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        배치형과 연속흐름형에 의한 토양 중 RDX의 아임계 분해특성 비교연구

        최재헌,이환,이철효,김주엽,박정훈,조영태,Choi, Jae-Heon,Lee, Hwan,Lee, Cheol-Hyo,Kim, Ju-Yup,Park, Jeong-Hun,Jo, Young-Tae 한국지하수토양환경학회 2015 지하수토양환경 Vol.20 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to compare the degradation characteristics by subcritical water of RDX contaminated soil using batch mode and dynamic mode devices. First, upon application of RDX contaminated soil, RDX treatment efficiency was increased with increasing the temperature in both modes. At 150℃, the treatment efficiency was 99.9%. RDX degradation efficiency got higher with lower ratio of solid to liquid. However, the treatment efficiency in the dynamic mode tended to be decreased at a certain ratio of solid to liquid or lower. The treatment efficiency was increased when it took longer time for the reactions in both modes. As the results of analysis on concentration of treated water after subcritical water degradation, the RDX recovery rate of dynamic and batch modes at 150℃ was 10.5% and 1.5%, respectively. However, both modes showed very similar recovery rates at 175℃ or higher. RDX degradation products were analyzed in treated water after it was treated with subcritical water. According to the results, RDX degradation mechanism was mostly oxidation reaction and reduction reaction was partially involved. Therefore, it suggested that most of RDX in soil was degraded by oxidation of subcritical water upon extraction. According to this result, it was found that both batch and dynamic modes were very effectively applied in the treatment of explosive contaminated soil.

      • KCI등재

        세계유산으로 등재된 성곽 유산의 활용: 중국 핑야오성과 원상도(Xanadu) 유허지를 중심으로

        최재헌 ( Jae Heon Choi ),이혜은 ( Hae Un Rii ) 한국도시지리학회 2012 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        세계유산으로 등록된 성곽 관련 유산은 군사유산으로서 성격상 여러 유형으로 분류되며 관련 용어도 다양하다. 세계유산으로 등재되어 있는 45개의 성곽 유산 중에서 중국의 핑야오는 명·청 시대의 가장 잘 보전된 성곽도시로 평가된다. 핑야오성은 평지성으로서 성곽 축조에 중국의 이상적인 도시계획인 주례동관고공기에 따라 도로를 격자형으로 배치하고, 격자형으로 분할된 주거지를 토벽으로 둘러싼 방장제를 적용하고 불교 이념을 구현하여 축조하였다. 현재까지 주민이 거주하고 있으며, 이에 대한 활용도 주민의 주거기능과 상업기능, 그리고 행정기능이 함께 결합되어 이루어지고 있다. 남북을 잇는 중심축을 따라 상점, 회사, 주거 시설이 입지하고 있다. 이와 대조적으로 2012년 세계유산에 등재된 사나두(원상도 유허지)는 성곽 유산 내에 취락이 형성되어 있지 않다. 대부분의 관광시설은 유적 외곽에 위치하고 관광객의 출입을 입구에서 통제하며 완충구역을 펜스를 쳐서 보호하고 있지만, 사나두는 내몽골 자치구 정란치의 상징적인 아이콘으로 활용되어 다양한 관광산업과 결합하여 지역관광자원화가 활발하게 추진되고 있다. The fortresses heritages inscribed as world heritage could be classified into various types of military heritages under different names. Among 45 fortresses heritages under the name of world heritage, Pingyao would be evaluated as well preserved fortress city for Ming and Qing dynasty in China, which was constructed on plain area, applying the traditional Chinese urban planning principle of ``Jurye-dong-gwan-go-gong-gi`` to its construction with grid street pattern and urban district system so called ``Bang-jang-je`` under the strong influence of Buddhism. Pingyao fortress has been inhabited until now so that promotion activities have been combined with residential function, commercial function, and its administrative function. The main street linking north to south axis has located shops, private companies and residents houses. In contrast, Xanadu inscribed in 2012 as a world heritage has not inhabited within fortress city. Most of tourist facilities are located outside of the heritage and the site itself is highly controlled with both fences around buffer zone and guided tours in control of tourists for conservative measures. However, Xanadu becomes an essential resource for local tourism development as an iconic symbol of Zhenglan-Qi, Xilingol League, in inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 도시체계의 발달과 전망

        최재헌(Jae Heon Choi) 한국도시지리학회 2000 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The urban system within the Korean peninsula has developed separately between South and North Korea. This paper intends to investigate general characteristics of the Korean urban system development from a systems perspective by dividing attributes, linkages, hierarchical structure, and urban system change. The Korean urban development is characterized by metropolitanization, conurbation, emergence of new industrial cities towns and satellite cities, and stagnation of small cities. The polarized pattern of population distributions in Seoul and Pusan have been alleviated towards the growth of mediem sized and provincial regional centers, which can be identified in the linkage structure. Although Seoul and Pusan are still too powerful in the Korean urban system, regional centers and medium sized cities have gained their own power in the urban system. The next urban system is expected to be under influence of globalization, unification, and other socio-environmental changes in the way of enhancing interdependences.

      • KCI등재

        1990년대 한국도시체계의 차원적 특성에 관한 연구

        최재헌 ( Jae Heon Choi ) 한국도시지리학회 2002 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        This paper intends to examine the hidden dimensions of the Korean urban system in the 1990s by using factor analysis on 37 variables from 1990 to 2000. The urban population size is the most important dimension in explaining the urban system in the 1990s, followed by contrasted features between new urban places and old urban places, urban service functions, urban infrastructure, and urban environment as new emerging urban dimensions. It is hard to clearly mention the establishment of urban network system in Korea because of the high concentration toward Seoul Metropolitan Region and weak horizontal connection between major provincial centers, concerning hihgway network, airtraffic network and internet infrastructure.

      • KCI등재

        세계화 시대의 도시지리 연구를 위한 글로벌 패러다임 ( global paradigm ) 의 쟁점과 연구동향

        최재헌(Jae Heon Choi) 한국도시지리학회 1998 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        This paper examines the research agenda for the urban geography concerning the basic trends and characteristics of globalization process in the changing nature of urban places. The cities themselves change their role towards active agents of global economic competition, image-makers and high technology innovator, which lead urban geographers to develop new perspectives towards urban place and urban process, so caved, the global paradigm. New urban research themes come from urban systems perspective including world cities/global cities, global urban system and global network etc., as well as from urban structure perspective including many conceptions out of postmodern urbanism and post-Fordism reflecting globalization, fragmentation, cultural hybrid, cybercities and so on. However, the global-local connection remains the critical issues of the new urban geography in the global era.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        세계유산적 가치의 관점에서 본 산성도시 남한산성의 경관 분석

        최재헌 ( Jae Heon Choi ),이혜은 ( Hae Un Rii ) 한국도시지리학회 2013 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        This paper analyzed the multi-layered features of Namhansanseong‘s landscape both by times and functions form the viewpoint of outstanding universal value as world heritage, which are assumed to be composed of military defensive, governing and folks attributes. Form military attributes, Namhansanseong was a valley-crossing mountain city that utilized natural terrains for defensive facilities as well as a protype mo9del for East Asian fortress technology. Form governing attributes, it was functioned as both a temporary capital city and administrative center for Gwangju-gun. Moreover, Namhansanseong was a representative of cultural tradition of Korea, self-reliance spirit and territorial protection spirit of Buddhism in Joseon Dynasty. Analyzing 94 landscape components in Namhansanseong landscape revealed dominant military defensive layer followed by governing and folks layer in numbers. The initial military landscape was formed during the reign of King Injo in 17th century while major military defensive components after introduction of gun powder artillery were completely added in the reign of King Sukjong in 18th century Other folks components including pavilions were dominantly built in 19th century of King Sunjo. 본 논문은 세계유산적 가치의 관점에서 산성도시 남한상성의 경관요소를 군사경관, 통치경관, 민속경관으로 구분하고 시대별, 기능별 다층위성을 규명하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 군사적 측면에서 남한산성은 자연 지세를 방어시설의 일부로 활용한 포곡식 신성이며, 동아시아 성곽 축성술의 발달을 보여주는 모델이다. 통치적 측면에서는 임시 수도이면서 읍치로서의 행정 중심지 기능을 수행하였고, 민속적 측면에서 주민들의 전통과 호국 불교사상, 조선의 자주정신이 발현된 곳이다. 산성도시로서의 남한산성 경관은 시대별 변청상과 기능별 경관요소가 중첩되어 있으며, 94개 경관요소를 분석하면 군사-통치-미속 경관 순으로 그 특징이 나타난 다. 시대적 층위에서는17세기 인조 때에 군사 경관요소의 기반이 형성되었고, 1681년 숙종 재위기에 화포에 대응한 군사 경관요소의 설치가 완비되었으며, 순조 이후에는 누정 등 민속 경관요소가 주로 형성되었다.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 용산 미군기지의 문화유산 가치와 도시발전 방향

        최재헌 ( Jae Heon Choi ),남영우 ( Young Woo Nam ) 한국도시지리학회 2014 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 용산 미군기지가 갖는 문화유산 가치를 장소성을 가지는 유산으로 파악하여 지리적 환경과 도시발달사를 고려한 지역 변천에 초점을 맞추어 용산 미군기지의 상징성과 문화유산 가치를 고찰해보고 바람직한 개발 방향을 논의하였다. 용산 미군기지 일대는 13세기 몽골군의 병참기지로부터, 조선시대의 강촌, 도성관문, 물류유통기지로서의 성격을 거쳐, 일제강점기에 군사경관이 형성되고 외세에 의한 식민기지로서 특징이 나타나며, 해방 이후에는 군사경관이 유지된 성역화된 군사기지, 금단의 경관으로서의 특징을 보인다. 현재에는 과거의 경관요소가 그대로 남아있는 화석화된 경관(fossil landscape)으로서 외세에 의한 천이의 공간이기도 하다. 용산 미군기지의 발전 방향은 개발위주, 보존위주, 절충적 입장에서 접근이 가능하다. 그러나 향후 용산의 다양한 층위를 고려하여 유산 가치를 보존하는 방안을 강구하고 세계유산으로 등재 조건을 충족할 수 있는 완전성과 진정성을 확보하며, 지역 상징성을 유지하면서 교육적 가치와 정체성 확보를 위한 활용 가치를 극대화할 수 있어야 한다. This paper intends to discuss the various directions of urban development of Yongsan military base, highlighting the heritage value in the context of urban development and regional changes in each time period including Joseon Dynasty, open port period, Japanese Colonial Times and after the liberalization. Yongsan military base has shifted from military storage yard in the 13th century, to river port as a gateway city in Joseon Dynasty, to a military base during the Japanese Colonial Times, and has been continuously keeping a forbidden military space for the US forces after the liberalization. It can be defined as a fossil landscape, functioning as a space of succession for foreign military forces in different time periods. Either development oriented, preservation oriented or eclectic approach can be adopted for future development. However, it needs to figure out the most appropriate way of both preserving cultural heritage for multi-layered structure of Yongsan military base and confirming integrity and authenticity for possible inscription on the World Heritage List in the context to keep symbolic meaning as well as to enhance place identity and educational value for future generation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        외국인 거주지 분석을 통한 서울시 국제적 부문의 형성

        최재헌 ( Jae Heon Choi ),강민조 ( Min Jo Kang ) 한국도시지리학회 2003 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Recently the world has changed, rapidly and fundamentally, under the globalization processes and intemationalization, into more globalized world with vigorous human resources exchanges. Thus, lots of foreigners including tourists, legal or iliegal workers, business men, and others have come to Korea for the purpose of doing economic, political, and diplomatic activities. The foreigners staying over 90 days with VISA are classified as foreign residents in Korea. The number of foreign residents have increased in the 1990s due to the globalized growth of Korean economy to the outside world. Nationally, most foreign residents show the highly concentration pattern in the Capital region of Seoul and Gyonggi Province. The foreign residents are differentiated in their residences according to nationality, occupation, and educational levels. The residential segregation and congregation by nationalities are observed in Seoul, with the strong implication of the formation of international sector in the city. The nationalities are one of dominant factors to differentiate residential segregation with dominant spatial patterns of locations.

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