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      • 展示會 參加業體의 參加成果 影響要因에 관한 硏究 : 서울 국제 판촉물 및 생활용품전을 중심으로

        조영룡 한림대학교 국제학대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The subject of this study is companies that participate in national exhibitions to analyze how they recognize and grasp the influence of factors regarding their participation and its results. Such factors were classified into six categories: the companies’internal/external factors in choosing to participate in an exhibition; special characteristics of the companies; factors that give rise to actions taken prior to, during, and after the exhibition. Post-exhibition results were analyzed by comparing (1) sales, (2) information collection, and (3) image construction. Variables in considering exhibitors’ internal factors in choosing to participate in an exhibition include the size of booths, operation costs of running a booth, and expected number of sales. The aforementioned factors establish a notable relationship to the results of participating in an exhibition. External factors include the objective of participating in an exhibition, reputation of the exhibition organizer, and the number and involvement of competitors in the exhibition. Although the number of rival companies participating in an exhibition may be dismissed, the subject’s agreement with the objective of the exhibition and reputation of the organizer are seen to establish a significant role in part. It is apparent that most companies consider internal factors prior to participating in an exhibition, while the reason for their participation is more topromote their products and increase sales rather than competition. Special characteristics of exhibitors were analyzed by looking at the size of the companies and the number of participation in various exhibitions but both variables were dismissed. Thus, characteristics of the companies were not seen to establish a notable relationship to the outcome of their participation in exhibitions. The number of times a company has participated in exhibitions is concluded to add to the company’s accumulated know-how in exhibit management, while establishing no notable relationship between the size of the company or annual sales and exhibition results. It can thus be concluded that companies enter exhibitions without concrete planning but according to the sensibility of the proprietorship or management. Exhibitors may be more successful in their participation when they strategize marketing in consideration of their own company and the related market to form a more calculated objective. Factors and variablesthat govern actions taken prior to an exhibition (such as training of manpower, securing visitors, customizing promotional materials), suppositions and variables during the exhibition (such as special on-site events, distribution of promotional materials,consulting activities of staff manning the booth, on-site sales), and suppositions and variables regarding post-exhibition activities (such as sending out thank-you letters, sales staff visits, immediate and delayed post-exhibition follow-up) were all concluded to establish a significant relationship with exhibition results. It is discerned that exhibitors recognize the importance of exhibitions (prior to, during, and after completion of) in order to effectively promote their products and create sales. However, exhibitors often do not pay adequate attention to all of the different activities and factors of their participation due to their circumstances or costs involved, which give rise to a decrease in positive results, consequently complaining to theexhibition organizer that they have few visitors or effects of their participation are not notable. Companies that participate in exhibitions must take all related activities mentioned above into a deep consideration, while exhibition organizers must enforce a correct understanding of the critical nature of all exhibition-related factors and attract prospective buyers through various promotional activities. Exhibition results were classified into quantitative and non-quantitative elements, among which quantitative elements were further classified into sales while non-quantitative elements into data collection and image construction, for analysis to clarify one that is the most influential. Elements regarding sales were set aside as a point of reference. Sales were quantified according to the number of consultations and contracts made, number of visitors to a booth, and the number of contacts with clients. Among such variables, the number of booth visits was dismissed but the number of consultations and contracts made, as well as the number of contacts with clients were considered and found to be influential in exhibition results. In supposition Ⅱ2, it was found that data collection (variablesincluding exhibited product evaluation, assessment of new competitors, trends in clientele and industry) affects exhibition results. When variables regarding companies’ merit recognition and their image constructionwere taken to be quantified in supposition Ⅱ3, all assumptions and variables relating to image constructions were dismissed with the exceptionof market competitive factors. It is, therefore, difficult to clarify that there is a notable relationship between exhibition results and image construction. It is thus concluded that exhibitors often pay a closer attention to sales and data collection rather than image construction. This study involved categorizing and organizing existing documents on exhibition participation results and their effects to analyze each factor’s influence. Exhibition participation result factors were then classified into quantifiable and non-quantifiable, while also three factors were extracted for calculation of relativity. Factors that are most critical to exhibitors when looking at exhibition results were subsequently deduced. Research must go beyond looking only at the exhibition selection, characteristics of participating exhibitors, involved activities according to the exhibition timeline, and exhibitionresults to study each factor and variable, how they are related, and how much effect each brings. The number and scope of studied subjects must be enlarged and substantial quantification be done to compare exhibitions of related industries and domestic/overseas exhibitions to see how different factors affect exhibitionresults.

      • 폐업 소상공인의 재무적자본·시장경쟁력·사회적자본 손실지각이 재기의도에 미치는 영향 : 실패두려움의 매개효과와 창업자기효능감의 조절효과를 중심으로

        조영룡 숭실대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        With the recent rapid transition to the digital economy due to long-term slow growth, the 4th industrial revolution, and COVID-19, the sustainability of small businesses, the foundation of the national economy, is in danger. This study aims to confirm whether the perception of loss of competitive advantage in the field activates the psychological response of fear of failure and how the activated fear of failure affects the direction of employment and re-startup by classifying the obstacles experienced by small business owners during business operation as a resource-based perspective, a market-oriented perspective, and a social capital perspective based on the traditional management theory. This study aims to research whether obstacles affect the tendency to recover using the fear of failure as a mediating effect through psychological reactions when faced with various threatening obstacles while preparing or operating a business. Additionally, it is to examine the trend in which the perception of loss in three fields changes the fear of failure through entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and to make proposals for (re)startup and policy establishment. This study analyzed the research model using a sample of 413 small business owners who have experienced business closure. The followings are the summary of the results. First, in the effect of perceived loss factors on the fear of failure, it was found that loss of financial capital, loss of market competitiveness, and loss of social capital had a significant positive (+) effect on fear of failure. In other words, it was confirmed that the fear of failure was a dynamic, situational and reactive psychological variable as it was activated by threatening obstacles that could be faced during start-up and business growth and maintenance. Second, in the effect of the fear of failure on the re-establishment tendency, it was confirmed that it had a significant negative (-) effect on the re-startup factor, but did not have a significant effect on the employment factor (p=0.068). However, it can be seen that when the significance level (p-value ,0.1) is alleviated, there is a positive (+) effect, and based on the fear of failure, the will to work (0.102) and the will to start a new business (-0.109) showed a negative effect. Third, in the path of the will to work out of the mediating effect verification result of the perceived loss, fear of failure and employment and re-startup, perception of loss of market competitiveness → Fear of failure → Willingness to work were significant on the career path, but the mediating effect of the financial and social capital loss on the fear of failure on the will to work was not significant. However, the mediating effect of fear of failure was confirmed in all three fields in the path of re-startup intention in the perception of loss of financial capital, market competitiveness, and social capital in the path based on the will to re-establish business as a dependent variable. Fourth, in the moderating effect of perceived loss and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in three areas based on traditional management theory, there was significant difference according to the 'high' and 'low' of the entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and there was significant difference in fear of failure in the perceived loss of market competitiveness and the perceived loss of social capita. However, no significant difference could be identified between the two groups in terms of the financial loss factor. The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to secure a competitive advantage by reflecting market conditions and responding to various obstacles when preparing for start-up for small business owners who are preparing for employment or re-startup, and prospective entrepreneurs who are challenging start-ups through new ideas. I hope that it will serve for small business owners, who are the backbone of the Korean economy, either closing their business or considering an exit strategy as a reference indicator for support policies for a virtuous cycle structured start-up ecosystem where failure can become another beginning and starting point. Finally, I would like to emphasize the urgency of various academic approaches and research in the field of failure. 최근 장기적인 저성장세, 4차산업 혁명, 코로나 19 등으로 인한 디지털경제로의 급전환에 따라 국민경제의 근간인 소상공인의 지속가능성은 상당히 위태로운 현실이다. 본 연구는 소상공인이 사업운영 시 경험했던 장애요인을 전통적인 경영이론인 자원기반관점, 시장지향관점, 사회적자본관점으로 구분하고, 세분야의 경쟁우위 손실지각이 실패에 대한 두려움이란 심리적 반응을 활성화시키는지 또한, 활성화 된 실패두려움이 취업과 재창업의 재기방향성에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 확인하고자 한다. 사업을 준비하거나 사업을 운영하면서 다양한 위협적인 장애요인을 직면 시 심리적반응을 통해 재기적 성향에 영향을 미치는지를 실패두려움을 매개효과로 연구하고, 세 분야의 손실지각이 창업자기효능감을 통해 실패두려움의 변화 추이를 검토하여 (재)창업과 정책수립에 제언하고자 한다. 본 논문은 폐업을 경험한 소상공인 413명을 표본으로 연구모형을 분석하였는데 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지각된 손실요인이 실패에 대한 두려움에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과 재무적자본 손실, 시장경쟁력 손실, 사회적자본 손실이 실패두려움에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미친다고 나타났다. 즉 실패에 대한 두려움은 창업 및 기업의 성장·유지 시 직면 할 수 있는 위협적인 장애요인에 의해 활성화 됨에 따라 동태(動態)적이며, 상황·반응적인 심리적변수로 확인되었다. 둘째, 실패두려움이 재기성향에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과 재 창업요인에는 유의한 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것이 확인되었으나, 취업요인(p=0.068)에는 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 그러나, 유의수준(p값 ,0.1)을 완화 시 정(+)의 영향을 미친다고 볼 수 있으며, 또한 실패두려움을 기준하여 취업의지(0.102), 재창업의지(-0.109)의 재기성향은 역(逆)의 관계성을 갖고 있음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 셋째, 지각된 손실과 실패두려움 취업과 창업 재기의 경로에서 매개효과검증결과 중 취업의지경로에서 시장경쟁력 손실지각 → 실패두려움 → 취업의지는 유의하였으나, 재무적자본손실 및 사회적자본손실이 취업의지에서 실패두려움의 매개효과는 유의하지 않았다. 그러나 재 창업의지를 종속변수로 기준한 경로에서 재무적자본, 시장경쟁력, 사회적자본 손실지각에서 재창업의지의 경로에서는 세 분야의 모든 경로에서 실패두려움의 매개효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 넷째, 전통적인 경영이론을 기준한 3분야의 지각된 손실과 창업자기효능감의 조절효과는 창업자기효능감의 ‘고’, ‘저’에 따라 시장경쟁력 손실지각, 사회적자본 손실지각은 실패두려움이 유의하게 차이가 있었으나, 재무적자본 손실요인에서는 두 집단의 유의미한 차이를 확인 할 수 없었다. 본 논문의 결과는 취업과 재창업을 준비하는 폐업 소상공인 및 새로운 아이디어를 통해 창업을 도전하는 예비창업자를 대상으로 창업준비 시 여러 장애요인에 대한 대응력과 시장상황을 반영한 경쟁우위를 확보하기 위한 충분한 창업준비가 필요함을 시사하고자 하며, 폐업하거나 출구전략을 고려하는 대한민국 경제의 근간인 소상공인이 실패가 종결이 아닌 또 다른 시작, 시발점이 될 수 있는 선순환 구조적인 창업생태계를 위한 지원정책의 참고지표가 되길 바라며, 마지막으로 실패 분야에 대한 다양한 학문적 접근과 연구가 시급하다는 것을 강조하고자 한다.

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