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      • KCI등재

        극장설계 과정을 통해 살펴본 극장건축 요소에 대한 연구

        한규용 한국연극교육학회 1999 연극교육연구 Vol.4 No.-

        It is usually said that the elements if drama are play, actor and audience. That is, the dramatic or theatrical experience can be made when actor and audience meet together in a theatre as performing space. However, what is the function of theatre facility, and how can it be designed and built? With this hypothesis, the thesis is undertaken to explore the function of theatre consultant and the fundamental elements which he should consider in the process of theatre design. There are three types of potential resources to build theatre facility: money, materials and sweat. It is needed to assess your own potential in all three areas. Therefore, in all this beginning planning and deliberation a team of three people must be involved-the owner/client/user, the architect, and the theatre expert. But most of importance is to define the goals of the committee in the process of theatre design: both short-term goals and long-range objectives. That is, after commencing by articulating an artistic purpose of theatre facility, members of the theatre consultant can make an assessment of theatre space needs.

      • KCI등재

        군인연금의 제도적인 개선방안에 관한 연구

        한규용,정수진 한국경영교육학회 2018 경영교육연구 Vol.33 No.1

        [Purpose] The military pension system has been needed to reform at the policy-level. This study suggests the improvements through the analysis of reform-model for aspects of the law, reorganization, investment management. [Methodology] The reform-model consists of 7 critical factors such as the contribution and pension rate, the extension of initiated age, the reduction of survivor pension rate, the lowering the upper limit of income, the adjusting requirements, the pension freezing, the new-introduction of the income redistributing functions. Also the models of reorganization and investment management, and the survey-analysis for 150 military persons are suggested. [Findings] In terms of the raise of contribution rate and reduction of pension rate, the reduction of survivor pension rate, the lowering the upper limit of income, the pension freezing, the method which is equal level of the government employee pension is suggested. And in terms of the extension of initiated age, the adjusting requirements, the method which maintains the present policy is suggested, Finally in terms of the new-introduction of the income redistributing functions, the method which is modified as easing the total average income application rate is suggested. [Implications] I fully expect that this study could help to establish the direction and give the guidance for the military pension system’s reform. [연구목적] 현재 군인연금제도는 시행과정에서 재정적자 문제가 해소되지 않아, 국가정책적인 군인연금개혁이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 향후 타당하고 설득력있는 군인연금제도 개선방안 마련을 위해 공무원연금법 2016년 개혁내용의 핵심요소를 기준으로, 군인연금법 개혁모델을 설정하고, 군인연금 조직개편 및 기금 투자관리 모델 등도 추가 설정하여, 설문조사를 통해 객관적인 타당성을 검증하고 결과를 분석하여 정책적 대안이 가능한군인연금제도개선 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. [연구방법] 군인연금법 개혁모델은 연금기여율 및 지급률 조정, 연금지급개시연령 연장, 유족연금지급률 인하, 소득상한기준 하향, 연금수급요건 조정, 연금액일정기간 동결, 소득재분배기능 신규도입 등 7개 핵심요소를 중심으로 구성하고 군인연금관리조직 개편모델, 기금증식 투자관리모델 등도 설정하였다. 타당성 검증을 위해 현역 군인연금가입자 150 여명을 대상으로 설문조사 및 분석결과를 도출하였다. [연구결과] 군인연금법 개혁의 7개 핵심요소 중에서 연금기여율 인상 및 지급률 인하, 유족연금지급률 인하, 소득상한기준 하향, 연금액일정기간 동결 등은 공무원연금법과 동일수준의 개선방안이, 군인연금의 특수성이 전형적으로 반영된 연금지급개시연령 연장 및연금수급요건 조정 등은 현행 유지하는 방안이 채택되었고, 소득재분배 기능 신규도입은수정 도입하는 방안이 연구결과로 도출되었다. [연구의 시사점] 군인연금제도는 2013년 7.1일 개선시행 이후 개선방향 및 안이 마련된것은 없으나, 이 논문이 향후 제기될 군인연금법 개혁방향 정립 및 군인연금제도 개선안마련에 나침반 및 방향타의 정책적 역할을 할 것으로 충분히 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        Feasibility of Applying the Extended ICF Core Set for Stroke to Clinical Settings in Rehabilitation: A Preliminary Study

        한규용,김효종,방희제 대한재활의학회 2015 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.39 No.1

        Objective To evaluate the potential feasibility of application of the extended International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for stroke.Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 40 stroke outpatients (>6 months after onset) admitted to the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine for comprehensive rehabilitation. Clinical information of the patients were respectively evaluated to link to the 166 second-level categories of the extended ICF Core Set for stroke. Results Clinical information could be linked to 111 different ICF categories, 58 categories of the body functions component, eight categories of the body structures component, 38 categories of the activities and participation component, and seven categories of the environmental factors component. Conclusion The body functions component might be feasible for application of the extended ICF Core Set for stroke to clinical settings. The activities and participation component and environmental factors component may not be directly applied to clinical settings without additional evaluation tools including interview and questionnaire.

      • KCI등재

        창의연극 -이야기를 들려주고 꾸며내는 영어교수법-

        한규용 ( Gyu Yong Han ) 21세기영어영문학회 2010 영어영문학21 Vol.23 No.1

        The thesis aims at investigating the educational potentialities of creative drama as an interdisciplinary realm between English teaching method and educational drama by surveying its learning effectiveness, and by exploring the reasons of extracting some of misunderstandings in the process of its expropriation to Korea as well. The misunderstandings have been made by the concepts that educational drama is to teach drama or theatre, and is to teach a kind of curriculum with dramatic techniques and role-play. Dewey W. Chambers in his book, Storytelling and Creative Drama, says that educational drama is not a performance for audience as well as it is not utilized by dramatic techniques and role-play, introducing an approaching method by twelve steps. This thesis also introduces the three classifications in the approaching process of education drama: first, Kase-Polisini classifies it into planning, playing and evaluation; second, Neelands into planning, drama-time and evaluation; third, Renard and Sockol into focus, introduction, preparation(warm-ups & cool downs), directions and activities, discussion, and summary. However, the twelve steps of Chambers` can be explained by Renard and Sockol`s classification. According to Chambers` explanations, one can find the educational effectiveness in the followings: 1) Literacy Analysis 2) The Listening Skills 3) Oral Language 4) Creative Thinking 5) Planing: From Abstract to Concrete 6) The Skills of Effective Evaluation. Conclusively speaking, the educational effectiveness should be produced through the process of storytelling and storymaking in action as dramatic experience. That is, creative drama is a kind of teaching method through dramatization, having the educational effectiveness.

      • 미국연극의 성립배경

        한규용(Gyu-Yong Han) 동덕여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 人文科學硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        미국 연극은 그 성립에 있어 영국 청교도들의 이민에 의한 영국연극의 전통 위에 독일, 프랑스, 러시아 등의 영향을 받고 성장하였다. 이어 1, 2차 세계대전을 치르게 되면서 국력의 신장은 미국연극을 세계연극사에 들어서게 했다. 이러한 성장의 배경에는 신(新)무대기법(New Stagecraft)이라는 연극사조가 커다란 역할을 차지하였다는 것이 본 논고의 요지이다. Wagner로부터 시작하여 Appia와 Craig 등의 예술가들에 의해 제시된 신무대기법의 기본 개념은‘단순성’(simplification), ‘암시’(suggestion), 그리고 ‘양식화’(stylization)라는 단어로 설명된다. 또한 이러한 특성이 연극을 종합예술로 간주하는 Wagner의 전통으로부터 순수예술로(fine Art)의 개념적 전환을 불러오게 된다. 즉, 신무대기법은 연극이 여타의 다른 예술을 혼합한 혼종의 것이 아니라 다른 예술이 사용하는 재료를 사용하더라도 그 재료가 연극이라는 예술 장르의 고유한 기법으로 사용되어 연극 고유의 예술을 창조하게 된다는 이론적 개념을 확립, 그 짧은 역사에도 불구하고 사실주의 연극과 뮤지컬 등의 연극을 통해 미국연극을 세계무대에 올려놓게 된다. This treatise aims to deal with the movement of New Stagecraft as a rising background of American Theatre. The movement of New Stagecraft has been formed by such artists, Wagner, Appia, Craig and so on. The characteristics of New Stagecraft are simplicity, suggestion and stylization. New Stagecraft brought dramatic art from mixed art to fine art. In the movement of New Stagecraft the American theatre has been entered into the history of world theatre.

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