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      • KCI등재

        스탈린 시기 고려인 정치탄압 — 고려인 집단농장 톰미 사례 —

        홍웅호 수선사학회 2024 史林 Vol.- No.87

        . The purpose of this article is to reveal the reality and truth of the state's public violence during the Stalin era through the case of political oppression that occurred in Tommi, a small Koryo saram kolkhoz in Gorno-Altai, Siberia. From January to December 1937, the State Security Committee of the Gorno-Altai Branch of the Altai Region of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs arrested 44 people from the Tommi collective farm, including ethnic Koreans. The Koryo saram were sentenced to death by firing squad in the Troika trial and executed on January 12, 1938. The alleged crime of the Koryo people of the Tommi Collective Farm is that people who were hostile to the Koryo people and the Soviet power in the Oirot Autonomous Oblast created a counter-revolutionary spy organization that carried out espionage activities for Japan and collected secret national information. The Russian wives and families of the executed Koreans raised objections after Stalin's death. As a result of the reinvestigation, there was no objective data showing that the defendants were involved in actual criminal activities with counter-revolutionary spies, sabotage and rebellion, or other anti-Soviet organizations. It was a case fabricated by the Oirot State People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs and the Troika. Those involved were punished. The reason political repression occurred in the Soviet Union was because a scapegoat was needed to reduce crime, eradicate internal enemies, and take responsibility for economic difficulties. The legal basis for the repression of anti-Soviet elements in the Soviet Union was Article 58 of the Soviet Criminal Code, which provided for provisions and punishments for crimes against the state and counter-revolution. All actions aimed at overthrowing, undermining, or weakening Soviet power were defined as counterrevolution. Those who committed such acts were ‘enemies of the people’ and ‘enemies of the Soviet Union.’ The punishment was either execution by firing squad, which was the highest measure of social protection, or confiscation of property, deprivation of civil rights in the Federal Republic and subsequent Soviet citizenship, and permanent expulsion from the Soviet Union. Under this provision, enemies of the people who were identified as counter-revolutionary organizations or engaged in spying activities were executed by firing squad and had their property confiscated. The Koryo people in Tommi were sacrificed by the state like that. Now, genuine reflection and apology from the Russian authorities, who inherited the Soviet Union, will be needed. Because no one has the right to take human life.

      • KCI등재

        구술을 통해 본 사할린 한인의 역사와 삶

        홍웅호 전북사학회 2018 전북사학 Vol.0 No.53

        이 글은 구술을 통해 사할린 한인들의 고향과 사할린으로 들어오게 된 과정, 사할린에서의 교육 문제와 조선학교, 교육과 조국으로 가기 위해 북한으로 간 사람들, 소련 국적 취득과 대학 입학, 사할린에서의 일상생활 등 사할린 한인들의 역사와 삶을 조명하고자 했다. 사할린 한인들은 일제강점기에 자발적으로 또는 징집을 통해 노동자로 간 사람들, 사할린의 노동력 부족을 해결하기 위해 북한에서 모집해 온 사람들, 사할린에 살고 있는 한인들을 교육하고, 사회주의 시민으로 편입하기 위해 중앙아시아의 우즈베키스탄과 카자흐스탄에서 온 고려인들로 구성되어 있다. 사할린 한인들 대부분은 경상도와 전라도가 고향이었다. 사할린의 서부지역에 있는 탄광 도시들에 살고 있는 일부 사람들은 북한이 고향이기도 했다. 사할린에는 1946년부터 조선학교가 만들어졌다. 학생들을 가르치는 선생들은 대부분 중앙아시아에서 온 고려인들이었다. 고려인 선생들은 조선학교 학생들에게 러시아어와 한글을 가르쳤다. 1957년부터 북한의 대학에 입학시켜준다는 선전에 따라 많은 사할린의 젊은이들이 북한으로 갔다. 북한에서의 생활은 그들을 만족시키지 못해 탈출을 시도하기도 했다. 이들의 이야기는 사할린 한인들 사이에 마을마다 ‘신화’처럼 전해지고 있다. 사할린 한인들은 조국과 단절된 곳에 살면서도 한인들의 전통과 문화를 지키며 살아왔다. 사할린 한인은 아픈 역사를 가진 우리의 동포이다. 이제는 역사적 고국이 되어가는 우리가 그들의 역사와 삶을 보듬고 같은 동포로서의 삶을 모색해야만 할 것이다. This article explores the process of coming to Sakhalin’s hometown and Sakhalin through oral, educational issues in Sakhalin and the Joseon school, the people who went to North Korea to go to education and the country, the acquisition of Soviet nationality and university entrance, and the history and life of Sakhalin Korean people. The Sakhalin Koreans are organized people who voluntarily went to Japan during the Japanese colonial rule, who recruited from North Korea to solve Sakhalin’s labor shortage, and in order to educate the Koreans living in Sakhalin and to join them as socialist citizens. Most of the Sakhalin Korean residents were from Gyeongsang-do and Jeolla-do. Some people living in coal mine cities in the western part of Sakhalin were also home to North Korea. Sakhalin has been established as a shipbuilding school since 1946. Most of the teachers who taught the students were Koreans from Central Asia. Many young people of Sakhalin went to North Korea because of the propaganda that they entered North Korea’s university from 1957. Living in North Korea did not satisfy them and they tried to escape. These stories are said to be “myths” among villagers in Sakhalin. Sakhalin Korean people have lived in a place where they are separated from their motherland, but they have lived in keeping Korean tradition and culture. Korean people in Sakhalin are our compatriots with sick history. Now, as we become a historical homeland, we will have to look at their history and life and find a life as their fellow countrymen.

      • KCI등재

        1922~1937년 고려인들의 근대 경험— 언론과 한글서적 발간을 중심으로 —

        홍웅호 수선사학회 2023 史林 Vol.- No.83

        The purpose of this article is to look at the modern experience of Goryeo people who lived in the Far East in the 1920s and 1930s from a cultural aspect. As the movement to build a new society in Russia progressed in earnest, Koreans from the Far East also joined the ranks. Nevertheless, Koryoin did not only pay attention to the construction of a new Soviet society. We tried to inherit and develop our Korean language and culture in a socialist way. Therefore, they published Seonbong newspaper in Korean, created a school that could educate Goryeoin children in Korean, and created Korea Normal School and Fardong Korea Normal University to train teachers who could teach in Korean. He also published a Korean book. These Korean books were collected from the archives of Oriental literature of the Lenin Library, Russia's national library, and were published mainly in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, and Moscow in the Far East in the 1920s and 1930s. The main purpose of using Hangeul books was textbooks to be used in Goryeoin schools and political propaganda and educational books to educate Goryeoins in Goryeoin collective farms. It also contained the purpose of destroying the superstitions of Goryeo people and enlightening them to modern times. In addition, there were collections of Goryeo people's songs and literary works, as well as translations of works by famous Russian writers. In that respect, Goryeo people's Korean books were not only published for a specific purpose in a specific field, but were the result of active efforts to preserve, express, and teach the Korean language even in a socialist society. Those who carried out these efforts were former independence activists and intellectuals. Thanks to them, Goryeo people in the Far East region experienced socialist modernity. However, in the aftermath of Stalin's political repression and forced migration in the Soviet Union, intellectuals and leaders in the Far East Korean society were also purged and purged due to political oppression. They were even forcibly relocated to Central Asia from the Far East, a space of modern experience that they had pioneered with such hardships and hopes. .

      • KCI등재

        19세기말 러시아의 동아시아 정책 - 백두산 탐사를 중심으로

        홍웅호 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2009 국제지역연구 Vol.13 No.3

        In this research, investigation of the Mt. Baekdusan that took place in relation to the Russia’s East Asian policy during the end of the 19th Century was carried out as an attempt to connect the Vladivostok and Lushun. As for the detailed measures to link the two regions, construction of railroad or construction of a canal at the Tumen River, Mt. Baekdusan and Aprok River was discussed. Investigation of the Mt. Baekdusan wa the actual work conducted to realize this goal. Focus was on the investigation of the Mt. Baekdusan since 1895. The investigation team that investigated the Mt. Baekdusan with the purpose of connecting the Vladivostok with Lushun via railway or canal was led by Zbeginchov. This team was the Garin‐Mikhailovskii team. They conducted research on the topologies, roads, minerals, plants and even the folk tales of the northern part of the Korean peninsula, Tumen River, Mt. Baekdusan, Aprok River and others. While heading towards the Aprok River from the Mt. Baekdusan where investigation took place, they moved to Lushun. However, the team concluded that connecting the Tumen River and Aprok River via canal would be impossible only after reaching the starting point of the Tumen River near the Mt. Baekdusan, and had to give up on the plan of building waterway transportation medium after they climbed up the summit of the Mt. Baekdusan because the amount of wter at the upward stream of the Tumen River is very small, and since Tumen River is not connected directly with the Aprok River through the Mt. Baekdusan. In the end, it was concluded that the plan to connect Vladivostok and Lushun directly by connecting the Tumen River, Mt. Baekdusan and Aprok River, which was the main goal of the Russia’s investigation of the Mt. Baekdusan in 1898 is impossible. 이 연구는 19세기말 러시아의 동아시아정책과 관련하여 실시한 백두산 탐사는 블라디보스토크와 뤼순을 연결하기 위한 시도에서 이루어졌다. 이 두 지역을 연결할 구체적 방안으로 철도 부설, 또는 두만강과 백두산, 압록강에 운하 건설이 논의되었다. 백두산 탐사는 이러한 목적을 실현하기 위한 실질적 작업이었다. 백두산 탐사는 1895년부터 집중되었다. 블라디보스토크와 조차지 뤼순을 철도나 운하로 연결할 목적으로 백두산을 탐사한 탐사단은 즈베긴쪼프를 대장으로 한 가린-미하일롭스키 탐사단이었다. 이들은 한반도 북부와 두만강, 백두산, 압록강 등의 지형과 도로, 광물과 식물, 심지어 민담까지도 조사했다. 가린-미하일롭스키 탐사단은 백두산에서 압록강을 따라 계속 서진하면서 탐사를 한 후 조차지인 뤼순으로 향했다. 그런데 가린 탐사단은 백두산 부근 두만강 발원지에 이르러 두만강과 압록강을 연결하는 운하는 실현 불가능할 것 같다는 회의에 빠지고, 백두산 정상에 올라 수로항행 계획을 포기할 수밖에 없었다. 그것은 두만강 상류의 수량이 매우 적고, 두만강이 백두산 천지를 통해 압록강과 직접 연결되지 않는다는 사실을 확인했기 때문이다. 결국, 1898년 러시아 백두산 탐사의 가장 주요한 목적인 두만강과 백두산, 압록강을 연결하여 블라디보스토크와 뤼순을 직접 연결하는 계획은 실현 불가능한 것으로 판명 났다.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 외교관을 통해 본 3.1운동

        홍웅호 수선사학회 2019 史林 Vol.0 No.69

        This article is mainly concerned with analyzing in detail the five reports prepared by Ryutheh, the Russian consul general in Seoul. Ryutheh reported on the 3.1 movement through the Russian ambassador in Japan to the government of Colchak in the Omsk province. The reports of Ryutheh are very meaningful in that they record and evaluate the situation of Chosun, where the diplomatic relations with Russia were cut off, in the eyes of Russians. It was on the surface of the death of Gojong and his funeral that Ryutheh analyzed the cause of the 3.1 movement. The real cause, however, was the public anger over Japan's violent and oppressive rule. Ryutheh analyzed that Japanese resistance against the Koreans by coercing them to assimilate Koreans, and resistance against them, led to the participation of protesters naturally gathered in Seoul for the funeral of King Gojong. The Ryutheh pointed to the limitations of the religious movement in the 3.1 movement. Although Koreans were self-awakened and expressed their dissatisfaction with Japan through the ages, they were influenced by religion, especially Chondogyo, because they had little access to modern knowledge. Ryutheh pointed out that the Declaration of Independence is also limited. In other words, the Declaration of Independence in Chinese writing did not depict the construction of future independent Chosun and there was no accurate understanding of reality. But Ryutheh does not mention in his report whether the October 1917 revolution and socialism affected the 3.1 movement. The report of Ryutheh in Russian data clearly shows the situation of Joseon at the time and the fact that it can understand the cause and development process of the 3.1 movement. However, considering his personal history, his views and limitations in the report should be considered.

      • KCI등재

        홍범도의 중앙아시아에서의 생활

        홍웅호 ( Hong Woong-ho ) 수선사학회 2017 史林 Vol.0 No.61

        The purpose of this article is to rectify the misinformation about the late life of General Hong Bum Do. We are overly emotional and nationalistic about the life of General Hong Bum Do in his later years. It is not only one tragic fact in the Korean history that the accurate place where General Hong died is known about 50 years after his death, but also the other tragic fact that his last life was defined as a `fact` in our view. General Hong Bum Do was forced to move to Kazakhstan in Central Asia with the Koreans in Primorsky Krai. However, as with General Hong Bum Do, the Koreans relied on each other in Central Asia to create a new world. Even though he was over 70 years old, General Hong Bum Do wanted to be an doyen of the Korean society with his passion. With respect to the fact that General of Hong Bum Do worked as a janitor at Koryo Theater, it should be understood whether the position of General Tae Jang Chun, who represented the position of the Koreans or the position of General Hong Bum Do. It would be true that 50 rubles per month was an great addition to his subsistent economy. However, the amount and position did not matter to him. Regardless of any position in Koryo Theater, he would have been happy just by being a senior of the Koryo people, where the Koryo people gathered most to enjoy the joy and enjoy the suffering of their compatriots. Even after the Koryo Theater moved to Ushutobe, Hong Bum Do stayed Kyzylorda, the center of the Korean community, and he lived with his colleagues and read newspaper `Lenin Gichi` and talked about the Koreans.

      • KCI등재

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