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        제한 일본인의 언어생활 연구

        홍민표 한국일어일문학회 1999 日語日文學硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        この論文は韓國に居住している日本人206人(男性83人, 女性123人)を對象に韓國での言語生活の實態を計量的に把握し, 社會言語學的な立場から考察したものである(調査期間: 1999. 1月∼4月). 主な內容を要約すれば次のようである. (1) 韓國に居住している多くの日本人(女性は2/3 以上, 男性は半分以上)は日常生活に支障のない程度の韓國語の能力を持っている事がわかった. (2) 日本人として韓國語のなかで一番身につきにくい項目は發音であり, 發音の中では平音-激音-膿音の區別と音節末の子音(バッチム)であることがわかった. (3) 大邱とソウルの若干の差はあるものの, 韓國語は全體的に早口で, 言葉の調子が激しく, 聲が大きいので非常に聞き取れにくいというイメ-ジを持っていることがわかった. (4) 韓國の男性と結婚して韓國に居住している日本の女性の場合, 家庭で夫と話す時はほとんど韓國語を使うが, 子供と話すときは韓國語と日本語を混ぜて使っている事がわかった. (5) 男女間に苦干の差はあるものの, コミュニケ-ションの相手としての韓國人は顔の表情が明るく, 開放的で, 付きあいやすいが, 非常に短氣であり, 自己中心的な行動が强いというイメ-ジを持っていることがわかった. (6) コミュニケ-ションの相手としての韓國人は日本人を好意的で, 親切であるが, マナ-やエチケットは少し足りないと考えている. (7) 韓國人とのコミュニケ-ションにおいて最も不快であり, 因ることは自己中心的な行動であり, 二番目は親疎意識, つまり親しみによって接し方がぜんぜん違うということである. 三番目は時間約束をあまり守らないことであり, 四番目は, ずけずけものを言うことである. そして, 五番目は根掘り葉掘り聞きたがるということを擧げている.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        형제자매 호칭에 대한 한일 대조연구

        홍민표 한양대학교 일본학국제비교연구소 2018 비교일본학 Vol.42 No.-

        본고는 한일양국의 수도권에 거주하는 기혼남녀 585명을 대상으로 형제자매 호칭의 실태를 사회언어학적인 입장에서 대조, 고찰한 것으로 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 우선 형/오빠(兄), 그리고 누나/언니(姉)에 대한 호칭 실태를 보면 한국은 ‘형’ ‘오빠’ 또는 ‘누나’ ‘언니’로 단순한데 비해 일본은 「兄貴」 「お兄ん」 「お兄ちゃん」 또는 「お姉さん」 「姉さ ん」 「お姉ちゃん」 ‘이름’ 등 다양한 호칭이 사용되는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 일본인의 경우, 이번 조사대상자의 평균연령이 50세 초반인데도 불구하고 누나/언니(姉)를 이름으로 부른다는 비율이 30%를 넘는 것으로 나타났는데 이는 한국인의 7.7%에 비해 월등히 높은 비율이다. 그리고 형/오빠(兄)를 이름으로 부른다는 일본인의 비율이 5% 이하인 점과 비교해도 월 등히 높은 비율이다. 남동생(弟)과 여동생(妹) 호칭은 한일 양국 마찬가지로 대부분 이름으로 부르는 것으로 나타났다. 다만, 한국의 경우, 결혼한 기혼자는 자신보다 연하자라도 종자명 호칭으로 부르는 경우가 있고 일본어도 연하자를 「이름+さん/ちゃん」으로 부르는 경우가 있다는 점에서 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. This paper examines 585 married men and women living in the metropolitan areas of Korea and Japan, comparing the actual situation of the sibling’s appellation with a sociolinguistic viewpoint. The main results are summarized as follows. First of all, when research was conducted on the appellation status of ‘Hyeong’ (older brother: used when a male calls to his older brother), ‘Oppa’(older brother: used when a female calls her older brother), ‘Nuna’(older sister: used when a male calls his older sister) and ‘Eonni’(older sister: used when a female calls her older sister). We find that Korea simply use ‘Hyeong’, ‘Oppa’, ‘Nuna’ or ‘Eonni’. However in Japan we find various appellations such as “Aniki”, “Oniːsan”, “Oniːchan”, “Oneːcahn”, “Neːsan”, “Oneːcahn”. In particular, the rate of Japanese people who were calling ‘Nuna’ / ‘Eonni’ as an appellation exceeded 30%, even though the average age of the subjects were around 55 years old, which is much higher than 7.7% of Koreans. Furthermore, this is a much higher rate than the rate of calling ‘Hyeong’ / ‘Oppa’ as an appellation (in Japanese),it is less than 5%. Through this study, the appellation of male younger brothers and female younger sisters were commonly referred to by their Korean and Japanese names. Nevertheless, it is of little difference that married persons are sometimes call by ‘teknonymy’ in Korea, even if they are younger than himself/herself, but there can be certain cases where the Japanese are also called ‘name + san / cahn’ when they call a person younger than himself/herself.

      • KCI등재


        홍민표 사단법인 한국언어학회 2010 언어학 Vol.0 No.57

        This paper provides a systematic semantic and pragmatic description of additive and concessive constructions involving the particle -to in Korean: addition, concession, and universal quantification. Based on Seo’s (2005) claim that the so-called Korean concessive suffix -eto is in fact a combination of a penultimate verbal ending -e- and the additive marker -to, this paper attempts to provide a pragmatically motivated explanation for a variety of meaning aspects found in the constructions involving the morpheme, mainly adopting the speech act operator interpretation devices in the framework of Krifka’s (1991, 1995) alternative semantics. It is argued that the various interpretations can be derived through the differences in the felicity conditions of illocutionary operators without appealing to the lexical ambiguity of the particle -to.

      • KCI등재

        사회언어학과 일본어교육

        홍민표 한국일본어학회 2022 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.71

        Even though the results of sociolinguistic researches are providing the direct materials of foreign language education, the results of sociolinguistic researches have not been reflected into the field of Japanese language education. Especially, the contrastive sociolinguistics that mostly researches the international comparison of linguistic behaviors is more deeply related to Japanese language education because the contrastive sociolinguistics could reveal differences in two languages that could not be examined in an individual language, and foreign learners make the most errors in this part. Thus, it would be necessary to actively reflect and converge the results of researches on contrastive sociolinguistics with Japanese language education. From this perspective, this paper introduces the representative results of researches in the field of contrastive sociolinguistics between Korean and Japanese, and also call for convergence with Japanese language education.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국인과 일본인의 인사행동에 관한 대조언어학적 고찰

        홍민표 한국일어일문학회 2000 日語日文學硏究 Vol.37 No.1

        今まで韓國人大學生と日本人大學生を對象に實施した家庭と學校においての애찰행동の實態を調べ, 對照言語學的な觀点から分析した結果, 全體的には日本人が韓國人より애찰をよくしていることがわかった. また, 韓國人は男女差がそれほどないのに對して, 日本人は女子が男子より絶對的に애찰をよくしていることが確認された. その他の主な內容を要約すれば次のようになる. (1)家庭での애찰행동をみれば, 夜寢る時や朝起きた時, そして食事の前後のような典型的な家庭內での애찰の頻度は日本人が男女ともに壓倒的に高いのに對して, 外出と歸宅のような一時的な時間と空間の移動場面での애찰は韓國人(男子)が相對的に애찰をよくしていることがわかった. (2)家庭內での애찰행동を場面別にみると, 日本人は男女ともに①外出と歸宅の時, ②食事前後と朝起きた時, ③夜寢る時の順に애찰をよくしているのに對して, 韓國人は外出と歸宅の時, 애찰の頻度が相對的に高く, それ以外の場面で は似ている傾向を見せている. (3)學校での애찰も韓日ともに男子より女子のほうが애찰をよくしており, 特に親しい敎授に對しては女子の애찰빈도が男子より壓倒的に高くなっている.また, 韓日比較では男女ともに韓國人が日本人より絶對的に애찰をよくしていて恩師に對する尊敬意識はまだ韓國人が遙かに强いことがわかった. (4)親しい敎授に對する애찰の形態をみると, 男女ともにだいたい애찰の言葉を言いながら애찰している. しかし,言葉は言わずに會釋だけ애찰すると答えた比率が男子が女子より2倍近くなって애찰の形態においても男女差をよく見せている. (5)別れる時の애찰언엽においても韓國人は男女ともに"ジャルガ(잘가)" が壓倒的に多く, その他は"ネイルボジャ(내일보자)" "アンニョン(안녕)" の順になっているが, 日本人の男子は"じゃね", 女子は"バイバイ" が最も多くなって明確な男女差を見せている.

      • KCI등재

        Embedded questions and quantificational variability effects in Korean

        홍민표 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2015 언어연구 Vol.32 No.3

        This paper provides a few descriptive generalizations about the constructions that show the quantificational variability effects (QVEs) in Korean and an informal discussion on their theoretical implications. Specifically, it is noted that indirect yes/no questions as well as wh-questions embedded under factive verbs show the QVE when an entity-denoting individual variable, explicit or implicit, is available. That is, the QVE reading is allowed in any type of wh-questions regardless of the type of the wh-phrases or the nature of their embedded predicates (stativity, telicity, or durativity, etc.) while yes/no questions based on individual-level predicates or generic statements do not show the QVE even if they are embedded under factive verbs. The paper also argues for an approach to the QVE that does not rely on the factivity presupposition that arises from the matrix predicate.

      • KCI등재

        On the Relevancy Condition for Internally Headed Relative Clauses in Korean

        홍민표 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2015 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.66

        Constructions involving internally headed relative clauses(IHRCs) have been claimed to be subject to a pragmatically motivatedcondition, which requires that there be a certain pragmatic relationholding between the embedded and the matrix eventualities, firstproposed by Kuroda (1992) for Japanese, and further revised by Kim Y. (2002) and Kim M. (2008) for Korean. This paper casts doubts aboutthe legitimacy of the condition. It is shown instead that each of thesubcomponents of the condition can be derived from a morefundamental property residing in the lexical semantics of the relevantpredicates, namely through the notion of thematic roles as a mediatorbetween nominal reference and temporal constitution along with theproperty of uniqueness of objects that enter into a thematic relation toan event (Krifka 1992, 1998).

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