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        심훈의 상해시절과 「동방의 애인」

        하상일(河相一) 한국국학진흥원 2018 국학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        이 논문은 심훈의 중국에서의 체험과 상해 시절을 배경으로 삼은 「동방의 애인」을 대상으로, 그의 초기 문학 활동의 사상적 토대가 되었던 사회주의 독립운동의 방향을 대중 서사의 형식과 관련 지어 살펴보았다. 첫째, 식민지 시기 상해의 이중성과 독립운동의 노선 갈등에 대한 비판을 논의하였다. 「동방의 애인」은 상해임시정부를 비롯한 민족주의 계열, 공산주의 계열, 무정부주의 계열의 정치 조직과 교민 단체, ‘의열단’‧‘한인애국단’ 등 상해 지역 비밀결사조직이 펼쳤던 독립운동의 활약상에 대한 직접적인 관심 속에서 이루어졌다. 즉 식민지 시기 상해는 해외 한인 독립운동의 거점 역할을 했다는 점에서, 1920년대 상해임시정부를 중심으로 형성되었던 독립운동의 실상에 대한 비판적 문제의식은, 제재적 차원이든 주제적 차원이든 심훈의 소설에 있어서 가장 중요한 문제제기가 되었다. 특히 이러한 그의 시도가 계급이나 이념을 직접적으로 표출하는 카프 식의 창작방법과 일정한 거리를 두고 대중의 관심과 이해를 기반으로 하는 대중 서사의 형식으로 구체화되었다는 점에서 더욱 문제적이었다. 그 결과 심훈의 소설은 민족주의 진영과 사회주의 진영 모두로부터 비판받으면서 통속적 사회주의 경향의 작가로 치부되기까지 했다. 동지적 연대로서의 사회주의 공동체를 지향했던 소설적 의도를 온전히 실현하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 대중 독자와의 관계를 염두에 두지 않으면 안 된다는 심훈의 문제의식은, 1930년대 이후 우리 소설의 서사적 변화와 이데올로기적 특성을 이해하는 데도 상당히 중요한 의미를 지녔다고 할 수 있다. 둘째, 연애 서사의 대중화 전략과 사회주의 공동체 지향에 대해 살펴보았다. 1920년대 초반 중국 상해는 동아시아 사회주의 운동의 중심지였고, 심훈은 중국으로 떠나기 직전 사회주의 성향의 잡지에 시를 투고할 정도로 사회주의에도 깊은 관심을 가졌었다. 「동방의 애인」의 후속작품인 「불사조」에는 이러한 무산계급 청년들의 급진적 행동주의와 계급투쟁 그리고 사회주의 운동 노선이 더욱 직접적으로 드러나기도 한다. 결국 심훈은 ‘연애 서사’라는 대중적 형식에 대한 비판적 성찰을 바탕으로 민족주의와 계급주의 양 진영과도 일정한 거리를 두면서 사회주의 독립운동의 실천적 성격을 강화하는 뚜렷한 목적과 방향을 제시하고자 했다. 이런 점에서 비록 미완의 작품으로 서사의 전모를 상세하게 파악할 수는 없지만, 계급과 민족을 통합하는 사회주의 공동체의 바람직한 모델로서 ‘공통된 애인’의 모습을 서사적으로 구현한 「동방의 애인」은, 심훈의 소설 세계에서 특별히 주목해야 하는 작품임에 틀림없다. This study has taken a look at the direction of socialist independence movement that was the ideological foundation for the early literature activities of Shim Hoon with the subject of 「The Lover of the East」, the work with background of Shim Hoon’s experience in China and time in Shanghai and this effort is shown in relation to the popular narration. First, it discusses the criticism on duplicity of Shanghai during the colonial period and conflict of line in the Independence Movement. 「The Lover of the East」 was under the direct interests on the activities involved in the Independence Movement that was collectively engaged in by Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai, several political organization, Korean residents in China, and the secret society in the Shanghai region. Namely, Shanghai of colonial era was the hub for the Independence Movement of Koreans in overseas that it was taken with the critical sense of controversy for the Independence Movement that was formed around the Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai in 1920s. In particular, this type of his intent was even more at issue in the aspect of solidifying in the public narrative style based on the popular interest and understanding with certain distance to the KAPF-style creative method that directly expressed a class or ideology. As for the solidarity in camaraderie, in order to fully realize the intent of the novel that strived for the socialist community, it had to contemplate the relationship with the public readers more than anything else. Second, it has taken a look at the popularization strategy of love narrative and socialist community orientation. In the first part of 1920s, Shanghai of China was the central site for the East Asia socialist movement and Shim Hoon had the profound interests in the socialism even prior to his departure to China. In 「Phoenix」, the following work of 「The Lover of the East」 displayed more directly for the radical activism, class struggle and socialist movement lines of such proletariat youths. Consequently, Shim Hoon intended to present clear goal and direction to strengthen the practical nature of socialist Independence Movement while having certain distance from both nationalist and classism on the foundation of critical insight on the popular style in ‘narration of love’. In this point, as the desirable model of the socialist community that integrates the classes and races, 「The Lover of the East」 that realized the appearance of the ‘common lover’ in narrative terms has to be the work that demands attention from the novel world of Shim Hoon.

      • KCI등재

        재일 디아스포라 시인 허남기 연구

        하상일 한국비평문학회 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.34

        This study looked into the poet Kang Sun, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora. After liberation, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora poetry started from Huh nam-gi, Kang Sun, and Nam si-woo, and it was transferred to Kim si-jong, Kim Yun, Jung hwa-hum, Kim hak-ryeol, and Jung hwa-su. Huh nam-gi’s poetry had been processed to directly visualize the hurt of colonization and division based on anti-imperial, anti-feudal national consciousness and popular consciousness. The visualization of narrative mind that used the national sufferings as main materials had the meaning of aesthetic practice expressing poetic visualization of historical consciousness. His poetry shows the point of confusion that seems hard to be considered as the one person’s poetry world because of a conspicuous gab between pre-and post- Chongryun of 1955. This resulted from the inner conflict and hurt that he could not but go through as the Korean who experienced the history of national division under the Japanese imperialism. His poetry definitely became the most significant guide to overall understand the history and meaning of the Korean-Japanese Diaspora after liberation. After liberation, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora poetry was based on historical consciousness and ideology of the Korean-Japanese who internalized their hurt of colonization and division. Therefore, most of works tried to stand for realistic nature directly showing political social issues, instead of focusing on deepening the lyricism to condense personal emotion to the indentified world. As post-nationalism, post-society discourse is currently appearing as the important issue beyond the boundary of race and nation, the perspective of ‘Diaspora’ and problem awareness have attracted attention as the effective discourse to understand and analyze the rapidly changing world. Huh nam-gi’s poems have an important literary meaning as the text containing such the problem awareness.

      • KCI등재

        심훈의 생애와 시세계의 변천

        하상일 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.49

        This paper traced the life of Shim Hoon in the 1920s~1930s, divided his world of poetry into three parts, and discussed the meaning of such change. The first period was from the time of writing practice to 1923 when he stayed in China. It was an important period to understand the embryological ground and social/historical background of his poetry. The second is from 1923 when he came back from China to 1932 when he stopped all political and social activities and went down to Dangjin in Chungcheongnamdo Province. This was the time when Shim Hoon actively created his works. The last period is from the time he went down to Dangjin in Chungcheongnamdo Province and devoted himself to writing novels with the background of rural area to his death due to sudden illness. Such division of period is not limited to his poetry writing but includes his overall literary works. In the sense that the division of a writer’s literary period cannot vary depending on specific genre, this paper tried to have its ground on the general division of literary period and diachronically review the changing process of his world of poetry. Especially, as this paper is based on historical and biological way of following the life of Shim Hoon, the tripartite division of his life of poetry with the junctures of major events will serve as a critical point to understand the changes and meanings of the poetry of Shim Hoon. First, aims to look into the Sim Hun’s deeds and achievements in socialistic independence movement and literature while staying in Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other cities in China during the period between 1920 and 1923 and to make empirical discussion on how his activities in China affected his poetic world. In particular, political frustration and skepticism he experienced while in China brought a striking change in his poetry, which is believed to be the result of internalizing his critical recognition of factionalism found in socialistic independence movement that occurred most actively in Shanghai while focusing on these superficial changes. Sim Hun’s creation of Sijo(時調) was most active in the 1930s, late period of his literary activities. It seems that he actively selected a Sijo genre as a strategy to criticize the contradiction of colonial reality while ambiguously hiding from the surveillance of Japanese colonialists. That is, his Sijo presented the possibility of life aesthetics as a spirit to overcome the contradiction of colonial modernity with the underlying spirit of resistance to fundamentally surmount the colonial contradictions. In other words, Sim Hun’s Sijo in the 1930s was the well-planned poetic structure designed to reveal colonial contradictions in a way of ‘strategic natural hiding’ in a paradoxical manner just like critical awareness of reality hidden in narratives to enlighten farmers. In this respect, Sim Hun’s Sijo strategy should be evaluated as an active attempt of choosing a political will to overcome the contradictions of colonial modernity in a paradoxical style although his political nature did not appear on the surface at all.

      • 근대 상해 이주 한국 문인의 상해 인식과 상해 지역대학의 영향

        하상일 (재)한국연구원 2019 한국연구 Vol.0 No.1

        This study has as an objective to examine Korean modern literature of the Japanese colonial period through the topography of East Asia and to discuss the experience of Korean writers’ emigration to Shanghai, by expanding objects and viewpoints of Korean modern literature which was limited by nation and race. In particular, this study focused on what ideological points and literary directivity Korean writers at the time formed while staying in Shanghai. Moreover, by objectively investigating the experience of dispersion by Korean writers who exiled during the colonial period or who participated in independence movement, this study is to understand how the urban, cultural nature of Shanghai, represented by modern spirit of the West and the civilized world, flew into Korean modern literature of the time. Thus, this study observed Korean modern literature of the colonial period through the eyes of insiders or outsiders that lived in Shanghai, China; focused on historical places in Shanghai where Koreans experienced migration whether it was forced or voluntary beyond imperialistic oppression, and discussed the awareness of Shanghai that Korean writers had during the colonial period. In order to objectively investigate the historical formation of the Korean society in Shanghai in the 1920~30s and Korean writer’s creative activities, this study examined the awareness of modernism by Korean writers living in Shanghai in the historical context of independence movement and the Diasporic meaning of the Korean society in Shanghai. Also, in order to discuss the exchange and influence between universities built in and around Shanghai and Korean writers, this study examined the history and educational policies of universities in the East China region, including Shanghai College and Hujiang University and Zhigang University. This study has its basis in understanding the historical transition of modern China centeringon Shanghai and the history of the Korean society in Shanghai during the Japanese colonial period and has its focus on investigating the socio-political activities of Korean writers who emigrated to Shanghai and their awareness on China. The study analyzed how Korean writers’ awareness on China centering on Shanghai was reflected in their literary activities and creation of literary productions in the later period and discussed the importance.

      • 敎職의 專門性에 關한 一考察

        河相一 대구교육대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Teaching is a professoion. Therefore, teachers insist its professionalism. The teaching profession should be met with the following conditions:1)should be equipped with advanced knowledge and techniques, 2) requires long period of education, 3) should acquire the reward through service to the society, 4) should have strict qualification standard, 5) self-control on the duty. 6) should sustain continued self-growth, 7) should form self-governing organization. However the present situation of the teaching profession in Korea is faced with various problems in meeting these conditions. Therefore, the prevalling practice of the teaching profession has been observed and analyzed in this thesis, and the proposals have been discussed to solve the problems revealed. The summary of the conclusions derived are presented as follows: 1) Training period of the teachers training organizations should be extended. 2) A certain system is required for improving educational background of teachers on-duty. 3) The educational curriculums of the teachers training facilities should be improved so that the quality and qualification of the trained from these facilities are recognized. 4) The qualification of teacher should be determined strictly. 5) The training and education of teachers for self-improvement and growth should be continued and strengthened. 6) The teachers organizations should serve for the accomplishment of their original mission.

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