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        비판지정학과 공간의 정치: 지정 공간 확대와 1·2차 남북정상회담

        홍건식 한양대학교 평화연구소 2019 문화와 정치 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to compare and analyze the conditions to hold the first(2000.6.15.) and second(2007.10.4.) inter-Korean summit from geopolitical perspective. Although there are several researches on the similar topic, the previous studies are not enough to compare and analyze the basic conditions to hold the summit. This study argues that the two summits are based on the conceptual formation and expansion of geopolitical space of the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun governments. In other words, the common perception of a certain space creates common interests among the actors, letting them have the opportunity of cooperation. The first inter-Korean summit formed a ‘Korean’ space, and the second summit expanded Korean peninsula issues to the ‘Northeast Asian issues.’ In this process, the Korean space which had been recognized as the product of Cold War, was reconstructed as a space of peace. These transformation of geopolitical recognition makes Korean peninsula as a common space of political cooperation. It also has been the basis for the 2018 Third North-South Summit and the historic North-American Summit. 본 연구는 지정학 관점에서 2000년 6.15 정상회담과 2007년 10.4 정상회담의 개최 조건을 비교 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 1·2차 남북정상회담의 개최 조건에 대한 다양한 시각과 연구가 있지만 이 두 정상회담을 통시적 관점에서 비교 분석하고 있는 연구들은 제한적이다. 이에 본 연구는 김대중·노무현 정부의 지정 담론의 구성과 확대가 각 정부의 남북정상회담을 개최하게 만든 조건으로 작동되었음을 주장한다. 관념적 차원에서 공간에 대한 공통된 인식은 이를 공유하는 행위자들 사이에 공통된 이익을 만들어 내며 협력의 기회로 작용한다. 1차 남북정상회담은 김대중 정부의 ‘한반도’ 공간, 2차 남북정상회담은 노무현 정부의 ‘동북아’ 공간이라는 지정 담론을 통해 냉전 공간으로 남아 있는 한반도 공간을 평화의 공간으로 재구성하고 관련 국가들과 공통의 공간 및 이익을 창출함으로써 1, 2차 남북정상회담을 위한 협력 기반을 마련하는 데 영향을 미쳤다.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 정권의 핵 위기 안정과 딜레마: 구조안정과 위기안정

        홍건식 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2019 국제지역연구 Vol.28 No.1

        The aim of this article is to clarify why North Korea has accelerated the development of nuclear weapons and ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) capabilities since the Kim Jong-un came to power. Also, this thesis insists that Kim pursue the stability of his regime with a crisis stability strategy. In general, if approaching the nuclear weapon through the concept of attack and defense, it is punitive weapons which make it almost impossible to defend. Then, how does North Korea try to establish a regime stability through nuclear? How can Kim Jong-un pursue the stability of the regimes while owning aggressive weapons to other countries? This article deals with the causes of accelerating the development of nuclear weapons and missiles in Kim Jong-un regime. In other word, it is a ultimate strategy to pursue the regime stability through the crisis stability. However, the strategy with crisis stability has limitations in that it makes the order of the Korean peninsula unstable, before the system is completely guaranteed. 북한은 김정은 체제 이후 핵과 대륙간탄도미사일 성능 개발을 가속화하다 왜 갑자기 협상의 자 리에 나서게 되었는가? 북한은 상대방의 방어와 보복을 불가능하게 만드는 핵을 통해 어떻게 체제 의 안정을 추구하는가? 그렇다면 어떻게 핵을 통해 체제 안정의 보장을 확립하려 하는가? 본 연구 는 그 같은 질문의 해답을 북한의 ‘위기안정(crisis stability)’ 전략에서 찾고자 한다. 즉 김정은 체 제의 핵‧무기개발 가속화는 국제체제 차원의 구조적 불안정성과 국가 간 위기를 극대한 후 협상을 통해 체제의 안정을 확보하고자 하는 전략이다. 그러나 ‘위기안정’은 협상의 결렬 된다면 다시 위 기가 고조될 수밖에 없는 ‘위기의 불안정’이라는 구조적 특성을 가지고 있음을 함께 논한다.

      • Tom Sawyer와 Mark Twain

        홍건식 동국대학교 영어영문학과 1970 Dongguk review Vol.- No.3

        어제의 소년들은 참으로 운 좋고 축복받은 아이들이다. 반면 오늘의 소년들은 기계문명과 자동차의 소음으로 지내고 있지 않는가? 이런 번잡한 기계문명으로부터 조그마한 어린 신과도 같이 적당한 시기에 나타난 Tom. 그리고 그 자신이 출연한 Tom Sawyer의 모험과 Tom Brown의 모험, 보물섬의 모험 등으로 어제의 소년들은 자연으로부터 흥미와 낭만을 느낄 수 있었던 것이다. 이러한 인기가 있는 책들의 「시리즈」는 매우 흥미가 있는 것들이다. Huckle berry Finn은 이러한 점에서 볼때 특별히 예외라고 할 수 있다. 비록 Tom Sawyer가 발표 된지 10년 후에 쓰여진 것으로 그 10년이란 세월 속에 Clemeans는 많은 숙고와 회상이 있었던 것이다. Huckle berry Finn은 Tom Sawyer의 뒤를 다시 시도하려한 것은 아니다. 비록 Tom Sawyer가 Huckle berry Finn에 나타났고 Tom Sawyer에 Huckle berry Finn이 나타났을지라도 배경과 그 성격은 전혀 다른 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국과 일본의 경제 개방과 분쟁관리: 조어도 분쟁을 중심으로 (2010-2012)

        홍건식 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2019 동서연구 Vol.31 No.1

        본 연구는 2010년 중국과 일본의 조어도 영토 갈등이 왜 분쟁 또는 전쟁으로 확대되지 않았는가에 대한 질문에 답한다. 2010년 9월 조어도에서 중국어선과 일본 해상 보안청 순시선과 충돌하는 사건이 발생했다. 중국은 일본 당국에게 선장의 무조건 석방을 요구하며 일본의 회담 제의를 거절하는 강경한 모습을 보였고, 선장 체포 10일 만에 일본에 대한 희토류 수출 중단을 발표했다. 일본은 중국의 희토류 수출 발표 다음날 구속한 중국어선 선장을 석방하면서 2010년 조어도 분쟁은 일단락되었다. 2010년 조어도를 둘러싼 두 국가의 일련의 갈등과 해결의 과정에서 두 국가의 분쟁에 따른 경제적 비용이 갈등을 해소하는데 영향을 미쳤으며 이는 분쟁을 억지하는데 있어 경제가 영향을 미친 사례라 할 수 있다. In September 2010, a marine collision accident occurred between the Chinese ship and the Japanese Maritime Security Service on the in the Senkaku/Diaoyudao islands. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao demanded unconditional release of Chinese captain, rejected a meeting proposed by Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasutoshi Sengoku, and announced the suspension of rare earth resources exports to Japan only within 10 days after his arrest. Japan released the captain only after the Chinese announcement, and the dispute came to an end in 2010. After four years, on 8 November 2014, both countries promised to try to improve relations. This study questioned that how the two countries managed disputes so as to prevent territorial disputes from escalating into conflict or war. In other words, it argues that military conflict was controlled through consideration of the economic costs, in particular import and export of rare earth resources, of the disputes of the two countries.

      • KCI등재

        신기후체제와 동북아시아 에너지협력: 차별화된 책임에서 지역책임으로

        홍건식 조선대학교 사회과학연구원 부설 동북아연구소 2019 동북아연구 Vol.34 No.1

        The Paris Agreement of December 2015 features a bottom-up approach that allows countries to voluntarily set their reduction targets based on the principle of ‘Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’. The agreement also contains provisions on the distribution of discriminatory responsibilities for the reduction of greenhouse gases. However, this type of liability regulations have limitations in a point that it allows countries to respond passively against environmental problems that have characteristics of public goods. Meanwhile, the Shale Gas energy revolution by the US is raising the competition for securing stable energy in Northeast Asian countries, and it is time to cooperate in the region to solve both energy and environmental problems simultaneously. Although Northeast Asia accounts for 35% of world energy consumption, there is no real cooperation body for energy cooperation. This study examines the Northeast Asian Super Grid as a Northeast Asian energy cooperation body to be a bridge to resolve the complexity of climate change and energy security through regime theory. In conclusion, this study suggests that the Northeast Asian Super Grid can seek the solution of the responsibility problem that is pointed out as the limitation of the Paris Agreement at the regional level through ‘Common But Regional Responsibilities’, and it lets regional states respond cooperatively by reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

      • 췌장에서의 Carcinoembryonic Antigen 및 Alpha-fetoprotein의 표현에 대한 단일클론항체를 이용한 peroxidase-antiperoxidase의 면역조직화학적 연구

        홍건식,김세민 고려대학교 의과대학 1989 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.26 No.1

        Carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA) and alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) have been well known as tumor associated antigens. Recently, with the development of immunology much of the effort has been directed towards measurement of serum and tissue levels of these tumor markers in various organs. However, the more recent attention has been focussed on the exploitation of tumor markers for immunohistochemical PAP study by using anti-CEA and anti-AFP monoclonal antibodies. The author performed peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemical study with anti-CEA antibody and anti-AFP antibody (Bio Genex Laboratories) to determine the presence of CEA and AFP in the 33 cases of various pancreatic diseases. The findings were analysed and the results obtained are as follows. 1. In the infantile pancreatic normal tissue group; CEA positive reaction to anti-CEA antibody was noted in none of 4 cases (0%). AFP positive reaction to anti-AFP antibody showed weak positive(1+) in all of 4 case(100%). 2. In the non-inflammatory and non-neoplastic pancreatic disease group CEA positive reaction was noted in 1 of 4 cases(25%), which was weak positive(1+). However, there was no AFP positive reaction to anti-AFP antibody (0%). 3. In the chronic pancreatitis group; CEA positive reaction showed strong positive in all of 5 cases(100%). AFP positive reaction was noted in 2 of 5 cases(40%), which were weak positive(1+). 4. In the borderline malignancy group, CEA positive reaction was noted in 1 of 2 cases papillary cystic neoplasm(50%), which was weak positive(1+). There was no AFP positive reaction(0%). 5. Inthe pancreatic adenocarcinoma group; CEA positive reaction was noted in 10 of 12 cases(83.3%). The moderately to well differenciated carcinoma was strong positive and the poorly differenciated carcinoma was negative to weak positive. However, AFP positive reaction was noted in only 3 of 12 cases (25%), which were moderate to weak positive. 6. In the metastatic pancreatic cancer and other cancer group; CEA positive reaction was noted in 3 of 6 cases(50%), which were weak positive(1+) and metastatic malignant lymphoma was negative. AFP positive reaction was noted in 1 adeno-squamous carcinoma of 6 cases (17%). 7. The results obtained above suggest the following findings: a. Irritated ductal epithelium, altered either by inflammation or by neoplasm, appears to have positive CEA reaction. b. Non-irritated ductal epithelium appears to have negative CEA reaction. c. Pancreatic acinii in all cases appear to have negative CEA reaction. d. Uncertain or nonductal epithelial origin cancer appears to have weak positive CEA reaction. AFP may not be a useful market for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, but for some patients with advanced cancer, and it can serve as a tumor marker to indicate the extent of disease. CEA and AFP seem to be useful indicators in the field of differential diagnosis of poorly differentiated or undifferentiated pancreatic cancer.

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