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      • KCI등재

        포저(浦渚) 조익(趙翼)의 『대학곤득(大學困得)』 연구 - 「성의장(誠意章)」을 중심으로 -

        조성덕 ( Seong Duk Cho ) 한국한문고전학회(구.성신한문학회) 2007 漢文古典硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        본고는 조선 중기의 학자인 浦渚 趙翼의 『大學困得』의 편찬경위와 체제, 「誠意章」의 해석과 그에 대한 사회적 평가를 살핀 글이다. 포저는 주자 일변도의 경전해석에 이의를 제기하였는데, 이것은 당시 새롭게 일기 시작한 학풍의 한 단면을 보여주는 것이다. 포저 경학 연구는 주로 양명학적 특성을 확인하는 차원에서 이루어졌으며, 경학 저술에 대한 연구는 초보적인 단계에 머물고 있다. 포저의 『大學私覽』과 『大學略說』은 程子(明道)의 分章法에 따라 經一章과 經二章으로 나누었으며, 『大學困得』은 章句의 체제를 따랐다. 중점 사항을 28개의 按說로 설명하였는데, 이 중 15개가 「誠意章」에 있으며, ``竊恐``이란 글자로 신중함을 나타내었다. 『大學困得』이 형식상 기존의 저술을 보완하는 정도가 아니라, 자신의 견해를 주체적으로 드러낼 수 있도록 변화되었음을 알 수 있다. 「誠意章」에서는 첫째, 誠意工夫의 핵심은 ``毋自欺``로 誠을 보존하는 방법은 오직 ``欺``를 제거하는 것뿐이며, ``自欺``와 ``欺``가 둘이 아니어서 ``自欺``를 금하는 것이 ``欺``를 제거하는 방법이라고 하였다. ``如好好色``과 ``如惡惡臭``에 대해 用力이 아닌 ``毋自欺``의 效驗으로 파악하였다. 또 주자가 ``毋自欺``와 ``二如``의 순서를 바꾸어 해석한 것은 본문의 순서와도 맞지 않으며 傳文의 先後에 따라 해석해야 뜻이 명백해진다고 하였다. 둘째, ``毋自欺``가 ``爲人``이 아니라는 증거를 고금 先賢의 글과 주자의 편지, 그리고 『心經附註』에서 찾아내어 주자가 ``自欺``를 ``爲人``으로 해석한 것은 일시적인 견해임을 밝혔다. 셋째, ``獨``자는 ``獨處``와 ``獨知``의 의미를 내포하기 때문에, ``愼其獨``의 ``獨``을 ``獨知``라고만 볼 수 없다고 하였다. 넷째, ``克己復禮``의 ``己``를 ``意``와, ``復``을 ``誠``과 대비시켜 ``克己``가 자신의 사욕을 이기는 것임을 증명하여, ``毋自欺``에서 속이는 대상이 남이 아닌 자신임을 방증하였다. 포저의 경전 해석은 당시뿐만 아니라 후대까지 많은 논란거리가 되었다. 윤증은 포저의 『困得』을 높이 평가하며 장점과 단점이 병존할 때 장점만을 취하라고 하였으며, 우암은 ``주자야말로 공자 이후 일인자``라는 말은 긍정적으로 평가한 반면 ``아무리 성인이라도 혹시 미처 생각하지 못한 일이 있을 수 있다.``는 것에 대해서는 성토하는 자세를 취하였다. 崔錫鼎은 趙翼의 『大學困得』은 물론 李彦迪의 『改定大學』의 毁板까지 거론하며 『困得』에 대해서는 특히 강한 어조로 비판을 가하였다. 포저는 「大學困得後說」을 지어 주자가 『大學』 해석에 심혈을 기울인 점을 높이 평가하는 한편 자신의 연구도 가치 있는 것임을 밝혔다. 또 진정으로 선현을 존경하는 방법은 先賢의 전철을 밟아 이치를 탐구한 방법을 따르는 것이라고 하였다. 포저의 이와 같은 용기 있는 주장은 우리 經學史를 비롯하여 학문에 몸담고 있는 사람에게 중요한 메시지를 전달하고 있다고 하겠다. Po-Jeo(浦渚) Jo-ik(趙翼) is one of the famous Scholars who lived in middle of Chosun Dynasty, He Reinterpreted Congzi(孔子)`s Dae-hak, and wrote named 『Dae-hak-gon-deuk(大學困得)』. This paper is research History and Systems about his book, his opinion about 「誠意 chapter」, and other Scholars`s opinion about his thinking. Po-Jeo raised objections to a most people who lived in Chosun only follow Zhouzi(朱子)`s explication way about Confucian books. this is represent that times start of the academic, which is one-sided. Po-Jeo`s research about Chinese classics of Confucianism, only confirm that the philosophy of Wang Yang-ming`s property, Starter steps staying about research of primarily fact about Chinese classics of Confucianism. Topics discussed in the following summary. He`s 『Dae-hak-sa-ram(大學私覽)』 and 『Dae-hak-yak-sul(大學略說)』 was based on Jeongzi(程子)`s rule of divide section, diveded 經一章 and 經二章, 『Dae-hak-gon-deuk』 is accede to 章句 system. Focus on his opinion used 28 ``按說`` and explained, among that 15 is lies in 「誠意 Chapter」. When he has special opinion, use ``竊恐``, this is present his prudence. 『Dae-hak-gon-deuk』 is only make up for the weak points, but changed present his opinion. One, In 「誠意 chapter」, he said study of 誠意`s point is lies on never self-cheat(``毋自欺``), preserve of 誠`s way is only removal cheat(``欺``), and self-cheat and cheat is not the others, so forbid self-cheat(``自欺``) is the way removal cheat(``欺``). For about ``如好好色`` and ``如惡惡臭``, he scribe no 用力, is effect from never self-cheat(``毋自欺``). He also said Zhouzi is change ``毋自欺`` and ``二如``` order in text and scribe is not fit Main Text. only use 傳文`s order, can obvious original meaning. two, he finded never self-cheat(``毋自欺``) is not ``爲人```s evidenc from ancient and modern sages`s paper and Zhouzi`s mail, and find some fact in 『Sim-gyeong-bu-ju(心經附註)』, said Zhouzi`s explication in this book is only temporary opinion. Three, ``獨``is express ``獨處`` and ``獨知```s meaning, so ``愼其獨```s ``獨`` is can`t only said ``獨知``. four, ``克己復禮```s ``己`` is compare ``意``, ``復`` is compare ``誠``, prove ``克己`` is overcome selfish desire, so in ``毋自欺`` cheat target is not others but self. Po-Jeo`s opinion make a many criticism at that time and after ages. Yun-zeung(尹拯) is about Po-Jeo`s 『gon-deuk(困得)』 set high value, said exist strength and weakness, only take strength. Woo-am(尤庵) also said Zhouzi is the leading expert Schlor after Congzi, but also said Who is most expert in one area, can have not thinkings theory. Choi-seok-jung(崔錫鼎) is severe criticism about Jo-ik`s 『Dae-hak-gon-deuk』 and Lee-eon-jeok(李彦迪)`s 『Gae-geong- dae-hak(改定大學)』, especially 『gon-deuk』. Po-Jeo also wrote 「Dae-hak- gon- deuk-hoo-seol(大學困得後說)」, said Zhouzi is give his whole mind to explication 『Dae-hak』 and he agree set high value Zhouzi`s study, but his research also have a good value. He announced real admire ancient sages`s way is accordance with their achievements, effort to research real principle.

      • KCI등재

        茶山 丁若鏞의 孝觀

        조성덕 ( Seong Duk Cho ) 우리한문학회 2007 漢文學報 Vol.16 No.-

        After its introduction in the late Goryeo Dynasty, the Chosun Dynasty accepted Confucianism as its basic ideology and established the philosophical and theoretical foundation as Confucianism became systematized. It emphasized the Three Bonds and Five Moral Rules in Human Relations(三綱五倫), which is based on loyalty and filial piety, as new moral standards to educate its people. Among these, filial piety has both a positive side and a negative side; while it unites families and purifies social customs, its formal customs repress individuals` progressive spirits, slows down the society`s rational reform, and maintains feudalism. Therefore, when investigating the traditional concept of filial piety today, all of these various aspects should be put into consideration altogether. In the Chosun Dynasty which inherited Confucianist traditions, filial piety was an essential and indispensable element. For this reason, many scholars have referred to it. Among them, Dasan felt more seriousness about the absence of the Three Bonds and Five Moral Rules in Human Relations than anyone else, and lamented that people did not practice filial piety from the bottom of their hearts but only used shallow deceptions to satisfy their ambition for fame. Dasan`s Commentary on the Analects of Confucius did not accept or inherit the old commentaries. Rather, he used precise and thorough historical research and his own new perspective to recall the significance of Ongojisbin(溫故知新), which means to try to find a guide into tomorrow by taking lessons from the past. By interpreting it at various angles, he tried to prove Confucius` ideas rational and realistic. In this respect, his commentary on the Analects of Confucius is a masterpiece not only in the history of Confucian classics in Korea, but also in the history of Confucianism in the world. Dasan perceived that ancient people had mastered the truth of morality. Thus, he emphasized that they considered filial piety, respect, and loyalty as if they would obey the law of nature, and that they used ceremonial entertainment and penal administration as tools for ruling the people. In the Story of Jung the Filial Son, Dasan severely criticized various social conditions in which people wore filial masks`` to promote their own advancement in life and to deceive others. Dasan believed that filial piety was the basis to scold disorder of the Three Government Affairs(三政) and the Moral Principles(綱常), to overcome the difficult situation of the nation, and to straighten reality. Thus, he demanded that politicians as well as the people have the right mind about filial piety and tried hard for its actual practice. Although Dasan`s claims about the filial perspective relies its point of argument on referring to traditional ideas, qualitatively it is developed in a way different from the established concept of filial piety. Such thoughts of him show clear difference from those of the gentry, who faded the true definition of filial piety due to personal obligations or justification. His claims also maintain a rational and logical cognitive approach in that they emphasize practice and reality.

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        서동수,조성,신용,김혜성,임승무 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1988 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        Rapidly solidified A2024 alumium alloy plate and powder produced by the twin-roll method and the centrifugal atomization method, respectively. The microstructure and shape of the specimen were closely related to the process parameters. The process parameters of the twin-roll method must be properly combined in order to manufacture defect-free plate. Four kinds of powder shape were produced by the centrifugal atomization process, e.g. spherical, tear drop, ligamental and flake. The age hardening behavior of the rapidly solidified A2024 alloy was somewhat different from the conventional slowly solidified one.

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