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      • KCI등재

        Research on the Convergent Effects of Emotional Regulation of Video Games on Users' Continuance Intention - Based on the perspective of empathy and flow

        명연,조동민 한국전시산업융합연구원 2022 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.40 No.5

        This paper investigates game players' willingness to use games during the COVID-19 period and finds that after the epidemic, the game industry's development will face the challenge of losing game users. Therefore, how to improve users' willingness to continue using games and maintain the scale of game users will be an urgent problem to be solved for current scholars. Because users' continuance intention has a direct predictive effect on users' continuous use behavior, this paper will aim to improve users' continuance intention and prevent the shrinking of game users after the end of the epidemic as the research purpose. This article will start from the new perspectives of player empathy flow and investigate the influence of emotional regulation on users' continuance intention in video games and the mechanism of action between them. Through the survey of current video users, data collection, and analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) In video games, emotional regulation is significantly correlated with flow, empathy, and users' continuance intention. (2) Emotion regulation has a positive effect on flow, empathy. (3) flow and empathy have positive effects on users' continuance intention in video games. (4) In video games, flow mediates the process of emotional regulation on users' continuance intention Empathy has no significant mediating effect in the process of emotional regulation on users' continuance intention. Based on conclusions (1) and (2), this paper suggests that game designers and scholars can start with empathy and flow to study ways to improve players’ emotional regulation. Based on the conclusion (3), this paper suggests that game designers can improve users' continuance intention from the aspects of flow and empathy. Based on the conclusion (4), that is, flow is the mechanism by which emotional regulation affects users’ continued intentions, this paper suggests that designers start with the mediating role of flow to study the impact of emotional regulation on users' continuance intention. The research content of this paper increases the theoretical research related to emotion regulation, empathy, and flow users' continuance intention in game theory, and provides new method suggestions for maintaining the existing scale of video game users.

      • KCI등재

        The Enlightenment of Germany's Special Confiscation System to China's Criminal Sanctions

        문제,두보 동아시아국제정치학회 2022 국제정치연구 Vol.25 No.3

        Given that the legal nature of special confiscation is not reasonably defined in the current judicial practice in China, the application of norms that distinguish general confiscation from special confiscation, and the respect for the concept of inviolability of property rights have stirred up problems such as confusion in the application of special confiscation norms and improper protection of the interests of third parties. Therefore, it is imperative to reasonably examine Germany's special confiscation system, draw inspiration for China's criminal sanctions and safeguard the legitimate property rights of citizens. This paper systematically examines the unique practices and values of confiscation of criminal proceeds, confiscation of criminal objects and contraband in Germany and believes that these inspire the improvement of China's criminal sanctions system in the following ways. First, the confiscation of illegally acquired properties is an improper balance of interests measures because the property obtained by infringing the legal interests of others belongs to the property that should not have been obtained by the perpetrator and should be confiscated, thereby restoring the proper order of property circulation. Second, the personal property used for the crime includes the tools of crime and the things that constitute the criminal act, thus avoiding improper loopholes in the confiscation of the property for crime, and realizing a reasonable balance between the protection of the legitimate property rights of the people and the prevention of crimes. Third, if the third party obtains the illegally obtained property or the guilty property from the perpetrator in good faith, unless it is a contraband, it shall not be confiscated, recovered or ordered to be refunded.

      • KCI등재

        Fusion research on gender differences of MOBA gamers and preference factors of PLEX theoretical model

        명연,조동민 한국전시산업융합연구원 2022 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.40 No.3

        Statistics on the number of video game players show that the ratio of male to female players is close to 1:1. But in MOBA games, there are almost twice as many male players as female players. To this end, this study starts from the literature review of MOBA games and gender differences and finds that the gender differences of players will affect the preference needs of game experience. However, specific preference demand elements have not been studied from the perspective of the PLEX theoretical model. The PLEX theoretical model is 22 interesting elements provided by Arrasvuori J for game designers based on players' psychological cognition. These elements can evoke player expectations and preferences. The 22 elements are Fellowship, Suffering, Captivation, Challenge, Control, Competition, Humor, Nurture, Expression, Sympathy, Fantasy, Control, Relaxation, Sensation, Exploration, Thrill, Submission, Discovery, Simulation, Eroticism, Cruelty, Subversion. This theoretical model is widely used as a design principle and game evaluation method in game design, product design, and user experience. Especially in recent years, game designers often combine the PLEX theoretical model with player experience preferences for fusion research. Therefore, this paper takes the PLEX theoretical model as the research starting point and selects MOBA games with large differences in the number of male and female players as the research object. The purpose is to combine the gender differences of MOBA game players with the PLEX theoretical model. The empirical results and content of this paper are as follows: Gender differences affect competition, completion, and humor choices. Men have the highest preference for competitive elements in games, while women prefer humor. Therefore, this paper suggests that game designers can enhance the humor element in MOBA game design to attract female players from the perspective of the PLEX theoretical model, to solve the problem of more male players than female players. In addition, the fusion research results of this paper can also play a positive theoretical guiding role in the development of related games that take the gender needs of players and female players as potential development objects. This article also provides opinions to help MOBA game users and game developers' satisfaction experience for better future development and research games.

      • KCI등재

        중국 정주시의 대외무역에 관한 연구

        지리,김영민 국제문화기술진흥원 2020 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.6 No.4

        Since China opened its door to the world in 1978, its economic development had been concentrated in the Eastern and Western area compared with the middle area. From 2000s, the Chinese government started to develop the middle area in terms of balanced development. With this goal, “Plan on Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone”, and “One Belt and One Road” has implemented in Zhengzhou, where is the an important traffic center in middle area. Meanwhile, the foreign trade of Zhengzhou has been increased about 10 times between 2009 and 2018. In particular, its growth is the fastest among six central cities in 2018 from the lowest in 2009. This study investigates whether the Chinese government policy has an effect on the foreign trade of Zhengzhou. We find that based on the regression analysis of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the government policies has a positive impact on the development of Zhengzhou's foreign trade. It is meaningful that the government policy focused on the advantage of Zhengzhou contributes its development of foreign trade. 중국은 1978년 개혁·개방 정책 이후 동·서부 지역의 경제가 중부 지역보다 빠르게 성장한 반면 중부 지역은 경제발전에서 소외되는 문제가 발생하였다. 이에 2000년대 들어 지역 경제 발전 균형 등의 차원에서 중부 지역의 발전이 국가 차원에서 거론되었다. 본 연구는 중국 정주시가 교통의 요지라는 점을 활용한 중국 정부의 정책이 정주시의 대외무역 발전에 미친 영향을 분석하였다. 중국 정부 정책의 일환으로 2013년 “정주시 항공항 경제종합 실험구 발전 계획(2013-2025년)”이 수립되었으며 일대일로(一带一路, One Belt and One Road)이 건설되면서 5개 노선 중 2개 노선이 정주시를 관통하고 있다. 또한, 중국 정주시 수출입 총액은 2018년 622억 달러로 2009년에 비교하여 약 10배 증가하였다. 이에 따라 정주시는 중부 6개 성도(장사, 남창, 우한, 합비, 태이위안) 중 수출입총액이 2009년에는 가장 낮았으나 현재는 가장 수출입 규모가 크다. 또한, 정주시는 국내외 여객 및 화물수송량이 증가하고 있으며, 육로, 수로, 항공 등의 다양한 물류 시스템을 갖추어 나가고 있다. 주성분 회귀분석을 통한 분석에서도 정부 정책이 대외무역(수출입 총액)에 직접적으로 양(+)의 영향을 주는 것을 발견하였다. 이와 같은 정주시의 사례는 지역 특성을 살린 정부 정책이 지역발전에 있어 중요함을 보여준다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재


        웨이,이혁구 한국동북아경제학회 2022 동북아경제연구 Vol.34 No.1

        本论文通过构建中国30个自治区(不包括西藏)2004-2019年的产业面板数据,运用System GMM估计方法,实证分析了环境规制与异质产业产业集聚的关系。 分析结果显示,第一,从中国整体来看,环境规制促进了劳动密集型、资本密集型、技术密集型产业的产业集聚,统计显着性水平较高。二是从行业和区域看,环境规制抑制了东北地区资源密集型产业的产业集聚。在劳动密集型产业方面,环境法规促进了中西部和东北地区的产业集中;在资本密集型产业的情况下,发现环境法规阻碍了西部地区的产业集中;在技​​术密集型产业方面,环境规制抑制了东北地区的产业集聚,同时促进了中西部地区技术密集型产业的产业集聚。综合来看,环境规制力度对同行业产业集聚的影响因地区而异,可以解释为地区间经济发展水平和环境规制力度的异质性。

      • KCI등재

        중대 감염병 발생 상황에서 방역방해죄 형법적용의 한계와 개선

        원화,추이스시우 한국비교형사법학회 2021 비교형사법연구 Vol.22 No.4

        최근 들어 고병원성과 전파성이 강한 전염성 질병은 국민 복지를 해치고 세계인의 건강과 생명 안전을 해치며 글로벌 경제사회 발전을 저해하는 근원이 되고 있다. 코로나19로 상징되는 중대 감염병의 대처에는 형사법률의 시대적 소명을 따라야 한다. 현재 거시적 차원에서 확립된 ‘엄벌'과 ‘엄정대처'의 전분야 감염병과의 전쟁 정책으로 분류되는 형사정책은 범위가 불분명하고 내용이 불명하거나 ‘엄단' 정책으로 회귀할 위험성이 있다. 중대 감염병은 형사법치를 활성화하는 동시에 방역방해죄로 대표되는 전파위험 인정, 주관적 범죄 다툼, 공공안전위해 범죄와의 구분도 모호하게 한다. 형법의 법익보호와 범죄예방의 목적을 위해서는 해석 중심의 형법교의학에 신중하게 대응할 필요가 있다. 방역방해죄에 대한 과실 인정은 위험범의 범주를 확장하고 형법 보충성의 원칙을 약화시켜 형법 내부의 죄형 합치에도 도움이 되지 않는다. 형사정책변경은 사회발전의 필요성에 근거해, 감염병의 예방과 통제에 수반되는 형법규정의 구체적 적용과 결합함으로써 형법과 형법교리의 가교(家橋)를 확립해, 경계를 명확히 하는 데 중요한 역할을 해야 한다.

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