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      • KCI등재

        고려~조선시대 낙동강 상류 지역의 越境地 분석

        정요근 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2015 한국문화 Vol.71 No.-

        On the upper region of Nakdong-gang River where current Andong and Yeongju cities and Bonghwa, Yecheon and Uiseong counties of North Gyeongsang Province are located, some Wolgyeongji, territories of a county surrounded by other counties were spread in Joseon era. Those Wolgyeongji are classified into fifteen places, and most of them became Wolgyeongji in the middle and later Goryeo or earlier than that period. It means that the number of Wolgyeongji occurring through the reorganization of local administrative system enforced in end of Goryeo dynasty and early years of Joseon is not so many of those, and occurrence and extinction of Wolgyeongji is not the product from a certain fixed time but one could be appeared at any time. In addition to classification criteria like Wolgyeongji classification based on the origin of occurrence proposed in a previously published article, Wolgyeongji classification criterion based on the cause of occurrence should be newly utilized for systematic understanding on Goryeo and Joseon era’s Wolgyeongji.

      • KCI등재

        전남 지역의 고려~조선시대 越境地 분석

        정요근 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2013 한국문화 Vol.63 No.-

        This article investigated on time and cause of formation, term of existence, changes of belonging Upper County, and extinction of exclaves located on current Southern Jeolla Province in Goryeo and Joseon period. This article also classified each exclave by following criteria. Regarding on origin of formation, exclaves were classified into types originated from counties dependent on local major county, special administrative districts, special areas organized by dynastic purpose, and other villages. Also regarding on main transportation way with belonging Upper County and geographical conditions, they were divided into overland route preferred type, marine transportation preferred type, and island type. Comparing time of exclave formation, number of Exclaves formed during the early Goryeo period was much more than number of ones formed in the late Goryeo and Joseon period. As time goes by, some exclaves became extinct or their belonging Upper County was switched. On the other hand, new ones were formed on different areas. Changes of those sorts gradually increased from the middle Goryeo period, and major changes were accompanied in the course of reforming local administrative system of the transition period between Goryeo and Joseon. Current Southern Jeolla Province’ counties having exclaves in Goryeo period were mostly designated as traditional local hub cities. Local major counties’ regional influence became main impetus for forming and continuing their exclaves in Goryeo period, and it was not changed even in Joseon period.

      • 도봉구 연혁 기록의 비교 검토와 補正

        정요근 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 인문과학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        This article reviewed existing five representative descriptions on Dobong-gudistrict^ history and compared it with each other, and found out a lot of inaccuracywas contained in these descriptions. Four of them have serious errors on historical免cts, moreover even in『Dobong-gu Ji』(Survey of Dobong-gu District), which isevaluated as the most correct description of the five, serious errors were found. Among various errors on historical facts in the five descriptions, the most seriousone was the history from Silla to Goryeo period on current Dobong gu district. All descriptions except for 『Dobong-gu Ji』 completely misdescribed Silla andGoryeo history of Dobong gu district, so prompt modification of the misdescriptionsis requested. Secondly, descriptions on history of Gangbuk-gu district and Nowon-gudistrict are included in the description on Dobong-gu district history, which shouldbe modified as soon as possible. This confusion must be due to the fact that thosetwo newly organized districts were separated from Dobong-gu district recently in1980’s and 1990’s, but should be corrected as quickly as possible. Thirdly, descriptionon history of late Joseon and Japanese colonial period should be supplementedin detail. In particular, traditional village names and place names located on currentDobong-gu district mostly appeared in historical records written in late Joseon andJapanese colonial period. However, any description on Dobong-gu district historydid not deal with traditional village and place names’ periodic change and succession. Therefore, when newly updated Dobong-gu district history is compiled in near future,revision of description errors on historical facts, which were pointed out aboveand etc., must be carried out. 본 연구에서는 기존와 다섯 가지 대표적인 도봉구 연혁 기록의 내용을 검토하였는데,상당히 많은 여 러 가지 오류들이 포함되어 있었다. 가장 정확하다고 평가할 수있는『도봉구지』에서조차도 오류를 발견할 수 있었다. 그 중 가장 심각한 오류는 현도봉구 지역의 신라〜고려시대 연혁 내용이다. 『도봉구지』를 제외한 나머지 자료들은 신라~고려시대 연혁 내용을 완전히 잘못 기록하고 있으므로,시급한 수정이 요청된다. 두 번째 심각한 오류는 도봉구의 연혁 내용 중에 도봉구로부터 분리된 강북구 지역과 노원구 지역의 연혁 내용이 상당히 많이 섞여 들어가 있다는 점이다. 이것역시 빠른 시일 내에 바로잡아져야 할 것이다. 세 번째로는 기존의 도봉구 연혁 기록중 조선 후기와 일제 강점기 부분에 있어서 보완해야 할 점들을 들 수 있다. 특히 현재 도봉구에 존재하고 있는 마을 지명들은 대부분 조선 후기와 일제 강점기로부터그 실체가 확인되고 있는데, 도봉구의 연혁 기록 중 그 어떤 것도 시대에 따른 마을지명의 계승과 변천을 상세하게 다루고 있지 않았다. 그러므로 향후 새로운 도봉구연혁 기록의 편찬 시에는, 이상의 오류들을 포함하여 잘못된 내용들이 반드시 수정되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        조선초기 驛路網의 전국적 재편 - 교통로의 측면을 중심으로 -

        정요근 조선시대사학회 2008 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.46 No.-

        The nationwide formation of postal station network brought about the features of traffic routes and its changes. The most important arterial traffic routes were approximately laid along side of northwestern direction toward Pyŏng’an province, northeastern one toward Hamgyŏng province and southeastern one toward Kyŏngsang province both in Koryŏ and Chosŏn era, and unfolding of international situations and the dynastic changes from Koryŏ to Chosŏn brought about some alterations of traffic routes in detail. In early Chosŏn era, for example, the northwestern route’s militarized tensions were reduced, and its peaceful function usage was gradually emphasized. In case of northeastern route, its logistic function was still being recognized due to the existing threat of Manchurian tribes, but transfer of the capital to Hanyang(Seoul) led to opening of some new routes. In early Chosŏn era, as Japanese visits significantly increased along southeastern routes, the importance of the southeastern routes gradually emphasized, and the routes were recognized as equally important as the northern routes in terms of the dynastic rule and security perspective. Furthermore, in early Chosŏn era, the installation and abolition of postal stations followed the reorganization of local administrative units, and this change gave chance to reform traffic routes in some areas. 고려의 驛路網이 개경 이북 중심으로 편성되었던 것에 반하여, 조선초기의 역로망은 한양 남쪽 방면의 비중이 증가하면서 전국적 균등화의 모습을 지향하였다. 선초 이래 평화적 對明관계가 유지되고 일본 · 여진 등과의 관계가 안정되자, 역로망도 그러한 국제관계의 모습을 반영하는 형태로 재편되었다. 따라서 고려시대와 같이 국경선을 따라 조밀하게 편성되는 역로망의 형태나 慈悲嶺路와 같은 험한 嶺路의 존재는 그 필요성이 감소하였다. 북방지역에서는 驛의 숫자가 줄어들었고, 주요 지역으로 향하는 直路를 중심으로 역로가 재편되었다. 또한 선초에는 郡縣의 통폐합과 邑治의 이동 등 군현체제가 전국적으로 개편되면서, 새로운 군현편제를 지원할 수 있는 역로망의 조정과 재편이 수반되었다. 조선시대 역로망의 근간은 15세기에 이루어진 이와 같은 역로망의 정비와 재편을 통하여 형성되었던 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        고려 시대 전통 대읍 읍치 공간의 실증적 검토와 산성읍치설 비판

        정요근 한국중세고고학회 2019 한국중세고고학 Vol.- No.6

        This paper empirically investigated the location of county ruling places where the government offices were situated during the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty periods, using eight major traditional counties in the central region of Korea as examples. An extensive review of historical sources and archaeological excavation data confirmed that the eight county ruling places were found in the same locations during both the Goryeo and Joseon periods. The county ruling places were found in the central area of the town where many people resided. The county’s government office was the main facility of the county ruling place, and several Buddhist temples were built in the ruling place area. Among the major counties, while not in all cases, there were instances where a town castle enclosed the county government office. Not far from the county’s ruling place, fortresses were also found for defense in cases of emergencies. These fortresses were generally built on top of mountains and were situated at least two hour distance from the county ruling place. In previous literature, it was once proposed that the county ruling place was located inside the fortress during the Goryeo Dynasty period, however, this study proved this to be erroneous. In addition, this paper classified the spatial types of county ruling places to examine the historical nature of its spatial composition. 본 논문에서는 한반도 중부 지역의 8개 전통 대읍을 사례로 들어, 고려와 조선 시대 고을 관아가 있었던 읍치의 위치를 실증적으로 검토하였다. 문헌 자료와 고고 발굴조사 자료를 폭넓게 검토한 결과, 분석 대상 8개 고을의 읍치는 고려와 조선 시대 모두 동일한 장소에 있었음이 확인되었다. 읍치가 있던 장소는 다수의 인구가 거주하는 고을의 중심 도회지였다. 고을의 관아는 읍치의 중심 시설이었으며, 대읍의 읍치 지역에는 복수의 도회지 사찰이 건립되었다. 대읍 중에는 관아를 둘러싸는 읍성이 축조되는 곳도 있었지만, 읍성이 모든 대읍에 존재했던 시설은 아니었다. 읍치와 멀지 않은 곳에는 유사시 방어를 위한 배후성이 존재하였다. 배후성은 대체로 산 위에 축조된 산성이었으며, 읍치와의 왕래에 최소 2시간 이상 걸리는 먼 지점에 위치하였다. 한때 학계에서는 배후산성에 고려 시대 고을의 관아가 있었다는 산성읍치설이 제기되었으나, 본 논문의 논증 결과 고려 시대 산성읍치설은 사실에 근거하지 않은 오류로 판명되었다. 또한, 본 논문에서는 고려 시대 읍치 공간의 유형화를 통하여 고려 시대 읍치 공간의 구성이 갖는 역사성을 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

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