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        자유주의 문명의 밖에서 - 간디에서 이토를 넘어 롤즈까지 -

        허우성 한국일본사상사학회 2015 일본사상 Vol.0 No.29

        문명이란 개념은 역사, 언어, 문화, 전통, 그리고 종교까지 포괄하므로 특정 분야의 전공자가 쉽게 논의할 수 있는 주제는 아니다. 하지만 이 개념은 세계 곳곳에서 다양하게 사용되어 왔다. 19세기 이후 일부 동양인들은 서양문명 세력이 동점해오자 ‘문명의식’을 갖게 되고, 생존을 위해서 커다란 변화의 필요성을 절감하게 되었다. 이런 소논문이 19세기 이후 동양에서 일어난 문명론들을 전부 다룰 수는 없으므로, 필자는 주로 근대 한국의 역사적 정치적 환경과 비교적 깊이 관련되어 있는 몇몇 문명론을 선택할 수밖에 없었다. 덧붙여서 대부분의 현대 한국인의 문명론이 되어버린 헌팅턴과 퍼거슨의 서양문명론을 검토했다. 불교도의 문명론을 논의한 것은 그것이 간디의 문명론과 유사하면서 한국의 문화 전통의 일부이기 때문이고, 쿠트브라는 이슬람교도의 신랄한 현대문명 비판을 소개한 것은 이 글의 불완전함에 대한 부담감을 줄이기 위해서였다. 끝으로 필자는 간디와 롤즈를 제한적으로 비교 검토하고 하나의 중심 주제를 제시하여, 거대 담론인 문명론을 진지하고 구체적인 연구로 바꾸려고 시도했다. 그런 의미에서 이 글은 역사적 연구이면서도 현재적 연구이다. 이 글은 비서양권의 문명론자들이 서양문명에서 찾은 것은 주로 자국의 자유와 부강을 주는 특성이었음을 확인했다. 이는 이토와 한용운 모두에 해당된다. 서양문명을 비판한 간디는 나라와 촌락의 자치, 그리고 정치적 경제적 자립을 중시했다. 일본은 2차 세계 대전에서의 참담한 패배 이후, 그리고 한국은 해방 이후 서양의 자유주의 문명을 거의 전면적으로 수용해왔다. 그 결과 퍼거슨이 말한 여섯 가지 비장의 무기가 대체로 우리의 것이 되었고, 후쿠자와가 한 때 서양문명에만 있다고 한 ‘개인의 자유’ 이념은, 자유주의, 민주주의, 시장경제와 함께 일본과 한국에서 상당 부분 실현되었다. 20세기 중반 이후 국제관계에서 국익 앞에 보편 윤리를 희생시키자고 주장했던 이토와 같은 제국주의자는 거의 없어졌다. 문명의 향상과 함께 한 민족의 자유와 독립은 다른 민족들로부터 존중받는 시대가 왔기 때문이다. 간디의 완전한 스와라즈는 한 민족이나 한 마을의 정치적 경제적 자주권, 개인의 정치적 자유, 혼의 힘의 충분한 발휘를 요구했다. 이런 자치를 염두에 두고 앞으로 우리가 전개할 문명론의 중심 주제를 자유의 성격과 불평등의 문제에 두어야 한다고 결론지었다. 간디의 입장에서 보면 헌팅턴이나 퍼거슨, 롤즈까지 모두 서양의 자유주의 문명에 속한다. 헌팅턴과 퍼거슨이 그 중앙에 자리 잡고 있고, 롤즈는 가장자리에 치우쳐 있다. 자유주의 문명의 밖에서 간디와 틱낫한이 제기한 비판은 이 문명의 특성과 한계를 보여주면서 이 문명을 역사적인 산물로 보이게 한다. 평등한 기본적인 자유들을 보존하고 후손에게 물려주는 것은 아주 중요하다. 하지만 이질 문명을 인지하는 데서 오는 문명의식과 함께 저 중심 주제를 다루지 않는다면, 그리고 정의와 선(善), 윤리와 시장의 관계를 어떻게 조정해야하는가를 묻지 않는다면, 문명론은 장차 구체성을 상실하여 한담에 빠질 가능성이 높아 보인다. 이런 중심 주제를 놓치지 않는 것은 자유주의 문명 향상의 의무를 수행하기 위한 첫걸음이기도 하다. The concept of civilization is so comprehensive that it includes history, language, culture, tradition and even religion, thus a scholar working in a specialized field cannot easily discuss it. But this concept has been used in various contexts everywhere in the world. Since the 19th century some thinkers of the East were being forced to face the Western civilization and developed what Samuel Huntington described as civilization consciousness, and they felt the necessity of a dramatic cultural sea change for survival. Since this short paper cannot deal with all theories of civilization which have been presented after the 19th century in Asia, the author could not but choose several theories of civilization which were deeply related to the historical and political environment of modern Korea. Besides he discussed two contemporary Western theories of civilization powerfully stated by Huntington and Ferguson, which he believes have been adopted by most of contemporary South Koreans. The article has shown two Buddhist critiques of modern civilization, not only for their similarity to the Gandhian idea of civilization but also being a significant part of modern Korean culture. The author has also brought in a bitter critique from an Islamic perspective asserted by Qutb of Western civilization to allay the burden of being incomplete of this article. And then this article will compare Gandhi and Rawls, in order to give an example of a sincere and concrete topic for a theory of civilization, a grand narrative, and to go beyond a simple historical study. This study has found the fact that most of previous non-Western theories of civilization treasured the notion of liberty and the features of Western civilization which resulted in wealth and power. This has been advocated not only by Itō and Han. Although Gandhi was sharply critical of Western civilization, he put stress on liberty and political and economic independence from the village up to the nation. Japan after its catastrophic defeat in World War II and Korea after its independence have succeeded in adopting the liberal civilization from the West. As a result, both countries finally employed Ferguson's ‘six killer applications’ that the West once monopolized. Moreover, Fukuzawa’s idea of a free and independent person, together with liberalism, democracy, and market economy has been to a significant extent realized. After the mid- 20th century, an imperialist like Itō who loudly preferred national interests over universal ethics almost disappeared in international relations, because peoples, with the advance of civilization, have seemed to arrive at the era wherein each nation and each individual’s freedom and independence are to be respected by all. The Gandhian complete self-rule includes political and economic sovereignty of a people, personal political freedom, and full exercise of soul force. Considering this complete self-rule, this study has concluded that the central topic of our study of future civilization should be on features of liberty and the problem of inequality. From Gandhi’s perspective, Huntington, Ferguson and Rawls all stand in the realm of Western liberal civilization, the first two standing proudly at its center and Rawls at its periphery. Gandhi’s and Thich’s criticism of Western civilization has shed light on its specific features and limits, finally making it a historical product. The author has argued that it is very important to preserve and bequeath equal basic liberties to our posterity, and concluded that unless we deal with the central topic with a sharply enhanced sense of civilization consciousness coming from our awareness of different civilizations, and when we do not ask the question as to how justice and ethics should be related to the good and market, our discussion of civilizations may fall into an idle talk, even though it may sound great. It is because of this that the author feels dealing with this central topic abo...

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        상염색체 우성 다낭신의 임상상 및 유전학적 특성

        허우성,이상구,김성권,한진석,이정상,윤형진,김승협,안규리,이중건,오지은 대한신장학회 1996 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.15 No.1

        To elucidate clinical and genetic characteristics of ADPKD in Korea, 90 ADPKD patients were analyzed retrospectively. Linkage analysis on PKD-1 locus (16p 13.3) and family screening based on ultrasonography were also performed(SM7, KG8). 1) The male-to-female ratio was 36: 54, and age at diagnosis was 44+11.3(Mean+SD) years. 2) Common symptorns were headache(70M), abdominal mass(68%), flank pain(51%) and abdominal pain(42%). Other organ involvements included hepa- tic cysts(76%), pancreatic cysts, splenic cysts, ovarian cysts, valvular heart disease(7/19 cases) and cerebrovascular accidents(5/14 cases). 3) Family history of ADPKD was taken from 54% of patients', hypertension 53%', cerebrovascular accident 40%. In laboratory study, anemia(51%), hyperuricemia(29%), proteinuria(48%), pyuria(40%), he- maturia(29%) were found frequently. 4) Among the complications associated with renal cysts, hypertension was observed in 73%, hemorrhage 37%, urinary tract infection 24%, urolithiasis 15%, end stage renal disease(ESRD) 23%, and the mean age at ESRD was 49+7.9 years old. Male was progressed to ESRD at younger age than female(47 +6.2: 53+8.5)(p$lt;0.05) and nausea, hepatomegaly, urinary tract infection were found more commonly in wornan. 5) Sonographic screening was done in 13 families, and among them, we performed linkage analysis of 7 families on PKD-1 locus. 3 families were linked with the PKD-1 locus, 2 families were not linked, and 2 families were unconclusive. Conclusion: The clinical features of ADPKD in Korea were similar to those of other races except more frequent incidences in hepatic cysts. Results of linkage analysis suggest the possibility of a larger proportion of non-PKD-1 families than that of westem, but it is necessary to study more families.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        투석전 만성 신부전 환자에서 신기능 저하 정도에 따른 단백 섭취량과 영양 지표의 변화

        허우성,김혜영,조영연,엄정인,김대중,김범,김윤구,이윤하,오하영,박경리 대한신장학회 1998 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.17 No.3

        Although dietary protein restriction may protect against progression of renal failure, it is important to consider whether protein restriction can be attained without inducing malnutrition. We assessed the calculated dietary protein intake(cDPI) by 24 hour urinary collection and food intake, biochemical nutritional indices and the results of anthropometric measurement in 83 predialysis patients with different stages of chronic renal failure(CRF) and 84 controls. Dietary interventions were minimal. We categorized patients into three groups according to whether their creatinine clearance(Ccr) was greater than 25(group A), 10 to 25(group B), or less than 10ml/min(group C). 1) The mean(±SD) cDPI was significantly lower in group C(0.77±0.17g/kg/day) and group B(0.84±0.16g/kg/day) than in group A(1.04±0.21g/kg/day) and controls(1.14±0.22g/kg/day)(P$lt;0.05). The mean (±SD) high biologic value protein intake was significantly lower in group C(0.29±0.25g/kg/day) and group B(0.39±0.27g/kg/day) than in group A (35g/kg/day)(P$lt;0.05). The cDPI(r=0.50, P$lt; 0.05), high biologic value protein intake(r=0.39, P$lt; 0.05) were positively correlated with the Ccr. 2) The mean (SD) total lymphocyte count (TLC) was significantly lower in group C(1,554±368/m㎥) and group B(1,972±470/m㎥) than in group A(2,111±540/m㎥) and controls(2,177±589/m㎥)(P$lt;0.05). The TLC was positively correlated with the Ccr(r= 0.28, P$lt;0.05). The levels of albumin and transferrin were lower in patients with CRF than in controls (P$lt;0.05). There was no difference in the levels of albumin, transferrin, prealbumin, insulin-like growth factor-l, cholesterol and anthropometric measure- ments among the different stages of CRF. Conclusion: In predialysis patients with CRF, the dietary protein and high biologic value protein intake spontaneously decreases as renal function declines. Several nutritional indices, such as TLC, albumin and transferrin were lower in predialysis patient with CRF than controls. Therefore objective measurement of DPI should be considered educate a low protein diet in predialysis patients with CRF.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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