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      • KCI등재

        광강도와 야간조명에 따른 들깨의 개화 반응

        吳明圭,劉肅鍾,金宗太,吳潤燮,鄭永根,張榮宣,朴仁珍,朴根龍 韓國作物學會 1995 한국작물학회지 Vol.40 No.5

        들깨잎의 주년생산을 위한 일장이 짧은 겨울동안 개화를 억제하기 위하여 들깨품종 엽실들깨, 옥동들깨에 대한 광조도별 0.5∼1 Lux, 3∼10 Lux, 30∼100 Lux, 야간조명시간별 10, 30, 60분간 처리로 실험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 엽실들깨는 옥동들깨보다 처리에 따라 정식후 개화소요일수는 1∼4일 정도 더 소요되었으며 광조도 0.5∼1Lux/야간조명시간 10분간 처리구 에서 개화소요일수가 가장 짧았으며 광조도 3∼10 Lux/야간조명시간 60분간 처리구와 광조도 30∼100Lux/야간조명시간 10, 30, 60분간 처리구 모두 개화가 되지 않았다. 2. 경장은 광조도 0.5∼1 Lux/야간조명시간 10분 처리구가 53∼56cm로 가장 작았고, 광조도 30∼100 Lux/야간조명시간 10분 처리구가 87∼91cm로 가장 컸다. 3.엽면적은 광조도 0.5∼1 Lux, 3∼10 Lux의 처리구에서는 야간조명시간이 길수록 광조도가 강할수록 엽면적은 증가되었으며 광조도 30∼100 Lux 처리구에서는 야간조명시간에 관계없이 엽면적은 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 4. 건물량은 광조도 30∼100 Lux/야간조명시간 10, 30, 60분간 처리구에서 주당 25∼29g으로 가장 무거웠고, 광조도 0.5∼1 Lux/야간조명시간 10분간 처리구에서 주당 16g으로 가장 낮았다. 5. 따라서 일장이 짧은 겨울동안의 개화억제 정도는 광조도 30∼100 Lux/ 야간조명시간 10분 정도 처리하면 효과가 커 그 이상 광조도와 야간조명시간은 엽생산을 위해 필요 없을 것으로 사료되었다. This study was conducted to light intensity and night interruption on leaf production in perilla. Using two cultivars ; og-dong and Yeup-sil. The present studies were conducted to investigate effect of the light intensity and night interruption for prolongation of vegetative growth by flowering inhibition in the National Honam Crop Experiment Station, R. D. A, Iri, Korea. The results are summarized as followes, varietal differences of days to flower initiation were not significant by the light intensity and night interruption, however differences of days to flower initiation light intensity or night interruption treatment were higly significant. Flowering of perilla was prolongated in high light intensity and in long night interruption. Between the factors treated flowering of perilla was more influenced by light intensity than night interruption. Days to flower initiation of perilla were light intensity(0.5∼1 Lux) in 30 mins night interruption, however 3∼10 light intensity in 60 mins night interruption and 30∼100 Lux light intensity in 10, 30, 60 mins night interruption treatment were not flowering. Plant height, leaf area and dry weight of perilla were the highest in 30∼100 Lux light intensity treatment than in the other treatments. The results would be avaliable establish year-round production methods for low cost of perilla leaf.

      • KCI등재

        우척답에서 정지후 환수회수와 이앙시기에 따른 염분농도와 수도생육

        鄭鎭一,劉肅鍾 韓國作物學會 1993 한국작물학회지 Vol.38 No.5

        우척지에서의 수도재배는 일반 숙답과는 토양조성이 다르고, pH가 높고, C.S.C가 낮으며, 염해의 피해가 커 벼의 생육을 저해한다. 특히 벼 이질시의 손상에 의한 피해를 줄이고자 Rotary 후 환수 회수 및 이질시기가 토양의 염분농도 변화 양상과 벼의 생육 및 수량등에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 1. 염분농도는 염농도 0.35%의 포장에서 담수하여 Rotary한 직후에 0.41%로 높아졌고, Rotary후 환수를 3, 4회 실시할 수록 0.2%까지 낮아졌으며, 담수호액도 0.2%에서 0.11%로 낮아졌다. 2. 토층별 염분농도는 5cm 깊이 내에서 1회 환수후에는 0.31%이었으며, 3~4회 환수를 많이 할수록 낮아져 0.22%로 감소되었고, 7cm 이하에서는 염분농도의 감소 정도가 적었다. 3. 이질묘의 고사는 염농도 0.35% 포장에서는 Rotary후 익일 이앙이 37%로 높았으나, 3회 환수 6일 이앙한 처리구는 20%로 적었으며, 0.50% 포장에서는 0.35% 포장보다 고사율은 높았으나 경향치는 같았다. 4. 수량은 염농도 0.35% 포장에서는 Rotary후 3회 환수하여 6일째 이앙한 처리가 350kg/10a으로 관행(1회 환수 익일 이앙)에 비하여 14% 증수하였고, 염농도 0.50% 포장에서는 이앙묘의 손상이 심하여 관행(73kg/10a)에 비하여, 3회 환수 6일째 이앙한 것이 250kg/10a으로 매우 높았다. 고농답에서 Rotary후 2일 이내에 이앙은 제염효과가 낮아 생육이 불량하고, 고농답 일수록 2~3회 환수와 5~6일 경과후 이앙하는 것이 활착이 양호하고 고사주율이 낮아, 초기 생육이 양호하였다. 그러나 이앙시기가 8일이 지나 10日 이상으로 늦어질수록 토양의 경화로 인하여, 이앙시 부묘가 않아 결주율이 높았으며 수량도 감소되 는 경향이었다.고, ABA는 이러한 변화에 상조적으로 작용하나 GA3 는 큰 영향이 없음을 알 수 있었다.다.e 및 free fatty acid) 는 13.3~17.4%로 나타났다.로 빠른 시일에 집중적인 연구가 필요하다고 본다.다. 4. 저온저장(4℃ , RH 50%)한 벼는 2년반 저장한 벼도 밥맛의 변화가 거의 없었다. 5. 1988년산 및 1989년산 일반계를 10분도와 12분도로 도정하였을 때 도정도에 따른 밥맛의 차이는 없었다.X>CoOx는 Co3O4 로 존재하고, 반응 전의 경우에는 이와는 다른 chemical state를 보여주었다. XRD 및 XPS 결과를 바탕으로, 촉매표면에 존재하는 Co3O4 의 외부표면이 Co2TiO4 와 CoTiO3 같은 CoTiOx 로 encapsulation되어 있는 모델구조를 제안할 수 있고, 이는 반응시간의 함수로 나타나는 촉매활성에 있어서 전이영역의 존재를 잘 설명할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, XRD와 XPS에서 얻어진 촉매의 물리화학적인 특성을 잘 반영할 수 있다. 나타냈고, 골격근과 눈 조직에서 피루브산에 대한 LDH의 친화력이 상당히 크므로 LDH가 혐기적 조건에서 효율적으로 기능을 하는 것으로 사료된다.5) and "Cleanliness of clothes & features" (p <0.05) of VIP ward were significantly higher than those of a general ward.tive to apply.아울러 고려(考慮)해야 한다. 이것은 고무기술자(技術者)가 당면(當面)해야할 과제(課題)에 속(屬)하며 바람직 한것은 This study was conducted in order to obtain the information for yield improvement in saline paddy. Saline concentration, growth and yield of rice, being subjected to different flooding times and days to transplanting were investigated in saline paddy with 0.35 % and 0.5 % salt concentration. Saline concentration of soil was increased to 0.41 % just after rotary in the paddy with 0.35 % salinity, but decreased to 0.20 % after 3 to 4 times of flooding treatment. And also that of surface water was decreased from 0.2 % to 0.11 %. Saline concentration of soil in 5cm depth was decreased to 0.31 % by one time flooding and to 0.22% by 3~4 times flooding but salinity below 7cm depth showed slight decrease. Seedling death was exceeded 37 % when transplanted one day after rotary in the paddy with 0.35% salinity. Death ratio was decreased to 20% by three times flooding and transplanting six days after rotary. In paddy with 0.5 % salinity, death ratio was high but the tendency was very similar to 0.35 % field. In 0.35 % saline paddy field, yields were increased by 14 % by three times flooding and transplanting six days after rotary as compared to one time flooding and transplanting are day after rotary. Therefore, 3 to 4 times flooding and transplanting 5 to 6 days after rotary are desirable in high saline paddy.

      • 염해지 우탁토양 (干拓土壤)에서 수도생육 및 수량에 미치는 토양개량제의 효과

        嚴大翼,劉肅種,嚴澤鎔 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1989 農大論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The study was conducted to investigate the change of salt concentration according to the application of some soil conditioners when rice plant was cultivated, and the relationship between phybicochemical properties of soil and the yield in the saline reclaimed soil. It was experimentalized in the saline reclaimed paddy field of Gyehwu island during two years (1987 to 1988), and the summarized of the conclution are as follow : 1 . The salt concentration of saturated soil solution in the used fine soil was high to 0.67 ~0.73% level. But, it was irrigated two or three times a week with irrigation water which salt concentration is 0.007% below during the cultivation and some soil conditioners were applied at the beginning to enter into the experiment. As the result, the salt concentration of saturated soil solution in fine soil was 0.22% ~0.26%, submerged soil solution and submerged water were 0.11 ~0.16% and 0.03~0.05%, respectively. They indicated that salt concentration was gradually decreased. Eventually, their salt concentration of the plots treated soil conditioners was lower than nontreatment. 2. In the gypaum plot. salt concentration was highest during three weeks after application of gypaum. But during two years after that time, salt concentration was lower than nontreatment. Therefore, the application of gypeum in the saline land was recommended 3. The added soil plot showed that salt concentration was lowest just after application of added soil. But, this plot preserved slightly higher salt concentration than compost plot after three weeks, and continued a similar concentration to compost from the latter ha]f of growing period to two fears. 4. The compost plot was slightly higher than added soil plot after application of compost, but it showed the lowest salt concentration after that time. The experiment was oonducte3 by following year, showed that it was a similar concentration to the Peat Plot and the added soil plot 5. All the plots were higher than general korean paddy field in salt concentration and pH. In the plot of compost and Miwon organic fertilizer, the content of T-N was higher. The content of O.M was higher in the plot compost pest, and Miwon organic fertilizer than other plots. C.E.C was less content than other general korean paddy field. but it is characteristic that degree of babe saturation was higher, due to increased content of exchangeable cation. 6. Because of high salt concentration of the very day when rice plant was transplanted, saturated soil solution in fine soil and submerged solution were 0.35 ~0.45% and 0.2 ~0.33%, respectively. Rice plant was suffered from saline damaged on the former half of growing period But irrigation was conducted by water which salt concentration was 0.007% below two-throe time a week. The salt concentration of saturated soil solution in fine soil, submerged soil solution and submerged water was 0.24-0.28%, 0.13-0.18% and 0.04~0.06%. respectively. Therefore the growth of rice plant was possible. 7. In exprimental period for two years, soil conditioners revealed an increased yield to be significant in comparison with nontreatment. But all the plots were the lower yield than general korean paddy field, and the grain yield between all the plots is as follow ; nontreatment< Miwon organic fertilizer<peat<Compost<Gypsum<Added soil. Finally, the application of added soil and gypsum demonstrated the effect as soil conditioners in a saline reclaimed soil.

      • KCI등재후보

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