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        학살의 기억과 진정한 평화의 염원 : 제주 4·3문학

        정홍섭 민족문학사학회 2003 민족문학사연구 Vol.22 No.-

        오늘날 제주 4·3은 제노사이드와 평화 문제라는 인류적 관심의 중심부에 놓여 있다. 제일 조선인 작가 김석범은 디아스포라로서의 일본에서 「화산도」라는 대작을 씀으로써 제주 4 ·3 문제를 탐구했다. 그의 작품은 일본의 사소설적 기법을 활용하면서도 그것과 거리를 두고, 또 한편으로는 동일한 시대를 바라보는 데 있어서 한국 문인들의 시각과도 의식적으로 거리를 두는 것 속에서 그 특징이 나타난다. 현기영의 4·3 문학은 주로 '도피자' 즉 무장대와 토벌대 양측으로부터 피해를 당한 이들의 입장을 대변한다는 데 그 특징이 있다. 또한, 그의 작품들은4·3에 대한 천착을 통해 자신의 존재의 뿌리를 찾아간다는 의미 또한 담고 있다. 「마지막 테우리」와 『지상에 숟가락 하나』등은 작가의 그와 같은 천착이 결국 깊은 차원의 자기 긍정을 위한 도정이었음을 잘 보여주는 작품들이다. Today Cheju 4·3 is on the center of the human concerns of genocide and peace. Kim-Seokbum searched for the truth of Cheju 4·3 in Japan as his Diaspora through the masterpeace 『The volcanic Island』. His work's peculiarity is in the fact that it makes use of the techniques of the Japanese private novel, and on the other hand he consciously makes a distance from the Korean writer's viewpoint of the same period. Hyun-Keeyoung's 4·3 related works' peculiarity is in the point that they speak for the 'escapees', that is to say, the people who suffered damage from both sides of the armed guerrillas and the punitive forces. And, his works also have the meaning that they search for the root of his existence through the scrutiny of 4·3. 「The Last Teuri」 and 『A Spoon On The Earth』 are the works that show the fact clearly that the scrutiny was finally the path toward the self-affirmation on a deeper level..

      • 낙관적 - 비관적 귀속유형이 대학생의 학업성취에 미치는 영향

        정홍섭 한국교육학회 부산지회 2000 釜山敎育學硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of optimistic-pessimistic attribution style on college students' academic achievement. The subjects in this study were 180 freshmen and 180 juniors in Silla University. Seligman's Attribution Style Questionnaire was administrated to them, and their grade point average, score of college scholastic ability test, grade of high school record were surveyed. To analyze data, the multiple regressions were used. The findings of this study are as follows: First, the optimistic attribution significantly correlated with the students' grade point average in both the freshmen and the juniors(γ= .271, .227 respectively). Second, As the result of multiple regression analysis, Among the three independent variable(the optimistic attribution, the score of college scholastic ability test, and the grade of high school record), the optimistic attribution is the most important factor to the students' grade point average(β=.203, .149, .075 respectively) On the basis of the above results, it is suggested that the distribution ratio of the college scholastic ability test must be reduced and newly introduce the emotional factors as optimistic-pessimistic attribution style in college entrance examination.

      • KCI등재

        춘원 문학의 나르시시즘과 자전적 성격-「농촌계발」과 「민족개조론」을 중심으로

        정홍섭 춘원연구학회 2018 춘원연구학보 Vol.0 No.13

        본고에서는 나르시시즘과 자전적 성격의 글쓰기가 춘원 문학의 한 가지 중요한 본질이며 이 양자의 연관성과 그 연관성 속에서의 양자의 변화 과정을 포착하는 것이춘원 문학을 이해하는 하나의 적절한 방법임을 확인하고자 한다. 춘원에게 바로 그변화의 결정적 계기가 되는 것은 도산과의 만남과 이별이었다. 본고는 이 전제 하에춘원의 상해 임시정부 활동 이전과 이후의 그의 글쓰기의 나르시시즘과 자전적 성격의 연속성과 변화 양상을 아주 잘 보여준다고 생각되는 「농촌계발」과 「민족개조론」 을 살펴본다. 이러한 관점과 방법으로 보면 춘원이 1919년 상해에서 도산을 만나 임시정부 활동과 흥사단 입단을 하기 이전의 작품인 「농촌계발」과 그 이후에 쓴 유명한「민족개조론」 사이에 그 연속성과 차이가 매우 잘 나타남을 알 수 있다. 전자에서는오산학교 교사 시절 용동에서의 활동 경험이, 후자에서는 상해에서의 연구와 활동 경험이 여실히 나타난다는 점에서 두 글 모두 춘원 문학의 자전적 성격을 보여준다. 또한 양자 모두 스스로를 민족의 지도자로 자부하는 나르시시즘의 성격이 일관되게 나타난다. 그런데 나르시시즘의 면에서 볼 때, 후자에서는 도산과의 만남과 흥사단 입단으로 얻은 자신감 때문에 조선 민중을 훨씬 더 일방적으로 ‘대상화’한다는 것을 알 수있다.

      • KCI등재

        원자력 또는 핵 문제와 생태문학의 전망

        정홍섭 한국문학이론과비평학회 2011 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.52 No.-

        The ecological imagination must be the contents and form that is embodied by the literature of future. And if the ecological literature is to be intended, especially in Korea, it must go beyond conveying just facts relating to the central ecological problems like the problem of atomic power or nuclear weapon. Particularly it must be emphasized that when being bound by the conventional political-ideological thinking way the true ecological imagination cannot be disciplined or showed. On the contrary the political judgement must be drawn from the ecological imagination that would see the truth as it is. The ecological literature that would discipline itself and bear the ecological imagination must have the aspiration that it would readily participate in the course of presenting a new paradigm of civilization. The ecological literature which has the ecological imagination that has insight into the principle and truth of everything through the window of the relationships more than anything else, must not resist innovating the conventional attitude and point of view of the established genres as its forms. The ecological literature must be ready to dissolve and re-create all the established genres in a true meaning including novel that has been the central genre of the modern literature, and so, needless to say, it will be a quite different work from just an experiment of forms. Christa Wolf's novel, Svetlana Alexievich's form of oral history, and the various forms of essay of Rachel Carson, Arundhati Roy, Choi Sunggak and Kim Gomchi, already showed the models of the free forms that are worthy of being aimed for by the ecological literature.

      • KCI등재

        전향과 귀향의 변증법: 한설야와 나카노 시게하루(中野重治)의 전향 소설 비교 연구

        정홍섭 한국비교문학회 2010 比較文學 Vol.0 No.50

        The characteristics of Korean conversion novels which involve the 'conversion of non-conversion' as the essential moment can be more obviously revealed in contrast to the Japanese conversion novels, especially the 'genuine' conversion novels which groped for the break of the Japanese situation of conversion. Han Seol-ya and Nakano Sigeharu who represent the Korean and the Japanese left writers show the contrasting method of novel despite the common topic of the problem of patriarchal system demonstrating the difference of the situations of conversion in the two regions. In the scrutiny of the problem of the tenno system which determine not only the modern Japanese politics but also the fundamental character of the total Japanese modern era, Nakano Sigeharu re-approaches the root of the problem by dealing with closely the stories of his father and family and the neighbors of whom he met newly through homecoming. In contrast to this, though Han Seol-ya mobilized the homecoming as an important motive of his conversion novel like Nakano Sigeharu, he does not treat the problem of the patriarchal system elaborately. The characteristic of han Seol-ya's conversion novels in the Korean situation of conversion does not appear as the digging into the patriarchal system but as the consistent maintenance of the socialistic class consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        원본비평을 통해 본 『상록수』의 텍스트 문제

        정홍섭 한국문학이론과비평학회 2010 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.47 No.-

        A very popular famous Korean novel Shim Hun's 『Evergeens』, far from the reputation, could not have shown the real state of itself to people. As we could see an aspect of the real contents, almost all the versions of this novel from the Liberation unto today are those that could not wholly deliver the substance and atmosphere that the writer had intended in the original version. By this treatise I wanted to issue this problem with the result of the textual criticism of this novel. The two general principles of the textual criticism is to raise the readability for today's readers on the one hand and to make the most of the writer's original intent, and the latter is more primarily important element than the former. Accordingly, the correct version of 『Evergreens』 should be the one that will contain fully the writer's intent in the version of the newspaper serialization and the book version that the writer himself corrected. At this time the correct version must be made toward the direction that would first of all guarantee the people's everyday way of speaking and the old-style and simple expressions as the dialect, spoken language and those days' vocabularies. Doing like this way, of course, today's readers' readability must be secured at the same time. After this treatise, I would undertake the works like these at the next study. First, I will scrutinize the North Korean version of this novel in full-scale and systematically which has various dimensional problems. This scrutiny as an important material would contribute to the consideration of the general problems of works published in North Korea and the characteristics and the problems of North Korean language policy. And secondly, the examination of the dialect and the North Korean language is needed. This would verify the validity of the vocabularies in the various Korean dictionaries on the one hand, and would explore the possibility of 'the North Korean language's use for the common language of South and North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        ?濁流?의 改作과 ?無情? 패러디

        鄭弘燮 한국어문교육연구회 2003 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.31 No.2

        The Rewriting and the Parody of “Heartlessness”of “Turbid Stream” Cheong, Hong-seop The real aspects of Chae, Man-shik's “Turbid Stream” are soundly come into view when, in the first place, we confirm the differences between the contents of the serialized “Turbid Stream” of Chosun Daily Newspaper and those of the separate volume, and in the second place, we confirm the fact that it is the parody of Lee, Gwang-soo's “Heartlessness”. First, through the differences of the two texts we can find that the characterization of the main personages is solidified toward the obvious manifestation of the writer's thematic consciousness. And through the parody of the almost every main characters and the story of “Heartlessness” that conveys the enlightening optimism, “Turbid Stream” scrutinizes the limping modernity of colonized Korea. 蔡萬植의 濁流는 첫째, <朝鮮日報>에 최초 연재될 당시의 내용과 推敲를 거쳐 출간된 單行本 내용 간의 차이를 꼼꼼히 확인하고 둘째, 春園 李光洙의 無情을 주요한 패러디 대상으로 삼은 작품이라는 점을 확인할 때 그 실상이 온전히 드러난다. 먼저 濁流의 두 텍스트간의 차이를 통해 알 수 있는 것은, 최초 發表本인 連載本에서보다는 推敲된 單行本에서 작중 주요 인물들의 性格化가 작가의 主題意識을 더욱 뚜렷이 표출시킬 수 있는 방향으로 강화되고 있다는 사실이다. 또한 濁流가 無情을 패러디했다는 사실에서, 春園의 樂觀主義的 啓蒙主義와의 대결을 통해 식민지 조선의 跛行的 近代性에 대해 穿鑿하고자 한 蔡萬植의 의도를 확인하게 된다. 濁流는 無情 속에 있는 거의 대부분의 주요 인물들과 줄거리를 과감하게 패러디함으로써 無情과 확연히 대비되는 主題意識을 전달한다.

      • KCI등재

        춘원 이광수의 상해 망명 전후의 개조론

        정홍섭 춘원연구학회 2019 춘원연구학보 Vol.0 No.16

        본고에서는 상해 망명이라는 사건의 성격에 주목하면서 망명 전후 춘원 이광수의 주요한 글에 나타난 사상의 핵심을 개조론의 관점에서 고찰하였다. 망명 직전에 있었던 허영숙과의 북경행이 매우 충동적인 것이었기 때문에, 돌연한 귀국과 도일, 그리고 2․8독립운동 가담과 상해 망명이라는 사건 역시 충분한 준비 작업 끝에 이루어진 것이 아니었을 것이라는 추론이 본고와 본고 이전 논문의 기본 토대였다. 이는 그가 2차 유학 시절부터 강고하게 품은 사상의 핵심이 상해 망명과 그 이후까지 일관되게 유지되었을 것이라는 추론을 가능케 한다. 이러한 추론을 가설 삼아 상해 망명 시절을 포함하여 그 전후 시기 그의 사상의 핵심을 개조론의 관점에서 검토한바, 상황에 따른 변화를 내포하면서도 그것이 일관되게 연속성을 유지되고 강화됨을 확인했다. 즉, 상해 망명 이전 2차 일본 유학 시절의 주요한 글들, 「2․8독립선언서」와 「민족대회소집청원서」, 상해 망명 시절 『독립신문』에 쓴 「개조」, 그리고 상해에서 귀국하기 직전으로부터 「민족개조론」에 이르기까지 그의 글의 핵심이 민족성 개조론이었음을 확인할 수 있었다.


        흉수에 발생한 상의신경세포종 1예

        정홍섭,임창수,이훈갑,주정화 대한신경외과학회 1978 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.7 No.2

        We have recently experienced a case of intramedullary ependymoma in the upper thoracic spinal cord. A 46 years old man was admitted to our Department of Neurosurgery because of spastic paraplegia and disturbance of .urination since 6 years ago when the disability developed rather abruptly. Myelogram showed a subtotal block of the dye column at the level of T2-3 intervertebral space about where a fusiform enlargement of the cord was shadowed. Opening the duramater after total laminectomy performed through C7 to T3, a markedly swallen and enlarged spinal cord was under a great pressure. Spinal cord was paper thin and fully filled with a massive tumor inside of it. The intrameduallary tumor was mushroomed out on dorsal myelotomy. Histological study was verified to be ependymoma. The patient has not shown any improvement of neurological deficits in postoperative period.

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