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        <무정>에 나타난 친밀감의 거부 방어기제

        한승옥(Seung Ok Han) 한국현대소설학회 2007 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.35

        I looked over defense mechanism which appears on characters in Moo Jung in this thesis by quoting analytic psychology. The most frequent defense mechanism that appears in Moo Jung is a fear of intimacy. This defense mechanism shows up to avoid a fear of abandonment from parents, which saliently appears on the hero, Lee Hyung-sik and the heroine, Park Young-chae of the novel Moo Jung. Hyung-sik went through a harsh experience-losing his mother and father at the same time-and the novel shows that he cannot have any close relationship. This experience functions as a fear of intimacy that is defense mechanism as it shows in novel: when Hyung-sik met Young-chae, and when he could not have intimate relationship with Sun-hyung even after he got engaged to her. Youngchae, the heroine, becomes a tragic woman who cannot have close relationship with anyone. She lost her mother in her early childhood, and her father took his own life in prison after he heard Young-chae became gisaeng (a girl who sings and dances in front of men and sometimes practices prostitution). Young-chae was not able to be intimate with anyone because she lives in remorseful life in pain, was given the cold shoulder by Hyung-sik who was the only hope for her, and was raped. In case of Kim Sun-hyung, she was not abandoned by her parents so that she did not get hurt by abandonment, but she is a victim of patriarchy; she could not have intimate relationship with Hyung-sik even she was married to him. This fear of intimacy among characters is a main theme of Moo Jung and the title of Moo Jung (The Cold Heart) can be valued as a proper title on the side of defense mechanism. This theme combines to enormous discussion; characters of the novel went abroad for study at the end of the novel with claiming the establishment of a state on the basis of education. However, it is proven that this is a bigger defense mechanism because characters that never can be intimate with anyone united in the name of philanthropy. In addition, it is analyzed that this is the result of the writer`s own painful experience-raised as an orphan-reflected on the work as defense mechanism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정신분석비평적 관점에서 본 「무정」에 나타난 “성욕의 의미”

        한승옥 ( Seung Ok Han ) 민족어문학회 2007 어문논집 Vol.- No.56

        본고는 「무정」에 나타난 ``성욕의 의미’를 정신분석비평적 관점에서 조명해 본 것이다. 먼저 「무정」에 내재된 성욕의 의미를 타나토스와 대비되는 에로스의 개념으로 분석하였다. 남주인공 형식에게서는 에로스의 주된 특징인 리비도가 어떤 형태로 작동되는지를, 또 여주인공 영채에게서는 타락한 인물들의 에로스가 어떻게 그녀를 음욕의 희생물로 전락시키는지를 살펴보았다. 다음으로 「무정」에 미만하는 죄의식의 실체를 규명하였다. 이 경우, 영채의 죄의식과 형식의 그것이 차이가 나는데, 본고에서는 이를 이드. 에고, 슈퍼에고의 관점에서 두 인물의 죄의식의 실체가 무엇인지를 규명하였다. 「무정?을 분석한 결과, 이형식에게는 리비도가 생명의 보존과 자아의 각성이라는 긍정적 요소로 작용하고 있었다. 반면, 박영채에게는 이것이 그녀를 죽음의 충동에 사로잡히게 하는 부정적 요소로 작동하고 있었다. 「무정」에서 초자아의 영향을 두드러지게 받는 인물은 이형식과 박영채였다. 이형식은 양심이란 도덕 기준에서 초자아의 영향을 받고 있었으며, 박영채는 아버지의 가르침으로 인한 유교적 세계관으로부터 그러한 영향을 받고 있었다. 이형식에게 작동하는 초자아는 근친상간의 금기였다. 이것은 억압된 오이디푸스 콤플렉스가 계속해서 형식의 도덕감에 작용하고 있다는 반증으로 해석되었다. 박영채는 이 작품에서 가장 죄의식을 많이 느끼는 인물로 설정되어 있었다. 그러나 김병욱을 만남으로 인해 변화되고 있었다. 유교적 초자아에 사로잡혔던 에고가 진화론적 생명사상에 의해 새로운 에고로 거듭 태어나고 있었다. zThis paper is written to discuss the meaning of the sexuality shows in Mu Jung in psychoanalysis critic`s view. First, I analyzed ``the meaning of sexuality`` with the concept of eros which is compared with thanatos. I examined how libido which is the main character of eros functions for him, and how eros of ruined characters drive Young-chae to sacrifice her for thanatos. For the next, I examined the substance of guilt feeling that is pervade in Mu Jung. In this case, there is a difference between Young-chae`s guilt feeling and Hyung-sik``s guilt feeling. In this paper, I try to explain what is the substance of their guilt feelings in the view of ego and superego. In the result of analyzing Mu Jung, libido functions Lee Hyung-sik in affirmative ways such as preserving life and awakening his ego. Meanwhile, it functions Park Young-chae in negative ways which drives her to the impulse of death. Characters who is influenced by superego the most are Lee Hyung-sik and Park Young-chae. Lee Hyung-sik is affected by superego in moral standard, the conscience. Park Young-chae is affected by Confucian view of the world occurred because of her father`s teaching. Superego that functions Lee Hyung-sik was taboo of incest. It has explained that it is an evidence that his Oedipus Complex which was repressed by his father processed Hyung-sik``s feeling of morality continuously. Park Young-chae was created as the character who feels guilty the most. However, she was changed as she met Kim Byung-ook. The ego which was seized with Confucius superego is newly born with new ego owing superego of the evolutionary theory`s idea of life.

      • KCI등재

        페미니즘적 시각에서 본 「무정」 -가부장제 이데올로기에 희생된 젊은이들-

        한승옥 ( Seung Ok Han ) 민족어문학회 2008 어문논집 Vol.- No.58

        본고의 목적은 이광수의 「무정」을 페미니즘적 시각에서 살펴보는데 있다. 특히 여기서는 가부장제 이데올로기에 의해 희생되는 젊은이들의 희생 양상을 살펴보려는 것이 본래의 목적이다. 가부장제의 억압은 여성 인물들에게만 국한된 것이 아니다. 남성 등장인물들도 가부장제의 기획된 성 역할에 의해 스스로 억압받거나 인간성이 피폐화된다. ‘계집애 같은 사내’(Sissy)란 호칭은 남자 애들에게는 수치 중에 수치스런 단어다. 겁쟁이를 의미하기 때문이다. 이러한 이데올로기는 가부장제 하에서 남성들을 역으로 억압하는 요인으로 작용한다. 「무정」에서 이러한 이데올로기에 의해 가장 심하게 억압받는 인물이 이형식이다. 박 진사의 두 아들도 가부장제 이데올로기에 의해 희생되는 젊은이들이다. 그들은 아버지가 영채로 인해 절식 자살하자 큰아들은 아버지의 뒤를 이어 굶어 죽고, 작은 아들은 그날로 목을 매어 죽는다. 이로서 영채네 가계는 모두 가부장제의 희생제물이 된다. 가부장제 하에서는 여성이 열등한 존재로 기획되어 길들여진다. 가부장제는 여성을 감정적(비논리적)이고 약하며 보호 받아야 하며, 복종적이고 순종적인 존재로 투사한다. 「무정」에서 김선형이 미국에 유학할 때 남성의 전유물로 인식되는 수학을 전공하겠다고 하지만, 전체적으로 볼 때 선형의 소설내적 정체성은 변함없는 가부장제의 이데올로기에 의해 형성된 착한 여성이며 현모양처다. 「무정」에서 가부장제의 이데올로기에 의해 가장 비극적으로 희생되는 여인은 박영채다. 박영채는 자신의 몸을 팔아 아버지를 구하는 고전적인 희생양의 한 전형이다. 「무정」에서는 이들 주요인물 말고도 기혼 여성들 대부분이 가부장제에 의해 희생되고 있다. 김병국의 부인, 신우선의 부인, 배학감의 부인이 그렇다. 여기에 더하여 많은 기생들이 가부장제의 이데올로기에 의해 희생의 제물이 된다. 기생이 이에 저항하고 그것을 문제 삼으면 그녀는 사회에서 견뎌날 수 없게 된다. 그 대표적인 예가 함교장을 사모한 월화다. 이광수는 가부장제 이데올로기의 모순을 부각시키고 이의 철폐를 위해 「무정」에서 김병욱이란 인물을 등장 시킨다. 그러나 병욱의 가치관은 페미니스트로서의 그것이 아니라 휴머니스트로서의 그것이라 해야 옳다. 병욱이 영채를 살린 것도 페미니스트로서의 여권신장 차원이 아니었다. 그녀가 영채를 살려낸 것은 생물학적인 생명론이다. 단지 여성도 남성과 동등한 생명력을 지닌 존재로 그에 종속되어서는 안 되며 독립적으로 자신의 세계를 가져야 된다는 점에서 페미니즘적 가치관과 상통한다고 볼 수는 있다. 이점에서 볼 때, 이광수는 「무정」을 통해 신사상을 부르짖었지만 여권의 신장이나 남녀의 평등에까지는 이르지 못하였다는 결론에 도달한다. 종합적으로 볼 때, 「무정」은 작가가 의도한 대로 가부장제의 모순 구조를 깨우치고 그를 혁파하는 데 기여했다기 보다는 아이러니하게도 가부장제의 이데올로기를 강화하는데 기여했다는 결론에 도달한다. This paper is to discuss Moo Jung, written by Lee Gwang-soo, from feminist point of view. The oppression in patriarchal system is not only limited to women characters, but men characters. They are also oppressed or impoverished by fixed gender roles in patriarchal system. `A sissy` is the most shameful word to boys because it means a coward to them. This ideology functions as a main cause which inversely oppresses men in patriarchal system. Lee Hyung-sik is the character who is severely oppressed by this ideology in Moo Jung. Both sons of the Officer Park also are young people who are victimized by patriarchal ideology. When the Officer Park dies of self-starvation because of Park Young-chae, his eldest son starves himself to death following his father and youngest son hangs himself. Young-chae`s family hereby becomes victims in patriarchal system. Women tend to be inured to as inferior people in patriarchal system. Patriarchal system makes women to be seen as submissive and obedient characters who should be protected because they are emotional (illogical) and weak. Kim Sun-hyung in Moo Jung is majoring in mathematics which is seemed as men`s learning when she studies abroad; however, in general, her identity in the novel is just a nice and good woman which is formed by constant patriarchal ideology. The woman character who is victimized by patriarchal ideology in Moo Jung is Park Young-chae. She is a classical scapegoat; she saves her father by prostituting herself. Not only are these main characters victimized by patriarchal system, but also most married women: the wife of Kim Byung-kook, Shin Woo-sun, and Bae Myeng-sik. In addition, many gi-saengs are victimized by patriarchal ideology, too. If a gi-saeng resists this and raises a question about it, she cannot stand in the society. Wal-hwa, who loved the Principal Ham, is the example. Lee Gwang-soo, the writer of Moo Jung, made the character Kim Byung-wook to raise and abolish the irony of patriarchal ideology. However, Byung-wook`s values are more like humanism than feminism. He saves Young-chae`s life because of biological life theory, not because of the extension of women`s rights as a feminist. It can be seemed that this connects to feminist values because it also proclaims that women have the same life forces as men and should have their own world, should not be subordinate to men. With this, it comes to the conclusion that Lee Gwang-soo proclaimed a new thought by Moo Jung, but he could not reach to the extension of women`s rights or equality of sexes. Overall, Moo Jung could not convince ironical structure of patriarchal system and destroy it as the writer wishes paradoxically, it contributes to strengthen patriarchal ideology.

      • KCI등재

        독자반응비평적 관점에서 본 <무정>

        한승옥(Seung Ok Han) 한국현대소설학회 2009 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.42

        This paper discusses the angle of reader-response criticism and finds the way to analyze Moo Jung corresponding to that view. Reader-response criticism has not been noticed enough compared with other criticisms by reason of its drawback, that it can be too subjective, in spite of its unlimited range of application and validity. However, no criticism can avoid reader-response criticism. The point is how to present it reasonably and provide analytic framework. The paper explores the possibility of reader-response criticism in four ways: transactional reader-response theory, affective stylistic, psychological reader-response theory, and social reader-response theory. Subjective reader-response theory is excluded because of its subjectivity. To examine how important the narrator`s function is in reader-response criticism, this paper also investigates positive and negative images of characters those are depicted by the narrator. Readers accumulate their own reading experiences by responding to events or characters described by the narrator, who is created by the author. Through these experiences, readers bring their reading experiences to completion, reflecting their desires.

      • 한국 현대소설 분석 방법론 시론 -동일성을 중심으로-

        한승옥 ( Han Seung-ok ),허명숙 ( Hya Myung-suk ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 1995 인문학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        In this thesis, we tried to systematize the theory of modern Korean novel through careful examination on the conception of identity in novel. Through this examination, it became clear that the identity is very useful to set up the theory of novel, although the identity is philosophical meaning, it provides the key to the original question of man. And it also became clear that man is a kind of being, who quest for self-identity forever, that the literature is a presentation of this procedure in language through novel. In this paper, first, we built up the foundation in the meaning of (quest story) through the reinterpretation on the tale of King Uri’. Second, in the angle of sociology of novel, we certified how the history- philosophical situation make a problematic individual; that the inclination of novel, arised in the society of bourgeois, is the lost priori home through Lukacs’ aesthetics. Furthermore, it could be certified that main character’s journey of contradictory life in pain, in which he is looking for〈hidden God) with the tragic view of the world, is inherent form of novel through Goldmann’s aesthetics, we also certified that these all are the kind of quest for the essence of human being and the journey to look for the identity concurrent. In the angle of structuralism, it was certified that the process of compile in diachronic and synchronic relation through the time and space is the possesion of identity eventually. This can be another analysis of quest story. Finally, in the angle of reception aesthetics, we examined the phenomena of reading in characters and contents in the case of phenomenology. Especially, we stressed on the ‘image’, in that the topic of imagination and recollection raised as an important issue. we believe that this paper can be useful study in the fact that reformation of identity, through these imagination and recollection, is regarded to literary reality.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 소설에 투영된 개화기 담론의 재조명

        한승옥(Seung Ok Han) 한국현대소설학회 2011 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.46

        Not only can discourse be interpreted differently according to the times, but it should be interpreted newly. Literature is the outcome of discourse of the time which is embodied concretely; dominant discourse that is manifested by a writer`s imagination expansively reproduces, circulating. This circulation continues even when a literary work is a great success, and so does discourse of enlightenment. This is the reason why MooJung, which is the representative novel that accepted this thing, should be reinterpreted. This paper analyzed how discourse of the time circulated by a variety of critical methods and drew the meaning of it. The critical methods used in this paper are psychoanalytic criticism, reader-response criticism, feminist criticism, marxist criticism, homosexual criticism, structuralist criticism, formalist criticism, new historical criticism and deconstructive criticism. Throughout these we can conjecture the form of discourse which is circulated in 1910s. However, the reinterpretation of MooJung mentioned in this paper is only a part of the reinterpretation of discourse; also, it might be the reinterpretation from my personal current point of view. Therefore, the reinterpretation of this discourse should be continued. We only verified that it has open structure.

      • KCI등재

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