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      • 독서토론을 통한 비판적 사고력 신장 방안

        한광영 순천대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Critical thoughts strengthen humans' ability to cope with modern informational society and help them to solve problems at the basis of reasonable and sufficient grounds. The discussion on reading is the discussion on some themes between discussers, and strengthens critical ability of thoughts in the course of the discussions. This thesis selected the discussion on reading as the way to strengthen students' ability of critical thoughts. In section II, this thesis scrutinized the concept and need of critical thoughts and drew subsidiary factors of critical thoughts able to strengthen through the discussion on reading. This thesis drew five items centering on the factors which teachers are able to use in Korean language class in the actual educational field and, also, centering on the factors mentioned in the previous researches commonly and the factors able to strengthen through the discussions on reading (to discriminate between the fact and the discussion, to present reasonable and sufficient ground, to grasp problems in the various points of views, to detect prejudices written in description, to confirm hidden meaning and assumption). In section III, this thesis designed teaching and learning model suitable to learning of the discussion so that students can extend critic five factors drawn previously. This thesis made learning and studying model organized systematically dividing it into the activity before the discussion , the activity of the discussion , the activity after the discussion because the discussion on reading is the way where the process is more important than the results at the time of design. In section IV, this thesis actually carried out 15 hour class of the discussion on reading with teaching and learning model centering on process. In discriminating between the fact and the discussion , the stream of class was not systematic because the discussion centered on the subsidiary factor of critical thought was practiced for the first time. So this thesis processed discussion discriminating between fact and discussion clearly. In presenting reasonable and sufficient ground , the students were not so thoughtful, and the grounds of the discussion were not sufficient. In addition, repeated the same words. In grasping problems in the various points of views, the discussion began to frame the structure of the discussion. The chairman controled the stream of the discussion emphasizing notes, and discussers listened to others' opinions than in the beginning. In grasping problems in the various points of views , students explained why others' opinions are prejudices and what is the reasons linking the text impressively. In detecting prejudices written in description , students proceeded discussions relating meanings hidden in title to contents. But, in some groups, vigorous discussion didn't go on due to the insufficient materials. After discussion on reading, students' critic abilities of thoughts were elevated than before, and overcame ambiguous hardships and insufficient self-reliance. In addition, students overcame passivity of expression and publication through discussion . To add to this, this thesis recognized that the discussion demands something noteworthy and sufficient materials, and it is different from conversation without clear aims.

      • 교회사에 나타난 예정론 연구 : 칼뱅주의와 알미니우스주의, 그리고 웨슬리주의

        한광영 서울신학대학교 신학전문대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 글은 개혁교회의 역사적 분기점인 도르트 총회가 탄생하게 된 역사적 동기와 신학적 배경을 연구함으로서 초기 기독교의 분기와 중세 이후 개혁교회의 분열의 원인을 연구한다. 그리고 알미니우스의 항론파 들의 주장과 도르트 총회의 영향으로 선언된 칼빈주의의 5대 강령은 정당한 주장인가를 비교하며 결론적으로 알미니우스주의가 웨슬리에게 미친 영향을 논술한다. 개혁은 교회를 영속적으로 분리시키는 최악의 종교적 위기 속에서의 개념의 분기인가? 중세 말기에 희망의 시대를 여는 개혁인가? 아니면 독립전쟁과 정치와 종교적 소요 속에서 선택한 일시적 안정을 위한 배타적 이기주의의 결과인가를 논증한다. 중세 말기 이후 개혁이라는 종교적 위기 상황에서 더 멀리 보는 화합의 대안으로 제안되는 신학이 웨슬리주의이며, 구원의 분기와 개념의 분열로 지속되어 가는 현대 기독교의 최선의 선택이라고 제안한다. ABSTRACT Historical Inquiry into the Ideality of the Predestination (the Refutation of Calvinism VS Arminianism and Wesleyan) Han Kwang Young M.A of the Theology in Systematic study Graduate school of Theology Seoul Theological University This thesis will examine the cause of division in the reformed church after the Medieval Age by researching the historical motives and theological background behind the foundation of the Synod of Dort, which was a turning point in the history of the reformed church,. This study will also discuss the impact Arminius finally had on Wesley by comparing the legitimacy of claims made by the Remonstrance of Arminius and Calvinist’s five-point doctrine which was declared under the influence of the Synod of Dort of 13th. Nov. 1618. In addition, it will answer following questions. Is reformation like a turning point that takes place during the worst religious crisis that permanently separates the church? Or is reformation a revolution that opens a door to a new era of hope at the end of the Middle Age? Or is it a byproduct of exclusive egoism, a method selected for temporary stability amidst of war of independence, political and religious disorder? This study offers Wesleyan as the best alternative theology for reconciliation at the time when Middle Ages was coming to an end, facing a religious crisis by revolution. The author proposes that such application of Calvinist should extend to the modern Christianity , which continues to be marred with turning points and divisions.

      • 전인적 신유와 사중복음

        한광영 서울신학대학교 신학전문대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Nowadays, people associate the word "Healing" with a commercialized definition of "well-being: seeking the best for my health.” Healing one person cannot change history and era. Yet, failure to change the tide of history and era and failure to rectify the world will result in exposing individuals to illness, which will cause the ripple effect of contaminating the society, which would contaminate the nation, the world, and the universe. How could life not go wrong with a world full of imperfections? Some scholars have argued as such with pessimism. Indeed, the world is in a dire need for a transitional renewal and divine healing. K. Barth described this situation as “Modus Vivendi” (a condition in which the law of sin and death coexists with the law of life, even though they are in conflict with each other). This paper thus aims to present theological, divine healing as an appropriate solution to the contemporary condition of human despair and anxiety, terminal diseases, and the suffering from sin and guilt. In the Roman colonial times in which medical treatment was unavailable, Jesus as the Messiah (‘Healer’) provided holistic and divine healing, showing mercy to the human spirit, soul and body. Only the divine from Jesus Christ can heal a nuclear man who is in the state of exhaustion and volatile destruction. The title of this paper, “The Divine Healing for the Whole Being and The Four Fold Gospel” stems from the fundamental question: Why the four-fold gospel — the regeneration, holiness, divine healing and the second coming? The ministry of Jesus Christ proclaimed the gospel in the language of hope to those crying in sin, sickness, social poverty and suffering, by proclaiming the message of the impending kingdom of God. In re-tracing Jesus’ work, words, and ministry, there were four main themes which is referred to as the four-fold gospel (i.e. regeneration, holiness, divine healing and the second coming). The reason why the concept of the theology differentiated between 'salvation' and 'after salvation' as 'justification' (salvation) fourfold gospels is the conflict between the concepts of justification (regeneration) of Reformation and Wesleyanism (full sanctification or holiness). It is because of the direction of harmonious theology. The Four-fold Gospel is to heal the sick and the sinners and to offer forgiveness (salvation) for the sanctified life of God's people. In the Gospels, Jesus Christ's acts of healing included simultaneously proclamation of physical healing and spiritual salvation. In other words, the speech act of Christ proclaimed rebirth(primary healing)and sanctification (secondary healing), bound together as double healing. Therefore, divine healing is defined as the redemption of life and hope of a saints post-salvation, as well as deliverance from sickness. Divine healing is also accompanied by second coming. Therefore, it is redefined as Adventist divine healing. Divine healing is waiting in hope for Christ to come again when we would move from the kingdom of grace to the kingdom of glory. This paper offers a close observation of the comprehensive history of the christian church from the perspective of divine healing, including Jesus’ new healing ministry, his disciples, the early church and the Fathers, the investigation of the desert monk, the Middle Ages and the Reformation, and the Wesleyan Holiness Movement which ignited the divine movement and Pentecostal movement. The goal of this observation was to shed light on the reasons for the rise of Cessationism and counterfeit miracle, and to explore why it limited or prevented divine healing and the healing of the Holy Spirit. This process demonstrates that divine healing is the work of the Triune God, which transcended the theory of cessationism. Wrongful judgments and thought processes that we witness throughout history are also subject to divine healing, and it requires the resolution of the past (transitional justice). Therefore, this writer’s concept of the Whole Being Cure refers to Diving Healing of the Second-coming pursued through the Analysis of the Merism and the process of completion of the Diving Healing by meta-cognitive insight. This is the path for restoring human rights. This process is the means by which Christ expressed his love, the Whole Being Cure by the laying of the hands on the sick, unction, faith and empathy, forgiveness of sins, and deliverance. The Four-fold Gospel reminds those in Christian ministry, that even if one lacks the power and faith to perform miracles, one should devote time — whether it be several hours or days — to be present with those who are suffering, in pain, and suffering illness. In conclusion, We are those who have a mission to proclaim the New Testament view of history through the Fourfold Gospel, and who are the History Maker, and The Four Fold Gospel of 'Regeneration-Holiness-Divine Healing-Second Coming' is The History of New Testament, and The Whole being Cure through The Four Fold Gospel is the complete restoration of Spirit and Soul, and Body.

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