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      • KCI등재

        청소년의 휴대전화 의존도와 학교적응간의 관계에 대한 종단연구: 자아정체감의 매개효과

        김신아 ( Shin Ah Kim ),한윤선 ( Yoon Sun Han ) 한국가족관계학회 2015 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        This study examined the mediating role of ego identity in the relationship between mobile phone dependency and school adjustment among Korean youth. The topic is timely as adolescent problem behaviors have emerged with the increase in mobile phone use and dependency. Waves 1 and 3 of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey(N= 1,906) were examined using Pearson correlation analysis and mediation analysis while controlling for youth demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. There was a strong correlation among mobile phone dependency, school adjustment, and ego identity. Additionally, mobile phone dependency(7th grade), mediated by ego identity(9th grade), was inversely associated with school adjustment(9th grade). The indirect effect was significant when controlling for mobile phone dependency(9th grade), gender, parental education, and household income. Results from this study may provide implications for designing early preventive programs against excessive mobile phone use and dependency among Korean adolescents.

      • KCI등재

        가계의 사교육비 지출과 자녀의 학업성취: 중학생 자녀를 중심으로

        이성림 ( Seong Lim Lee ),한윤선 ( Yoon Sun Han ) 한국소비자학회 2016 소비자학연구 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 2012년 한국아동ㆍ청소년패널 중학생 조사 자료를 사용하여 사교육비 지출 수준의 차이에 따른 자녀의 학업성취 분포를 파악하고, 상, 하위권 성적 차이를 각 집단의 사교육지출 수준의 차이에 기인한 부분과, 사교육지출의 한계효과의 차이에 기인한 부분으로 분해함으로써 가계의 사교육비 지출이 자녀의 학업성적에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중하위 소득계층에서도 상위층과 같이 높은 수준의 사교육비를 지출하는 가구 층이 25% 이상으로 상당히 두터운 층을 이루고 있다. 둘째, 사교육비 지출 분위가 올라갈수록 평균 성적이 높은 경향이 있으나, 사교육비 지출 수준 차이에 대응하는 커다란 성적 차이는 나타나지 않아서 사교육 효과가 크지 않음을 시사한다. 셋째, 사교육비 지출은 성적에 유의한 양의 효과가 있지만, 사교육비 지출의 한계효과는 0에 가까울 정도로 매우 작으며, Oaxaca-Blinder 분해 결과는 성적 상위권과 하위권 집단 간 사교육비 지출 수준의 차이가 이들의 성적 격차에 대한 기여도는 5%미만으로 매우 미약하게 나타났다. 이상의 분석 결과를 토대로 가계의 사교육비 지출은 자녀의 학업성적을 증진하는 효과가 있지만, 효과의 크기는 매우 작다는 결론이 도출되었다. 이상의 결과는 현재 사교육비 지출이 극대점에 도달할 정도로 충분히 이루어졌으며, 향후 사교육비 지출 증가 추세가 지속되지 않을 것임을 시사한다. Using the data from 2075 second-year middle school students, collected by 2012 National Youth Policy Institute (NYPI) Panel Survey, we investigated the association between academic performance and private educational expenditure. Mean test scores were compared across private educational expenditure deciles; percentile distributions of the test scores within the private educational expenditure decile were compared; truncated regression analysis and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition were conducted to sort out the effects of the different level of private educational expenditure on the difference in the test scores between upper and lower academic performance groups. The major findings were as follows. First, more than a quarter of lower and middle income class spent a comparable level of private educational expenditure to those of upper income class, which may result in their heavy economic burden. Second, the differences in the level of private educational expenditures were apparent across the private educational expenditure decile; the differences in the test scores were not correspondingly distinct, suggesting a week association between private educational expenditure and academic performance. Third, a positive marginal effect of the private educational expenditure on the academic performance was so low as to be close to zero. The result of Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition indicated that the different level of private educational expenditure contributed to only less than 5% of the difference in test scores between the upper and lower academic performance groups. A positive marginal effect of private educational expenditure on academic performance was feeble at this point of time, suggesting that current parental investment on child’s private education was large enough to approach the maximum point, and further increase in the private educational expenditure would be stagnated.

      • KCI우수등재

        초기청소년의 학교적응과 휴대전화 의존도간의 관계에서 방과후 보호자부재의 조절효과

        김신아(Shin Ah Kim),한윤선(Yoon Sun Han) 한국아동학회 2015 아동학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        This study examined the role of after-school caregiver absence in the relationship between school adjustment and mobile phone dependency during early adolescence. Sixth grade students(N=1,863) from the nationally representative Korea Child and Youth Panel Study were analyzed using moderated multiple regression models. The results showed that higher school adjustment may be effective in reducing youth mobile phone dependency. There was also a significant interaction effect between school adjustment and high caregiver absence, indicating that the protective role of school adjustment concerning mobile phone dependency may be less effective among youth of highest risk. Policy implications of the results are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 폭력비행 피해가 사이버 비행에 미치는 영향

        이석영(Seok Young Lee),이택호(Taek Ho Lee),한윤선(Yoon Sun Han) 한국아동복지학회 2015 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.50

        선행연구에서는 폭력비행 피해를 받은 청소년이 가해자로 변할 수 있음을 시사한다. 그러나 오프라인 상의 청소년 피해경험이 사이버 비행에 영향을 주는지, 그리고 어떠한 경로로 영향을 주는지에 대해 구체적으로 밝혀진바가 없다. 따라서, 본 연구는 청소년의 폭력비행 피해가 사이버 비행 가해에 영향을 미치는지, 영향을 미친다면 그 경로에 공격성, 우울, 사회적 위축이 매개효과를 나타내는지 살펴보았다. 본 연구를 위해 한국청소년정책연구원(NYPI)에서 실시하는 한국아동·청소년 패널조사(KCYPS)의 중학교 1학년패널 2차년도(2011) 데이터(N =2,054)를 활용하였으며, 경로분석과 Sobel 검정등을 통해 통계분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교 폭력비행 피해는 청소년의 사이버 비행 가해 행동에 영향을 준다. 둘째, 학교폭력 피해 경험이 사이버 비행에 미치는 영향에 있어 사회적 위축을 제외한 공격성, 우울이 모두 부분 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 오프라인에서의 피해가 온라인상에서 가해로 이어질 가능성은 접근의 용이성과 익명성이라는 온라인 공간의 특성으로 설명할 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 본 연구의 결론에서 폭력비행 피해가 사이버 비행으로 이행되는 경로를 밝히고, 사이버 비행을 예방하기 위한 방안을 제안하였다. Literature suggests that youth victims of violence may subsequently develop into offenders. However, the exact mechanisms through which the victimization of youth offline affects their engaging in delinquent behavior online are relatively unknown. Thus, this study examined the relationship between violence victimization and cyber delinquency, investigated the mediating role of aggression, depression, and social withdrawal in this relationship. Data were obtained from the second wave of the middle school student cohort (N =2,054) of the Korean Children-Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS). Main analyses involved simple regression analysis, multivariate regression using path analysis and the Sobel test. The major findings are as follows: First, violence victimization was found to have a positive association with cyber delinquency. Second, the relationship between violence victimization and cyber delinquency was partially mediated by aggression and depression, but not by social withdrawal. The significant link between offline victimization and online perpetration may be explained by the unique features of online space that is easily accessible to anyone and preserves anonymity of the offender. The findings from this study highlight the importance of providing interventions for youth who are victims of violence and have symtoms of aggression and depression to prevent further cyber delinquency.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 스트레스와 주관적 행복감이 학교폭력 가해행동에 미치는 영향: 일반긴장이론을 기반으로 한 구조모형

        박현숙 ( Hyun-suk Park ),홍현희 ( Hyun-hee Hong ),한윤선 ( Yoon-sun Han ) 한국조사연구학회 2018 조사연구 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구는 일반긴장이론을 바탕으로 청소년의 스트레스가 주관적 행복감에 영향을 미쳐서 학교폭력 가해행동에 영향을 주게 된다는 기제를 확인하고자 했다. 이를 위해 ‘2016년 한국 어린이 청소년행복지수’ 데이터를 이용하여 청소년의 스트레스와 주관적 행복감이 학교폭력 가해행동에 미치는 직·간접 효과와 경로를 파악하였다. 주관적 행복감에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 스트레스는 또래관계 스트레스였고, 주관적 행복감은 학교폭력 가해행동에 유의하게 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 스트레스가 증가할수록 주관적 행복감이 감소했고, 감소된 주관적 행복감은 청소년의 학교폭력 가해행동을 증가시키는 데 영향을 미쳤다. 스트레스 유형이 주관적 행복감을 통해서 학교폭력 가해에 영향을 줄 수 있다는 간접효과가 유의함을 알 수 있었다. 간접효과가 가장 큰 스트레스 유형은 또래관계 스트레스였으며, 용돈 스트레스의 간접효과가 가장 작았다. 청소년의 스트레스가 낮은 주관적 행복감 등의 부정적 정서의 원인이 되지 않도록 스트레스 대처나 감소를 위한 개입이 필요하고, 가장 높은 간접효과를 보이는 또래관계에서의 스트레스를 낮출 수 있도록 또래관계에 개입해서 청소년의 주관적 행복감을 증진시킨다면 학교폭력 가해를 감소 또는 예방할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 이미 낮아진 청소년의 주관적 행복감에 대한 사회적 관심과 노력을 기울여서 청소년이 행복감을 체감할 수 있는 사회와 교육환경을 만들기 위해 다각도의 노력이 이루어져야 할 것이다. The aim of the current study is to identify the effect of stress on bullying in school via subjective well-being employing data from the Korean Child Well-Being Index in 2016. Stress from peers affected subjective well-being more than any other sources of stress. Subjective well-being was negatively associated with bullying in school. Higher levels of stress was associated with lower levels of subjective well-being and consequently, higher levels of bullying in school. Various types of stress affected bullying in school via subjective well-being. Stress from peers had the greatest influential indirect effect than any other type of stress, whereas stress from material deprivation was least influential. Interventions designed to reduce the level of adolescent stress is necessary to prevent bullying in school. Intervention programs should consider the improvement of peer relationships, which was identified as an important predictor for low subjective well-being. Furthermore, various efforts of policymakers and school authorities are required to enhance the subjective well-being and happiness of adolescents through bullying prevention.


        저혈압 마취하에 시행한 뇌동맥류의 외과적 치료

        한윤선,김수휴,한용표,이헌재,박광원 대한신경외과학회 1973 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.2 No.1

        13 cases of intracranial Aneurysm were obliterated intracranially with Heifetz clip under Halothane/O₂ Deliberate Hypotensive anesthesia. Deliberate hypotension in the surgery of intracranial aneurysm is used to diminish bleeding and render an aneurysmal sac slack to make clipping easy. Herein is presented a review of clinical experience of deliberate hypotension in conjunction with postural drainage. Clinical investigation has shown that this method offers a wider margin of safety. All factors stressed again the needs for careful, adequate and ideal clippage of the neck of aneurysm preferably with the use of Heifetz clip. Deliberate hypotension and adequate clippage of the neck of aneurysm subsequently allowed a favorable clinical result with an operative mortality by 7.7%.

      • KCI등재

        Ependymoblastoma 1례 보고

        유태전,한윤선,이헌재,한운섭,김지환,이유복 대한신경외과학회 1972 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.1 No.1

        We have seen a primitive glioma which can be regarded as ependymobiastoma arising at the left frontal lobe of four-year-old boy. He has complained of excitement, hyperesthesia, mild incomplete paralysis of the left lower extremity for 1½ months, and also incontinence of urine and stool was complained. The signs of incresed intracranial pressure such as papilledema and separation of suture line were noted. Brain scanning showed tumor mass at the left frontal lobe, and which was revealed to be vascular tumor on carotid angiogram and delta wave was found at those area by electroencephalogram. Operative findings were that the tumor was hemorrhagie vascular mass showing partly cystic and necrotic in appearance, not bulged above outer surface and not connected with ventricle. The tumor mass measured 6×5×4㎝ of which cut surface was pinkish white and focal neurotic areas were also seen. On microscopic examination the tumor was composed of relatively uniform primitive glial cells and the tumor cells arranged in perivascular area forming multiple layers while other region showed well formed tubules. Fibrillated cytoplasmic process between central vessel and glial cells that could be seen in matured ependymoma was not identified.

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