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      • Shigella R Plasmid의 분자적 특성

        조동택,전도기,설성용,이유철 대한미생물학회 1987 大韓微生物學會誌 Vol.22 No.1

        Multiply resistant Shigella strains isolated in Taegu area were subjected for the characterization of R plasmids. All strains isolated in 1984 and 1985 were susceptible to gentamicin, amikacin, and cephalothin, and most strains were susceptible to kanamycin(Km) and rifampin by agar dilution antimicrobial susceptibility test. The resistance frequency of S, flexneri against ampicillin(Ap) was higher than that of S. sonnei. The strains resistant to sulfisomidine(Su) and trimethoprim(Tp) were found at higher frequency in S. sonnei than in 5. Fle.r.neri. The most prevalent resistance pattern of 5. Flexneri was chlorarnphenicol(Cm) te- tracycline(Tc) streptomycin(Sm) Ap, followed by the pattern of CmTcSmSuApTp, CmTcSmSuApTp nalidixic acid, and CmTcSmSuAp in the decreasing order. The antibiogram of CmTcSmSuTp was found to be the most frequent pattern in S. sonnei. The ratio of conjugal transfer of S. flexneri was 47 % and 75% of S. sonnei. The average number of p]asmid harboring in Shigella was 4 and the size of plasmid ranged 1.3 to 134 rnegadalton(Mdal). Most S. flexneri carried plasmids of 2 to 3 Mdal and S. sonnei carried those of 3 to 4 Mdal size. The sizes of conjugative plasmids ranged 40 - 90 Mdal. The ineompatibility group(lnc) FII plasmids (54 - 59 Mdal) were most frequent and rare Inc B plasmids(60Mdal) of isolates in 1979 and 1980 and Inc FI(87Mdal) of 1983 isolates were able to be classified by the colony test with standard reference plasmids. The R plasmids of known Inc group were tested for the restriction endonuclease analysis. The pattern of plasmids digested by EcoR1 were apparently different by the Inc group but there was no significant difference between species or by the resistance patterns. Nonconjugative plasmids and their phenotypes were identified by transformation test. The transformants were resistant to less than two drugs. Colicin producing transformants carried the Col plasmid of 3.7 or 3.9 Mdal size. Ap plasmids derived from S. sonnei were found to be mobilized by transfer factor RT641 to E, coli OCSl00. AP^r plasmids of same size shared by S. flexneri, S. sonnei, and E. Coli were digested with Pstl. All of them showed two restriction fragments of 2.8 kilobase(kb) and 0.7kb. Other plasmids (Sm^r Su^r) derived from S. flexneri, S. Boydii, and S. sonnei were digested with Pstl and they showed same restriction fragment patterns of 3.1kb and 2.9kb. The plasmid profiles of three strains of S. sonnei producing colicin and showing same resistance pattern of CmTcSmSuApTpKm appeared to be similar. Restriction patterns by EcoR1 and the behavior of plasmids in conjugation or transformation process were also similar between those plasmids. The' restriction patterns were significantly different between the plasmids of Inc Fl group and those of unclassified Inc group.

      • Plasmid 分析에 依한 院內感染의 疫學的 調査

        趙東澤 대한화학요법학회 1984 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        R plasmid 傳達에 依해 蔓延된 耐性菌은 抗菌劑로 充滿된 病院環境에서 棲息하기에 有利하다. 이들 耐性菌에 依해 발생한 院內感染은 抗菌劑選擇의 어려움이 따른다. 院內感染의 集團發生을 疫學的으로 규명하는데는 在來式 菌種同定方法으로는 限界가 있기 때문에 분자생물학적 방법으로 plasmid를 분석한다. plasmid profile ?? plasmid fingerprinting 과 restriction endo-unclease analysis 및 DNA-DNA hybridization 등의 分子的 特性化(molecular characterization)와 비적합성군(incompatibility group)을 조사하는 유전적 특성화(genetic characterization)의 방법들은 菌種에 관계없이 共通으로 存在하는 R plasmid들의 同一性 或은 類似性을 把握하면 그 由來를 추적할 수 있으므로 耐性菌에 관한 분자생물학적 疫學調査方法에 있어 決定的인 資料가 된다. Due to the selective pressure of hospital environment saturated with antimicrobid agents, multipIy resistant strains harbor- R plasmids evoke mmplexity in treahent of nosoGoTniaL infections. For the rational effort to control outbreaks of nosucornial infections, new systems for epidemioIogica1 studies had been developed. In recent years, molecular epidemioIogy have been introduced to investigate the epidemics cam& by R plasSmid cadexring multiple resistanf; strains as well as hospital associated infectjon. Malecular epidemiology can be classified with two cakgories of genetic characterization and molecular characterization. Genetic chracterization includes the test for resistznCe transfer and identification of R plasmids by incornpat gronping with standard ref erence strains. Molecular characterization means molecular biologid technique including plzsmid fingerprinting by gel electrophoresis with or without restrictior endonuclease analysis, DNA-DNA hybridization, and heteroduplex analysis, to, confirm the degree of homoIogy between diferent plasmids regardless their originating bacterial species and identify the trapusable sequence. These techniques ma be used to identify epidemk strains and epidemic plasmids which have spread through several different bacterial species. The approach to the invpigation of outbreaks of hospital-associated infections and epidemics can be illustrated by a number of examples; incompatibility groups of Gram negagve enteric bacteria isolated in Korea, plasmid profiles of gel electrophoresis and restridon endonuclease analpis of possible causatim agents in nosocornid infection.

      • 국가경찰의 관광경찰 운영 개선방향 검토 연구

        조동택 한국경찰복지연구학회 2016 경찰복지연구 Vol.4 No.1

        2014년 기준 우리나라를 방문한 외래객 입국자는 1,230만 명으로 지속적인 증가를 보이고 있으며 1인당 평균 1,605 US$를 소비하였다. 외래객 입국자들의 입 국목적은 본론에서 보는 바와 같이 한류열풍으로 여가, 위락, 휴가가 58.1%로 주를 이루었으며 사업이나 전문활동이 19.9%, 쇼핑 목적이 10% 등이였다. 이들의 체재기간은 평균 6.1일이었으며 주로 방문하는 여행지는 서울과 제주도를 여행하고 있다. 이와 같은 여행목적과 체재기간 동안에 외국인 관광객을 대상으로 시간과 장소를 불문하고 불법․ 탈법행위가 이루어지게 되면서 관광객에게 불안과 불쾌감을 조 성함은 물론 국가 신뢰도를 저하시키는 요인으로 작용하여 관광 진흥을 위한 정책 의 효과도 달성하기 어렵게 되고 있다. 이에 따라 경찰청, 문화체육관광부, 한국관광공사 등 유관기관과의 협업을 통해 관광경찰단을 출범시키게 되었다. 그동안의 활동은 택시·콜밴 불법영업 행위, 기본 적인 안전시설이나 소화기도 제대로 갖추지 않고 운영되고 있던 무등록 게스트하 우스, 외국인 관광객을 대상으로 한 무자격 안내원, 바가지요금․호객행위, 상표법 위반 행위, 가격 미표시 행위, 원산지 미표시 행위, 외환관리법위반 행위 등의 단 속을 하였다. 그러나 관광경찰대 출범일로부터 2015년 9월30일까지 활동실적 170,632건 중 95.8%(163,541건)가 '관광안내 불편처리'였다. 이같은 관광경찰단 의 활동실적을 분석하여 이러한 활동을 국가경찰의 일부 업무로 지속시킬 필요가 있는지 여부를 규명하고 제주특별자치도의 자치경찰과 특별사법경찰이 수행하고 있는 관광경찰 업무를 사례로 하여 실질적인 관광경찰 운영에 있어 미래지향적인 방안을 제시함으로써 향후 관광경찰제도의 발전에 일조를 하고자 한다. The number of foreign visitors to the Republic of Korea has exceeded 12.3 million in 2014, showing continuous growth, and the average expenditure per person was $1,605. As mentioned in the main body, 58.1% of the visitors were travelling for leisure, recreation, and vacation due to Hallyu(Korean Wave); 19.9% for business or professional activities; 10% for shopping; and etc. Their average duration in Korea was 6.1 days, and mainly travelled to Seoul and Jeju-do(island). Transcending time and space, illegal activities and evasion of the law have developed instability and unpleasantness for the forementioned visitors while decreasing the national credibility and causing hardship for promoting tourism policies. As the result, Tourist Police Agency was founded through cooperation by the National Police Agency; the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism; the Korea Tourism Organization; and other related organizations and agencies. In the past, illegal taxies and call vans; unregistered guest houses without safety facilities or fire extinguishers; unqualified tour guides; overcharging and touting; violation of trademark law; unwritten price and countries of origin; violation of foreign exchange control law; and other activities were regulated. However, between the foundation of the Tourist Police Agency and September 30, 2015, 95.8%(163,541) of 170,632 cases were all related to ‘handling tourist information.’ Therefore, I would like to contribute to the development of the Tourist Police by closely examining their cases to determine whether it should remain as part of the services provided by the National Police and by presenting future oriented measures for its realistic employment based on the Tourist Police cases of Jeju Municipal Police and Jeju Special Judicial Police.

      • 腸內細菌의 生物學的 檢査方法에 關하여

        調東澤,薛盛用 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1975 慶北醫大誌 Vol.16 No.2

        腸內細菌의 生物學的 同定法이 많이 發表되었으나 모두가 多少의 欠點이 있기에 이를 補完하기 위하여 Kligler Iron agar를 始發點으로 하는 우리 實情에 맞는 Salmonella와 Shigella 등의 同定方法을 考案하여 이를 實際로 適用하여 좋은 結果를 얻을 수 있었다. Many methods have been reported on the biological charaterization of Enterobacteriaceae, but non of them was perfectly satisfactory. This study is conducted to develope a method which is easily and conveniently applicable in this country for the identification of lactose negative strains. This method starts from the test in Kligler iron agar, and then ll tests were incorporated. The seare H_2S production, motility, urease, sorbitol, malonate, sucrose, salicin, lysine and ornithine decarboxylase, indol and citrate. With this methods, various enteric bacteria were easily indentified.

      • 大邱地方에서 分離한 Salmonella의 菌型 및 抗菌劑耐性(1973-1980)

        趙東澤 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1980 慶北醫大誌 Vol.21 No.2

        1973年 1月부터 1980年 12月까지 大邱地方에서 腸티프스 및 類似患者로부터 分離한 1,612株의 Salmonella 菌型의 年度別 變遷은 S. Paratyphi A가 S. typh에 比하여 漸次 增加되는 追勢를 보였다. 分離된 Salmonella 菌의 藥劑耐性檢査 結果 S. Paratyphi A가 1株, S. typhi가 51株로서 耐性株였으며 그中 15株의 S. typhi는 R-plasmid에 의한 傳達性 耐性株였고, 특히 1980年에는 Cm, Su, Ap, Ts, 에 耐性인 1株의 S. typhi가 分離되었다. During the period from January 1973 through December 1980, a total of 1,612 strains of Salmonella were isolated from patients suspected of typhoid fever, and the distribution of types by years and the resistance to antimicrobial drugs were studied. There was a tendency that the isolation frequency of Salmonella paratyphi A is steadily increasing as compared with the frequency of S. typhi. In 1980, 27 strains of S. paratyphi A and 65 strains of S. typhi were isolated. One strain of S. paratyphi A and 51 strains of S. typhi were resistant to one or more drugs tested. Among the drug-resistant S. typhi, 15 carried R plasmids causing resistance to chlormaphenicol, tetracycline, streptomycin, sufisomidine, ampicillin, and/or kanamycin. One strain of S. typhi isolated in 1980 was resistant to chloramphenicol, sulfisomidine, ampicillin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and the complete resistance was transmitted to E. coli.

      • 抗菌劑 耐性機轉

        趙東澤 대한화학요법학회 1983 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        The indiscriminate use of antimicrobial drugs in Korea accelerated the emerge?= of drug resistant strains. In order to minimize the prevalence of drug resistant strains through the careful administration of drugs in infectious &eases, there. should be a better understanding on the mechanisms of antimkrobiaf resistance. Three biochemical mechanisms elucidated currently for the antimicrobial drug resistance are 11 decreased permeabili t y of arugs into bacterial ceils, 2) enzymatic inactivation of drugs, 3) modification of the drug receptor sites of bacterial cells. These biochemical mechanisms are the genetic expression coded in the chromosomal and extra-chrornosomal.plasmid DNA. The frequency .of the resistance originated from chromosomal DNA through the passive selection of resistant mutant is extremely rare, and the origin of multiple drug resistance prevailing now to extra-chromosmal plasmid DNA. There are several methods. of inter-cel transfer of R plasmids and/or chromosomal DNA. These are transformation, transdmtion, conjugation, and transposition. Most strains multiply resistant to drugs have .obtained the transferable resistance by acquisition of R plasmids through the conjugation, especially in Gram nega enteric bacteria. There are marked increase of drug xesistant strains against &lactam antibiotics, especially ampicillin due to the abuse of this drug in Korea, and resistant strains to cephalosporin sho3~ed increasing tendency. The prevalence of the multiply resistant strains evokes the risk of the epidemic outbreaks -of enteric infection as observed in Mexico and Central America in 1972-197'3. In order to reduce the frequency of drug resistance, the use of these drugs must be administered by only physician's prescription, and physicians must use the drugs under strictly controlled selection of antibiotics. There shodd be a legal regulation not to use antibiotics as feed-stuff additives for growth promotion of livestock.

      • 大邱地方에서의 Salmonella 分離(1974-1976)

        趙東澤 中央醫學社 1977 中央醫學 Vol.32 No.2

        Eight hundred and nine strains of Salmonella were isolated from febrile patients in Taegu area during the period from May 1974 through November 1976. They consisted of 730 strains of Salmonella typhi and 79 of S. paratyphi A. Salmonellae were isolated throughout the year with more frequent incidences in warm seasons than in cold seasons. It was believed that the major cause of febrile enteric infections is S. typhi in recent years, but the isolation of S. paratyphi A from patients is gradually increasing from the later period of 1974. Thirty-five strains of miscellaneous organisms including 17 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus were isolated from blood of febrile patients. The survey on Salmonella carriers during the period from May 1974 through April 1975 resulted in the isolation of 8 strains of Salmonella including two S. typhi from stools of 3,795 food handlers in Taegu city.

      • 대장균의 항균제내성 및 전달성 Plasmid

        조동택,전도기 대한미생물학회 1982 大韓微生物學會誌 Vol.17 No.1

        Gne hundred and twenty-one strains each of Escherichia eoli isolated from stools of 60 patients who received various antimicrobial drugs in hospital lpr more than ane week and apparently healthy 60 :students who have no history oI taking antimicrobial drugs during recent one month, were tested for their resistav.ce to 13 antimicrobial drugs. The frequency of resistance strains was highest to tetracycline with 69. 2F, and Iollowed by strep- tomycin (Sm), sulfisomidine (Su), ehlorarnphenicol (Cm), ampicillin (Ap), and carbenicillin (Cb) in ,-the decreasing order, ranging irom 61. 2Fo to 3g. 3%. Strains resistant to kanamyein (Km), cephalo- ridine (Cr}, and trimethoprim (Tp) accupied about one-fourth of strains, and only four strains were resistant either one or more of nalidixic acid, gentamicin and amikacin, and no strain was resistant to rifarnpicin. The frequency of resistant strains to Cm, Ap, Km, Cr, and Cb was much higher .among patient isolates than student strains, but strains resistant to the other drugs showed almost the same frequencies betweeo patient and student isolates. There was a marked chfference in average minimum inhibitory concentrations of between resistant and susceptible strains, suggesting that the reaistance to drugs is the plasmid origin. Seventy-six percent of strains were resistant to one to 10 drugs tested, and no much difference was observed between strains from patients and students. However, strains resistant to four or more -dru.ga were much more frequently found among patient isolates than student strains, with the incre- .asing tendency of multiply resistant strains among patient isolates following the increase in the number of resistant drugs. The transfer of drug resistance by conjugation waa tested and 9B strains (67. 5J) among 145 which were resistaot to two or more drugs were found to transfer their drug resistance to E. coli. Amoog 74 strains resistant ta 7 or more drugs, all except one transferred the resistance, and the number of strains with transferable resistance decreased, as tbe number of resistant drugs decrease. A R plagmid from randomly selected p13 strain was tested for the incompatibility group, and the plasmid was cJassified into Inc F II. R plasmid DNA bands were identified by palyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

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