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      • KCI등재

        구어체 '-거든'에 관한 일고찰 : 시나리오 데이터를 통해서

        타이라 카오리 한국어학회 2006 한국어학 Vol.31 No.-

        This paper investigates the semantic features and discourse/pragmatic functions of the sentence-final forms with '-ketun'. This form is used only in spoken language; therefore I analyzed the conversational parts of Korean films and television drama as a linguistic data. The findings of this pilot study are as follows. First, '-ketun' can be used with any part of speech. However, when '-ketun' co-occurs with present tense verbs, they are likely to indicate habituality in the following discourse, losing their original meanings of action. Second, pragmatically, when there is no statement in discourse and a speaker answers a question indirectly, '-ketun' enforces some inference-intensive readings, but the hearer can specify the speaker's real intention.

      • KCI등재후보

        이종문화에 걸치는 다리: 캐서린 패터슨의 『테라비시아의 다리』

        카오리타네다 ( Kaori Taneda ) 한국영미문화학회 2017 영미문화 Vol.17 No.3

        Katherine Paterson (1932-) is an American writer known for children`s novels. She won two National Book Awards and Hans Christian Andersen Award, and two Newbery Medals. She often writes about lonely children who are not understood by those around them, and they seem to reflect the author`s childhood experiences. Paterson was born in China on her father`s missionary duties, and she could speak both Chinese and English as native tongues. Bridge to Terabithia is the story of an unlikely friendship between a city girl, Leslie Burke, and a country boy, Jesse Aarons. Leslie is a new girl in the fifth grade class. Including Leslie, Jesse empathizes the three women who cannot adapt themselves to the surroundings at Lark Creek Elementary School―Miss. Edmunds, Janice Avery, and Leslie. They are uncomfortable with the mainstream culture in the rural area, and they cannot manage things as they wish. Nobody takes notice of their opinions, and they spend their days in isolation: they are treated as Others. In her acknowledgments of the novel, however, Paterson uses the Japanese word, banzai! for the people there. It means, in spite of Leslie`s death, this story is not about a tragedy but about finding delight moments in our mortal lives. By writing this novel, Paterson, as well as Jesse, becomes the bridge to interact with Others.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Comparison of Southern White Womanhood between Langston Hughes and Richard Wright

        카오리 타네다 한국영미문화학회 2017 영미문화 Vol.17 No.1

        Langston Hughes (1902-67) and Richard Wright (1908-60) lived in almost the same era, but it is obvious that their ways of describing the people, who are manipulated by gender-based controlling images, are different. Both Wright and Hughes try to reveal how reality is disturbed by the black menʼs and white womenʼs prevailing stereotypes; however, their works have very different tones. In Richard Wrightʼs short story, ʻʻThe Man Who Killed a Shadow,ʼʼ and Langston Hughesʼ poems in his early days, ʻʻSilhouetteʼʼ and ʻʻThe South,ʼʼ the stereotyped images of black masculinity and white womanhood are transformed and destroyed. While Hughes celebrates the black culture amicably, Wright depicts completely hopeless black men living in the world dominated by white supremacy. This difference is indicative of the shifting views from Harlem Renaissance to Post-Harlem Renaissance. While romantic tones can be still found in Hughesʼ poems, Wright subverts the power dynamics between the black man and the white woman, and completely ruins sentimentality which tends to be attached to the Southern stories in the 19th century.

      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者の内にある「多様性」 -フランス人学習者のライフストーリー·インタビューから-

        야마우치 카오리 한국일본어학회 2013 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.37

        In this research, I used lifestory interviewing as research method in order to overcome the difficulties inherent in investigations that focus on Japanese language learners overseas. Specifically, I analyzed the data of the lifestory interview with Elodie - a Japanese language learner from France - from the perspective of the way in which she experiences language learning and language using, and of the meaning she attaches to these experiences; I centered my description around the connection between Japanese language learning, language using, and motivation. Thus, it became clear that Elodie’s motivation towards learning and using the Japanese language is unstable and changes according to the way in which she perceives language learning and language using, and the link between them, and, as a consequence, according to which of the two she attaches greater importance to; moreover, the instability of Elodie’s motivation concerning Japanese language learning and using influences to a great extent the formation of her image of the future. Also, in order to overcome the problems that arise when dealing with Japanese language learners, I interpreted the data from the point of view of the learner’s inner “diversity”. As a result, it became evident that the accumulation of experiences of coming into contact with the Japanese language is crucial in forming the learner’s current inner “diversity”, and that changes in the learning environment triggered an acknowledgment of the inner “diversity” on the part of the learner herself. Based on these findings and interpretations, I suggest that it is necessary for those involved in Japanese language education overseas to look at the learners from the perspective of their inner “diversity”. 本研究では、海外の日本語学習者を対象とする調査に関する課題を乗り越えるため、調査方法として、ライフストーリー·インタビューを用いた。具体的には、フランス人日本語学習者エロディを対象に行ったライフストーリー·インタビューのデータを、当該の学習者がどのように日本語の学習及び使用を体験し、それらの体験をどのように意味づけていたかという観点で分析した上で、日本語学習、日本語使用、動機づけという三者の関係を軸に記述した。その結果、エロディの日本語学習·日本語使用に対する動機づけは、日本語学習、及び日本語使用をどのように意味づけ、関連づけ、その結果として日本語学習と日本語使用のいずれを重視するかにより、常に変容しており、不安定であること、そして、このような日本語学習·日本語使用に対する動機づけの不安定さが、エロディの将来像の形成に大きな影響を及ぼしていることがわかった。また、日本語学習者の捉え方に関する課題を乗り越えるため、得られた記述をもとに、当該の日本語学習者の内にある「多様性」に関し、考察した。その結果、学習者がこれまでに日本語と接してきた経験の積み重ねが、現在の自身の内にある「多様性」を形成すること、そして、日本語学習環境の変化が学習者に現在の自身の内にある「多様性」を認識させる契機となることがわかった。以上の記述と考察をもとに、海外で日本語教育に携わる者が日本語学習者の内にある「多様性」という観点で学習者を把握する必要性を主張した。

      • KCI등재

        입말에 나타난 `다`의 담화적 기능에 관하여

        타이라 카오리(Taira Kaori) 한국어학회 2011 한국어학 Vol.52 No.-

        This study analyzes a Korean ending forms "-ta" in spoken language. We classify the usage and meaning of "-ta" into three types: statement, momentary utterance, and speaker`s volition. When a speaker uses "-ta" with a rising intonation in a statement, it indicates that the speaker will continue to talk and prolong the topic. However, when a speaker uses momentary utterance, it has two implications: in one, the speaker observes or listens and responds immediately, while in the other, the speaker expresses his/her feelings and psychological conditions. When a speaker expresses him/herself using speaker`s volition, it indicates that he/she is conveying his/her unilateral volition to the listener.

      • KCI등재

        담화에 나타난 종결 어미 ‘-냐고’의 특징

        타이라 카오리 배달말학회 2022 배달말 Vol.71 No.-

        본 연구는 담화에서 종결 어미 ‘-냐고’가 어떠한 사용 양상을 보이는지 밝히는 데에 주된 목적이 있다. ‘-냐고’가 사용된 발화가 원래 누구에 의한 발화인지와 ‘-냐고’가 사용된 발화의 담화상의 위치에 주목하여 ‘-냐고’의 기능을 포괄적으로 살펴보고 그 특징을 밝혔다. [대화]에서 화자가 질문을 반복할 때 사용하는 ‘-냐고’는 화자가 원하는 답을 한번에 얻지 못하였을 때 나타난다. 이것은 상대방이 바로 제대로 답하지 못하였음을 명시하는 것이기 때문에 상대방을 배려해야 하는 관계에서는 사용하기 어렵다. [연속된 발화]에서도 화자가 질문을 반복할 때에 ‘-냐고’가 사용되었는데 이때는 화자의 불만 또는 불평이 드러난다. 또한 상대방을 몰아붙이며 질문하는 상황에서 마지막 발화에 ‘-냐고’가 쓰인 경우에는 앞의 질문이 화자의 생각이나 의견의 타당성을 높이는 역할을 한다. 또한 ‘-냐고’의 쓰임과 화자의 불만 표명, 청자가 느끼는 불쾌감의 관계를 알아보기 위해 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 화자의 불만 표명과 상대방이 느끼는 불쾌감 사이에는 관련성이 엿보였고, 특히 [연속된 발화]에서 ‘-냐고’를 사용하면 화자의 불만이 명시되기 쉽다는 사실이 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재

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