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        신장(身長) 및 체중(體重)의 실측치(實測値)와 상용치간(常用値間)의 오차(誤差)에 영향을 미치는 인자(因子)

        한구웅,Han, Gu-Wung 대한예방의학회 1983 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.16 No.1

        구미공단내의 체용신체검사자 및 근로자 정기건강진단시 남자 1,060명과 여자 818명을 대상으로 피검자 본인이 인지하고 있는 신장 및 체중과 실측체중 및 실측신장과의 오차에 영향을 줄 수 있는 변수를 연령, 실측신장, 실측체중, 비체중, 교육수준, 취업상태 및 혼인상태로 구분하여 cross-tubulation, 회귀분석에 의한 상관계수 및 분산분석에 의한 검정을 하여 분석하였다. 신장은 남녀 공히 실측치보다 크게 표현하였으며 체중은 실측치보다 남자는 높게 여자는 낮게 표현하였지만 그 오차는 평균 1% 미만으로 적었다. 연령에 있어서 체중은 남자가 $20{\sim}29$세군과 여자 40세 이상군에서 가장 정확한 체중을 표현하였으며, 남자는 연령이 높아짐에 따라 점차 실측치보다 무겁게, 여자는 연령이 낮아짐에 따라 점차 가볍게 표현하였다. 실측체중이 남자는 $60{\sim}64kg$군에서, 여자는 49kg이하군에서 정확하며 남여 공히 체중이 무거울수록 실체중보다 가볍게 표현하였으며 남자는 75kg 이상군에서 4.25% 적게, 여자는 65kg 이상군에서 4.06% 적게 나타났다. 비체중이 $100{\pm}10%$군인 경우 남녀가 가장 정확한 체중을 알고 있으며 비만에 가까울수록 실체중보다 적게 표현하였다. 교육수준이 높을수록 정확한 체중을 표현하나 국졸군에서 가장 정확함을 보인 것은 좀더 정신보건면에서의 연구 관찰이 요망된다. 신장에 있어서 가장 정확한 군은 최상위 실측신장군에서 남녀 공히 나타났으며 신장이 적어질수록 실신장보다 점차 크게 표현하였다. 여성 체중에 영향을 주는 인자 중 유의하게 나타난 변수는 비체중, 실측체중, 연령, 교육수준 및 취업상태이며 여자 신장에 영향을 주는 인자 중 유의한 변수는 실측신장, 실측체중 및 교육수준으로 나타났으며 한국여자는 신장보다 체중에 관심이 있음을 나타내고 있다. Screening data from preplacement and periodic examination in Gu Mi Industrial Estate from May, 1983 to June, 1983 provide an opportunity to evaluate the accuracy of self-reported height and weight. The data for men and women were analyzed separated for effects of age, marrital status, educational level, employment status, measured height, measured weight and relative weight (percent of ideal body weight). The mean percent discrepancy from self-reported and measured height was analysed by cross-tubulation, P. value for analysis of variance and multiple correlation analysis in men and women. It is clear from the data that self-reported height and weigt differ from the quantities in systemic ways. But the magnitude of misreporting is very small on average except for weight in women. Whereas height tend to be over-reported, weight is under-reported in women but over-reported in men. Weight was accuracte for age group 20-29 years in men and age group over 40 year in women and over-reporting of weight increased with age in men and under-reporting of weight decreased with age in women. Weight was accurate in 60-64kg group in men and under 50kg group in women and under-stating of weight increased with weight in men and women. Weight was the most accurate in 100-109 percent relative weight group in men and in 90-99 percent relative weight group in women and under-stating of weight increased with relative weight and over-stating decreased with relative weight and over-stating decreased with relative weight in men and women. Height was the most accurate for group of primary school and except group of primary school, accuracy of height increased with educational level in men and women. In height, the highest measured height groups (over than 175cm measured height in men and over than 165cm measured height in women) were the most accurate and of over-reporting of height decreased with measured height. Single variable regression analysis and ANOVAs showed age(P<0.003), measured weight(P<0.0001) relative weight(P<0.0001), educational level(P<0.0005) and employment status(P<0.0007) to be significantly related to ${\Delta}WT$ in women and measured height(P<0.0001), educational level(P<0.03) and marrital status (P<0.03) to be significantly related to ${\Delta}WT$ in men. The women were more sensitive about her body weight than height.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        산업장 근로자의 표준체중치

        정종학,강복수,김석범,사공준,이정길,한구웅 大韓産業醫學會 1989 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        산업장 근로자의 건강증진과 노동력보존에 기여할 목적으로 경상북도 구미시에 소재하는 구미공단내의 20-29세 산업장 근로자 10,407명(남자 6,201명. 여자 4,206명)을 대상으로 1985년의 정기 신체 검사 자료로 부터 성별. 연령별 평균신장, 평균체중 및 신장과 체중간의 상관관계와 회귀방정식을 구하고 이들을 이용하여 신장별 표준체중과 이상체중의 범위를 구했으며 신장과 체중으로 BMI를 산출하였다. 20대 근로자의 평균신장은 남자가 168.2±5.61cm였고 여자는 155.9±5.26cm였고 평균체중은 남자가 61.4±6.56kg, 여자는 52.4±6.00kg이었다. 신장과 체중간의 상관계수는 남자의 경우 +0.541이었고 회귀방정식은 Y(체중)=0.637Ⅹ(신장)-44.975였으며 여자는 상관계수가 +0.559였고 회귀방정식은 Y(체중)=0.637 Ⅹ(신장)-46.898 이었다. 신장별 표준체중은 신장이 155cm일때에 남녀 각각 53.0kg, 51.8kg 이었으며 165 cm 일때는 59.3kg, 58.2kg이었고 175cm일때에 65.6kg, 64.6kg이었고, 정상체중의 범위는 신장이 155cm일때에 남자는 47.5-58.5kg, 여자는 46.9-56.8kg, 165cm일때는 남자는 53.8-64.8kg, 여자는 53.2-63.2kg, 175cm일때에 남자는 60.1-72.1kg, 여자는 59.6-69.6kg으로 평가되었으며, 비만은 신장이 155cm 일때에 남자는 64.1kg이상, 여자는 61.8kg이상, 165cm일때는 남자는 70.3kg이상, 여자는 68.2kg이상, 175cm일때에 남자는 76.7kg이상, 여자는 74.5kg 이상으로 평가되었다. 성별. 연령별 BMI는 남자가 21.7±1.95였고 여자는 21.6±2.05였고 Garrow의 BMI 분류방식에 따른 desirable range에 속하는 근로자는 남자가 75.9%였고, 여자는 71.3%였다. To contribute to promotion of health and preservation of labor power of Korean laborers, the body height and body weight were measured for 10,407 workers(6,201 male, 4,206 female) in the age group of 20-29, engaged in manufactures in the Gumi industrial complex, Gumi city, Kyungpook province. The above data were extracted from the 1985 periodic examination chart for calculation of the mean body weight, mean body height, correlation coefficient and regression equation between weight and height, standard body weight, body mass index(BMI) and distribution of laborers within Garrow's classification of BMI by age and sex group. Mean body height of 20-29 age group was 168.2±5.61 cm for male and 155.9±5.26 cm for female. Mean body weight of 20-29 age group was 61.4±6.56 kg for male and 52.4±6.00 kg for female. Correlation coefficient and regression equation of 20-29 age group were +0.541 and Y(Wt)=0.632X(Ht)-44.975 for male and +0.559 and Y(Wt)=0.637X(Ht)-46.898 for female. Standard body weight of 20-29 age group was 53.0 kg at 155 cm, 59.3 kg at 165 cm, 65.6 kg at 175 cm for male and 51.8 kg at 155 cm, 58.2 kg at 165 cm at 64.6 kg at 175 cm for female. Range of normal body weight of 20-29 age group was 47.5-58.5 kg at 155 cm, 53.8-64.8 kg at 165 cm, 60.1-72.1 kg at 175 cm for male and 46.9-56.8 kg at 155cm, 53.2-63.2 kg at 165 cm, 59.6-69.6 kg at 175 cm for female. Range of obesity of 20-29 age group was 64.1 kg and over at 155 cm, 70.3 kg and over at 165 cm, 76.7 kg and over at 175 cm for male and 61.8 kg and over at 155 cm, 68.2 kg and over at 165 cm, 74.5 kg and over at 175 cm for female. Body mass index(kg/m²) of 20-29 age group was 21.7±1.95 for male and 21.6±2.05 for female, 75.9% of male laborers and 71.3% of famale counterparts fall in the desirable range of BMI by Garrow's classification.

      • 敎職員의 慢性疾患 有病樣相

        韓久雄,鄭鍾學,南澤昇 순천향대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        The mass health screening examination was excuted differently from the primary screening test and secondary precision test for 2,718 teachers in Gumi City and its adjoined three Guns, Kyungpook Province, 1982. The age of subjects was between 20 and 64 years old, and the percentage of men teachers showed 74 and the percentage of women teachers was 26. The results of the screening tests are summarized as follows: Of 2,718 subjects, 16.5% (6.8% for hypertension, 4.2% for liver disease, 2.8% for pulmonary tuberculosis and 1.8% for diabetes) required secondary precision test. Detected cases account for 63.8% of the 447 teachers taking secondary precision test, this was equivalant to 10.5% of the total examined teachers. 3.3% of the total examined teachers turned out to be confirmed cases and 7.2% of the total examined teachers was suspicious cases. The confirmed cases of the total examined teachers by disease were 1.0% for prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis, 1.4% for prevalence of hypertension and 0.8% for prevalence of diabetes. The pervalence rate obtained by age group were 26.1% for 50~59 age group which was the highest rate group, 16.0% for 40~49 age group and 6.6% for 30~39 age group. It was shown that the rate increased by age. Although hypertension, diabetes and pulmonary tuberculosis increased by being old, in cases of liver disease, renal disease and anemia, 30~49 age group was marked as high rate.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        B형 바이러스 간염의 검사성적 및 관련요인에 관한 역학적 연구 -의료직을 포함한 직장인을 중심으로-

        김주자,한구웅,남택승,Kim, Joo-Ja,Han, Gu-Woong,Nam, Taik-Sung 대한예방의학회 1986 예방의학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        To determine relationships of supposed risk factors to positives for HBsAg and Anti-HBs and also relationships of subjective symptoms to positives for HBsAg and Anti-HBs, study of 658 people working in the hospital, university, bank and other office was performed. Positive rate for HBsAg was about 7.9% and positive rate for Anti-HBs was about 20.0%. Odds ratio of HBsAg was high and significant in individuals who are married and who have previous hepatitis B(P<0.001), medical personnel in family, more than 4 people in a room(0.01<P<0.05) Odds ratio of Anti-HBs was also significant in individuals who have previous hepatitis B, liver disease in family, more than 4 people in a room (0.01<p<0.05) No one was positive for HBsAg and odds ratio of Anti-HBs was significant in individuals who have previous HB vaccination. Transmission of HBV may be very closely related to familly aggregation factors.

      • 일부 아연광산지역에서 Cadmium이 주민의 건강에 미치는 영향

        박종안,한구웅,홍종관,남택승 순천향대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        The cadmium contents of environment and human body were measured for the health status of the residents in the selected area near an old zinc-mining site assuming that cadmium contamination in the environment would affect the health status of the residents and the results were as follows: 1. The cadmium contents of the environment were 0.021±0.012 mg/m3 in the air. 0.019±0.011 mg/ml in the water, 0.382±0.233 mg/g in the rice and 0.342±0.211 mg/g in the tooth. 2. The major complaints of the residents were excessive sputum, dyspnea and pains on both extremities. F드믿 complained more frequently than male in dyspnea, lumbago and pains on both extremities. 3. An assessment of the nutritional health status of residents revealed that for male 8.5% were weak, 10.1% were fat and 32.5% were anemic, while for female 17.6% were weak, 15.3% were fat and 30.1% were anemic. 4. The prevalence rate of hypertension was 152.8?(male; 84.7?. female;200.0?) and the prevalence rate of diastolic hypertension was higher than that of systolic hypertension. 5. The diagnostic variables verifing the assumption mode in this study were blood pressure(0.76, p〈0.05) and E.S.R.(0.57, p〈0.01). From the above results, the environmental cadmium contamination affects the health status of the residents in the area near an old zinc-mining site to a certain extent, but not to a great extent(R2=0.55).

      • 연폭로여성근로자들에서의 생물학적 연폭로 지표들의 상호관계

        남택승,한구웅,김형아,김정만,이광묵 가톨릭대학 산업의학쎈타 산업의학연구소 1986 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.25 No.3

        For the purpose of obtaining of an effective biological monitoring data in terms of evaluation the health consequences of lead absorption, the female workers in the electronic industry who have been exposed to low-level lead occupationally were chosen as the subjects of our studies. We observed the 9 parameters in not only 305 lead-exposed female workers who have been exposed to lead occupationally also 254 normal female subjects who have not been exposed to lead occupationally. The parameters chosen for this study were as follows, blood lead (PbB), urine lead (PbU), δ-aminolevulinic acid in urine(ALAU), coproporphyrin in urine(CPU), zinc protoporphyrin in whole blood(ZPP), hemoglobin(Hb), hematocrit(Ht), δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase(ALAD) activity & ALAD activity ratio(A/R; absorbance at substrate pH 6.6/absorbance at substrate pH 5.8). The results obtained were as follows: 1. The average age of the lead-exposed female workers in the electronic industry and in the normal female subjects were 20.5±4.2 years and 21.7±3.5 years, respectively. 2. The average work duration of the lead-exposed female workers in the electronic industry was 26.4±19.4 months 3. The mean value of PbB of the lead-exposed female workers in the electronic industry and in the normal female subjects were 30.18±6.64㎍/100ml and 21.61±3.84㎍/100ml respectively. 4. In the lead-exposed female workers of the electronic industry and of the normal female subjects, the mean value of ZPP were 36.22±0.69㎍/100ml and 24.64±7.21㎍/100ml, respectively 5. In the lead-exposed female workers of the electronic industry and of the normal female subjects, the mean value of Hb were 13.98±0.57g/100ml and 14.09±0.66g/100ml, respectively. 6. The mean value of the lead-exposed female workers in the electronic industry were 55.07±17.61㎍/1 for PbU, 1.93±0.69mg/1 for ALAU, and 49.74±22.79㎍/1 for CPU, while in the normal female subjects, 44.27±15.76㎍/1 for PbU, 1.46±0.55mg/ 1 for ALAU, and 38.66±17.99㎍/1 for CPU. 7. Among various pairing of the parameters of lead exposure in the female lead-exposed workers and in the normal female subjects, the correlation between PbB and ZPP showed the highest coefficient value.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        축전지공장 근로자들의 혈중 연농도에 대한 코호트 관찰

        김창윤,김정만,한구웅,박정한,Kim, Chang-Yoon,Kim, Jung-Man,Han, Gu-Wung,Park, Jung-Han 대한예방의학회 1990 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.23 No.3

        축전지 공장의 환경과 근로자들의 개인 위생의 개선 조치가 근로자의 혈중 연농도에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 관찰하기 위하여 새로 설립된 축전지 공장의 생산직 근로자 116명을 대상으로 채용시 혈중 연농도를 측정하고 1987년 2월부터 약 3개월 간격으로 $12{\sim}18$개월간 추적 관찰하였다. 관찰기관 중 작업환경 및 근로자 개인위생의 개선조치를 시행하였고 1987년 8월부터 6개월 간격으로 3회 작업장내 공기중 연농도를 측정하였다. 또 사무직 근로자 40명을 대조군으로 선정하여 그들의 혈중 연농도의 변화를 관찰하였다. 작업환경 개선은 국소배기장치 설치와 바닥의 진공청소였고 개인위생 개선조치는 매일 작업복 세탁, 퇴근시 샤워, 식사 전 손씻기, 작업장내 흡연 및 음식섭취 금지, 그리고 마스크 착용이었다. 대조군 40명 중 6개월까지 혈중 연농도의 관찰이 가능했던 27명에서 채용시 혈중 연농도가 $21.97{\pm}3.36{\mu}g/dl$이고 6개월후 $22.75{\pm}3.38{\mu}g/dl$로서 유의한 증가는 없었다. 공장이 가동되기 전에 입사한 A군은 폭로 전 혈중 연농도가 $20.49{\pm}3.84{\mu}g/dl$였고 폭로시작 3개월 후에 $23.90{\pm}5.30{\mu}g/dl$로 유의한 증가를 보였으며(p<0.01), 6개월 후(개선조치 1개월후)에는 $28.84{\pm}5.76{\mu}g/dl$로 더욱 증가되었으나 그후 4회 측정치는 $26.83{\sim}28.28{\mu}g/dl$로 더 이상 증가하지 않았다. 공장이 가동된 후 개선조치가 시행되기 전에 입사한 B군의 경우 폭로전 혈중 연농도가 $16.58{\pm}4/53{\mu}g/dl$였고 3개월후(개선조치 1개월후)에 $28.82{\pm}5.66{\mu}g/dl$로 급격히 증가했으며(p<0.01), 그 후 4회 측정치도 $26.46{\sim}28.54{\mu}g/dl$로 더이상 증가하지 않았다. 개선조치가 시행된 후 입사한 C군에서는 채용시 혈중 연농도가 $19.45{\pm}3.34{\mu}g/dl$였고 3개월후의 혈중 연농도가 $22.70{\pm}4.55{\mu}g/dl$로 유의한 증가를 보였고(p<0.01), 6개월에 $23.68{\pm}4.18{\mu}g/dl$, 9개월에 $25.42{\pm}3.60{\mu}g/dl$로 서서히 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 1987년 8원부터 6개월 간격으로 3회 작업환경을 측정하고 작업장의 공기중 연농도에 따라 4개부서로 구분하여 그 성적을 보면 제I부서는 $0.365mg/m^3$였으나, 작업환경 개선조치 후 각각 $0.216mg/m^3,\;0.208mg/m^3$로 감소되었고, 제II부서는 $0.232mg/m^3$였는데 개선조치후 $0.148mg/m^3,\;0.120mg/m^3$였으며, 작업환경 개선 조치후 측정한 제III부서는 1988년 1월, 8월에 각각 $0.124mg/m^3,\;0.091mg/m^3$였고 제IV부서(이동부서)는 1988년 8월에 $0.110mg/m^3$로 III, IV부서가 I, II부서에 비해 낮았다. 각 부서별 비교에서 A군과 B군의 혈중 연농도는 공기중 연농도와 비례하지 않는 결과를 보여 작업환경이 제일 나쁜 제 I부서에서 오히려 혈중 연농도가 낮고 작업환경이 좋은 제III부서에서 더 급격히 혈중 연농도가 증가하였다. C군은 제 I부서의 혈중 연농도가 제일 높았고 이동부서인 제IV부서에서 제일 낮아 공기중 연농도와 혈중 연농도 사이에 일정한 관련성을 나타내지 않았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 연취급 근로자의 모니터링은 공기중 연농도보다 혈중 연농도의 측정이 타당하며 작업환경개선도 중요하지만 개인위생에 대한 개선조치가 오히려 더 효과적이라 생각된다. To assess the effectiveness of the interventions in working environment and personal hygiene for the occupational exposure to the lead, 156 workers (116 exposed subjects and 40 controls) of a newly established battery factory were examined for their blood lead concentration (Pb-B) in every 3 months up to 18 months. Air lead concentration (Pb-A) of the workplaces was also checked for 3 times in 6 months interval from August 1987. Environmental intervention included the local exhaust ventilation and vacuum cleaning of the floor. Intervention of the personal hygiene included the daily change of clothes, compulsory shower after work and hand washing before meal, prohibition of cigarette smoking and food consumption at the work site and wearing mask. Mean Pb-B of the controls was $21.97{\pm}3.36{\mu}g/dl$ at the preemployment examination and slightly increased to $22.75{\pm}3.38{\mu}g/dl$ after 6 months. Mean Pb-B of the workers who were employed before the factory was in operation (Group A) was $20.49{\pm}3.84{\mu}g/dl$ on employment and it was increased to $23.90{\pm}5.30{\mu}g/dl$ after 3 months (p<0.01). Pb-B was increased to $28.84{\pm}5.76{\mu}g/dl$ 6 months after the employment which was 1 month after the initiation of intervention program. It did not increase thereafter and ranged between $26.83{\mu}g/dl\;and\;28.28{\mu}g/dl$ in the subsequent 4 tests. Mean Pb-B of the workers who were employed after the factory had been in operation but before the intervention program was initiated (Group B) was $16.58{\pm}4/53{\mu}g/dl$ before the exposure and it was increased to $28.82{\pm}5.66{\mu}g/dl$(P<0.01) in 3 months later (1 month after the intervention). The values of subsequent 4 tests remained between 26.46 and $28.54{\mu}g/dl$. Mean Pb-B of the workers who were employed after intervention program had been started (Group C) was $19.45{\pm}3.44{\mu}g/dl$ at the preemployment examination and gradually increased to $22.70{\pm}4.55{\mu}g/dl$ after 3 months(P<0.01), $23.68{\pm}4.18{\mu}g/dl$ after 6 months, and $24.42{\pm}3.60{\mu}g/dl$ after 9 months. Work stations were classified into 4 parts according to Pb-A. The Pb-A of part I, the highest areas, were $0.365mg/m^3$, and after the intervention the levels were decreased to $0.216mg/m^3\;and\;0.208mg/m^3$ in follow-up tests. The Pb-A of part II was decreased from $0.232mg/m^3\;to\;0.148mg/m^3,\;and\;0.120mg/m^3$ after the intervention. Pb-A of part III and W was tested only after intervention and the Pb-A of part III were $0.124mg/m^3$ in Jannuary 1988 and $0.081mg/m^3$ in August 1988. The Pb-A of part IV not stationed at one place but moving around, was $0.110mg/m^3$ in August 1988. There was no consistent relationship between Pb-B and Pb-A. Pb-B of the group A and B workers in the part of the highest Pb-A were lower than those of the workers in the parts of lower Pb-A. Pb-B of the workers in the part of the lowest Pb-A incerased more rapidly. Pb-B of group C workers was the highest in part I and the lowest in part IV. These findings suggest that Pb-B is more valid method than Pb-A for monitoring the health of lead workers and intervention in personal hygiene is more effective than environmental intervention.

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