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      • KCI등재

        Alkohol Motiv 를 통해 본 Gerhart Hauptmann 의 " Vor Sonnenaufgang " 에 나타난 사회상

        홍인숙 한국독어독문학회 1983 獨逸文學 Vol.29 No.1

        Gerhart Hauptmann ist ein Dichter des Natualismus. Er nimmt die konsequente Darstellungsmethode Holzens and Schlafs durch den Klub urch$quot;. Das erste Drama von Hauptmann wurde aufgefuhrt von der reien Buhne$quot;. Hauptmann stellt das dunkle Gesellschaftsbild in seinem Werk or Sonnenaufgang$quot; dar. Er beschreibt ias BSse in einer Familie deren Motive Alkoholismus ist Wie in acht der Finsternis$quot; Tolstojs den Alkoholismus and die Geschlechtskrankheit in den espenstern$quot; Ibsens, gebraucht der Dichter das Motiv, der Vererbung des Alkoholismus, damit er den Verlust an Humanitat and den Niedergang der Gesellschaft durch die plbtzliche Mechanisierung der Industrie im spaten 19 Jhd. darstellt. Zugleich zeigt er durch das Alkohol-Problemen die Identitat der Gesellschaft mit der Familie. Er stellt den Untergang einer Familie bedingt durch den Alkoholismus dreien Generationen von Krause fiber Martha bis Marthas Sohn. Krause wird plbtzlich ein reicher Mann lurch ein in seinem Feld gefundenes Kohlenvorkommen. Er ist so weft heruntergekommen, daB er wie cin Tier handelc alle menschliche Vernunft im Alkoholismus ertrankend, daB er soger seine Tochter nicht erkennt. Er reiLit seine game Familie mit dem Untergang. Seine Tochter Martha wird der Alkoholismus vererbt, and sie hat kein Vermtfgen, ihren Sohn zu ernahren. Ihr Sohn stirbt, mit Jahre alt, weft der eine Essigflasche fiir Weinflasche halt. Der sittliche Verfall des Hauses wird deutlich in der Stiefmutter, die ihren Neffen and Liebhaber Karl der Stieftochter zur Heirat vermittelt, and im Schwager, der seine Schwagerin verfuhrt, Ruin and Fall der Krausens lurch Alkoholismus wird deutlich im Vergleich mit Helene, die einzig nicht trinkt and unangestastet bleibt and lurch den Idealisten Loth, der aus der Auf3enwelt kommt. Im Vergleich mit der Familie Krause, die plVtzlich reich wird and dann sich selbst zerstiirt, sind der Arbeiter Beibst, der von dem Kapitalisten ausgebeutet wird, so arm, daf3 er auch den dritten Sohn ins Bergwerlc schicken muf3t, obgleich er ohne ein vollbringen des Idealens, schon die zwei StShne dort verlieren. Der Dichter beleuchtet die tragische Situation der Arbeiter durch das Handeln der Figure Loth. Loth hat viele Revolutionare Ideate. Aber Loth verliif3t die Familie and llelene endet im Selbstmord. Das Gesellschaftsbild in or Sonnenaufgang$quot; zeigt die Niederlage des Ideslismus and beweist die Lehre Taines er Mensch ist ein Produkt seines Millieus$quot; in der Industrie-Gesellschaft and die Personen l:iinncn rich von dem Band der kohol-Umwelt nicht befreien. Im Verk or Sonnenaufgang$quot; vertritt der L)ichter uffentlich mit Alkohol Motiv die dunkle Situation von einer sozialen Revolution, d.h. Trunksucht, Unsittlichkeit, Verlust der Menschlichkeit and die Tragik der Arbeiter schafft in der Industriegesellschaft.

      • wmlTo.NET 모바일 웹 페이지 변환 시스템 설계 및 구현

        홍인숙,김윤중,김승연 한밭대학교 정보통신전문대학원 2004 정보통신전문대학원 논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        본 논문에서는 WML 페이지를 NET 모바일 웹 페이지로 변환하는 시스템을 구현하였다. 본 변환시스템 을 어휘분석기 모듈과 구문 지향 번역기 모듈로 구성되어 있는데 각각의 모듈은 어휘분석기 생성기(LEX)와 파서 생성기(YACC)를 사용하여 구현하였다. 어휘분석기 모듈은 WML페이지를 입력받아 각 태그들을 분석하고 토큰을 출력한다. 구문 지향 번역기 모듈은 어휘분석기 모듈에서 출력된 토큰들을 입력받아 문법의 유효성을 체크하고 parsing이 완료되면 대응되는 .NET의 모바일 컨트롤로 변환하여 최종적인 .NET모바일 웹 페이지를 생성한다. LEX와 YACC의 사용으로 향후 태그를 확장하거나 WML의 버전이 업그레이드 될 때에도 변경된 부분에 해당하는 문법만 다시 설계함으로써 유연하게 대처할 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있다. 구현된 변환 시스템을 이용하여 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 모바일 컨텐츠 개발의 생산성을 향상시키고 개발기간과 비용을 단축해 신속한 무선 인터넷을 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. In this paper, we describe a design and implementation of a Conversion System for NET Mobile Web Page in Wireless Markup Language(WML) Page. The Conversion System consists of the LA(Lexical Analyzer) and SDT.(Syntax-directed Translation) module. LA module analyzes every tags in WML page and makes tokens as output. SDT module checks grammar for every tags with tag produced by LA module. After parsing process is completed in SDT module, SDT module creates mobile web page with token recognized by LA. Each LA and SDT implemented in this system uses LEX and YACC. Even though the tags in WML will extended or WML DTD will upgraded, this approach has the advantage of flexibility because it's only needed to redesign the grammar for mended information of tags.

      • KCI등재

        1920~30년대 근대 척독집 소재 여성 서간에 나타난 젠더 의식과 그 의미

        홍인숙 동양고전학회 2014 東洋古典硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        본 논문은 1920~30년대 근대 척독집에 실려 있는 여성 서간문의 자료 상황을 정리하여 제시하고, 척독집 소재 여성 서간문에 나타난 젠더 의식의 특징적 양상을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 20~30년대 대표적인 척독집 다섯 종에 실려 있는 여성 서간 55편의 자료 상황을 정리하여, 서간의 대상이 주 로 가문의 ‘남성’이고 ‘답서’의 형태라는 점을 지적하였다. 이는 척독집 저자들이 여성의 한문 서 간을 주도적인 의사소통의 매체로써보다는 남성과의 피할 수 없는 소통의 필요 상황에 대응하게 하기 위한 수단으로 인식하고 있다고 보았다. 척독집 내 여성 서간에 나타난 젠더 의식의 양상은 첫째, 여성들을 가족 내적 위치와 역할로 호명 하고 재설정함으로써 전통적인 성별 질서를 재확인하고 있다는 것이다. 두 번째 젠더 의식의 양 상은 근대적 젠더 질서를 반영한 듯한 여성 학업 소재가 실상 매우 제한적이고 회의적인 시선 하 에서 언급되고 있다는 것이다. 세 번째 젠더 의식의 특징적 양상은 척독 소재 여성 서간에서 유독 ‘경제 활동에 대한 훈계’라는 모티프가 두드러진다는 점이며, 이러한 설정은 척독집 저자들이 생 계 유지와 가계 관리의 책무를 여성에게 전가하는 한 방편이라고 보았다. 척독집의 여성 서간은 근대 여성 한문 글쓰기의 가능성을 보여준다는 점에서 주목되는 자료이지 만, 본고의 분석에 따르면 철저히 남성중심적 상상력 안에서 재단된 여성 형상과 여성 글쓰기를 보여주는 텍스트이다. 즉 여성 서간 텍스트는 척독집 자료군의 보수적 회귀성을 더 선명하게 읽 어볼 수 있게 하는 의의를 가진다. The purpose of this paper was to introduce the material status of women's epistolary literature published in modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese in 1920~30s and analyze gender consciousness shown in them. To this end, five kinds of representative modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese in 1920~30s were selected and 55 women's letters published in them were summarized. Through this, it was pointed out that the subjects of women's epistolary literature are mainly ‘males’ of families and the form of ‘reply.’ This implies that the authors of modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese recognized women's Chinese letters as a secondary means to prepare for inevitable communication with men rather than the leading medium of communication. The first aspect of gender consciousness shown in women's epistolary in modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese is to reaffirm the traditional gender order by calling and resetting women as the position and role in the family. The second aspect of gender consciousness is that female education materials which seemed to reflect the modern gender order are actually mentioned under the very skeptical view. The third characteristic aspect of gender consciousness is that the motif of ‘discipline about economic activity' is only noticeable in women's epistolary published in modern study materials for writing letters. This setting was regarded as a means that the authors of modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese transferred the responsibilities of maintaining livelihood and managing household to women. Women's epistolary in modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese is the material which is noticeable in terms of showing the possibility of female Chinese Writing in modern times but according to the analysis of this paper, it is the text showing female form and women’s writing judged within thoroughly male-centered imagination. That is, women's epistle text has a significance that allows us to read conservative reentry of modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese more clearly.

      • KCI등재

        한산 이씨 『고행록』 연구 — 사대부가 여성 자기 서사의 특징과 가문사적 역사화의 과정 —

        홍인숙 동양고전학회 2023 東洋古典硏究 Vol.- No.92

        본 연구는 17세기 유력한 남인 가문의 종부였던 한산 이씨의 생애 기록인 고행록 의 서술 방식의 특징과 가문에서 전승된 역사화 과정의 의미를 살펴보려 한다. 고행록 은 숙종 당시 중견 관료였던 유명천의 부인 한산 이씨가 회갑을 앞두고 쓴 기록으로, 남편의 세 번의 유배 생활과 평생에 걸친 자신의 질병, 자녀들과 며느리들의 죽음 등과 같은 비극적 사건들을 간략하고 객관적인 서술 태도로 전하고 있다. 이러한 고행록 은 현재 한산 이씨의 친필본과 후손들이 베껴쓰기 한 전사본(轉寫本)의 두 가지 방식으로 전해지고 있다. 본고에서는 이러한 고행록 의 축약되고 객관화된 서술 방식의 특징과 자료 전승의 과정에 주목하여 텍스트의 성격과 특징을 보다 정확하게 파악하고자 했다. 우선 고행록 의 서술방식의 특징으로 ‘일지 성격의 기록성’과 ‘사건 및 감정의 핵심 축약’이라는 두 가지 측면을 주목하고, 전체적으로 사건의 서술 밀도가 균형 있게 유지되고 있음을 지적하였다. 이러한 특징들은 이씨의 고행록 이라는 생애 서사가 사전에 잘 계획되고 준비된 상태에서 집필된 체계적인 자기 서사임을 보여준다고 분석했다. 한편 이러한 한산 이씨의 생애 기록은 가문 차원에서 전승될 때에는 또다른 의미로 전유되고 있음을 살펴보았다. 우선 이씨 사후 15년 뒤 유경종이 기문(記文)을 쓰고 이후 170년 후 유원성이 또 다른 기문을 추가한 뒤 각각의 언해문을 제작하여 덧붙였다. 이러한 후손들의 추가 기록은 정경부인이라는 영예로운 직첩을 받았던 한산 이씨의 기록을 통해 침체된 가운을 북돋우고 가문 구성원들의 결속력과 자긍심을 이끌어내려는 의도에서 비롯된 것이라고 보았다. 또한 고행록 의 필사 과정에서 가문의 여성 후손들이 세상에 거명되고 그들의 문식과 교양에 대한 자부심이 표현되며 ‘글쓰는 여성’들의 계보가 만들어지고 있다는 점도 또 다른 차원에서의 가문사적 의미화라고 보았다. 이를 통해 고행록 은 텍스트 자체의 의미를 넘어서 문중 여성들의 문화적, 지적 소양을 드러낼 수 있도록 하는 매개적 존재로서의 의미를 갖게 되고 있음을 지적했다. This study examined the characteristics of the narrative style of the self-life record <Kohaengrok> of Lady Hansan Lee, a woman from a noble family in the 17th century, and the meaning of historicizing the family tradition. <Kohaengrok> is a record written by Lady Hansan Lee, wife of Yu Myeong-cheon, a government official during the reign of King Sukjong, before her 60th birthday. This work records her life, which was full of tragic events, including her husband's three exiles, lifelong illness, and the deaths of her children and daughters-in-law, in a concise and objective narrative manner. Additional records were made and manuscript copies of this <Kohaengrok> were made by the descendants of the Jinju Yu family. In this paper, we focused on the characteristics of the objectified narrative style of <Kohaengrok> and the process of data transmission to understand the nature and characteristics of the text. The narrative style of <Kohaengrok> was considered to have two characteristics: ‘journal-like recording’ and ‘key summary of events and emotions.’ It was analyzed that these characteristics show that Lady Hansan Lee's life narrative called <Kohaengrok> is a systematic self-narrative written well-planned in advance. Meanwhile, we observed that the life records of Mr. Hansan Lee were shared in another sense at the family level. First, after Lady Hansan Lee's death, his descendants added additional records and emphasized the honorable concubine of Lady Lee as Lady Jeong-gyeong. They tried to cheer up the depressed family and bring out solidarity and pride among the family members through Hansan Lee's <Kohaengrok>. Second, during the transcription process of <Kohaengrok>, the existence of female descendants was revealed to the world, their pride in their knowledge and culture was expressed, and a genealogy of ‘women who wrote’ was created. In this way, I looked at the important meaning of <Kohaengrok> as a mediator that reveals the cultural and intellectual capabilities of the women of the family.

      • KCI등재

        1920~30년대 ‘편지예문집류 척독집’의 양상과 그 특징

        홍인숙 동양고전학회 2013 東洋古典硏究 Vol.0 No.51

        본 논문은 1900~1950년대에 걸쳐 꾸준히 유행했던 편지 교본인 근대 척독집 중 1920~30년대에 집중적으로 등장한 ‘편지예문집류 척독집’의 양상과 체제를 살펴보고자 한다. 근대 척독집은 원래 한문 서간을 쓰기 위한 올바른 표현과 호칭, 문체적 규범을 제시해주는 ‘편지규범집’으로서의 성격을 갖고 있다. 그러나 본 논문에서 다루는 20~30년대 ‘편지예문집류 척독집’은 한문 서간의 규범을 제시하는 부분이 완전히 사라지고 예문으로서의 서간문만 실려 있는 척독집 유형이다. 본고에서는 이 유형에 해당되는 7종의 척독집을 대상으로 체제, 문체, 내용 등의 면을 고려하여 ‘전형적 편지예문집’과 ‘변이형 편지예문집’으로 분류하고 각각의 특징을 살펴보았다. 전형적 편지예문집류는 주 저자가 모두 서점 운영자들이며, 책의 전체 분량, 문체, 서한의 평균 길이, 편지예문의 주제 배치 등 형식적 차원에서 강한 상동성을 보여준다. 이 유형의 척독집은 내용적 차원에서 이상적이고 상투적인 상황 설정을 보여주며, 동일한 서간 예문을 그대로 전재하는 상호 모방의 경향성을 강하게 드러내기도 한다. 변이형 편지예문집류는 한문 서한이 병렬적으로 나열되어 있어서 얼핏 보기에는 전형적 예문집류와 비슷해 보이지만, 형식과 내용 면에서 모두 강한 저자 특유의 개별성과 비균질성을 갖고 있는 척독집이다. 형식적인 차원에서 이들은 우선 문체 면에서의 난이도가 모두 제각각이고, 평균 서한 길이와 전체적인 편폭도 상이하며, 체제 면에서도 독특한 주제 범주가 한두 개씩 더 포함되는 경향이 있다. 변이형 예문집의 내용은 더욱 그 각각의 개성을 강하게 보여준다. 근대 문물과 여성 교육에 대해 적극적인 개방 및 수용의 태도를 보여주고 있기도 하고(변이형①), 전통과 구학문을 옹호하는 복고적이고 의고적인 성향을 드러내기도 하며(변이형②), 당대 젊은이들의 맹목적인 서양 추수적 태도와 물질만능주의를 비판하면서 민족주의적 태도를 보여주기도 한다(변이형③). 이러한 ‘편지예문집류’ 척독집의 양상을 통해 알 수 있는 것은 다음과 같다고 보았다. 첫째 전형 유형의 예문집류는 이상적인 상황 설정을 통해 근대적 삶의 모범적 양태를 제시하는 역할을 수행하며, 시대와 풍조에 대체로 순응적인 성격을 갖고 있는 자료임을 보여준다. 둘째, 변이형 유형의 예문집류는 저자의 개성과 가치관에 따라 근대라는 시대에 대한 나름의 대응 양식을 보여주는 장르로 발전할 수 있는 가능성을 보여주고 있기도 하다. 셋째, 한문 서간을 쓰기 위한 교본으로써 예문집류 척독집은 한문을 제대로 배우지 않은 대중들에게 ‘인용과 모방과 편집’이라는 가장 쉬운 방식으로 예문을 짜깁기하여 한문 편지를 쓸 수 있게 해주는 ‘쉬운 교재’로서의 의미를 갖고 있다고 보인다. This thesis has examined modern ‘Study materials for writing letters in Chinese’, especially focused on 'Collected Example Sentences' style published in 1920~30's. Modern Study Materials for Writing Letters in Chinese are books which are textbooks for correct expressions, titles of relatives, style of writing. 'Collected Example Sentences' style is one of the letter textbooks that aims at showing sample sentences of letters in Chinese characters. I categorized these materials as 'Typical type of Collected Example Sentences', or 'Alternant type of Collected Example Sentences' according to their characteristics, and examined their aspects. 'Typical type of Collected Example Sentences' has similar aspects in the way of amount of book, average length of the letter, writing style, conventional contents, and so on. In comparison, 'Alternant type of Collected Example Sentences' shows each book's individualities. 'Alternant type 1' assumes an open attitude about the issues like womens education, or modern product and culture. On the contrary to this, 'Alternant type 2' has an attitude as an upholder of traditional values. 'Alternant type 3' assumes a critical attitude about the trend like mammonism and westerncentrism.

      • 18세기 소녀문학에 관한 연구 : J. H. Campes 『Vaterlicher Rath fur meine Tochter』 J. H. Campe의 『Vaterlicher Rath fur meine Tochter』를 중심으로

        홍인숙 尙志大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        In dieser vorliegenden Arbeit habe ich versucht, den Inhalt und die Funktion der deutschen Madchenliteratur vom 18. Jahrhundert zu untersuchen. Dabei habe ich jeweils zunachst den sozialen und philosophischen Hintergrund dargestellt und dann einige reprasentative Werke vorgestellt. Im 18. Jahrhundert ist die Entstehung der Madchenliteratur mit der Aufklarung von Rousseau eng verknupft. Durch die Reformbewegung des Philanthropismus hat sich die Notwendigkeit einer weiblichen Erziehung rasch erweitert. So wurden die Madchenbucher, die weibliche Tugenden, Verantwortung und die Unterordung der Frau unter den Mann akzentuierten, in groβer Menge veroffentlicht. Beispielsweise haben Campes 『Vaterkucger Rath fur meine Tochter』von dem Madchen einige Eigenschaften gefordert, die grundsatzlich von einer geschlechtsspezifischen Differenzierung ausgehen und weiblichen Geschlechtscharkter finden.

      • 에어로빅 운동의 참여가 운동효과에 미치는 영향

        홍인숙,이창준 濟州大學敎 體育科學硏究所 1999 체육과학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine women's motivation for enjoying aerobic sports and iis pre-effect. post-effect. and influence on women. and to provide more systematic sports guidance to its trainees. Specifically. the focus of this study was placed. as one of social education researches for women's health promotion, on defining the influence of aerobic sports on women. For attaining the purpose. the literature concerned was reviewed, and questionnaire survey was carried out against the 195 women who took aerobic exercise course in health club. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. Motivation Difference By-Background Variables As a result of examining how the subjects motivation of enjoying aerobic sports was affected by background variables including age, educational level, job, term and tice of getting exercise. and exercise intensity, age made significant differences to their motivation of weight loss [F(2.192) = 12.586, P<.05.].Women of less than 30 years old placed more stock in weight loss than those of 30 years old or more. The educational background didn't produced significant difference to their motivation of weight loss. dispelling stress. keeping a beautiful figure. making a good use of spare time. or enhancing mutual friendship. But job brought significant disparities to their motivation of weight loss [F(3.191)=4.848. P<.05] and of keeping a beautiful figure [F(3.191) = 4.086, P<.05]Students aimed at weight loss more than housewives or career women. Keeping a beautiful figure was also considered more important by Students than by housewives. but there was no significant differences in thes motivation between housewives and career women. On the ohter hand, housewives set higher value on the promotion of mutual friendshipthan Students or career women. This fact generally implied that students enjoyed aerobic sports to lose weight and keep a beautiful shape. and that housewives attended aerobic sports lecture to enhance mutual friendship. The motivation of dispelling stress or making a good use of spare time wasn't significantly affected. The term of getting aerobic exercise generated significant difference to the motivation of weight loss [F(2.191) =3.234. P<.05] and of keeping a beautiful shape [F(2.191)=3.540. P.05]. Those who took aerobic sports course for 1 or 4 years aimed at weight loss more than those who did it for 1 to less than 4 years. Yet the motivation of dispelling stress. making an good use of spare time or enhancing mutual friendship, wasn't significantly affected by the term of getting exercise. The time of exercise produced significant disparity to the motivation of dispelling stress [F(2.192)=5.356, P<.05]. keeping a beautiful shape [F(2.192) =14.243. P<.05]. of making an good use of spare time [F(2.192)=5.052. P<.05], and of developing mutual friendship [F(2.192)=4.411. P<.05]. Women who got exercise for one to two hours placed more stock on dispelling stress, keeping a beautiful shape. or making a good use of spare time. than women who did for an hour. The promotion of friendship was considered more important by those who got exercise for two hours of more than by those who did for an hour of less. But there was no significant disparity in weight loss. The intensity of exercise brought significant difference to the motivation of keeping a beautiful shape F(2.191)=0.091. p.05] and of promoting mutual friendship [F(2.191)=15.056. P<.05]. Those who enjoyed aerobic exercise of higher intensity placed more value on keeping a beautiful shape than those who enjoyed aerobic exercise of lower intensity. but the promotion of mutual friendship was regarded as more important by those who enjoyed exercise of lower intensity than by those who enjoyed exercise of higher intensity. There was no significant difference in the motivation of weight loss, dispelling stress or making a good use of spare time 2. Difference By Background Variables Between Pre-effect And Post-effect Age made significant differences to the effect that disease took a favorable turn [F(2.191)=5.926. P<.05]. Women of 40 years old or more improved in decease symptom than women of less than 30 years old. On the other hand, the effect of better human relations. better physical image, greater vitality or improved power. wasn't significantly influenced by age. The term of exercise made sigdicant differences to the improvement of disease symptom [F(2.101)=5.229. P<.05]. Women who got aerobic exercise in an hour improved in disease symptom more than women who did for an hour or more. Yet there was no significant difference in the improvement of human relations. physical image. vitality or mental power. The intensity of exercise generated significant differences to the improvement of physical image [F(2.192)=5.353. P<.05]. of disease symptom [F(2.191)=15.656. P.05]. and of mental power [F(2.192)=10.101. P<.05]. Those who got aerobic exercise of higher intensity improved in physical image less than those who got aerobic exercise of lower intensity. There was no significant difference in the improvement of human relations or of vitality. 3. Negative Opinion on Aerobic Sports and its Reform Measure Job made a significant difference to the unskilled movement even after repeated practice [F(3.191) =2.677. P.05]. Women whose job was not student. housewife of career women showed more unskilled movement even after practicing repeatedly than those who were student. housewife or career woman. But there was no significant difference in the comparison with others. instructor's pointing out mistake. excessive amount of exercise, wearing aerobic uniform. or poor-quality facilities. Living standard made a significant difference to the compared themselves with other people more than the middle or upper class. But on significant disparity existed in the unskilled movement after repeated practice. intructor's pointing out mistake. excessive amount of exercise. wearing aerobic uniform. or insufficient facilities. The term of exercise generated significant differences to the training expenses [F(2.192)=3.122. P<.05]. inconvenience caused by a fixed exercise time [F(2.192)=3.620. P<.05]. and separate guidance [F(2.191)=10.239. P.05]. Those who got aerobic exercise for less than a year expressed more negative opinion about training expenses, inconvenience caused by a fixed exercise time or separate guidance more than those who did for a year or more. Women who got aerobic exercise for 4 years of omre also expressed more negative opinion about the same things than women who did for 1 to 4 years. But there was no significant disparity in training expenses or insufficient facilities. The above-mentioned findings suggested that aerobic sports had an effect on motor effect. including making more smooth respiration. improving the function of the lungs. producing better function of the heart, causing a quick circulation of the blood. offering oxygen and nutrition more smoothly. controlling weight, or physical stress and offer better vitality to one's life. Furthermore. it's effective for the treatment of degenerative diseases, the treatment of high blood pressure. the treatment or rehabilitation of respiratory or circulatory diseases. the motor treatment of obesity or diabetes, or the treatment of osteoporosis.

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