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        동아시아 지역통합에 관한 연구

        한형근 21세기정치학회 2001 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.11 No.1

        이 논문의 목적은 합리적 선택 조건을 통해 동아시아의 실효성 있는 지역통합체를 모색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 지역주의 분석의 주요 이론인 패권안정이론과 합리적 선택이론에서 지역통합을 바라보는 관점을 검토하고 있는데, 동아시아적 상황은 확고부동한 지역패권국가가 존재하고 있지 않기 때문에 패권안정이론보다는 합리적 선택이론의 타당성이 높아 보인다. 따라서 논자는 동아시아의 지역구도와 합리적 선택 변수를 중심으로 동아시아와 관련된 기존 지역통합체인 APEC, ASEAN/AFTA를 살펴보고, 최근 제기되고 있는 한중일 자유무역협정의 조건을 검토해본다. APEC은 경제적 잠재력과 상호의존성은 높으나 참여국가의 수가 많으며 지리적 인접성과 문화적 유사성이 낮고, 동아시아의 역외 국가인 미국의 영향력에 따라 움직임으로써 제도화된 동아시아 중심의 통합체로 나아가지 못하고 지역협의체에 머물고 있다. ASEAN은 APEC에 비해 참여국가의 수가 적고, 지리적으로 인접하고 있으며, 급속한 경제성장으로 통합이 용이하게 진행될 수 있었다. 그러나 문화적 유사성이 다소 낮으며 확실한 주도 국가가 부재한 상황에서 미국과 일본의 영향력 하에서 통합체의 유지와 발전에는 한계가 있을 수밖에 없다. 한편 한중일 3국은 경제적 잠재력과 상호의존성이 매우 높고, 참여국가의 수가 적으며 지리적 인접성과 문화적 유사성이 커 지역통합에 유리한 환경을 가지고 있다. 하지만 미국의 영향력이 크고, 일본과 중국이 지역 주도국가로서의 역할을 제대로 수행하지 못함으로써 통합의 모색 단계에 머무르고 있다. 따라서 한중일을 중심으로 한 동아시아의 실효성 있는 지역통합체가 형성되기 위해서는 중일 양국의 주도적 역할 수행과 한국의 적극적인 협력이 요청된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        탄소중립과 에너지 패러다임 전환의 딜레마- 한국 발전 부문에서의 에너지 전환 -

        한형근 부경대학교 지방분권발전연구소 2021 지역과 정치 Vol.4 No.2

        Carbon neutrality is required to prevent global warming by climate change. 27% of greenhouse gases are emitted in the process of making electrical energy. 37% of greenhouse gases are emitted during electricity production in Korea. Carbon neutrality is a far-fetched task unless we reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation. The Korean government intends to drastically reduce coal-fired electricity generation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, the nuclear phase-out policy is being pursued in Korea. The shortage of electricity will be filled with renewable energy generation. A shift in the energy paradigm could lead to a serious energy gap in Korea. Energy-based industries such as steel, shipbuilding, automobiles, and chemicals are major industries in Korea. As a leading country in the 4th industrial revolution, the demand for electric energy is continuously increasing. In addition, as the mobility paradigm shifts from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles, the use of electric energy will also continue to increase. As the government claims, it is not easy to increase renewable energy generation that can replace coal-fired generation and nuclear energy. In the process of increasing renewable energy capacity, natural gas or hydroelectricity generation should be actively promoted. Nuclear phase-out policy should be slowed down, and small nuclear reactors such as SMR should be used as an auxiliary means of nuclear phase-out. Plasma fusion power generation, a future energy source, should also be actively fostered. In particular, it is necessary to build an energy ecosystem such as a smart grid by utilizing ICT. Through innovation and collaboration between the public and private sector, the energy gap on the road to carbon neutrality must be overcome. 기후변화가 초래하는 위기를 극복하기 위해 탄소중립이 요구되고 있다. 인류가 사용하는 에너지 중 전기에너지가 온실가스의 27%를 배출하고 있으며, 한국은 전력 생산에서 37%의 온실가스를 배출하고 있다. 전력 생산에서 온실가스의 배출을 줄이지 않는 한 탄소중립은 요원한 과제다. 한국은 전력 생산 과정에서 온실가스의 배출을 줄이기 위해 석탄화력 발전을 과감하게 감축하겠다고 한다. 폐기물과 안전성 등의 문제로 탈원전 정책도 동시에 추진되고 있다. 그로 인한 전력의 부족분은 재생에너지 발전으로 채워나갈 계획이다. 이러한 에너지 패러다임의 대전환은 한국이 처한 특수성으로 인해 심각한 에너지 수급 문제를 낳을 수 있다. 한국은 철강, 조선, 자동차, 반도체, 화학 등 에너지 다소비 산업이 주를 이루고 있고, 4차 산업혁명의 선도국가로서 전기에너지 수요가 지속적으로 증대하고 있다. 또한 내연기관 자동차에서 전기자동차로의 모빌리티 패러다임이 전환되기 시작하면서, 전기에너지 사용도 지속적으로 증가할 것이다. 정부의 입장과는 다르게 석탄 발전과 원자력 발전을 대체할 수 있는 재생에너지 발전을 증대시키기는 쉽지 않다. 주민수용성을 전제로 정책적 지원을 강화하여 재생에너지 발전 용량을 늘이는데 주력하면서도, 보조적 수단으로 천연가스를 활용하고, 장기적으로는 수소에너지 발전 등 새로운 대안을 모색해야 한다. 탈원전의 속도 조절이 필요하고, SMR과 같은 소형원자로를 탈원전의 보조 수단으로 고민해야 한다. 미래 에너지원인 플라즈마 핵융합 발전도 적극 육성해야 한다. 특히 4차 산업혁명의 과실인 ICT를 활용하여 스마트 그리드와 같은 새로운 전력 생태계를 구축해야 한다. 공공 영역과 민간 영역의 협력과 혁신을 통해 탄소중립으로 나아가는 데 있어 발생할 수 있는 에너지 갭을 극복해야 한다. 블랙아웃의 기억을 되살려 생활 속에서 에너지 절약을 실천하는 것도 탄소중립으로 나아가는 중요한 여정이다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        자본주의의 통치성과 세계경제위기

        한형근(Han Hyung Keun) 동아시아국제정치학회 2013 국제정치연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Michel Foucault explored that he called ‘governmentality’ or ‘rationality of government’ at the end of 1970"s. Foucault defined government as a form of activity aiming to shape, guide or affect the conduct of some person or persons. Governmentality or rationality of government means a way of thinking about the nature of the practice of government who can govern, what governing is, who is governed. Foucault applied this perspective of analysis to the different historical domains. Until seventeenth-century, governmentality associated with the idea of "reason of state" to establish the strong nation. In eighteenth-century, governmentality associated with the idea of liberalism for the purpose of security and prosperity of some person or persons. Recently, governmentality considered as a way of rethinking the rationality of government to keep the capitalism in the form of neo-liberalism. The changing notion of governmentality at the capitalist society is made by economic crises. Governmentality of "reason of state" was changed to the governmentality of liberalism by the notion that the state cannot control the market in that way we have to leave the market alone as it is. Governmentality of liberalism was changed to Keynesian economics and the principle of welfare state by the Great Depression in 1930"s. In 1970, neo-liberal hegemony was presented by the collapse of system of Bretton Woods. The crisis of sub-prime mortgage and European financial crisis have accelerated a shift in governmentality. The global financial and economic crisis started in 2008 called into question the economic system of liberalization and deregulation of the capital that was managed by global financial agencies. In the present global crisis, will there be any radical changes? Nation-state feel obliged to move into the economy to repair the collapse of economic system done by unregulated capitalism. At the same time, the dominant international financial agencies have to adjust to a new balance of global capitalism in the global governance.

      • KCI등재

        세계화와 지식구조의 변천

        한형근(Han Hyung Keun) 동아시아국제정치학회 2011 국제정치연구 Vol.14 No.2

        A knowledge structure defines what knowledge is discovered, who possesses it, and who controls it. The apparent evidences for different aspects of a changing knowledge structure have emerged in the globalizing world. The development in innovative technology has unified global markets in the sense that buyers and sellers should be connected on the areas of goods, services, knowledge, and information. Also, the registration of intellectual property has been expanding rapidly. The statistics of patents and trademark registration indicate the rising recourse to protect intellectual property rights in all the countries. In the 20th century, nation state was a crucial factor to control the knowledge structure as both a regulator and an arbiter. In the globalizing world, however, nation state is losing its power and influence it used to have. Nowadays, the emergence of transnational corporations(TNCs) is one of the key features of the technological innovation. TNCs play important roles as creators and consumers of knowledge. TNCs merger their related corporations for intellectual properties and acquire new technologies through strategic alliances with other companies. In addition, TNCs are disputing with their competitive corporations on intellectual property rights as the case of Samsung and Apple shows. Especially, non-practicing entities(NPE), such as Intellectual Ventures, Forgent Networks, and Acacia Research have newly emerged. They are attracting investment from TNCs for their ventures and purchasing intellectual property from the creator of knowledge and technology. Finally, they are fighting against the corporations that infringed on their intellectual property rights. In light of this new knowledge structure, it is clear that nation state has lost its power to control the knowledge structure, submitting it to other sources of authority. The authority of nation state has been displaced by the extending authority of TNCs and NPE.

      • KCI등재

        동북아시아 지역협력과 APEC의 역할

        한형근(Han Hyung Keun) 21세기정치학회 2005 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.15 No.1

        This thesis aims to examine the role of APEC for the achievement of regional cooperation of Northeast Asia. First of all, we examine the establishment of APEC and the history to achieve APEC's vision and goal. APEC has facilitating for the regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. APEC works not only to facilitate economic growth, trade and investment, but also to create an environment for the security and peace in the Asia-Pacific region. Especially, APEC has focus on political issues to dismantle transnational terrorist groups, to eliminate the danger posed by proliferation of weapons of mass destruction during recent years. Nevertheless, APEC has belong to the ambiguity of identity between Economic Forum and Security Forum on account of APEC's these new agenda. APEC has a regional identity of East Asia in the establishment, vision, and goal of APEC. So, we examine of the role of APEC for the regional cooperation in the Northeast Asia. APEC has a role of economic cooperation of Northeast Asia in coordination to economic issues adopted by Ministerial Meeting and Leaders' Meeting. Also, APEC has a role to coordinate about political issues in Ministerial Meeting and Leaders' Meeting - the crisis of North Korea's nuclear program, the territorial conflicts, the political and diplomatic issues among Northeast Asian countries. APEC 2005 Korea gives an opportunity to achieve the goal to promote the regional cooperation in the Northeast Asian region.

      • KCI등재

        중동정세가 팔레스타인 분쟁 해결을 위한 중동평화로드맵 (단계별 평화정착안) 실행에 미치는 영향력 연구

        한형근(Han Hyung Keun) 21세기정치학회 2006 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.16 No.1

        This research aims to examine that how the issues and situations of Middle East affect to the performance of the Road Map. On April 30, 2003, the US, the Russia, the EU, and the UN issued the Road Map. This document established a three-phase performance-based plan. The three phases featured the following content: Ending Terror and Violence, Normalizing Palestinian Life, and Rebuilding Palestinian Institutions(Phase Ⅰ), Transition(Phase Ⅱ), Permanent Status Agreement and End of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict(Phase Ⅲ). The declaration of this peace plan might illustrate the US's seriousness on the Middle East after the Iraq War. We know that the performance of the Road Map failed by the distrust of Israel and Palestine arising from Terror and Violence. The issues about the Settlement and the Wall, East Jerusalem, Palestinian Refugees affect to the performance of Road Map. An essential part of delay of the Road Map is the issues and situations of Middle East arising from the Iraq War and Iran Nuclear Crisis, and so on. The democratization of post-Iraq regime, the conflict of US-Iran is the barometer of Road Map and Peace Process. If the situations of Middle East improve, the performance of the Road Map will be delay. If the situations of Middle East freeze, the performance of the Road Map will go ahead.

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