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      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국의 양금기보법 비교연구: 개량양금 기술표현체계 개발을 전제로

        윤은화 ( Yin Hua Yin ),미지 ( Mi Ji Yang ) 세계음악학회 2015 음악과 문화 Vol.32 No.-

        The Yang geum mentioned Guracheolsahyeongeum (歐邏鐵絃琴) by Yeonam Park, Ji-won in Western Yang guem. Originally,Yang geum was a sort of Dulcimer. It has been translated and spread to the world under the names such as Tympanon, Harkvert, Cembalo and Yangqin. Actually new traditional music composition skills in Korea are represented and required in several ways through the Modernized Yang Geum, but the real state of a study on sign system of the modernized Yang Geum`` new performing technique is poor. Accordingly, this study was made to develop a newly improved Yang Geum``s performing technique sign system by searching the existing Chinese Yangqin, Korean Traditional Yang Geum and Modernized Yang Geum``s performing technique sign systems. Yang Geum has been actively played, studied and improved as a folk musical instrument of the world, while the Korean Yang Geum research has continued to have little on traditional music. The Korean Traditional Yang Geum is dominated mainly by one-handed technique, whose tune is frequently changed by environment. And popular acceptance is poor due to the limit of the instrument noisy tuning. As a result, China``s Modernized Yang Geum Performing Technique Sign has been systematically studied for a long time and organized and mentioned on the first top part of any manual. This notated a special technique playing in commonly used sign when playing the Modernized Yang Geum Performing that led to the correct Modernized Yang Geum performing expression. First, the Chinese Modernized Yang Geum is composed by staff notation and number notation, and the correct technique training is good by the notation system of performing technique. Second, the Korean Traditional Yang Geum is composed by staff notation(except jungganbo), and the notation sign system ofjungganbo was used by the notation sign system of performing technique when having reverse score of staff notation. Third, Korea``s 18strings Modernized Yang Geum improved the musical instrument by magnifying the register of the Korean Traditional Yang Geum and the notation system was notated by the staff notation of the West. The notation sign systems of performing technique includes left hand slapping · Zither Stick · vibrato · rolling the stick · One-time pushing · twice pushing · pushing from the bottom sound · glissando · grace note · continuation technique · chord technique · barrier slapping technique · left-hand technique · right-hand technique · arpeggio · banchegui technique · staccato · tremolo · two voice tremolo · vibrato · mute technique. However, several performing techniques by composers are reported cause chaos, and even the same performing notation is differently indicated to have poor precision shown. Fourth, Korea``s 43strings Modernized Yang Geum is a musical instrument improved by the North Korea``s Yang Geum with all techniques of the existing instrument 18strings Modernized Yang Geum accepted that led not only to Korean music but to several musics. This allowed the suspension of the existing 18strings Improved Yang Geum to be expanded, the traditionality and merits of the existing Modernized Yang Geum to be preserved by improving the musical instruments such as pedaling, the new Modernized Yang Geum performing technique to be expanded according the demand of a new era, and several technique expressions to be progressively presented. As a result, the Korean Modernized Yang Geum``s new performing technique sign systempresented the pedal, Goejo rate, performing technique of two stick, semitone technique expression system by expanding the existing Modernized Yang Geum performing technique except the rolling the stick, arpeggio, tremolo, vibrato. Like this, 43strings Modernized Yang Geum is the musical instrument improved to play several musics not only of the existing 18strings Modernized Yang Geum performing techniques but also new traditional music, which seems to be the beginning to raise importance of the future new traditional music Yang Geum``simportance used.

      • KCI등재

        기후요소를 고려한 초고층 건설공사의 타워크레인 양중시간 예측 시뮬레이션 모델

        강혁,이현수,박문서,정민혁,황성주,Yang, Kanghyeok,Lee, Hyun-Soo,Park, Moonseo,Jung, Minhyeok,Hwang, Sungjoo 한국건설관리학회 2013 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        초고층 건물공사에서 타워크레인의 양중계획은 전체 공사의 성패를 좌우할 수 있는 매우 중요한 요소 중 하나이다. 타워크레인의 양중계획에 있어 양중시간은 기본적인 요소 중 하나로 이를 바탕으로 양중부하 및 타워크레인을 선정하기 때문에 양중계획을 위해서는 정확한 양중시간의 예측이 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 현재 초고층 공사의 양중시간 예측은 기존의 실적자료와 시뮬레이션을 이용하여 수행하고 있지만 양중작업에 영향을 미치는 환경적인 요인에 대해서는 충분히 고려되지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 양중작업에 영향을 크게 미치는 바람을 시뮬레이션에 반영하여 초고층 공사의 타워크레인 양중시간을 예측하는 시뮬레이션 모델을 개발하였다. 시뮬레이션 분석 결과 바람의 영향을 반영한 양중시간은 높이가 올라갈수록 증가하였으며, 초고층부의 경우 기계적 양중시간보다 바람의 영향에 의한 양중 지연시간이 더 크다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 연구 대상지인 서울의 풍속은 4월이 강하고 10월이 약하게 나타났으며, 양중시간을 예측한 결과 둘 간의 큰 차이가 발생함을 알 수 있었다. 이 같은 결과는 향후 초고층 타워크레인 양중계획 시 바람이 양중에 미치는 영향을 예측하고 이를 고려하여 실제 상황과 동일한 양중계획을 세우는데 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Tower crane hoisting plan is one of the key element for the success of entire High-Rise Building construction. Hoisting time is the basic factor to appropriate hoisting plan which need to the hoisting load estimate and tower crane selection. With this reason, accurate hoisting time is needed to the proper hoisting plan. The current hoisting time estimation for High-Rise Building focus on the hoisting cycle time estimation with historical data. However, this method underestimated the external influences like environmental factor. Thus, this paper aims to develop the hoisting time estimation model with discrete event simulation which include the wind influences with certain height. According to the simulation result, the hoisting time which applied wind influence is increasing with height growth. Because of the high speed wind, the upper area of building has more operation delay time than the mechanical operation time. Seoul, the research area, has the most fastest wind speed on April and the least on October. Due to these differences of wind speed, the hoisting time is estimated with significant differences between April and October. This hosting time estimation model would be used for estimating the influence of wind. Moreover, this could apply to make the realistic hoisting plan.

      • KCI등재

        松川 梁應鼎의 生涯와 憂國衷情 詠史詩 一考

        승천(Yang Seung-Cheon) 동아인문학회 2018 동아인문학 Vol.43 No.-

        송천 양응정은 조선 중기에 활동한 관료이자 문인으로, 호남지방에서 활발한 문학활동을 전개한 중심인물 중의 한 사람이다. 그는 1552년 식년문과에서 을과로 급제를 하였고, 1556년 중시문과에서 ‘남북제승대책’으로 장원을 하였다. 또한 대사성을 두 번이나 지냈고, 문장에도 능하여 목릉성세를 이루었던 시인 중의 한 사람이다. 그는 한국한 시문학의 금자탑을 쌓은 정철, 백광훈, 최경창과 같은 뛰어난 제자를 길렀다. 송천 양응정은 문인이면서도 군략에 조예가 있는 병법과 전술 등에 일가견을 가지고, 국방에 대한 구체적 방안을 제시하는 등 현실적으로 많은 관심을 가지고 있었다. 문과중시에서 장원한 그의 ‘남북제승대책’에서 국방에 대한 현실적인 대책을 제시하였다. 또한 자식들에게 머지 않아 남쪽에 외환이 있으리라는 것을 말하고, 장차 있을지 모르는 나라의 위험에 대비해 병법을 가르쳤다. 부친에게 병법을 배운 아들들은 임진왜란이 일어나자 즉시 의병에 가담하여, 차남 양산룡은 운량장이 되어 군량을 조달하였고 삼남 양산숙은 진주성 싸움에서 33세의 젊은 나이로 목숨을 잃었다. 송천 양응정 사상의 핵심은 충, 신, 신독 세가지로 압축할 수 있다. 그의 사상은 유교에서 선비가 지키고 마땅히 행하여야 할 행동 지침들로, 그 사상의 핵심은 현실에 대한 탁월한 안목을 지니고 있는 생활적인 실천철학이었다. 그가 중시에서 ‘남북제승대책’으로 장원을 한것도 그런 맥락에서 보아야 할 것이다. 송천 양응정 문집에는 영사시들이 몇 수 있는데, 모두 중국 역사에서 주제가 되는 재료를 취재한 작품으로, 우국충정 일화를 제재로 삼은 것들이다. 따라서 그의 영사시는 신념과 가치관을 역사적 인물에 투영시켜 형상화 한 것이므로, 그의 우국충정 정신이 녹아있다 할 것이다. Songcheon Yang Eung-jeong, who was a bureaucrat and literary artist from the mid-Joseon era, was one of key literati active in the Honam region. He passed the government examination of the civil official division-B class in 1552. In 1556, he passed another higher level examination as the top winner by writing about ‘South-North Winning Measures.’ In addition, he served as the Head of Confucian Education Department twice, and was excellent in writing essays, becoming one of the poets which dominated the so called prosperous period. He fostered excellent disciples such as Jeong Cheol, Baek Gwang-hun and Choe Gyeong-chang who laid firm groundwork for Korea"s Sino-Korean poetry genre. Yang Eung-jeong was a literary artist and yet was good at military strategy and tactics, proposing specific national defense measures. As such, he was pragmatic. He, who passed the governmental examination as the first winner, proposed the pragmatic national defense measures in his writing of ‘South-North Winning Measures.’ In addition, he taught their children how to cope with foreign invasions in the southern region that he insisted would occur. The children, who were taught about military tactics, engaged in Imjinwaeran, Japanese invasion of Joseon, as civil soldiers. Second-son Yang San-ryong became the head of logistics unit to procure food, and third-son Yang San-suk engaged in Jinjuseong battle, and unfortunately, died at the young age of 33. The key thoughts of Songcheon Yang Eung-jeong come down to loyalty, sincerity and integrity. His thoughts, which Confucian scholars should keep and practice, were anchored on his excellent insights into reality and pragmatism. In that context, he wrote ‘South-North Winning Measures’ in the governmental examination, by which he won the top spot. The literary collection of Songcheon Yang Eung-jeong contains several historic poems, which all took the subject matter of patriotism from the Chinese history. Thus, his historic poems, which were based on the conviction and values of historic figures, embraced his patriotism.

      • KCI등재

        15세기의 ‘風土不同論’과 조선의 고유성

        문중(MOON, Joong Yang) 한국사연구회 2013 한국사연구 Vol.162 No.-

        The statements, ‘the difference of the Wind and Earth’ or ‘the difference of the wind and weather’ which we can often see in the 15th century literatures of Korea, have been considered to imply the Korean uniqueness. This paper is checking out if the statements really imply the meaning of the Korean Uniqueness. In conclusion, I do not suppose the statements can be understood to imply the difference between ‘our’ Korea and ‘their’ China. I examined in what contexts the statements of ‘the difference of the Wind and Earth’ had been manifested in the process of the indigenization of Chinese civilization and institutions in early Korea. Key problem is the difference between Korea and China. To Korean Kings and intellectuals, the difference from China meant ‘barbarian’ which must be of hindrance in the process of the indigenization of Chinese civilization and institutions. In 15th century Korea, there had been no ones who insisted to create ‘our own unique’ civilization and institutions which were appropriate to ‘Korean Wind and Earth’ different from Chinese ones. Most Korean intellectuals seemed to reject the difference between Korea and China. A few people, however, tried to search how to indigenize Chinese civilization and institutions under the condition of ‘different wind and earth’ or ‘different customs’ from Chinese ones. Project leaders, like King Sejong, Pak Y?n, Yang S?ngji, and Ch?ng In’ji, came to recognize ‘the difference between Korea and China’, and accept different wind, earth, weather, and customs from Chinese ones. However, it does not mean they came to chase ‘their own unique’ civilization and institutions. The idea of ‘the difference between Korea and China’ was still unfamiliar and uncomfortable to them. They chose the strategy to doing their best to comply and assimilate with universal Chinese spiritual civilization to overcome their physical difference from China rather than to naturalize it.

      • KCI등재후보

        영상전공 대학생의 저작권 의식에 대한 연구 저작권 교육 이수 유무에 따른 집단 간 차이를 중심으로

        소정(Yang, So Jung),최혁재(Choi, Hyuk Jae),소정(Yang, So Jung) 한국디자인리서치학회 2019 한국디자인리서치 Vol.4 No.3

        본 연구는 영상전공 대학생들을 대상으로 저작권 교육 이수에 따른 저작권 의식 차이를 비교분석하였다. 설문을 통한 실증적 분석 결과, 저작권 교육 이수 학생들의 저작권 의식이 그렇지 않은 학생들에 비해 유의미하게 높은 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 인지적 영역과 정의적 영역에서 이수 집단과 비이수 집단 간의 차이가 있는 것으로 검증되었으며, 행동적 영역에는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 분석되었다. 저작권 교육 유형 간에는 저작권 의식에 차이가 나타나지는 않았지만, 비이수 집단을 포함하여 차이검증을 진행한 결과 정규교과나 특강 등 비정규 프로그램에 참여한 집단에서 비이수 집단보다 높은 저작권 의식을 보이는 것으 로 분석되었다. 저작권 교육의 필요성이 점차 증대되고 있음에도 불구하고 영상 관련 55개 학과 중 저작권 교육을 정규 교과로 개설하고 있는 경우는 상당히 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 여러 연구를 통해 저작권 의식 함양에 저작권 교육의 효과성이 입증된 만큼 저작권 교육에 대한 대학의 관심이 더욱 높아지길 바란다. This study compared and analyzed the differences in copyright consciousness according to the transfer of copyright education among University students majoring in video production. Empirical analysis through the survey shows that copyright consciousness among students with copyright education is significantly higher than those who do not. In particular, there has been proven to be a difference between the two groups, in the knowledgeless and affective areas, and it has not been analyzed to affect the behavioral areas. Although there were no differences in copyright consciousness among types of copyright education, as a result of difference verification including unlearned groups, it was analyzed that groups participating in programs such as regular subjects or special lectures showed a higher sense of copyright than unlearned groups. Despite the growing need for copyright education, it has been found that among 55 departments related to video production, it is quite low that copyright education is being offered as a regular subject. It is hoped that universities will become more interested in copyright education as many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of copyright education in fostering copyright consciousness.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        설문조사를 통한 식이섭취 유형과 동맥경화 위험인자에 관한 연구

        정례(Jeong-Lye Yang),전진호(Jin-Ho Chun),이숙희(Sook-Hee Lee),송영옥(Yeong-Ok Song),송영선(Young-Sun Song) 한국식품영양과학회 2001 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        건강한 일반성인에서 콩제품의 섭취수준과 동맥경화 위험인자간의 상관성을 조사하였다. 조사대상자의 하루 콩제품섭취수준은 2~261 g으로 이를 4분위로 나누었을 때 1분위, 2분위, 3분위 및 4분위에 해당하는 사람의 평균 콩제품 섭취량이 36 g, 78 g, 112 g, 그리고 182 g으로 나타났으며 대상자들이 선호하는 콩제품으로는 콩나물, 두부가 우세하였고 다음으로 밥밑콩, 된장, 청국장의 순이었다. 본 조사대상자의 특성 중 하나로 콩제품 섭취량이 많아질수록 열량, 단백질, 지질, 섬유소, 칼슘, 콜레스테롤 섭취량이 유의적으로 증가하였고, 운동, 음주 및 흡연량 역시 많아져 모든 생활에 적극적인 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 동맥경화 위험인자로서 혈중 중성지방, 총콜레스테롤 및 LDL-콜레스테롤, 동맥경화지수에 흡연 및 음주가 유의적인 양의 상관관계를 보였으며(p<0.05), 특히 중성지방은 고혈압, BMI와 매우 높은 상관관계를 보였다(p<0.01). 한편 운동정도, 짠맛ㆍ채식ㆍ육류ㆍ어류 선호도 그리고 콩제품 섭취와 동맥경화 위험인자간에는 유의적인 상관관계가 나타나지 않아 일반 성인의 동맥경화유발에는 식사습관보다는 음주, 흡연 같은 생활습관이 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료되었다. 이상의 결과로 미루어 볼 때 콩제품의 항동맥경화효과가 인체에서 나타나기 위해서는 현재의 콩 섭취수준보다 많은 양을 섭취해야 함을 알 수 있었으며 콩제품의 소비를 증진시키기 위해서는 저염 발효 콩제품과 콩버거, 콩아이스크림 등과 같은 신세대 콩제품의 개발이 수반되어져야 할 것이다. This study was conducted to investigate correlation between soybean and their products consumption and risk factors for atherosclerosis in the healthy Korean adults. Health behaviors such as smoking, exercise, alcohol consumption and dietary patterns and nutrient intakes of 193 healthy adult subjects aged from 26 to 69 were assessed by using interview and semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. The BMI, blood pressure and biochemical parameters of blood were examined as well as preferences for taste and family history of disease. Data were expressed as quartile according to soybean and their products consumption. The average daily soybean and their product consumption for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th percentile group were 36, 78, 112, and 182 g, respectively. The more consumption of soybean and their products, the more intake of energy, protein, lipid, fiber, Ca, cholesterol as well as frequency of exercise, smoking and drinking. Serum TG, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol and AI as risk factors of atherosclerosis were positively correlated with smoking and drinking (p<0.05). Especially, serum TG was positively correlated with hypertension and BMI (p<0.01). But, no correlation between exercise, salty taste, meat preference, soybean products consumption and atherosclerosis risk factors was found, which means that life styles such as smoking and drinking rather than dietary habits might influence atherosclerosis in healthy adults. In conclusion, present soy products consumption should be increased by way of developing new generation soy products in order to exert anti-atherosclerotic effect by soybean in human.

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