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      • KCI등재

        초등저학년 읽기 수업모형 및 지도안 연구

        지수현,김혜정 미래영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학 Vol.26 No.2

        Language education by reading has many advantages for the EFL learner. Effective reading practices for elementary school students involves reading storybooks as well as non-fiction works for practical informative purposes. Reading fiction and non-fiction literature at the same time helps build background knowledge and develop young learners' vocabulary. It also offers young learners great motivation and inspiration(Soalt, 2005), and serves as an effective tool in the development of student literacy(Yopp & Yopp, 2002). Recently in Korea, there have been several studies on the subject. Sumi-Kim (2011) noted that educators who combine both fiction and non-fiction materials in class improve students' reading comprehension abilities. Therefore, this study will look at how to utilize reading techniques for developing literacy. The first part of this paper will address the concept for reading classes and presentations. The second part will address proposed lesson plans that implement this concept. In the conclusion, the successful results from this research paper will be discussed for achieving any educators' intentions of developing effective written language communication skills in English education.

      • KCI등재

        Re-reading of Winston Churchill’s Postwar Speech “The Sinews of Peace” (1946): - Metaphoric Success and Limitations as a Deliberative Genre -

        지수현,이상철 한국수사학회 2019 수사학 Vol.0 No.34

        This thesis aims to analyze Winston Churchill’s postwar Fulton Address, “The Sinews of Peace”, its metaphoric strengths and limitations from the perspective of deliberative genre. More famously known as the “Iron Curtain” speech, this speech’s archetypal metaphor is a theatrical metaphor of ‘iron curtain’ which has been frequently analyzed in the past. In contrast, other metaphors such as ‘sinews’ (body, muscle metaphor), ‘Tower of Babel’ and ‘Temple of Peace’ (biblical, religious metaphor) have received less attention. We will attempt to evaluate the functions of these metaphors as well as their overall effect in correlation with audience reception. Another noticeable and interesting term “English-Speaking peoples” coined by Churchill serves as an aphorism connected to “fraternal association” which indicates a rather insensitive approach that alienated non-English speaking peoples. In addition, a number of previous researches defines this speech more as an epideictic, not a deliberative speech and therefore failed politically. However, we will re-read this speech as a deliberative genre and evaluate relevant factors by close textual analysis. “The Sinews of Peace”, as a deliberative genre, can be argued as being persuasive and a metaphoric success that transcends over time and culture.

      • KCI등재

        일본 고산사(高山寺) 원효(元曉) 진영 가사에 대한 이해

        지수현 사단법인한국교수불자연합회 2022 한국교수불자연합학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        This study is designed to help understand the kasa costumes expressed in Wonhyo (671-686)’s portraiture which is housed in the Gosansa Temple (高山寺; Gojinji) that was founded by Japanese monk Myeonghye (明惠; Myoe, 1173-1232)around the 13th century, outside Kyoto. To achive the goal, first of all, literatures were reviewed to investigate the positional identity of Wonhyo who lived in the 7th century with three major biographies widely cited as primary materials that deal with Wonhyo’s life and his stories, 《Seodanghwasangbi (誓幢和上碑)》, 《Songgoseungjeon (宋高僧傳》, and 《Samgukyusa (三國遺事)》, and 《Bunhwangsahwajaengguksabi (芬皇寺和諍國師碑)》 built in the 12th century. Second, in order to understand the kasa costumes that appear in Wonhyo’s portraiture, this study examined the origin of Korean kasa and its changes by time focusing on kasa relics associated with the icons of monks. Instead of observing the actual objects, this researcher investigated the forms with existing relics reported in previous studies and limited the range to the relics from the early- and mid-Joseon corresponding to the Muromachi period of Japan according to the years. Wonhyo was once a monk but returned to the secular world and ended his life as Geosa (居士:ordinary man). After that, we can see that such titles as Hwasang (和尙: grand monk), Beopsa (法師:Buddhist priest ), Guksa (國師:National monk), and Seongsa (聖師: Saint master) were given to him in order in different times. Kasa, the Buddhist costume, functioned as ritual items to realize and imprint on their mind the practical virtues that those who already follow Buddhist principles in the reign of Buddha should practice in their everyday lives. Although kasa has changed by time, become subdivided, and gotten diversified to show the dharma-dhātu of monks, the principles first set by Buddha have been maintained in the forms of Jeonsangeui (田相衣:furrow shaped dress) equipped with jo (條:vertical pieces) and je (堤:horizontal pieces) despite the thousand years that have passed. It is unusual that we can see kasa worn by a Korean monk with Wonhyo’s portraiture that is the oldest among the ones that are present as it is housed in the Hwaeom temple founded by Myoe, a Japanese monk, after more than 500 years have passed after Wonhyo’s death. The kasa worn by Wonhyo who lived in the 7th century is clearly expressed by a Japanese monk as red and greenish kasa having 9 josu (條數 number of vertical pieces) with leaf decorations and has been transmitted up to now. 본 연구는 13세기경 일본 승려 명혜(明惠, 1173-1232)가 교토 외곽에 창건한 고산사(高山寺 고진지)에 소장된 현전하는 가장 오래된 원효(671-686) 진영으로 알려진 모습에 표현된 가사 복식에 대한 이해를 돕고자 고안되었다. 원효는 출가승이었다가 환속하여 거사(居士)로 생을 마쳤다. 이후 그에게 화상(和尙), 법사(法師), 국사(國師), 성사(聖師)라는 호칭이 시대를 달리하며 차례로 주어졌으며 최고의 법위를 가진 위격으로 존칭되는 것을 볼 수 있다. 가사의 기원과 변천을 통해 삼국시대에 보이는 가사는 수.당대에 나타난 조(條)와 제(堤)와 같은 단격을 지닌 전상의(田相衣) 형태를 유지하고 있는 첩상 가사이거나 단일색의 가사일 수 있음을 알 수 있다. 이후 고려시대 광종대(949-975)에 국사 또는 왕사와 같은 승려의 법계가 보이며 1190년에 세워진 《분황사화쟁국사비 芬皇寺和諍國師碑》에서 원효는 ‘화쟁국사’로 의상을 ‘원교국사’라 칭하여 지위를 확인할 수 있다. 1206년 승려 명혜에 의해 창건된 고산사에는 원효의 진영 외에도 가마쿠라시대(鎌倉時代 1185-1333)에 제작되었다는『화엄종조사회전(華嚴宗朝師繪傳)』, 일명「화엄연기」라 불리는 회권(繪卷 에마키)이 남아있다. 이 회권에서 원효는 전상의 첩상가사를 착용한 모습으로 묘사되고 있다. 고산사 소장 원효 진영은 무로마치 시대(1336-1573)에 이모(移模)되어 전해지고 있으며 가마쿠라 시대에 앞서 고려시대 가사에 대해 기술하고 있는『선화봉사고려도경(宣和奉使高麗圖經)』에 왕사(王師)와 국사(國事)는 긴 소매의 편삼(장수편삼, 가사 밑에 입는 소매가 긴 저고리)과 금발차(金跋遮)를 착용하고, 아래에는 자상(紫裳)을 입고 검은 가죽에 방울이 달린 신발(烏革鈴履)을 신었다고 하였다. 15세기 진영에 표현된 7세기 승려 원효의 가사 차림을 정확한 측색과 실물 자료가 없는 회화 자료를 토대로 고찰한다는 것은 연구의 한계이자, 추후 보완될 점이라고 본다. 그럼에도 불구하고 진영 속 원효 가사의 몇 가지 특징은 가사의 구성면에서는 조(條)와 제(堤)가 바둑판처럼 뚜렷하게 보이며, 첩의 부착 여부는 알 수 없으나 9조의 조수를 가진 첩상가사로 추정해 본다. 착용면에서는 고려시대 승려 복식 구성과 같이 편삼(偏衫)과 하상(裳)를 하고 그 위에 가사를 드리운 것으로 본다. 그리고 방울 달린 신발을 일습으로 착용한 것으로 본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        개인 소장 근・현대 어린이 복식품에관한 소고(小考)

        지수현 단국대학교 석주선기념박물관 2019 한국 복식 Vol.- No.42

        본 연구는 전통 자수품을 수집해 온 민연화(1954∼) 개인이 소장하고 있는 자수복식품들 가운데학계에 보고되지 않은 어린이 복식품 일부를 소개하고자 고안되었다. 수집해 온 250여점의 복식품들가운데 어린이 복식품은 약 20여점에 이르고 있으며, 이 중에서 고찰 대상이 되었던 소장품은 전복2점, 저고리 3점, 마고자 1점, 풍차바지 6점, 굴레 3점으로 총 15점이다. 연구의 목적은 개인 소장가가 애호적 입장에서 수집한 전세 유물들에 대한 학술적 가치를 파악하기 위한 것이며 구체적인 목표는 전세 유물의 조형적 특징을 살펴보고 유물의 사료적 가치를 검토해 볼 수 있기 위한 기초 자료를제공하는 것이다. 목적 달성을 위해 어린이 복식에 대한 연구 논고, 전시 도록을 포함한 출간 서적및 사진 자료들 가운데 시대가 명시된 동일 품목들과의 조형적 비교를 소재, 구성, 바느질 방법 등에대한 실증적 자료를 제시하고자 한다. 이에 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 소장자의 유물은 1920년대에서 늦게는 1970년대 말 즈음에 이르는 시기의 유물들로 보인다. 어린이 전복[No.1] [No.2]의 경우 1900년대 초반으로 추정되는 이화여대박물관 소장품인 연두색 전복의 양식과 유사한 방식으로 제작된 것을 볼 수 있다. 자수돌띠 색동저고리[No.3]과 색동감으로 섶을 한 2점의 저고리[No.4∼5]는 1920년대 이후 보이는 양식이다. 색동마고자[No.6]은 20세기 영왕의 아들 구의 돌 생신 의대 중 남송색동부금동배자라고 하는 왕실 양식과 유사하나 바느질은 매우 거칠었다. 풍차바지 6점[No.7∼11]은 모두 동일한 치수로 돌장이를 위해 한 곳에서 제작된 것으로 추정된다. 1970년대 말 경 등장한 깨끼 바느질에 적합한 소재로 유통되던 ‘깔깔이’라는 소재를 안감으로 한 초록풍차바지 [No.11]을 제외하고 안감은 모두 목면 계통이다. 굴레 3점은 자수문양, 정수리 장식 등이 1920년대 전후의 유물에서 보이는 유물들의 양식들과 유사하였다.[No.13∼15]개인 수집가의 소장품에 대한 편년을 추정하는 기준을 실물 자료가 아닌 박물관 도록이나 연구 논문에 게시된 사진에 의거한 만큼 후속 고찰을 통한 면밀한 검증이 요구된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 복식사 연구의 한 영역을 점유하고 있는 어린이 복식 연구에 실물 자료로써 의미 있는 개인 소장품을 소개한 것에 의의를 갖고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to introduce some of the children’s costumes that haveyet to be reported to scholars, of all the embroidered costumes owned by MinYeon-hwa(1954-), a lover and private collector of embroidery. About 20 of the 250 orso costume items are for children, and the study has examined total 15 items composedof 2 pieces of koeja (‘long vest’), 3 pieces of jeogori (‘vest-shaped armhole jacket’), 1piece of magoja (‘bolero’), 6 pieces of pungchabaji (‘baby pants’), and 3 pieces of gule(‘baby cap’). The purpose of the study is to determine the academic value of theartifices handed down through generations that are collected by a private collector, andspecifically, to date the artifices handed down through generation and elucidate theirrepresentational characteristics. To accomplish the purpose, the study aims to identifythe detailed information and representational characteristics of the artifices and get arough date for them by comparing them with the identical costumes which show inpublished books and photos including the research papers and exhibition catalogs onchildren’s costumes. Then, the study has come up with the following conclusion. Thecollector’s artifices appear to date back to the period between the 1920s and the late1970s. The children’s koeja [No.1][No.2] was made in the method that is similar to themethod for making the yellow-green jeonbok (‘long vest’), which is kept at EwhaWomans University Museum and is believed to have been made in the early part of thefirst decade of the twentieth century. Jasu doltti saekdong jeogori (‘vest-shaped armholejacket with multicolored sleeves that includes a embroidered first anniversary sash’)[No. 3] and 2 pieces of jeogori (armhole jacket’) which includes a gusset made with amulticolored fabric [No. 4-5] are of a style that appeared in the 1940s or later. saekdong magoja (‘bolero with multicolored sleeves’) [No. 6] is similar to the royal style called Namsongsaekdongbugeumdongbaeja, as part of the clothing worn by Gu, a sonof the 20th-century king, on his first birthday, but the sewing involved is quite gross. Pungcha baji (‘baby pants’) were made like women’s underpants, not sapokbaji, thatincludes a waist without a vest waist. Except for the green pungcha baji [No.11] thatuses as its liner kkalkkali, which was supplied as a material suitable for kkaekki(‘gossamer clothes with linings’) sewing, all the liners were cotton fabrics. 3 pieces ofgule (‘baby cap’) carry decorations that resemble those for embroidered decorations ortop of head decorations that show in those artifices dated to the 1920s. As the itemsowned by a private collector have been dated according to the photos included inmuseum catalogs or research papers instead of actual artifices, a more meticulousverification through follow-up examinations should be necessary. Nonetheless, thisstudy is significant, in that it introduces private collections which are meaningful asactual materials for the study of children’s costumes, which takes up an area in thestudy of the costume history.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of NiO films prepared by atomic layer deposition using bis(ethylcyclopentadienyl)-Ni and O2 plasma

        지수현,장우성,손정욱,김도형 한국화학공학회 2018 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.35 No.12

        Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) is well-known for fabricating conformal and uniform films with a well-controlled thickness at the atomic level over any type of supporting substrate. We prepared nickel oxide (NiO) thin films via PEALD using bis(ethylcyclopentadienyl)-nickel (Ni(EtCp)2) and O2 plasma. To optimize the PEALD process, the effects of parameters such as the precursor pulsing time, purging time, O2 plasma exposure time, and power were examined. The optimal PEALD process has a wide deposition-temperature range of 100-325 oC and a growth rate of 0.037±0.002 nm per cycle. The NiO films deposited on a silicon substrate with a high aspect ratio exhibited excellent conformality and high linearity with respect to the number of PEALD cycles, without nucleation delay.

      • KCI등재

        지역농산물의 회분 및 무기질 함량 비교

        지수현,강정화,조경숙,이선경,김행란,최용민,이유석,Ji, Soo-Hyun,Kang, Jeong-Hwa,Jo, Gyeong-Suk,Lee, Sun-kyung,Kim, Haeng-Ran,Choi, Young-min,Lee, You-Seok 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate ash and mineral contents of agricultural products that are widely and specifically grown in Korea, including 23 fruits, 11 cereals and specialty crops, and 11 leaves and vegetables. Pre-treatment of mineral was performed by microwave method. Mineral contents were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrophotometry Mass (ICP-MS). Ash contents ranged from 0.20 to 0.69 g/100 g in fruits, 1.62 to 3.80 g/100 g in cereals, and 0.28 to 2.93 g/100 g in leaves and vegetables. Among the 45 samples, the highest contents of ash were found in quinoa (average 3.80 g/100 g), the highest contents of calcium (Ca) were found in Hansan ramie leaves (average 894.79 mg/100 g), the highest contents of phosphorus (P) were found in yellow amaranth(average 661.88 mg/100 g), the highest contents of potassium (K) were found in quinoa (average 1,455.38 mg/100 g), the highest contents of magnesium (Mg) were found in red amaranth (average 434.02 mg/100 g), the highest contents of molybdenum (Mo) were found in moringa (average $482.50{\mu}g/100g$), and the highest contents of selenium (Se) were found in apple mango(average $23.67{\mu}g/100g$).

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