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      • H:LiNbO$_{3}$ 광변조기에서 Parylene 버퍼층의 유용성

        허현,반재경,Huh, Hyun,Pan, Jae-Kyung 대한전자공학회 1997 電子工學會論文誌, D Vol.d34 No.8

        H:LiNbO$_{3}$ optical modulator buffered by parylene layer, which has a merits in the bandwidth, power consumption and fabrication as compared with conventional SiO$_{2}$ buffered optical modulator, is proposed and analyzed. The dependences of velocity matching condition, charcteristics impedance, and driving voltage on dielectric constants, thickness of buffer layer, and electrode configurations are demonstrated with finite element calculation. And we performed the physical and chemical test of parylene buffer layer deposited on LiNbO$_{3}$ and under Au electrodes.

      • 직선패턴 인식을 위한 새로운 광/디지틀 불변 인식에 관한 연구

        허현,정동규,강동성,반재경,Huh, Hyun,Jung, Dong-Gyu,Kang, Dong-Seung,Pan, Jae-Kyung 대한전자공학회 1994 전자공학회논문지-B Vol.b31 No.11

        본 논문에서는 직선특징을 포함한 2차원 패턴에 대하여 패턴의 이동, 회전, 크기변화에도 불변하게 인식할 수 있는 새로운 광/디지틀 패턴인식 방법을 제안하였다. 제시한 방법은 먼저 패턴의 직선특징을 Hough변환과 threshold과정을 통해서 추출한다. 두 번째로 추추된 특징에 본 논문에서 유도된 수식을 적용하여 불변성을 부여한다. 마지막으로 추출된 패턴의 불변특징을 신경회로망으로 학습시켜 패턴인식에 사용하였다. 제시한 방법의 유용성 확인을 위해 9개의 2차원 직선패턴으로 컴퓨터 모의실험을 수행하였으며, 결국 패턴의 이동, 회전, 크기변화에도 불변한 인식이 가능하였다. A novel opto-digital pattern recognition method which has shift, rotation, and scale invariant properties is proposed for recognizing two dimensional images having straight lines. The algorithm is composed of three stages. In the first stage the line features of the image are extracted. The second stage imposes the shift, rotation, and scale invariant properties on the extracted features through normalizing procedure. The required normalizing equations are analytically explained. In the last stage, the artificial feedforward neural network is trained with the extracted features. In order to evaluated the proposed algorithm, nine different edge enhnaced binary images composed of straight lines are tested. Thus the proposed algorithm can recognize the patterns event though they are shifted, rotated, and scaled.

      • KCI등재

        개리슨을 넘어서: 노예제폐지운동의 프런티어와 “서부노예제폐지론”

        허현 고려대학교 역사연구소 2015 사총 Vol.86 No.-

        노예제폐지론(abolitionism)은 미국 헌정사에서 역사가 고어 비달(Gore Vidal)이 정의한 “제3차 헌법”의 헌법 이념과 정신을 제공하면서 기존의 헌정질서와 인종질서에 혁명적 변화를 가져왔던 사회운동이념이었다. 또한 노예제폐지론은 미국 내전의 발발을 북부 자유주와 남부 노예주 간의 정치, 사회, 경제적 대립과 갈등의 결과물로 설명하면서 이른바 대(大)지역주의(sectionalism)를 미국 내전의 일차적 원인으로 지적하는 역사적 해석에 도전하면서 대지역주의 허구성을 논박하는 역사적 실체이기도 하다. 이러한 노예제폐지론을 실천적으로 담보했던 노예제폐지운동은 윌리엄 로이드 개리슨(William Lloyd Garrison)을 빼놓고는 이야기할 수 없다. 개리슨은 즉각적인 노예제 폐지를 주장했던 근대적 노예제폐지론의 주창자이자 대표적인 실천적 운동가였기 때문에 미국의 노예제폐지운동에 관한 설명이나 역사적 해석은 개리슨으로부터 시작해서 개리슨에서 끝난다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 또한 개리슨이 주축이 되었던 전미반노예제협회가 메사추세츠 보스턴을 중심으로 활동하였고 개리슨의 동료이자 후일 경쟁 관계에 놓이게 되는 노예제폐지운동가들, 즉 태판 형제 등이 1840년에 설립했던 미국 및 해외 반노예제협회가 인근의 뉴욕을 중심으로 활동했던 까닭에 미국의 노예제폐지운동을 언급할 때는 이러한 미국 동부 중심의 노예제폐지운동을 의미하는 것이 일반적이다. 이런 이유로 흔히 현실 정치 및 대중과 괴리되면서 실패했다고 폄하되는 급진적 개리슨주의에 대한 역사적 평가는 전체 노예제폐지운동 진영의 총체적 실패와 동일하게 취급되면서 노예제폐지운동이 미국 내전의 발발이나 노예제폐지에 미쳤던 영향이 극히 축소되거나 부정되고 대지역주의나 사회, 경제적 차이, 주권론 등이 미국 내전의 주된 이유로서 제시될 뿐만 아니라 노예제 폐지는 미국 내전의 우연적인 부산물로서 해석되는 경향이 강했다. 하지만 이러한 해석들은 지나치게 정형화된 개리슨주의를 상정하며 오직 하나의 노예제폐지론이 존재했다는 가정에 입각해 있을 뿐만 아니라 동부 중심의 노예제폐지론을 다루고 있다는 점에서 극히 제한적이며 비역사적이다. 사실 19세기 전반기 미국에서는 뉴잉글랜드나 뉴욕 중심의 동부 노예제폐지론 외에도 또 다른 지역적 기반을 가진 노예제폐지론이 존재했다. 오하이오를 중심으로 중서부 지역에서 성장했던 이른바 “서부노예제폐지론(western abolitionism)”이 바로 그것이었다. 오하이오는 지리적으로 서부의 ‘프런티어(frontier)’이기도 했지만 켄터키와 버지니아 같은 노예주와 인접해 있던 자유의 ‘프런티어’이자 노예제폐지운동의 ‘프런티어’이기도 했다. 특히 오하이오 최남부의 신시내티는 남부 출신 이주민들이 다수를 이루고 있었을 뿐만 아니라 남부와 우호적인 상업적 관계를 유지하고 있는 도시였기 때문에 남부의 노예제에 우호적이었고 노예제폐지운동에 대해 아주 적대적인 태도를 가지고 있었다. 이런 이유로 이러한 접경지역에서는 노예제 폐지라는 개리슨주의자들의 정치적 구호는 비효과적이었을 뿐만 아니라 심지어 조직적인 노예제지지론의 발전을 야기하기도 하였다. 따라서 이 프런티어의 노예제폐지론자들에게는 노예제세력에 맞서 최소한의 헌법적 자유나 인종적 정의를 ‘개척’하기도 힘겨운 상황이었다. 이들에게는 좀 더 현실적이고 실현가 ... Abolitionism provided core constitutional ideas to what one writer has called the “Third Constitution”: the Thirteenth through Fifteenth Amendments. From abolitionist constitutional ideals embedded in section one of the Fourteenth Amendment, there emerged some principal trends of constitutional development in the century after the Civil War: equality before the law, protection for the privileges and immunities of national and state citizenship, and substantive due process. No historian of abolitionism can afford to ignore William Lloyd Garrison, because he was one who initiated modern abolitionist movement based on the principle of immediate, unconditional, and total abolition in the early 1830s. Since major antislavery societies, such as New England Anti-Slavery Society (1832), American Anti-Slavery Society(1833), and American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (1840), were located in New England and New York, in addition, it is no surprise that East-centered abolitionist movement represented a general American abolitionist movement. Due to these reasons, there is historiographical trend that the presumed failure of Garrisonian abolitionist movement is considered the total failure of abolitionist movement. As a result, the influence of abolitionist movement on the outbreak of the Civil War and the constitutional revolution has been considerably underestimated or minimized and, instead, sectionalism, economic and social differences, and states’ rights system have been overestimated as a cause of the Civil War. Furthermore, claiming that antisouthernism and racism, rather than racial equality and constitutional liberty, were dominant in the ideology of the antislavery movement, some historians raised doubts about the authenticity of the abolitionist movement. However, this historiographical trend is biased in that it tend to assume only one abolitionist movement which was East-centered and suffered from factionalism. In fact, there was another abolitionist movement which was developed in the West, especially in Ohio: Western abolitionist movement based on Western abolitionism. Ohio was a frontier of liberty and abolitionist movement as well as a geographical frontier in the West, for she was a border state neighbored with slave states such as Kentucky and Virginia. In this border region, the political rhetoric of abolition of slavery in the South was ineffective and even meaningless. On the contrary, frontier abolitionists managed to ‘pioneer’ the very least constitutional liberty and racial justice. Therefore, western abolitionism was inevitable to the frontier abolitionist in some sense. The western abolitionist movement based on the personal liberty politics focused on the fugitive slave issue including federal and state fugitive slave laws. In the history of western abolitionism, the adoption of by the 37th General Assembly of Ohio of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1839 as an “ultra anti-abolition” measure was a turning point. The state Fugitive Slave Law was the most alarming and menacing anti-abolitionist measure in that it set up a comprehensive system of suppression of Ohio abolitionists and provided extensive protection to the slaveowners’ right to reclaim fugitive slaves in Ohio with the assistance of state law enforcement. By infuriating Ohioans in general, and abolitionists in particular, as a symbol of the full-scale invasion of the Slave Power to undermine Ohio’s republican ideals and heritage of freedom, the 1839 Fugitive Slave Law whipped antislavery advocates into intense agitation for its repeal in the early 1840s and the adoption of personal liberty laws in 1857. In the process, the Ohio political abolitionists, such as James G. Birney, Gamaliel Bailey, Salmon P. Chase, Benjamin F. Wade, and James M. Ashley, developed its own antislavery constitutional ideas, ultimately contributing the creation of the “Third Constitution.”

      • 소아 고관절 골절에 대한 임상적 고찰

        허현,유현덕,서승석,김영창,최장석,이영구 인제대학교 1995 仁濟醫學 Vol.16 No.3

        소아 고관절 골절은 대부분 심한 외력에 의해 초래되므로 동반 손상이 많고, 치료 후에도 합병증이 빈발하므로 치료에 많은 어려움이 따르지만, 조기에 해부학적 정복 및 견고한 내고정을 함으로써 좋은 결과를 기대한다고 하였다. 이에 저자들은 1년이상 추시관찰이 가능했던 소아 고관절 골절 38례를 대상으로 그 치료 결과를 분석 하였다. The femoral neck fracture in the children is a rare injury and occurreda by severe trauma in the most cases. This accounts for the high frequency of serious associated injuries. Since the femoral neck in children has many anatomic and physiologic differences, there are many difficulties during the treatment period and complications such as coxa vara, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, and premature epiphyseal closure are commonly encountered following treatments. 38 cases treated at Paik Hospital from Jan. 1979 to Aug. 1992 were analyzed both clinically and radiologically. The following results were obtained 1.The commonest age group was between 10 and 15 years and the ratio of boys to girls was approximately 1.5 : 1. 2.According to the classification of Delbet and Colonna, the cervicotrochanteric fracture was the most common type (50% of the cases) and displaced fracture was 30 cases(79%). 3.The main cause of fracture was traffic accidents, which occurred in 17 cases (45%). 4.Associated injuries were long bone fracture and pelvic bone fracture and genitourinary injury. 5.In type I, II, III fracture by early reduction and internal fixation, and in type IV fracture by conservative treatment, we gained satisfactory results. 6.Complications were developed in 16 cases(42%) The commonest complication was coxa vara, 7 cases(17%) and other complications was avascular necrosis, 5 cases(13%) and premature epiphyseal closure, 4 cases(11%).

      • 60Hz 전원동기를 이용한 스펙트럼 확산 전력선 통신에 관한 연구

        許賢,潘在景 全北大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.41 No.-

        Power line communication is very useful and economical for local area network, office automation, factory automation, and home automation. Electric power distribution circuits provide reasonably universal channels with a simple and standard interface in the from of a wall-socket plug. Disadvantages are limited bandwidth in comparison with ordinary communication links, high noise levels, and uncertain and varying levels of impedance. We presents the measurements of noise, attenuation, and impedance on the intrabuilding distribution circuits. Measurements were made at four different locations, such as laboratory, apartment, house, and hospital. These data are available for the design of communication systems. We consider pseudonoise(PN) modulation to overcome these impairments and present preliminary assessments of performance obtainable using a simple direct-sequence(DS) PN modem. Code synchronization is implemented by 60Hz zero crossing of the power frequency. The results have shown that data are transmitted and reconstructed well through power line up to 3kbps.

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