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      • KCI등재

        중부 동해안지역 신석기시대 식물자원 이용 연구

        조미순,강소희,신이슬,서민석,이경아 한국신석기학회 2015 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.30

        This paper examines the changes in plant use patterns from the Initial to Middle Neolithic period along the central west and central east coasts, Korea, based on our observation of grain impressions on potsherds and previous publications on charred plant remains. We identified grain impressions of azuki (Vigna angularis ssp.) at the Initial Neolithic Osanri C site along the east coast; foxtail millet (Setaria italica ssp. italic), broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), soybean (Glycine max ssp.), azuki, shiso (Perilla frutescens), and weedy grains of Genera Setaria and Panicum at the Middle Neolithic Munamri, Jigyeongri, Songjeonri, and Osanri sites along the east cost; both millets, azuki, shiso, weedy Setaria and Panicum at the Early Neolithic Unseodong I site in the central western region; and foxtail millet and shiso at the Final Neolithic Unseodong I site. Cultivation of both millets and azuki established in the central western region, based on ¹⁴C dates from the later Early Neolithic house at Unseodong I where grain impressions of all three domesticates were identified. A series of sites along the central east coast also reflects management and probably cultivation of foxtail and broomcorn millets, azuki and soybean. Furthermore, two ¹⁴C dates on encrustation on the Initial Neolithic plain pottery with azuki impression indicates its use as early as 7230–6940 cal. BP. Earlier studies show the Initial Neolithic presence of both millets at the Bembang and Tongsamdong shellmiddens along the south coast, with a series of dates from 7820–6690 cal. BP at Tongsamdong. Considering this early presence at these far south sites, it is highly plausible to hypothesize the establishment and development of millet farming in one to two thousand years later than the Initial period. Dates of millets in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, and Shandong suggest a possibility of earlier dates of millet introduction to northern and central Korea than the current data provides from central or southern regions. Abundance of Panicoid impressions in our study reflects the agro–ecology of millet farming field in the later Early and Middle Neolithic periods. This paper also provides size data of millets and legumes to compare the data from charred grains from previous publications.

      • KCI등재

        고성 문암리유적 출토 석기의 원산지 추정

        조미순,박윤정,좌용주 한국신석기학회 2013 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.26

        Stone tools are the important materials that show the circulation patterns of social goods in terms of the subsistence economy and the movement of lithic raw materials, but the Neolithic raw material analysis has been confined to obsidian artefacts in Korean archaeology. This paper aims to re-identify the lithic raw materials used for the tools, to evaluate the provenance of the material, and finally to understand the chronological change of the materials uncovered from the Munam-ri site in Goseong. In order to achieve this goal, the microscopic observation and geochemical analysis of the lithic materials were done first; then geological investigation of the site was carried out. Results of analyses show that various lithic materials such as igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic rocks were used for making stone tools. Neolithic mankind generally used black shale for composite fish hooks, and black shale and tuff for both arrow heads and spearheads, because these materials are comparatively soft and highly of fissility to make stone tools efficiently. In addition, they preferred diorite for the axe heads, and hard stones such as granite for the grinding slab. Black shale and volcanic tuff were the main lithic materials of the initial, early and middle Neolithic, but the relative proportion of granite and schist dramatically increased in the middle Neolithic. The incremental use of granite and schist seems to have been related to a sudden increase of fishing net sinkers and grinding slabs during the middle Neolithic phase. The artifacts dominant in the initial and early phases are composite fish hooks, arrowheads, axeheads and flakes,while those in the middle phase are the tools used for fishing and the food processing such as net sinkers, arrowheads and grinding slabs which also promoted the consumption of raw materials such as granite and schist. The provenance areas of these lithic raw materials are widely distributed in the Hwajinpo, Misiryeong and Gangneung as well as nearby the site. Tuffaceous rocks used for the production of axeheads, arrowheads and rubstone are discriminated to ash tuff, lapilli tuff and lapilli stone of the Cretaceous age, and they are distributed extensively in the Misiryeong area which is about 24km apart from the Munam-ri site in a straight line. It seems likely that sandstone used for stone knives is metamorphic sandstone from the metamorphic sedimentary layer in the Hwajinpo area, about 16km north from the site, where phyllite and schist materials were also supplied. On the other hand, black shale for composite fish hooks and arrowheads seems likely to have been originated from black mud sedimentary layer of the Pyeongan Supergroup in the south of Gangneung located at about 65km far south from the Munam-ri site. Considering the limited distance that the settlers in the site could have travelled about 10 to 20km a day, the materials of remote source such as black shale were imported for specific tools through exchange with those who produced the raw materials.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Study on Statistical Packages Analyzing Survival Model - SAS,SPSS,STATA -

        조미순,김순귀 한국데이터정보과학회 2008 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Recently survival analysis becomes popular in a variety of fields so that a number of statistical packages are developed for analyzing the survival model.In this paper, several types of survival models are introduced and considered briefly. In addition, widely used three packages(SAS, SPSS, and STATA) for survival data are reviewed and their characteristics are investigated.

      • KCI등재

        토기 압흔법을 활용한 중부 동해안지역 신석기시대 식물자원 이용 연구 -고성 문암리유적, 양양 오산리·송전리유적을 중심으로-

        조미순,趙銀河,신이슬,서민석,小畑弘己,이경아 한국신석기학회 2014 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.28

        This research aims to explore the pattern of of plant use in the central east coast during the Neolithic period, (also known as Chulmun) by analyzing grain impressions on pottery. The sites studied are the Middle Neolithic Songjeonri site in Yangyang County, and two multi-component settlements, dating to the Incipient (8000-6500 BP) to Middle Neolithic (5500-4500 BP) phases at Munamri in Goseong County and Osanri C in Yangyang. One radiocarbon date on charcoal is available from the Incipient Neolithic at Munamri (6560-6550 cal. BP, 1 σ, 5790±40 uncal. BP, Beta288910), while the Osanri C yields one date on charcoal (6660-6560 cal. BP, 1 σ, 5804±33 uncal. BP, PLD7646) from the Incipient Neolithic house where pottery with possibly azuki impression is recovered. A series of radiocarbon dates in the Middle Neolithic contexts at all three sites fall into the date of 5470-4090 cal. BP. (1 σ). Among a total of 174 impressions on 208 vessels and burnt clay lump, 119 represent plant seeds, while one is a mold of an insect (Hemiptera order). Grain impressions represent two domesticated taxa, including foxtail millet (Setaria italica ssp. italica) from all three Middle Neolithic sites and broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) from the Middle Neolithic Munamri and Songgeonri. Impressions of foxtail (24) counts more than broomcorn (5). Two bean impressions are on the Incipient Neolithic pottery of Osanri C and from the Middle Neolithic pottery of Songjeonri. Their overall shapes are somewhat similar to azuki (Vigna angularis ssp.), but their length measures fall short, compared to the charred azuki remains from other Middle Neolithic sites. Other economic plant taxa represented are four grains of shiso/egoma (Perilla frutescenes) and ruderal weeds, including foxtail grass (Setaria sp.) from two impressions and millet tribe (Paniceae) from twenty. In addition, spicebush (Lindera sp.) and possibly hop (Humulus sp.) are identified, but the rest 50 impressions cannot be identified in the current study. The presence of foxtail millet, broomcorn millet, Perilla, and possibly azuki in the Middle Neolithic pottery indicate the establishment of multi-cropping, dry field farming along the central east coast by the Middle Neolithic, around 5470-4090 cal. BP. Previous confirmed study shows that azuki use during the Middle Neolithic (5400-4800 cal. BP). This study raises a question on whether use of azuki might have begun during the Inital Neolithic, eventually leading to a gradual increase of seed size toward the the Middle Neolithic and thereafter. At the moment, identification of legumes are not conclusive, and this hypothesis needs to be strengthen with more than a few grain impressions. This study also finds that crop products were mixed in temper possibly to decrease a breakage. Although evidence is only limited in clay lump from Songjeonri, insertion of crops and harmful agricultural pests into temper may indicate a ritual practice for agricultural prosperity during the Middle Neolithic period. Some taxa identified from impressions are consistent with those of charred grains from the Munamri site, while others are identified from either impressions or charred remains. This research therefore provides an incentive for multi-line approaches to increase a comprehensive understanding of plant use in the past.

      • KCI등재

        제작실험을 통해 본 영산강유역 대형옹관 제작기법 연구

        조미순 숭실사학회 2011 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.27

        제작실험을 통해 본 영산강유역 대형옹관 제작기법 연구 조 미 순 영산강유역의 독특한 고분문화인 대형옹관에 대한 연구는 정치사회적 문화연구에 치중되어와 대형옹관의 제작기술에 대한 연구는 드물었다. 대형옹관은 보통 높이 160cm, 무게만 130㎏이상으로 규모와 무게만 보더라도 동시대의 토기와는 다른 제작기술이 필요하다. 본고에서는 이 거대한 대형옹관의 제작기술을 실험고고학적 방법을 통해 규명하고자 하였다. 즉 대형옹관의 태토마련과정에서부터 소성과정에 대한 실험을 실시하고, 그 결과를 기존 자료와의 비교·분석을 통해 대형옹관의 제작기법을 파악하고자 하였다. 실험결과 옹관의 태토는 오량동 가마일대의 구릉성산지 기저부 퇴적점토 사용되었거나 혼합점토일 가능성이 높고 비짐은 인위적으로 혼입하였다. 비짐 중 석영맥암은 파쇄에 소요되는 시간과 노동력뿐 아니라 옹관 성형이 힘들어 비짐 가능성이 낮다. 성형방법은 옹관이 대형기물이라서 일정 높이에서의 건조과정을 통한 분할성형이 이루어지고 점토띠의 손누름흔은 인장(引張)을 높여 성형을 용이하게 하였다. 문양은 토기 성형과정에서 타날하며, 옹관 성형시에는 회전대(돌림판)를 이용하였다. 옹관 성형은 도치 후 정치성형인 저부를 일부 만든 후 뒤집어 구연까지 성형하는 방법이 가장 용이하였다. 특히 대형옹관 바닥의 원공은 저부 제작과정에서 나타나는 것을 알 수 있었다. 소성과정은 소성시간에 의하기 보다 가마내부의 온도차이와 환원과정이 크게 작용하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 대형옹관에서만 나타나는 제작기법은 초대형기물을 만들기 위한 기술력으로 이해되며, 아직 해결되지 못한 성형기법과 가마형태 복원, 소성과정의 연구는 후속 실험을 통해 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다. Research on the ceramic manufacturing technology of the large jar coffin in the Yeongsan River Basin through experimental archaeology method Cho, Mi Soon The research on the large jar coffin, the distinctive mortuary practice of the Yeongsan River Basin, has been focused on the socio-political aspect of society rather than the manufacturing technology of ceramic adopted to coffin. In general, large jar coffins are 160cm in height and over 130kg in weight. To produce these distinctive scale large jars, it might be needed to be more elaborated pottery making technology than those of the contemporary utensils. This paper aims to elucidate the ceramic producing technology of the large jar coffin by adopting experimental archaeological methods. In other words, firstly, the experiment to prepare clay and fire pottery was carried out; and then, the result of this experiment was comparatively analysed with the previously analysed data. The experiment reveals that potter’s clay of these jars might be the alluvial clay deposited on the lower valley near the Oryang-dong kiln site or composite clay; and tempers were artificially blended. Amongst tempers, the possibility to add quarts is low, because this mineral requires intensive labour force and time to crush and hampers to build large jars. Due to the large size, each part of jar was firstly separately built, and then assembled. Finger-tip impressions in clay bands reinforcing the tensile strength of pottery facilitated the build jar coffins. Body patterns were paddled during the process of pottery building; and potter’s wheel was adopted. The base was firstly manufactured, and then inversed to build to rim. In specific, the hole on the centre of base was perforated in the pottery building process. The process was decided by the difference of temperature and reduction of atmosphere rather than by firing time. These peculiar making technologies appeared in large jar coffins might be adopted to produce these extra-large utensils; and further experiments will be conducted to prove the building technology, the restoration of pottery kiln and the research on the firing that have not been recovered.

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