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      • KCI등재

        不法行爲로 物件이 滅失ㆍ毁損된 경우의 使用利益ㆍ收益의 喪失(休業損害 등)의 損害賠償에 관한 一考察

        최문기(Choi, Moon Ki) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2009 성균관법학 Vol.21 No.3

        This study is on compensation of loss profits of using and loss in earning(damages of suspension of business etc.) Limitations are sometimes imposed by statues and precedents on the amount of damages that may be awarded, regardless of the site of plaintiff's loss, especially special damages are easily excluded. The Supreme Court judged that damages of suspension of business should be compensated in the destroyed situation by Torts. In this case, the Supreme Court reversed a previous judgement, however, I don't agree that loss in profits of using and loss in earning can be divided according to possibility of repairs or not. I think that the theory of precedents about damages of suspension of business should be changed, so loss in profits of using and damages of suspension of business should be compensated both. On the related questions of discounting to present value and providing for future inflation, it has been held that the party that would profit from the application of a particular economic possibility of repairs has the burden of providing competent evidence to prove it. This paper intends to give a meaning to show such a problem. Therefore, studies of this theme will be able to give a clue to solving the matters of a proper lawmaking and precedents in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국 무(巫)와 종교의 습합

        최문기 ( Moon Ki Choi ) 한국윤리학회 2010 倫理硏究 Vol.76 No.1

        The religion is the one of elements that we can understand culture. There are lots of religions in our country, like as Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and ethnic religions. Some were introduced from the foreign countries and some grew within our country. Being fused one another, they producted the phenomenon called as `Religious Syncretism`. In that regard, our religion history can be defined as `process of syncretism`. And almost religions accepted the Muism that was central among our folk faith. The purpose of this parer is to study on `Syncretism between Korean Muism and Religions`. The themes that I intend to explore are divided as follows: 1) the religious nature and position of Muism, 2) the `Harmony Principle` of Muism, 3) the background and concrete example of religious syncretism. The case studies of syncretism are mainly focused on 1) soul as object of the faith, 2) the life after death, 3) the religious rituals. The findings are as follows: 1) the Muism has a position as our primitive religion, 2) the Muism has much tendency to seek `Harmony` both within itself and with others, 3) so it can play an important role in syncretism, 4) the Muism`s souls and Gut`s ritual procedures are found in Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and even Christianity as well as our ethnic religions. In current trends of increasing globalization, we need to have more concerns and exploration about Muism.

      • KCI등재

        중등 도덕, 윤리과 교육에서의 효 교육

        최문기 ( Moon Ki Choi ) 한국윤리학회 2014 倫理硏究 Vol.96 No.1

        I analyse the contents related with Hyo(filial piety) education on textbooks of 『Moral』, 『Life and Ethics』 in middle school. I find out some limits in our Hyo education through the textbooks, and suggest two programs in order to supplement those. Firstly, the textbooks of 『Moral』, 『Life and Ethics』 in the middle schools present ‘gratitude’, ‘thanksgiving’ as the rationale of Hyo duty on the base of oriental classical literatures mainly. But besides these, there are other rationales like as friendship, ‘weakness and need of parents, social customs and promise, special relation and special goodness. We need accept various rationale of Hyo duty in 『Moral』, 『Life and Ethics』 textbooks later. Secondly, we experience rapid socio-cultural change according to socio-structural change. With the change in family and population, young generation’s consciousness and value of Hyo is gradually weakening now. We need to construct the supporting systems in national and social dimension as follows establish the laws related with Hyo, backup them executively and financially, exploit Hyo science or Hyo ethics, diffuse and publicize in society overall, disseminate the recognition of Hyo. And then, Hyo education through 『Moral』, 『Life and Ethics』 textbooks in middle schools can bring the synergy effect get together.

      • KCI등재

        消滅時效와 除斥期間의 起算點의 判例理論에 관한 一考察

        최문기(Choi, Moon-Ki) 한국재산법학회 2017 재산법연구 Vol.34 No.3

        이 논문에서는 제166조 제1항의 ‘권리를 행사할 수 있을 때’의 의미가 권리행사에 대한 법률상의 장애가 없다는 것을 나타내고 있는 판례를 소개하였고, 채무불이행과 불법행위로 인한 손해배상청구권의 소멸시효의 기산점 및 제척기간의 기산점의 의미를 설명하였으며, 제766조 제1항과 제2항의 관계, 기산점과 기간의 구조, 소멸시효의 기산점과 최장기간의 관계에 대한 의미를 검토하였으며, 채무불이행과 불법행위로 인한 손해배상청구권의 소멸시효와 제척기간의 기산점에 관한 대표적인 판례이론은 다음과 같다. 할부금채무(권)의 채무불이행으로 인한 손해배상청구권에 관한 대법원 판례는 1회라도할부금의 지급을 게을리 하면 잔금 전액을 청구하여도 이의가 없다는 기한이익 상실의특약을 한 경우에 특별한 사정이 없으면 채권자의 청구 없이 당연히 기한이익이 상실되어 이행기가 도래하는 것으로 하는 정지조건부 기한이익 상실의 특약으로 보지 않고, 채권자의 청구를 기다려 비로소 이행기가 도래한다는 형성권적 기한이익 상실의 특약으로추정한다고 하지만, 기한이익 상실사유가 발생함과 동시에 채권자가 이행청구를 할 수 있으므로 정지조건부 특약으로 보아 바로 소멸시효가 진행된다고 본다. 일조방해로 인한 손해배상청구권에 관한 대법원 판례는 1회적 가해행위로 인하여 손해 역시 1회적으로 성립하는 불법행위 유형의 경우에 가해행위 종료 시점부터 바로 소멸시효가 진행되는 것으로 파악한다. 또한 가해행위가 계속적으로 행하여지는 결과 손해 역시 계속적으로 발생하는 전형적인 계속적 불법행위 유형의 소멸시효의 기산점에 관하여는 개별진행설을 취하고 있지만, 가해행위는 1회로써 종료하나 손해 발생이 계속적 불법행위 유형의 경우에 피해자는 실제로 인식한 손해와 견련 일체를 이루는 손해로서 당시일반적으로 발생이 예견 가능한 것에 대하여는 전부 피해자에게 인식된 것으로 취급하여 일률적으로 전범위에서 가해행위의 종료 시점부터 소멸시효가 진행된다고 한다. 무권리자의 처분시 권리자의 추인이 있으면 특별한 사정이 없는 한 그 추인은 소급효가 있어서 당초 처분행위는 그 행위시부터 유효한 것으로 되고, 다만, 권리와 권리자의부당이득반환청구권의 소멸시효는 추인시부터 진행되며, 추인권 자체의 제척기간에 관하여는 형성권 행사의 결과 발생한 채권 또는 그 기초적인 법률관계의 성질에 따라 기간이 정해진다. Recently, some countries of the world find new change in extinctive prescription system such as substantial reduction of period of extinctive prescription and introduction of personal autonomy through law revisions. For example, there are the Principles of European Contract Law(PECL) in 2003, UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts(PICC) in 2004, extinctive prescription system on German amended Civil Code in 2002 and new prescription law on French amended Civil Code in 2008 such an extinctive prescription system as an international trend. This study introduces its main content about the starting point of extinctive prescription and exclusion period. The starting point of long-term period for exercise of a right shall be time of establishment of unlawful act considering relationship between Para. 2 of Art. 766 of and Para. 1 of Art. 166 of the Korean Civil Code. Therefore, Long-term extinctive prescription of the right to claim for damages resulting from an unlawful act shall also run from the time it becomes possible to exercise a certain right. Furthermore the Korean Supreme Court s recent precedents on tort claims concerning unlawful acts of state, product liability, etc., have shown that the Korean Supreme Court has adopted a more flexible approach in dealing with the starting point of prescription with focus to protect the right of the injured party. And the starting point of long-term period for exercise of a right shall be not time of unlawful act but time of establishment of tort. When there is cause of loss in special installment contract, I think that the starting point of extinctive prescription shall run from fullfillment without creditor’s request, the Korean Supreme Court has assumed that the creditor has the right of formation,at his request, such starting point runs. In typical successive tort, the Supreme Court has inssisted that the starting point of extinctive prescription in fufillment of compensation for console money should run from date of last proceedings at a trial court. In environment cases, the starting point of reckoning in extinctive prescription,runs from time after just expiration of unlawful act caused by infringement of the right of sunlight, the Korean Supreme Corurt has inssisted when damages are not severe to get rid of building but exceed the limit, the plaintiff can only claim for damages. To solve these problems, amendments of extinctive prescription, like foreign legislations, will be the ultimate solution for the maintenance of the system.

      • KCI등재

        윤리적 의사결정에 의한 세월호 참사 분석

        최문기 ( Moon Ki Choi ) 한국윤리학회 2015 倫理硏究 Vol.102 No.1

        사망자 294명, 실종자 9명을 낸, 청해진해운 소속의 인천발 제주행 여객선‘세월호’가 침몰한지 1년이 흘렀다. 본 연구는‘세월호가 왜 승객을 구할 수 있는 골든타임을 놓쳤는가’라는 문제를 제기하고, 그 직접적인 원인을 2개의‘윤리적 의사결정’모델에 입각해서,‘선내’에 있었던 선장 및 주요 선원들, 그리고‘선외’에있었던 해경과 해수부 등의‘비윤리적인 의사결정’에서 찾아보았다. 세월호 참사의 엄청난 희생은 불가항력적인 천재지변에 의한 것도 아니고, 어디까지나 전문화되고 특성화되어야 할 전문직업인들의 적절치 못한‘비윤리적 의사결정’에서 비롯되었다고 볼 수 있다. 이와 유사한 대형 참사가 반복되지 않기 위해서는, 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하는 일에 종사하는 전문직업인들의 경우, 무엇보다도 ‘윤리적 의사결정’과정을 숙지하고, 이를‘윤리적 상황’에 적절하게 활용할 수 있는 능력을 신장시키는‘맟춤형 전문직업윤리교육’을 강화하는 것이 필요하다고 제언하였다. One year passed after Sewol ferry sank, which caused the 294 dead and 9 missed. The aim of my paper is to analyze the reason "why Sewol ferry lost golden time" by two ``ethical decision-making model``. Captain and the main crews inside the ship made unethical decision-making and got away, therefore lost golden time. Coast guard and ministry of Oceans and Fisheries outside it also lost golden time through improper unethical decision-making. The loss of the Golden time from unethical decision-making resulted in great sacrifices. In order to prevent the similar incidents, first of all, we need reinforce professional ethics education to professional career who protect citizens`` lives and property. This education will help them familiarize ethical decision-making process and apply to ethical situation.

      • KCI등재

        문명 위기에 대한 에너지 접근과 과제

        최문기 ( Moon Ki Choi ) 한국윤리학회 2012 倫理硏究 Vol.85 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to study civilization crisis and tasks by energy approach. Human needs continually various forms of energy to maintain life and civilization base(house, transport, utilities, etc.). The history of human civilization is same as the history of energy resources. In general high technological civilization depends on abundant energy resources. But energy always induces lots of ecological problems. So it is important to question ``how can we minimize ecological problems and realize sustainable development?`` This paper deals with sub-themes as follows : 1) relationship between civilization change and energy resources, 2) analysis of civilization crisis by energy resources transition, 3) the need of energy approach for ``sustainable development``, 4) practical tasks by energy approach. In energy approach to civilization crisis, the essential concept is exergy and entropy. Entropy in thermodynamics means dispersion or disorder state in energy. Usable exergy in universe is transformed into unusable entropy in energy flow process. We must secure alternative energy resources to have present civilization maintained. But fossil fuel of our civilization base is almost exhausted and it is not easy to find new alternative energy resource to resolve the maximum entropy. We are confronted with the 2nd entropic threshold now. We can not go against or return this entropy crisis because of its un-reversibility. So we need to control energy use and loosen the speed of entropy production or minimize the rate of entropy increase. In conclusion I present ``moving from NO principle to YES principle`` as the practical tasks.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        民法 第245條 所有의 意思의 意味의 判例理論에 관한 一考察

        최문기(Choi, Moon-Ki) 한국재산법학회 2018 재산법연구 Vol.35 No.2

        소유의 의사의 유무를 점유권원의 구체적, 객관적 성질에 의하여 결정한다는 통설. 판례의 견해는 그 연원이 프랑스 민법에서 유래하는 것으로 생각된다. 프랑스 민법상의 권원이라 함은 소유권이전을 목적으로 하는 법률행위를 말한다 할 것이나, 이는 우리 민법의 해석상 채용할 수 없다고 보며, 우리 민법상으로는 점유의 취득이 법률행위든, 원인불 명이든 소유의 의사를 인정할 수 있다고 생각된다. 그런데 취득시효에 있어서의 소유의 의사의 의미는 그 제도의 연혁과 존재이유에서 찾아야 할 것이기 때문에 점유의 태양 일반을 논함에 있어서 자주점유에 있어서의 소유의 의사와 동일시하는 것은 문제가 있다고 생각된다. 통설. 판례에서 말하는 것처럼 이를 소유자가 할 수 있는 것과 같은 배타적 지배를 사실상 행사하려는 의사 또는 소유자와 동일한 지배를 사실상 행사하려는 의사라고 막연히 정의하는 것만으로는 부족하고, 그러한 점유 가운데서도 취득시효에 의한 보호를 부여함이 마땅한 점유에 국한하여야 하고, 따라서 선의의 점유에 국한할 수는 없지만, 적어도 악의의 무단점유인 불법침탈의 경우에는 취득 시효 제도에 의하여 보호할 소유의 의사로 인정할 수 없다고 할 것이다. 취득시효에 있어서의 소유의 의사는 말 그대로 소유자의 내심의 의사인 것이다. 그러나 이러한 내심의 의사를 기준으로 소유의 의사의 유무를 판단하는 것은 문제가 다른다. 따라서 통설은 이러한 소유의 의사를 점유권원의 성질에 따라 판단해야 한다고 하고, 판례는 점유취득의 원인이 된 권원의 성질이나 점유와 관계가 있는 모든 사정에 의하여 외형적·객관적으로 결정되어야 한다고 하고 있으며, 이러한 견해는 타당하다고 생각된다. 왜냐하면 소유의 의사는 본질적으로는 의사적 요소이지만, 그 존부에 따라 법률효과가 달라지는 것이므로 소유의 의사의 존부를 결정함에 있어서 점유자의 주관적·자연적 의사 에만 의존할 수는 없고, 그 결정 기준을 객관화할 필요가 있으며, 따라서 구체적 객관설이 타당하다.그리고 점유자의 내심의 사실적인 소유의 의사는 객관적인 판단기준에 의하여 직·간 접적으로 추인되거나 의제될 수 있다. 따라서 좁은 의미의 점유권원, 즉 점유를 허용하는 법률행위나 법률규정의 객관적 성질은 점유자의 점유가 자주점유인지 타주점유인지를 직접적으로 추인하며, 점유권원의 성질이 불명확한 때에는 자주점유로 법률상(제197조 제1 항) 추정되므로 점유자의 부동산시효취득을 저지하려는 상대방은 객관적 사정을 주장· 증명야 한다. 그리하여 점유자가 타인을 소유자로 용인하고 점유한다는 점유 개시 당시 또는 그 이후의 객관적 사정은 그의 점유를 타주점유로 간접적으로 추인하게 된다. 또한 타인을 소유자로 용인한다는 것은 규범적으로 판단되어야 하므로 타인을 소유자로 용인 해야 하고, 따라서 규범적으로 판단된 물건반환의무를 점유자가 주관적으로 인식하고 있다는 객관적 사정은 그의 점유를 자주점유가 아닌 것으로 의제하므로 자주점유권원의 부존재에 대한 인식 있는 점유를 비롯한 악의의 무단점유는 자주점유가 아니다. 실제 증명할 자주점유권원도 없고 또한 ‘소유의 의사의 표시’에 의한 자주점유를 인정하지 않는다면 현실적으로 특별한 사정이 있을 수 없으므로 이 경우를 타주점유로 의제하는 것이 합리적이라 생각된다. The Korean Civil Act Article 245(1) provides that a person who has for a period of twenty years peaceably and openly held possession of an immovable property with the will to own it, shall acquire the ownership by making registration thereof. In addition, the Civil Article 197(1) provides that a possessor is presumed to be in possession peaceably, openly, in good faith and with the will of holding as an owner. This means that if a possessor proves that he or she possesses the immovable property for a period of twenty years, he or she can acquire the ownership title of it. However, many scholars have criticized that such a rule is contrary to morality and justice. In 1997, the Korean Supreme Court held that where a person who possessed the immovable property to another in bad faith, the presumption of the Article 197(1) is broken. This means that bad faith possessors who possess the immovable property knowing that they do not own it, no longer acquire the other’s immovable property by acquisitive prescription. However, critics pointed out that the holding lacked the theoretical ground in light of the reading of the Article 197(1) in Korean Civil Act. This article proposed as follows: with respect to the immovable property, it needs to delete the presumption of the will to holding as an owner within the Article 197(1) in Korean Civil Act. In addition, it has to add the element of the possession in good faith to the Article 245(1) in Korean Civil Act. However, it does not have to require possessors to acquire the possession of the immovable property without negligence because this can makes the acquisitive prescription useless. The Article 197 I in Korean Civil Act was affected by Japanese Civil Act which had adopted French Civil Act. However, thinking about this Article, it has a formalism on the transfer of real right in different with Japanese and French Civil Act which have the rule of the will on the transfer of real right. Therefore, Concerning these problems the Korean Supreme Court has interpreted more intensively the presumption of the possession to own it and the acquisitive prescription with possession of the real property. Nevertheless, a few scholar of Korean Civil Act argued that Korea Supreme Court protects strongly the person who makes the acquisitive prescription with possession to own of the real property in the Article 245 I in Korean Civil Act. At first, Korean Supreme Court has acknowledged relatively the objetive concept of the possession to own than in the past, However, in 1997, this Court provided more intensively concretive and objective concept in source of right at the possession to own. Through this case the acquisition of the ownership also is restricted in the lawsuit concerning with possession without permission. I agree to the majority opinion of the Supreme Court 1997.8.21. sentence 95da128625 Decision and possession without permission is not possession with will to own it.

      • 종중(宗中)의 소송상(訴訟上)의 법적(法的) 지위(地位)에 관한 소고(小考)

        최문기 ( Moon Ki Choi ) 경성대학교 법학연구소 2011 경성법학 Vol.20 No.2

        The families of the same clan are groups composed for the protection of common ancestors` groves. memorial service of their ancestors, and cultivation of mutual friendship between the members of the families fo the same clan. Our country has no statutory norms about the families of the same clan, so has regulated them with conventional law. In the meantime, the Supreme Court has had the stance that the families of the same clan are spontaneous groups without any separate organizing act or rules, and they are naturally joined by majorities without any joining procedures. The theory of spontaneity like this has triggered a lot of legal disputes about the families of the same clan. First of all descendents of common ancestors become the members of the families of the same clans by all means without any separate joining procedures. so difficulty of grasping who the members of the families of the same clan are and where they live in convening the general meeting of the families of the same clan for their decision-making makes it hard to notify the call of the general meeting. It is also troubling to understand the scale and existence of the overall members of the families of the same clan in fixing quorum of conference and resolution to decide proceedings or elect a representative. Also whether a member is eligible can be certified only by a clan register, which is a private register, and extinguished or distorted a lot, so if its authenticity is in doubt, it is difficult to catch the descendent of common ancestors. Also up to recently, the qualification of the members of the families of the same clan are granted only to men of legal age, so it has been criticized as discrimination of women, and women`s qualification of the members of the families of the same clan was not accepted until the Supreme Court 2005.7.21. sentence 2002Da1178 Decision. However, the theory of spontaneity like this started on the distorted grasp of conventional practice to theory of spontaneity like this in the Japanese, has brought forth plenty of property disputes of the theory of spontaneity like this these days, so a new approach is necessary. Namely, the families of the same clan should be considered being constituted they have their rules or representatives through artificial organizing acts, and any descendent of common ancestors don`t become the members of the families of the same clan concurrently when they become adults, but need any separate joining procedures. Thus, women or daughters` grandchildren are qualified for the members of the families of the same clan. and become the members of the families of the same clan. And in case of distributing the property of the families of the same clan, it should be considered being allocated only to the members of the families of the same clan. This paper tries to suggest the way to solve these problems by examining theories and relevant precedents about Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person cases, especially the families of the same clan In this paper I have made clear the concept of the families of the same clan as Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person, meaning of collective ownership provisions and analogical application of entity with legal personality provisions to Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person. Though the families of the same clan as Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person has not legal capacity, he may have real eatate registered in his own name according to Regislation of Leal Estate Act. But most same clan have registered his real estate in the name of another person (so called ``title trust``) in the case of the same clan. And then, it examines a guaranty of payment by a representative of Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person for understanding the external relationship of this Non-Juristic Person. In connection with this problem, the Supreme Court of Korea 2007.4.19. sentence, 2004da60072, 60089 Decision narrowly interpreted the article 276(1), which requires of the general meeting resolution for act of management, disposition of object of collective ownership for protecting members who deal with Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person and safety of transaction. This ruling is also criticized that interpreting a guaranty of payment does not fit with collective ownership for promoting the safety of transaction is too much formal and the safety of transaction should be protected by restrictive interpretation of collective ownership through analogical application of entity with legal personality provisions. However, this critical opinion can not be accepted because this criticism is too far from the history and purpose of the article 276(1). This provision does not simply intend to restrict the power of representative. Rather, protection of a third party who transacts with Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person can be achieved by the literal and direct interpretation of the article 276(1) as in the Court decision. I don`t agree to the majority opinion of the Supreme Cout 2005.9.15. sentence, 2004da44971 Decision that act of preservation may not be done without quorum for resolution, I think that object of collective ownership may be preserved by each one having collective ownership. Currenty in Korea, Civil Act reforms are under way, and there are plans to make overall canges for the legal prwisions on Incorporated Body of Non-Juristic Person. I hope that Korean Civil Act regulations reforms for collective ownership will be made. From aspect of legislation, I think that we need to make provisions in Article 276(1) as follows: to add the provisio that object of collective ownership may be preserved by each one having collective ownership. And if there is a third person where right, and interests are infringed by the outcome of a litigation, the court, upon a request of party or the third person or ex officio, may by decision let the third person intervene in the litigation like a necessary co-litigation.

      • KCI등재

        교직윤리의 이론적 토대와 통합적 접근

        최문기 ( Moon Ki Choi ) 한국윤리교육학회 2007 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.12

        교직윤리를 다룰 때, 우선적으로 제기될 수 있는 근본 문제는 과연 ``교수가 전문적인 활동인가 혹은 교직이 전문직인가?``라고 말할 수 있다. 교직을 의사나 변호사와 같은 전문직으로 정의할 경우, 매우 엄격한 훈련이나 까다로운 자격인증 과정을 필요로 하고, 그리고 사회적 규제를 수반하기 때문에, 전문직으로서의 교사의 도덕적 역할과 책임에 관해 부정적인 견해를 견지하는 사람도 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 교사의 교수 활동에는 윤리적 차원이 존재한다. 모든 교사가 직접적으로 도덕적 교육에 연루되는 것은 아니지만, 교육 및 교수는 본래 도덕적인 일이다. 교사의 가르치는 과목에 따라 다소의 차이는 있을 수 있지만, 교사의 기본 활동인 교수의 내용, 방법, 의도/목적에는 대체로 윤리적 성격이 존재한다. 교사가 교실에서 수행하는 일 그리고 학생 지도, 성적 부여, 조직 생활 등과 같은 일반적인 교사 활동 대부분이 학생들의 태도, 신념, 행위에 광범위하게 도덕적 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 감안하면, 교사의 전반적인 행위에는 근본적으로 윤리적 성격이 내재한다고 볼 수 있다. 그런 점에서 교직윤리가 요청된다. 이러한 논의를 근거로 본 논문에서는 먼저 교직윤리의 이론적 배경을 인지적 능력과 관련된 이론, 그리고 정의적 특성과 관련된 이론으로 구분해서 알아보고, 이를 종합하여 교직윤리이론의 통합적 모형을 구성하였다. 그런 다음 교직윤리의 이론과 교직윤리 교육에서 요구되는 통합적 접근의 과제를 알아보았다. 교직윤리의 이론이건 실제 교육에의 적용이든 간에, 인지적 차원에서는 정의 원리에 입각해서 도덕적으로 추론, 판단, 의사결정할 수 있는 능력을 발달시키고, 정의적 차원에서는 배려 성향을 함양하는 것을 균형있게 접근하는 것이 바람직하다. When we treat with the teacher`s professional ethics, we face problems like as ``Is teaching a professionalism?`` or ``Is teacher a professional like lawyer or doctor?`` If we define the teaching as professionalism, it needs very hard training process of acquiring qualification. It also needs much higher moral standard and code. And it accompanies with social regulation. So some keeps the scepticism about the teacher`s moral role and responsibility as a professional. Nevertheless, there are moral dimensions in the teacher`s teaching activities. Although all teachers are not directly involved in the moral education, the teaching is originally a moral endeavor. In spite of some differences among subjects, there are always ethical nature in contents, methods and intentions/ goals of teaching. Almost teacher`s working in classroom as well as general activities such as counselling, giving grades, and organizational lives influence widely the students` attitude, belief, and action. Therefore we can say the teaching professional ethics should be demanded. On these arguments, my paper aims to present the base of teaching professional ethics. These theories can be differentiated into two : theories related with cognitive capabilities, and theories related with affective traits. Then I make a unified theoretical model of teaching professional ethics. Lastly I try to present some tasks of teaching professional ethics education. Whether theories or practices, it is desirable to balance both developing the cognitive capabilities of moral reasoning, judgment, decision making based on the justice principle, and cultivating the affective character on the caring orientation. I hope to help the teacher educators to decide ``what`` and ``how`` of programs in teacher professional ethics education.

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