁘거나 또는 나쁘게 될 것같은 기업이 동일업종의 타사 배당율을 유지하려는 것으로서, 이것은 소위 도덕적 위험(moral hazard)현상으로 이해된다. 셋째, 배당이 정보로서의 역할을 부정적으로 보는 것은 배당정보 이외의 다양한 情報源이 있기 때문이다. 말할 필요도 없이 배당이 정보 또는 신호로서의 역할을 수행하기 위해서는 기업의 장래 업적, 수익에 관한 적절한 정보가 다른 방법으로 투자자에게 이용불가능하다는 것이 전제되고 있다. 이상과 같이 배당정책의 변경은 사후적인 조정이라는 측면이 강하지만, 장래의 업적을 보지 않고 변경한다고 하더라도, 그와 같은 배당정책의 변경으로 예측할 수 있는 정도는 다른 여러가지 정보로도 예측가능할 것이다. 오히려 이와 같은 정보로부터 배당정보로는 불가능한 수준높은 예측정보를 입수할 수가 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        재패니즈 룩(Japanese look)에 관한 연구 : 2000년 이후 컬렉션을 중심으로

        이건희(Lee Kun-Hee) 한복문화학회 2009 韓服文化 Vol.12 No.2

        A digital generation is a major consumer group for a trend of old fashion in 21th century. Their spending habit is different from those of 20th century. The purpose of this study is an analysis on the attribute of Japanese look in 2000s of fashion collections. The result of this study will be applied to fashion design for the sensitive digital generation. Here is the result of study below: First, a sharp increase in a demolition of humanism, destroy of the nature and rise of social problems, people missed a pure aspect of the past. They started to view the fashion of 1980s differently. By developing communication network like Internet, not only can people share the information but also grow the standardization rapidly all over the world. As an effort to deviate from the uniformity, people shifted their attention to the ethnic fashion. Given this situation, there were a great interest with Japanese look. Second, Japanese look which was based on the feature of traditional costume and ideology of Zen showed maximal ism fashion reflecting the character of ethnic clothes which was wearing bigger clothing to redeem the small body of Japanese. On the other hand, Japanese look was expressed via the moderated minimal ism which delivered the spirit of Japanese Buddhism. Third, after Japanese look emerged around 2000, it has succeeded maximal ism fashion through big patterns, overlapping the same shape, pleated clothes with kimikari, an exaggeration of the body using padding and layered clothes. Maximalism fashion generated the cotton-shape clothes which had space between the body and clothes. Moreover, when it oomes to minimalism fashion, Japanese look expressed it through mixing different factors after removing oolors and distinguishing necessary factors of clothes or minimizing the shape of traditional clothing. Minimalism fashion allowed the attire to have more activity. It had clothes designed for new type of items by way of distinguishing and compromising the needed points of attire.

      • SPA브랜드를 중심으로 한 트렌드 분석

        이건희(Kun hee, Lee) 아시아민족조형학회 2015 아시아민족조형학보 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to offer a blueprint for domestic fashion companies in the developing SPA market by taking a close look at current SPA brands which have succeeded in major markets, and by examining the characteristics of each brand while also analyzing their brand power and marketing strategies. For a domestic fashion company to survive in today"s market, the following points must be considered; (1) Diversification of distribution systems, (2) establishment of a logistics management system, (3) offering a reasonable pricing policy through outsourcing and (4) raising brand image through market segmentation. This study has the potential to serve as a reference for domestic fashion companies in understanding the marketing strategies of global SPA brands. Additional in-depth follow-up studies on each individual brand are being planned for the near future.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        아르누보 양식의 텍스타일 벽지 디자인 연구

        이건희(Lee Kun-Hee) 한국주거환경학회 2011 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.9 No.2

        Art Nouveau means "new art." It is a movement that emerged in response to industrialization, the rise of technology and the loss of humanity. Art Nouveau is a kind of decorative art which is a departure from the historicism that dominated the design trends of the 19th century. Even now, it continues to influence various areas of design. In this study I provide textile wall paper designs which illustrate the four types of Art Nouveau. The first type is abstract, constructive and symbolic in style. The second is organic and floral in style. The third is a linear and two-dimensional style and the fourth is constructive and geometric. Classification was done based on the Art Nouveau pattern standard by S.T. Modsen. As a research approach, the theoretical considerations of Art Nouveau and design development were used. The result of this research shows that the Art Nouveau style contains decorative and splendid elements. Art Nouveau style proceeds vitality by expressing natural motives in a free and vital way, departing from traditional beauty of form. In terms of color used, Art Nouveau prefers to use oriental colors including pastel and gold tones, which were influenced by impressionism. Such patterns and colors are suitable for the expression of dynamic images. For that reason, the patterns and colors of Art Nouveau are considered especially appropriate for wall papers that can be used to provide a focal point for otherwise plain interior decoration. Throughout the entire research, Art Nouveau is determined to have the ability to make various types of images possible, such as modern and classical patterns through the combination of organic and geometric patterns.

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