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      • KCI등재

        한지를 이용한 집단미술치료가 지적장애학생의고립행동에 미치는 영향

        정진자,박순희 한국미술치료학회 2010 美術治療硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        This study examines the effect of group art therapy by using Korean traditional papers, Hanji, on isolated behavior of students with intellectual disabilities. The subjects of this study were 3 students with intellectual disabilities. This group art therapy was used as an intervention program. Using Korean traditional papers on the was isolated behavior of students, 27 sessions, 1~2 sessions per week, were executed. Duration of execution for each session lasted 40 minutes. The conclusions are as follows;First, group art therapy by using Korean traditional papers had a positive effect on reduction in the isolated behavior of the students with intellectual disabilities. Second, the effects of the reduction in the isolated behavior of the students with intellectual disabilities, when the group art therapy by using Korean traditional papers was applied, continued even after the period of treatment. In conclusion, the group art therapy by using Korean traditional papers was effective in reduction on isolated behavior of students with intellectual disabilities. 본 연구는 한지를 이용한 집단미술치료가 지적장애학생의 고립행동에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위하여 지적장애학생 3명(남학생 1명, 여학생 2명)을 대상으로 한지를 이용한 집단미술치료를 주1~2회 총 27회기 동안 시행하였으며, 1회당 소요시간은 40분이었다. 이상의 연구를 통해 얻어낸 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한지를 이용한 집단미술치료가 지적장애학생의 고립행동 감소에 긍정적 영향을 주었다. 둘째, 한지를 이용한 집단미술치료가 지적장애학생 개인별 고립행동 감소에 긍정적인 영향을 주었으며 처치기간이 끝난 후에도 그 효과가 유지되었다. 결론적으로 한지를 활용한 집단 미술치료가 지적장애학생의 고립행동 감소에 효과적임을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        발달장애아동을 위한 캠프 프로그램에 대한 교사와 부모의 인식수준 및 개선방안

        정진자 한국특수교육문제연구소 2003 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.4 No.2

        본 연구는 본 연구는 발달장애아동을 위한 캠프 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구를 하기위하여 캠프활동에 대한 교사와 부모님의 인식 수준은 전북,광주,대전지역의 2개의 지체부자유학교(전북재활학교, 대전성세학교),3 개의 정신지체학교 (광주선명학교,전주은화학교,전북혜화학교),2 개의 청각장애학교(전주선화학교, 광주인화학교) 교사와 부모님께 설문지를 배포하여 160명의 교사와 219명의 부모남들에게서 수집된 설문 내용을 중심으로 분석하였다. 또한 발달장애아동의 캠프활동에 대한 현황을 조사하기 위하여 yahoo. co. kr, empas com, naver. com등 3개의 인터넷 싸이트 검색을 통해 현재 학교 및 사회복지관,청소년 수련원등에서 실시하고 있는 장애아동 및 비장애아동 대상을 위한 캠프 프로그램을 실시하는 38 개 청소년관련 기관과 3개의 복지관 중 프로그램이 소개되어 있는 41 개 기관의 자료를 수집하여 그 운영 실태룹 분석하여 얻어낸 결괴 첫째,41 개 기관의 청소년 대상 캠프활동의 주된 내용은 체험활동과 야영활동 그리고 레크레이션 중심으로 나타났으며 장애청소년을 위한 캠프프로그램은 2 개 청소년 수련원과 3 개의 복지관에서 실시하고 있으며 캠프활동의 주된 내용은 비장애 칭소년을 대상으로 장애이해를 촉진시키고, 장애가족 및 형제를위한 프로그램으로 구성되어 있다. 둘째,설문 자료 분석을 통해 살펴본 캠프활동 영역에서 교사와 부모님들은 방학중 캠프활동 프로그램의 필요성을 인식하는 것으로 나타났으며 캠프활 동 프로그램 실시 기관으로 신뢰할 수 있는 기관으로 장애인종합복지관과 특수교육 전문교육 기관을 선택하였으며 교사들은 캠프활동 프로그램 지도교사로서 사회복지사,학부모 및 자원봉사자,특수학교 교사순으로 선호하는 경향을 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to provide a guideline of camp activities for the children with developmental disability. The subjects of this study were 160 teachers and 219 parents in 2 schools for the physical disability, 3 schools for the mentally retarded, 2 schools for the hearing disorder in Jeonbuk, Gwangju and Daejeon. The questionnaire used for this study was composed of three main areas; general characteristics and camp activities. The result of the present study were as following First, the main programs in the camp activity for the youth contain experience activity, camping and recreation and those for the disabled contain comprehension promotion of youth for the disabled and programs for the family and sibling. Second, on the question data analysis the teachers recognised the necessity of the camp activity during the vacation and they preferred the camp by complex、Nelfare center for the disabled, special education center and social wokers, parents, volunteers, special school teachers orderly. The teachers preferred 2nights 3 days camp, 1 night 2 days, 3 nights 4 days orderly and the fee for the camp 20,000won, 30,000won, 10,000won orderly. The teachers wanted special camping center for the camp. The teachers wanted the program that promote the interest and confidence of the disabled. The parents wanted the vacation program and confided in the program of special education center and special school and complex welfare center for the disabled orderly. The parents wanted special school teacher, social wokers, therapist. The period of camp that the parents wanted was similar to those of the teachers. the adequate fee per 1 day they wanted was 20,000 won. And they preferred special camping center. So it is neceSSaIγ that the detail and the content of the camp for the disabled contains mind dcvcloping program, social adjustment program‘ fundamental life program, self-reliance program, improvmg program in the recognition of the disabled, phylsial strength program, and recreation activitiy. And the specified camping activity needs to contian natural experience activity, traditional culture expenence activity,adventure activlity, promoting physical strength, family camp, and arts program.

      • KCI등재

        특수학교 학생의 식습관 조사

        정진자 국립특수교육원 1998 특수교육연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to invastigate the characteristics of eating habit of the student in special school, such as eating behavior, food preference and actual condition of food intake by using the question method. The subjects for this study included 313 students with hearing handicapped, visually handicapped, physical handicapped. The result of this study is as follows ; First, in behavior of general eating behavior attitude, students showed a tendency to eat lunch very deliciously and breakfast indifferently. The only 73.87% of students had a regular meal. The 77.81% of students took three meals a day. In behavior of eating breakfast, the rate of skipping meal was low and the main reason for skipping meal was the lack of appetite. The breakfast was rice-oriented meal consisted of rice, soup. They took between meal snack such a noodles, noodles preferably 1 time a day. Second, in preference of food, students mainly hose food by its taste and also they liked something that their parent liked, too. The preference of food is as following: milk, ice cream, bean curd, anchovy, Coke. In contrast, they didn't have a favor to tara, butter, cheese, sea lettuce. Third, in actual condition on food intake, the rate of intaking meat and its processed food 1∼2 times for a week was 57.89% and then that of fish and shell was 50.88%, seaweeds was 62.18%, green & yellow vegetables was 39.80%, potato & seaweeds was 55.85%, eag was 59.73%, fried food was 49.05%. In addition th rate of drinking milk was 1 glass a day on the average.

      • KCI등재

        꼴라쥬와 어셈블리지 기법이 정신지체학생의 소재 활용방법과 공간개념에 미치는 영향

        정진자,정용원 한국미술치료학회 2001 美術治療硏究 Vol.8 No.2

        아동은 성장하면서 환경과의 상호작용에 흥미를 갖게 되며, 어떤 방법으로든 외부 세계에 반응을 하려고 하는데 이러한 경험이 축적될수록 정서와 신체 움직임, 감각기능이 발달하고 잠재적 능력이 계발되어져 자발적인 학습이 가능하게 된다. 그러나 정신지체아는 비장애아와 달리 학습속도가 느려고, 자연스런 언어로 표현하거나 말로 자기의 의사를 전달하는데 어려움이 있으며, 신체발달보다 감각 • 운동면에서 많이 떨어져 눈 • 손 협응, 소근육 운동 등 신체 · 감각적 능력에 문제점을 가지고 있다. 자발성, 모방력, 집중력, 작품 표출력이 약하고, 창작능력, 자립성, 참여도 등의 부족과 대인관계에 있어 부적절한 태도를 보인다(지미숙, 1997). The purpose of thìs study was to detennìne the influence of collage and assemblage techniques on the material use and special concept of students with mental retardation The subjects ìn this study were four selected students ìn the mìddle school section of specìal school for students wìth mental retardation in the ity of Mokpo, South\' Cholla Province. The art-activity program was bndùcted 20 times for 7weeks, three times a\' week, 50 minutes each. The 얀us 。f me expedrtlent was placed m giving a chance to utilized multiple öatenals and on enhancing the three-dimensional concept of space. The findings of this study were as below; First, the collage and assemblage techniques gave an impact on the 3 1 iterial use of students with mental retardation. As the art activity was ‘k eing imfolded by using collage and assemblage, the students were able to more diverse materials properly. Their ay to utilize the materials was Est‘râ llized in a way to makè a good use of ‘the unique characteristics of the materials and their skìll to handle them also became more flexible. Student 1 used various colors even for the same\" materials, and student 2 used a piece of cloth as a hair, whiεh was beyond\" common usage. Stùdent 3 impfoved the use of bond and actively utilized magazines. Student 4 tried to make his works particularly personal and unique. Second, the collage and assemblage techniques exerted an influence\" on their concept of space.\" Student 3 showed the biggest change in drawing a diagram, and Student 1, 2 and 4 made the most change in three-dimensional image. There were less changes in cross section‘

      • KCI등재

        특수학급 학생의 성격특성과 식습관의 관계

        정진자,김지현 한국특수교육문제연구소 2001 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 특수학급 학생의 성격특성과 식습관의 관계를 살펴보기 위해 서울, 인천, 전북지역에 소재한 중 ㆍ 고등학교 특수학급 학생 130명을 대상으로 식습관 조사를 위한 설문지와 어린이 및 청소년 성격유형 검사 (MMTIC)를 사용하여 얻어낸 결과 특수학급 학생의 성격 특성은 외향적,감각적,인식적,감정적인 성격을 갖고 있으며 특수학급 학생의 성격특성에 따라 식습관 형성인자,식사의 규칙성,간식의 종류,중점을 두는 식사,식사중 일어나지 않기 등에서 각각 다른 반응을 나타냈다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the pcrsonality traits and food habit of students in special class. The subjects in this study were 130 selected special class students in middle and high schools in Seoul, lnchon, and Chollabukdo. The Following tests were given questionnaire of food habit and Murphy-Meisgeier Type lndicator for Children(MMTIC). The result of the present study were as following. First, personality traits of students in special class have extraversion, sensing, perceiving, feeling type. Second, the relationship between personality traits and the food habit of the special class students investigated, is as follows. The meal they found most delicious was lunch in those types of extraversion, intuition, thinking, judging but dinner in the perceiving type, lunch and dinner in sensìng type. Sensing type didn ’t have their meals regularly, the thinking type didn ’t show any distinct preference and the other types had them irregularly. When they got angry or was displeased, they didn't eat, but occasionally the intuition type ate. And all the types ate boiled rice and side dishes altemately. These four types of extraversion, sensing, thinking, judging left the table at meal but other four types of intraversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving rarely left the table at meal The side dishes were eaten evenly by all the types except the thinking type, but all the types left no boiled rice and had a meal three times a day. In eating speed these three types of extraversion, sensing, judging tended to eat with normal speed but other four types of intraversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving fast. The taste of food was the müst important element to these five types of extraversion, sensing, thinking, feeling, perceiving. But it was nutritive value to the intuition type and there was no special choice to the judging type. Recipe gave an average impact on their eating but the intuition type didn ’t eat the food with different cookery. All the types had breakfast everyday‘ The perceiving type didn ’ t eat breakfast because they had no appetite in the moming, but with the other types the reason was that they had no time. They ate between meals once a day, but the thinking type more than once or three times These two types of extraversion, judging ate between meals made by their own mothers and the other types bought to eat their favorite one. Their favorite food of eating between meals was soft drink or ice cream. These five types of extraversion, intuition, feeling, judging, percelVmg didn ’t had an unbalanced diet and other three types of intraversion, sensing, thinking didn ’t eat milk product. The thinking type had an unbalanced diet because of style and color, and other types because of taste. The most favorite food to the extraversion type was sweet one, pungent one and lightly seasoned one but to the intraversion type sourish one and to all the other types pungent one.

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