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      • 충청남도 중·고등학교의 관악부 운영 실태에 관한 분석 연구

        최기봉 목원대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of the study is to find the ways to activate and develop the brass band through researching the running state and the problems of brass band in Chung-nam middle and high school. For study, I surveyed 14 schools among 22 which had run the brass band for the last one year. According to the results of the survey, I made a decision like this: There are a lot of obstacles in managing middle and high school brass band in Chung-nam. First, student and their parents, who can afford to live a life in the city, think the study for college very highly, while hobby and extra activities are not considered very important. So social prejudice against school brass band must be got rid of and they need to realize music as the formal subject for college entrance. Second, teachers have a lot of heavy workload in their schools. As teachers have to direct the brass band every day and have 18 classes a week, they have much difficulty in teaching brass band. Therefore, music teachers should be relieved teachers of the heavy workload by the arrangement of exchange teachers, circuit inspectors, and concurrent teacher. Third, Insufficient financial support is another big problem. For the purchase and mending of musical instruments, continuous financial support is essential for better guidance of the band. Volunteers' and companies' support rather than school's financial support is necessary for long-term development of brass band. Fourth, the conclusive factor in brass band's activities is the sight and interest of students and teachers. Most of schools are interested in the brass band, but many parents and some teachers still think brass band's activities to be the club 'which is disturbing study'. Most teachers leading brass band presently in Chung-nam are middle-old aged men. And they have had professional teaching skill. So if brass band will get a comfortable circumstances and various kinds of financial support, the brass band will develop greatly. Positive thinking about the members of school brass band seems to be in order, along with positive thinking about the educational guidance of their courses.

      • 웹 기반 논리적 UI 모델링 및 모바일 웹 앱 자동 생성 도구의 구현

        최기봉 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        웹 기반 논리적 UI 모델링 및 모바일 웹 앱 자동 생성 도구의 구현 본 논문에서는 논리적 사용자 인터페이스(UI) 모델로부터 모바일 웹 앱을 자동으로 생성하는 도구의 구현을 제시한다. 논리적 UI 모델은 PELUM(Pattern and Event Logical User Interface Modeling)을 기반으로 한다. PELUM은 UI 중심적인 내장형 시스템을 UI 모델링을 통해 효율적으로 개발하기 위한 방법이다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 도구는 모델 편집기와 코드 생성기로 이루어져 있다. 모델 편집기는 웹 상에서 논리적 UI 모델(Logical UI Model, LUM)과 프로그래밍 인터페이스 모델(Programming Interface Model, PIM)을 모델링하는 환경을 제공한다. 코드 생성기는 모델 편집기에서 제공하는 논리적 UI 모델로 앱의 화면구성 및 이벤트 동작을 설정하고 PIM을 기반으로 로컬 데이터베이스 스키마를 자동으로 구성하여 모바일 웹 앱을 생성한다. 생성된 모바일 웹 앱은 사용자가 손쉽게 최적화 할 수 있도록 Model-View-Controller(MVC) 아키텍처로 구현하였다. 이를 통해 사용자는 웹 상에서 논리적 UI를 모델링하여 여러 기기에서 동작 가능한 모바일 웹 앱을 생성할 수 있다.

      • 직영용 차 제도 도입을 통한 화물자동차 운송주선업 발전 방안

        최기봉 서경대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        21세기에 진입하면서 물류산업은 국민경제 견인 산업의 하나로 육성해야 한다는 정부의 보다 높은 의지와 물류효율화를 통한 원가절감과 마케팅 전략의 핵심수단으로 기업들이 인식하게 됨으로써 물류 산업은 국민경제의 경쟁력을 강화시키는 산업영역으로 부상하게 되었다. 물류산업에서 화물운송비가 차지하는 비중은 75~80%, GDP의 10~12%를 차지하며, 특히 화물운송 중에서 화물자동차 운송 분담률이 약 90%, 운송비는 약 65%를 차지하고 있어 전체 화물 운송 중 화물자동차 운송이 차지하는 비중은 매우 크다고 볼 수 있다. 비록 화물자동차 운수업이 국민경제 및 물류산업에서 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있지만 규모의 영세화, 화물터미널 시설 미비, 세제ㆍ금융 제도적 지원 열세 등으로 화물자동차 운수업의 경쟁력은 경영환경 악화와 수익성 감소로 취약하다. 이와 같은 화물자동차 운수업의 경쟁력 취약을 막기 위해서는 무엇보다도 선진화 경영전략을 도입하여 화물자동차 운수업의 경쟁력을 강화하지 않으면 안 된다. 따라서 본 연구는 현 화물자동차 운수사업의 영역 중 화물자동차 운송사업자의 경영환경 및 수익에 절대적인 영향력을 미칠 수 있는 화물자동차 운송주선업의 실태 및 문제점을 도출하고, 화물자동차 운송사업자와 화물자동차 운송주선업자간 상호 Win-Win 할 수 있는 경영전략인 직영용차 제도의 도입을 통해 경영개선 및 발전방향을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. Truck transportation forwarding market quantitatively expanded as can not accomplish major who is qualitative. Specially illegal multi-phase transactions of the Truck transportation forwarder concerned between, is a condition which had become spread at the degree which illegally does not become recognition from transportation market the order of market is the actual condition which is coming to be dizzy with price competition etc. it is a goods subsidiary company appearance and a transition of the big corporation. The research which it sees the stain analyzes the actual condition of the present Truck transportation forwarding business which falls with illegal multi-phase system it sees, is legitimate and with style service from the benefit side of business owner transportation it analyzed the direct management trucking system which is an efficient system in K-company instance and until the precondition for an introduction it referred. Also until currently it tried to observe researches, the truck transportation enterprise it referred the problem point of paltriness, multi-phase transportation and institutional etc. of business owner in the center and effort etc. of effort and the industry of the government the case which presents only the plan which is general consideration was many from improvement program. But the research which it sees applied an actual direct trucking management with corporate strategy and the K-company instance which is in the process of using with putting first and the application of direct management concretely from the profitability side of the style service side and business owner transportation it described substantial and it analyzed. Also it enumerated the precondition for a direct management application with constructions and TMS constructions order of voice and business organization of the car allocation personnel who is excellent to about the enterprise which puts the application of future direct management in mind until Tip it provided. Only, the direct trucking management system follows basically in law of scale economics and the business organization and electric computer system etc. various infra come to equip and the system it will can succeed is and the small transportation gforwarder concerned to introduce it succeeds, the somewhat is difficult the judgment to hold, hereafter petty the research which is systematic and substantial gets deceived in about the corporate strategy for the truck transportation forwarder concerned of a smaller size and the business model but route it confronts it sees.

      • 이종망 연동을 위한 vertical handover시 지속적으로 연결을 유지하는 UDP구현

        최기봉 高麗大學校 大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        무선환경에서의 이동 중 무선 데이터의 사용은 주변 환경으로부터 종종 교란을 받게 된다. 그러나 만약 이동 단말에서 하나 이상의 접근망에 접속 가능하다면 더 나은 조건에 있는 접근망으로 절체함으로써 데이터 흐름이 끊기거나 품질이 떨어지지 않고 유지되도록 관리할 수 있다. 이렇게 선택적으로 대체할 수 있는 접근망 사이에서의 전환을 수직적 핸드오버 (Vertical Handover)라 한다. 본 논문에서는 UDP 프로토콜을 개선하여 UDP 기반의 응용이 수직적 핸드오버에도 불구하고 지속되게 하는 해결책을 제시하고자 한다. 이 해결책은 표준 UDP와 함께 사용될 수 있도록 UDP 헤더를 확장함으로써 이전 표준 UDP와의 호환성을 확보함과 동시에 확장된 UDP를 통해 보다 유연한 기능을 추가할 수 있다. UDP 계층에서 수직적 핸드오버를 처리함으로 써 데이터 전송을 위해 개발된 표준 UDP기반의 응용과의 호환성을 확보한다는 점에서 본 논문은 독자적인 장점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 또한 개선된 UDP의 유용성과 실용성을 증명할 수 있는 시제 소프트웨어를 구현하고 이 구현이 무선 네트워크 환경에서 사용되어지는 이동 단말의 응용을 위한 안정된 환경을 제공할 수 있다는 것을 증명한다. 논문에서 제안한 아이디어는 구체적으로 Wi-Fi나 Mobile WiMAX와 같이 대체할 수 있는 데이터 접속 방식을 통해, 현재 떠오르고 있는 차량용 네트워크 (VANET) 등의 개발이 용이하게 할 수 있다. Wireless connectivity in data networking is frequently disturbed when the user is moving. However, if there is more than one mode of network access given to the mobile device, it could manage to maintain the network connectivity switching to the access mode in better condition. In the literature, the switching between alternative access media is called vertical handover. This thesis proposes a vertical handover solution for UDP-based applications by enhancing the UDP protocol. By extending the UDP header in such a way that legacy UDP implementations can safely handle the extended format, we can achieve the backward compatibility and smooth deployment. Dealing with the vertical handover on the UDP 계층 has distinctive merit that it is transparent to the applications that already use standard UDP for transport. We implement the proof-of-concept prototype of the enhanced UDP, and demonstrate that it can provide a robust environment for the applications running on mobile networks. For instance, the looming vehicular network (VANET) devices can deploy the proposed idea in order to support real-time streaming applications to transparently run over alternative access modes such as Wi-Fi and Mobile WiMAX.

      • 都市 不良住居地域 再開發政策의 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        최기봉 檀國大學校 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        As a basic item today, the fundamental object of the redevelopment policy for squatter areas in city is to settle housing for squatters ttho are in squatter areas. And the question "For whom this redevelopment policy is?" must be answered for the residents who live there In reality, this simple and manifest answer may be, one may say, made by those who do not know the redevelopment policy for squatter areas sell. It is because the redevelopment policy for squatter areas so far has emphasized recovering the aesthetic elements of the city by the management of an unforeseen matter through a makeshift, and because the housing construction in bad housing redevelopment areas has been made only for the policy neglecting the social welfare element, whether this policy contributes to residents or the middle or high income class by improving the housing standard in city. So far, the administrative authorities have considered only the [Place] of squatter areas, while they have not considered the [men] who live there. The basic philosopy of a developing alternative for squatter areas redevelopment from now on is that the counterplan for not only [Place], but also [men] who live in a bad housing environment must be considered, It must be switchovered to the policy for considering their form, consious structure, local culture, living site, etc. In 2 chapter of this study, I discussed that there were three generations in the squatter areas without permission with our historically specific events being dotted with the common experience of the 3th world contributing to the construction of the squatter areas without permission. They are the generation of block village in the colonial period, the second generation of shanty village in the socially calamitous period, and the third generation of dall-village in the over-unbanization period, In this respect, the third generation, today's reality, may be evidently a part of the accumulation of the last history. Therefore, there need to be the systematic arrangement for its historical process In 1 section of 3 chapter, I investigated the arrangement policy for housing without permission of the city of Seoul since 60's based on the tension and conflict between the government and the poor in city in the process of its urbanization. And it lighted up the social character of the policy in Korean society, and the social political aspects of settlements without permission and the poor in city as their residents. In 2 section, I proposed that the problems in the redevelopment policy for squatter areas, - that is, illegal removal and regulation, compulsory moving against the resistance for the living right, commercial redevelopment, and injust distribution of developing interests - have been caused by the lack of just and consistent policy, and the insufficiency of fundamental counterplan. In 4 chapter, 1, as projects to improve such problems, proposed such counterplans as the rationalization of the housing of the poor in city, the introduction of diverse redevelopment methods depending on local specficity, the establishment of the most suitable standard for housing, the making-clear of policy object, and the introduction of banking system for housing redevelopment plan. Now, in the local and democratic era, it is tasks we should consider that the establishment of policy that for whom the redevelopment will proceed, as well as the understanding of what form the resident wishes to redevelopment.

      • 인체 감지 성능 향상을 위한 PIR센서와 IP네트워크 카메라의 정보융합

        최기봉 弘益大學校 大學院 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        현재 우리나라에서 어딜 가나 쉽게 눈에 띄는 것이 있는데 그것은 바로 동작 감지기이다. 이것은 복잡하거나 비싸지 않으면서도, 다방면으로 일상생활에 적용할 수 있다. 동작 감지는 사람들에게 안도감을 주는 동시에 비용을 절감시켜 주는 유용한 방법으로 많이 활용되고 있으나 아직까지는 감지하는 데 있어서 많이 보완해야 할 점이 있는 것이 사실이며 본 논문에서는 PIR(인체 감지 센서)를 활용하여 기존의 IP 네트워크 카메라의 동작 성능 및 기능을 정보 융합하여 영상 감지의 보완활용방안 및 시스템 성능 향상을 다루고자 한다. 이러한 시스템의 설계 과정에서 흔히 중요한 요소로 꼽히는 저 비용 설계와 정보 융합의 두 가지 목표를 고려할 것이다. 먼저, 하드웨어를 살펴보자. 본 설계에서 선정한 센서는 LHI878 센서이며, 이 외에도 다양한 센서가 있지만 손쉽게 구입이 가능하고 가격대비 성능 면에 있어서 활용도가 좋은 편이다. 이 센서는 Pyroelectric Detector Sensor로써 입사한 적외선을 전압의 형태로 변환시켜 광 검출이 가능하도록 하는 Pyroelectric effect를 이용한 Sensor이다. Pyroelectric Sensor는 결정의 금속으로 만들어져 있고, 적외선으로 노출된 부위에 열이 가해지면 표면에 전하가 발생된다. 이런 민감한 특성으로 제작된 센서를 활용하여 동작 감지에 기능을 보완하였다. 또한 감지율을 높이기 위해 프레즈넬 렌즈를 사용하여 기존의 성능을 보완 하였고, 민감도를 높이기 위해 가변저항을 활용함으로써 민감도 향상을 높였다. 최근 적외선 감지를 이용한 다양한 제품이 나오고 있으나 IP네트워크 카메라의 정보를 융합하여 기존의 영상감시에 활용도를 높인 제품이 나와 있지 않은 상황이다. 본 논문에서는 PIR센서 인터페이스와 IP네트워크 카메라 인터페이스의 정보융합을 통해 실시간 감지를 확인 할 수 있는 토대 즉, 감지가 되었을 경우 알람 시간 및 데이터 기록 남겨 언제든지 확인할 수 있는 상황 틀을 완성시켰고, 감지가 되었을 때 실시간으로 검출 하여 상황을 즉각적으로 판단할 수 있는 UI도 확보하였다. 또한 다양한 센서와의 결합을 통한 정보구별 기능 및 성능향상 테스트도 실행하였다. 다양한 결합을 통한 정보융합으로 좀 더 쉽게 상황판단이 용이해지는 장점을 얻게 되었다. In Korea, it is easily noticeable everywhere but it is just a motion detector. This is not complicated or expensive, many aspects can be applied to everyday life. At the same time, Motion detection is to give people a sense of relief and reduce costs and take advantage of the many useful ways, but it still needs to make up for a lot of problems. It is true in this paper. I use PIR (motion sensors) to take advantage of the existing IP network camera's operating performance and ability to take advantage of the complementary detect of the video information fusion and system performance. In these systems, I commonly consider an important factor of the design process of the low-cost design and information fusion counted two goals. First, let's look at the hardware. In this design, the selection of sensors is LHI878 sensor. In addition to there is a variety of sensors but it can be purchased easily and good price performance, the utilization side. This sensor is Pyroelectric Detector Sensor, it convert incident infrared light into the form of sensor voltage so that it can detection to use Pyroelectric effect. Pyroelectric Sensor is made of metal crystals, and infrared heat is applied to the exposed portion of the surface electric charge generated. These take advantage of the sensitive nature of the motion detection sensor designed to complement the function Also, I use Fresnel lens to increase complementary performance and the sensitivity by utilizing the variable resistance, the sensitivity improvement. Recently a variety of products using infrared IP network camera comes out, but the product of converging information and increasing utilization of existing video surveillance situation is not listed. In this paper, if you want to wish in this situation ubiquitously, any time you can see. For example, an IP network camera with PIR sensor interface and the interface in real-time detection, information fusion can be confirmed through the foundation that is detected, the alarm time, and the data record. Thus when it is detected real-time detection of the situation can be readily determined UI is secured. In addition, through a variety of sensors, combination of features and performance enhancements to distinguish information tests were performed. Convergence of information through various combinations make it easier to get the benefits of becoming that an situation was easily determined.

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