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      • 생활폐기물 매립지에 조성된 대구수목원의 식생 관리방안

        채정우 경북대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구는 대구수목원이 전국 최초로 쓰레기 매립장 위에 조성되었다는 점에 착안하여 향후 쓰레기매립장 및 재활용토지위에 조성되는 수목원 및 생태공원의 체계적인 운영에 보탬이 되고자 기초 환경자료를 축적하고 발생이 예상되는 문제점에 대한 관리방안을 미리 도출하는데 초점을 두었다. 연구는 수목원이 위치한 대구지방의 기후조건, 쓰레기 매립장에서 분출되는 메탄의 양, 수목원의 관수에 이용되고 있는 지하수의 수질, 수목원 식재지의 토양을 2001년도에 1차 조사하였고, 2006년도부터 2007년도에 2차 조사를 실시하였다. Starting from recognition that the Daegu Municipal Arboretum (DMA) was established on landfill site for the first time in Korea, this study focused on obtaining basic environmental data and finding out possible ways to cope with potential problems in advance, so that it could contribute to a systematic operation of arboretum and eco-park to be established on the landfills and recycled sites. In 2001, this study conducted first survey on 1) climatic conditions of Daegu municipal area around DMA, 2) volume of methane gas gushing out from landfill site, 3) quality of ground water used for irrigation of DMA, and 4) soil conditions of plant areas in DMA. Then, this study has conducted 2nd survey on them from 2006 to 2007.

      • 집단약물동태학을 이용한 신장이식환자에서 타크로리무스의 개인별 맞춤 용량 설정

        채정우 忠南大學校 大學院 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Tacrolimus is often included in immunosuppressive regimens to prevent allograft rejection after organ transplantation. Tacrolimus, a currently available CNIs (Calcineurin inhibitors) along with cyclosporine, is almost exclusively used in organ transplantation patients. Tacrolimus has a rather narrow therapeutic range and requires close monitoring to ensure adequate immnunosuppression while avoiding side effects such as nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity. Trough concentrations of tacrolimus are known to be significantly associated with clinical outcome, which is in turn prevention of organ rejection. Tacrolimus overdose has been reported to cause toxicity and as such the importance of maintaining proper dosages continues to be emphasized. Nonetheless, due to high intra- inter- individual variability and diurnal variation which altered absorption of tacrolimus as a result of reduced gastrointestinal function in the evening in combination with food effect, predicting the dose to achieve a desired tacrolimus concentration remains difficult. However, demands for dose adjustment of tacrolimus in kidney transplantation considering demographic and clinical characteristics still are required. The purpose of this study is to build a population pharmacokinetic model of tacrolimus in healthy human and to confirm diurnal variation. Diurnal variation also applied to kidney transplantation patients. After building a population pharmacokinetics model of tacrolimus in kidney transplant patients, we investigate the covariates using SCM, FFEM and FREM that have a significant effect on pharamcokinetic parameters of tacrolimus. Covariates searched from FREM are clinically important not only significantly effective, and reliable rather than the SCM, FFEM. So, final model included covariates searched from FREM. To evaluate final model’s robustness and stability, VPC analysis and bootstrap with 2,000 replicates were performed. To apply for individual dose adjustment of kidney transplantation patients, several scenario were made by varying of covariates searched from FREM (CL/F – WTKG, HT, CYP, Vd/F – WTKG, HT, AGE). After simulation of Ctrough following every scenario, most proper dosage readjustment were identified and suggested. Although a prospective study with adequate number of patients should be conducted to apply to patients who start tacrolimus after kidney transplantation, the dose suggestions following the different demographic characteristics would be helpful to develop rational guidelines for the individualized dosage regimen of tacrolimus.

      • 식이섬유소재를 첨가한 냉동 떡볶이 떡의 품질특성

        채정우 계명대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        탄수화물이 주를 이루는 떡볶이의 영양 불균형을 개선하기 위하여 식이섬유소재를 첨가한 떡볶이 떡을 제조하였다. 치커리 분말, 대두 분말, 아가검을 10% 첨가하여 제조한 후 2주간 냉동(-20℃)하고 조리 전·후 떡의 품질을 연구하였다. 식이섬유소재를 첨가한 떡의 조리 손실률은 대조구와 비교하여 모두 유의적으로 증가하였고, 치커리 분말 첨가 떡의 고형분 용출량이 가장 높았다. 치커리 분말의 첨가는 대조구와 비교하여 쌀가루의 치반점도와 떡볶이 떡의 경도를 유의적으로 감소시켰으며, 떡의 수분함량과 조리 후 부착성은 유의적 변화가 없었다(p<0.05). 그러나 조리 후 응집성은 식이섬유소재 첨가군 가운데 가장 높았다. 반면 대두 분말과 아가검 첨가군은 조리 전·후 떡의 경도가 높고 응집성이 낮았다. 이상의 결과, 치커리 분말이 떡볶이 떡의 식이섬유소재 첨가물로서 가장 적합한 식품소재로 생각된다. To improve the nutritional balance of Topokki Garaedduck (TG), which contains mostly carbohydrates, we added 10% of chicory powder, soybean powder, and agar gum to TG, respectively and then froze (at -20℃) for two weeks. Cooking loss of TG with added dietary fiber was significantly (p < 0.05) increased compared to control. The addition of chicory powder resulted in a significant decrease in setback viscosity of rice flour and no difference in moisture content and adhesiveness of cooked TG. It did cause, however, a decrease in hardness and the highest cohesiveness among the sources of dietary fiber added to cooked TG. On the other hand, soybean powder and agar gum added to TG led to an increase in hardness and a decrease in cohesiveness before and after cooking. As a result, chicory powder is considered to be the most suitable food material as a dietary fiber additive for TG.

      • 교과서 수학과 대학수학능력시험의 비교

        채정우 중앙대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        이 연구는 수능 수리영역과 현재 고등학교에서 사용 중인 교과서 간의 상관관계를 알아보기 위하여 수행되었다. 연구의 결과는 많은 사람들의 예상과는 다르게 나왔다. 즉, 교과서에 따라 약간의 차이는 존재하였으나 대부분의 수리영역 문제가 모든 수학 교과서에 수록되어 있었다. 이는 수능을 준비함에 있어서 교과서가 매우 신뢰할만한 자료라는 결론을 내릴 수 있었다. 하지만 교과서들 간에 존재하는 차이점을 해소하기 위한 사회적인 노력이 조금 더 필요하다고 생각된다. This study has been performed to find out the correlations between KSAT math test and the textbook currently used in high schools. The result deviates from the expectation of many people, which means although there are slight differences for the various textbooks. Majority of the KSAT math problems can be found in all of the textbooks. We could conclude that the textbooks are the most reliable source for students in preparing KSAT even though more social efforts are needed to eliminate the differences between textbooks.

      • 하자있는 물건을 인도받은 특정물 매수인의 권리 : 민법 제580조를 중심으로

        채정우 서강대학교 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        <Zu den Rechten des K ufers einer mangelhaften Sache beim Spezieskauf> (Insbesondere betreffs des koreanischen Zivil- rechts §580) Diese Abhandlung ist eine Untersuchung zu den Rechten des K ufers beim Spezieskauf, der eine mangelhafte Sache empf ngt. Im koreanischen Zivilrecht kann der K ufer einer mangelhaften Sache R cktrittsrecht und Schadensersatzanspruch haben(§§580, 581). Nach Herrschender Lehre sind diese Rechte des K ufers unabh ngig davon, ob der Verk ufer den Mangel zu vertreten hat oder nicht. Aber das Verh ltnis zwischen dem Sachmangelhaft- ungsrecht und allgemeinen Leistungsst rungsrecht im koreanischen Zivilrecht ist unklar. Literaturen stehen dar ber auseinander entgegen. In der Literatur ist noch umstritten, ob es Inhalt der Erf llung- spflicht des Verk ufers ist, die Kaufsache frei von Sachm ngeln zu liefern. Diese Streitfrage ist nicht nur von theoritischer Bedeutung, sondern auch von praktischer Bedeutung. Nur wenn die Sachmangelfreiheit zur Erf llungspflicht geh rt, kann der K ufer die Annahme einer mangelhaften Sache ablehnen. Zus tzlich Im koreanischen Zivilrecht gibt es anderen Fragenumstand. Der historische Hintergrund der Sachmangelhaf- tung geht auf das r mische Recht zur ck. Das r mische Recht gibt dem K ufer des mangelhaften Sklaven und Viehs die Rechte, den Kaufvertrag r ckg ngig zu machen und den Kaufpreis herabzusetzen. Dieserart Regeln bten gro en Einflu auf das deutsche Zivilrecht(BGB) und andere europ ische Staaten aus. Das koreanische Zivilrecht jedoch sonderbarerweise gibt dem K ufer die Rechte zusammen, den Kaufvertrag r ckg ngig zu machen und Schadensersatz zu verlangen. Ferner sehr naiv und einfach ist das koreanische Zivilrecht im Bezug auf Sachmangelhaftung. Daher stellen sich folgende Fragen : Erstens, wenn der Verk ufer dem K ufer eine mangelhafte Sache liefert, dann kann der K ufer die Annahme der Sache ablehnen? Zweitens, wenn ja, welche Bedeutung hat das Sachmangelhaf- tungsrecht im koreanischen Zivilrecht? Drittens, wie ist das Verh ltnis Zwischen dem Leistungsst r- rungsrecht und Sachmangelhaftungsrecht? Ist das Sachmangel- haftungsrecht die das Leistungsst rungsrecht abschlie ende und absperrende Regelung auch im koreanischen Zivilrecht? Der Schlu dieser Abhandlung ist folgendes : Erstens, die beide Parteien des Kaufvertrags k nnen vertraglich den Inhalt des Vertrag frei bestimmen. Dieser erfa t selbstver- st ndlich die "Sollbeschaffenheit" der Kaufsache. Daher wenn der Verk ufer dem K ufer eine Sache anders als vertraglich vorausgesetzt abliefert, kann der K ufer die Annahme der vertragswidrigen Sache ablehnen. Zweitens, Im koreanischen Zivilrecht kann mann die Regelungen ber die Sachmangelhaftung nicht als die das Leistungsst rung- srecht abschlie ende und absperrende Regelungen betrachten. Das Sachmangelhaftungsrecht des koreanischen Zivilrechts ist als zu einfach und naiv beurteilt. Solches Sachmangelhaftungsrecht kann das allgemeine Leistungsst ungsrecht nicht abschlie en. Wenn mann das Sachmangelhaftungsrecht f r abschlie ende Regelung halten will, soll das Recht die hinreichende und ausf hrliche Regelungen erhalten. Drittens, der Schadensersatzanspruch in der §580 kann als derselbe wie in der §390 beurteilt werden nicht. Denn die Sachmangelhaftung in der §580 ist die Haftung des Verk ufers unabh ngig von Verschulden, kann mann den Schadensersatz- anspruch der §580 als denselben wie in der §390 nicht betrachten. Daher gibt es die Notwendigkeit, den Kreis des Schadensersatzanspruchs in der §580 zu beschr nken. Der Kreis des Schadensersatzanspruchs in der §580 wird auf die Differenz zwischen dem Wert der sachmangelhaften Sache und der mangelfreien Sache beschr nkt(ohne R cktrittsrecht). Wenn der K ufer den Schadensersatz mit dem R cktritt verlangt, wird der Kreis des Schadensersatzanspruchs auf die au er Gebrach kommende Vertragskosten beschr nkt.

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