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      • 漢譯韓飜譯技巧 : 中國語 飜譯論文 = 중국어 번역테크닉 : 정영숙

        정영숙 제주대학교 통역대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247663

        事情發生的背景是介紹金融派生商品的?堂上. 강사설:"약정 기간이 지나면 수도…"大家好像都은동了"수도"저개사,因爲沒有人提問. 但我槁不憧"수도"是指上水道還是下水道,而且在經營學的課堂上즘요會出現水道니?一時腦子變得복잡起來. 沒판法只好提問"수도"是什요意思. 令人荒唐的是"수"是指「受」,"도"是指「渡」. 干脆說 "주고받다" 多好. 不憧的人즘요能은憧是什요意思. 21世紀的每一天都在使用저충난사. 首이火차站宣전道:철路局把新村號火차"장대형화",爲乘客提供了便利. 其실不使用"장대형화",直截了當說"길게 크게 했다"更便于理解. 某公司在?播里播送道"금일 석식…"告소職員晩餐時間的變更. 甚至一些媒體使用日語單사. 我인爲使用簡單的語言更便于駒通. 譯文也要簡單、易憧,至少要比독原文時省時間. 但要想역出簡單的文章幷非易事. 卽使경松地理解了原文的意思,但把文章譯成簡單的韓文又是령一回事. 寫學士論文時,指導敎授對我說的話蔥是回蕩在腦海中. 他說: 文章要簡單,要簡單到蓮中學生也能讀동,七旬的老人也能독동. 但즘樣寫才能寫出簡單的文章니? 提交的論文被多次退稿后我才明白,只有明학了要사的內容后才能사出簡單的文章. 自己理解了,別人才能理解. 課堂上也是如此. 像애恩斯坦저樣的大사강的課,旣簡單又易동,但有激情而无經驗的講師无論즘요약力강,有時也難은동他在講什요. 飜譯也是如此. 譯者充分閱讀幷理解原文后譯出的文章,當然易동. 但譯者都不理解原文時,讀者즘요能讀동譯文니? ① 就是在拉包差的里面,저也得算흔名귀的. [糟譯]일류 전세 인력거꾼들 가운데서도 시앙쯔야말로 가히 고귀하리만큼 드문 일품이 아닐 수 없다.《駱駝祥子》 ② 他的聰明和努力都足以使他的志愿成爲事실. [糟譯]자기가 바라는 바는 모두 실현되지 않는 것이 없을 정도로 그는 총명하고 또 노력을 게을리하지 않았다.《駱駝祥子》 上面的譯文與我們平常接觸的文章差距흔大,因爲表달方式흔奇怪,讀者无法理解. 譯者幷沒有充分理解原文,所以譯出的文章也是模稜兩可. 修改后,譯文的意思則一目了然. [修改]전세 인력거꾼 가운데서도 실력이 뛰어난 축에 속한다고 봐야 한다. [修改]그는 자신의 뜻을 충분히 이룰 수 있을 만큼 총명했고 또 노력을 했다. 譯文難讀동的多半情況幷不在于原文難,而在于譯者的理解不足. 只有譯者充分理解原文后飜譯時,讀者才能경易地讀동譯文. 但沒理解原文飜譯時,譯文則晦삽難동,正因爲저충情況的存在,有人說,與其讀譯文,不如讀原文. 要想譯文易동,就진可能少用韓文中漢字. 有可代替漢字的固有詞語時,就用固有詞語,沒有時才用漢字,這也是使文章易동的一충判法. ③"…매파,오春! 就是니打我,我也不會還手的. " "매도해 주게, 우 치윤! 나를 때린다 해도 얻어맞겠네." 《人아,人》 大家有沒有은過"나를 매도 해주게"這句話? 應該沒有은과파. "罵"有固定詞語,但譯文中使用了漢字,使得譯文흔別뉴. [修改]나를 좀 꾸짖어 주게나. 우춘! 나를 때려도 되네. 在《人아,人》中可我到흔多這충例子. 下面只比較譯文 [糟譯]나는 꿈의 세계를 반추했다. [修改]나는 꿈을 다시 떠올려 보았다. [糟譯]나는 담뱃대를 건넸다. "응, 금연할께." [修改]나는 담뱃대를 건넸다. "응, 끊을게." [糟譯]이 손 유에를 옛날과 똑같이 열애할 수 있을까? [修改]이런 쑨웨를 예전처럼 뜨겁게 사랑할 수 있을까? [糟譯]손 유에는 원망스럽다는 듯이 나를 일별하고서 일어나서 나갔다. [修改]쑨웨는 불만이 가득한 눈으로 나를 흘겨보고는 그 자리를 떠났다. 漢字也是韓文中的一部分,且占据了흔大的比重. 如果除去漢字,剩下的固有詞語幷不多,所以我幷不是主張不用漢字,只是有固有詞語時,最好不用漢字. 飜譯時要진力使譯文簡單,要考慮讀者的立場,要仔細閱讀,這樣譯出的文章才簡單. 費了17年的心血,與成10卷長篇小說《魂火》的作家崔明希說過這樣的話. 저10卷서中的每개句子,甚至每개逗號,我都出聽念과. 有人問我즘요念逗號. 有逗號的地方就喘口氣,沒有的話,就一直念下去. 其실語言本身就是聲音. 卽使用眼睛看的時候覺察不到的問題,只要出聲念,也都能我出來. 做起來可能不是흔容易,但通과저개方法能使譯文更上一層樓.

      • 보건·복지서비스 연계에 관한 조사 연구

        정영숙 전북대학교 행정대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        This study was performed to activate the linkage strategies of public health medical service and social welfare service by analyzing surveys for this linkage through postal service from 25 April, 2008 to 2 May. It surveyed visiting nurses, who are the subject of health and medicine and are staffs carried out customized health management business, working in a public health center in Jeollabuk-do. The results of this study were summarized as below. First, when a visiting nurse provides medical and care service, the most obstacle factor was “too many families to care of.” Second, in most cases, they have ‘requested’ cooperation to the public social worker and the work requested was ‘to solve living-related matter of the people to be care of’. When requesting, the worker’s attitude was that ‘they rapidly reacted to the request’. The visiting nurse has been requested cooperation from the public social worker and the work asked was ‘to provide health service’. The attitude of the visiting nurse at that moment was ‘to respond their request rapidly’. Third, when performing their works, they thought that the linkage with the public social worker was ‘necessary or little bit necessary’. The reason why they did not think of the linkage was that ‘the public social worker did not ask any help to us’. The reason why needing the linkage with the worker was ‘to provide good quality services to the patient’. Fourth, a positive factor in the linkage between health medical service and social welfare was ‘to avoid overlapping services’. The problem possibly generated was that ‘it was difficult professions to participate continuously’. The factor activating the linkage was mostly ‘the integration program should be developed for the linkage between health and welfare’. Based on the survey results, it suggested activating plans to link health medical service and social welfare service. First, by recruiting visiting nurses, it should assign appropriate families to a visiting nurse and minimize their odd duties and official affairs. So nurses can truly concentrate on their own works. Second, there were problems in the linkage, which professionals can not participate constantly, it will be influenced by special professionals, and the role of professionals is not clear. Therefore, strategic plans to solve those problems should be suggested. Third, it should develop an integration program in order to activate the linkage, lavish official or financial support, and hasten to establish the service delivery system.

      • Porous anodic aluminum oxide를 이용한 Co 나노구조의 자기적 특성

        정영숙 연세대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        n-type Si 기판에 Al 5000Å을 올린 박막으로 양극산화를 하였다. Al 표면을 TC, 아세톤으로 전처리한 후 two-step anodization과정을 이용하여 porous anodic aluminum oxide(AAO) template를 제조하였다. 전해용액으로는 0.3 M 옥살산을 사용하였으며, 양극산화 시간과 전압을 달리하여 나노기공의 직경을 변화시켰다. scanning electron micrograph(SEM)을 통하여 나노기공 직경, 나노기공 사이의 간격이 일정함을 확인할 수 있었다. 이들 AAO를 이용하여 UHV chamber에서 열저항증착(thermal evaporation) 방법을 이용하여 1×10^(-9) torr에서 0.2 Å/sec의 증착 속도로 Co 나노구조를 성장하였다. Co 나노구조의 배열상태를 확인하기 위하여 알루미나 제거 후 SEM을 사용하였다. Co 나노구조의 길이에 따른 보자력 등 자기적 특성을 magneto-optic kerr effects(MOKE)를 사용하여 측정하였다. bulk Co는 in-plane만 나타나는데 비해 Co 나노구조는 in-plane. polar MOKE가 나타났다. Co 증착 두께가 두꺼울수록 자화용이축이 Co 나노구조와 평행해진다는 것을 알수 있었다. Co 두께는 Co 나노구조에 수직한 방향, 즉 in-plane 방향에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. Following pretreatment in TC, acetone Al(5000Å)/n-type Si was anodized. Porous anodic aluminum oxide(AAO) template was formed by in 0.3 M oxalic acid solution. Pore diameter was varied by changing anodizing time and voltage. AAO array was characterized using SEM. Co/Al_(2)O_(3)/Si films were grown by thermal evaporation. The sample was grown in room temperature at 0.2 Å/sec growth rate, 1×10^(-9) torr on Al_(2)O_(3)/Si. Following removal of alumina(Al_(2)O_(3)), Co nano structure array was characterized using SEM. Magnetic properties of Co nano structures were observed by magneto-optic kerr effects(MOKE). Bulk Co has only in-plane, but Co nano structure has both in-plane and polar MOKE. Easy-axis was varied from perpendicular to parallel to Co nano structure when Co thickness was increased. Co thickness didn't effect a change in parallel direction.

      • 우리나라 노인요양병원의 제도적 문제점과 효율적 운영방안에 관한 연구

        정영숙 전주대학교 경영대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Korea is one of the fastest-aging societies in the world and it has been undergoing vast demographic changes including the rapid increase in both the proportion and the absolute number of the elderly. While developed countries have prepared to cope with the ageing problem for a long time, Korea is in the urgent situation to meet the aged society with relatively short period of preparation. As people get older, they may become not only physically impaired but also mentally impaired. In particular, the prevalence of senile dementia is apparently increasing with demographic aging in Korea. Therefore, It is anticipated that there will be a rapid expansion in the number of older people who need care, particularly long-term care. In addition, long term care of older people are also influenced by people's degree of mental as well as physical impairment. In July 2008, Korea introduced social insurance for long-term care. Several important demographic and social changes have contributed to the introduction of long-term care insurance, including the rapid ageing of the population, high prevalence rate of chronic illnesses and changes of the family structure. As a results, the Korean government has been giving active support to long-term care facilities. The long-term care hospitals are facilities that provide medical services to patients who require long-term medical treatment and protection services. The long-term care hospitals fulfill a public objective while procedure reasonable operating profits. However, the support of Korean government caused a sudden increase in the number of long-term care hospitals and resulted in the current demand-supply imbalance. Also, there were having a persistent problems with operating long-term care hospital that low public trust, financial pressure due to oversupply of beds and the Korean fee-for-service systems. Therefore, Solution of these problems need to be reestablished the function of long-term care hospital, make an effort to government policy direction of aged welfare and stimulate for long-term care hospital of functional revitalization. Furthermore, on the bases of these analysis, effective operating plans of long-term care hospitals in Korea needs to be addressed several point which deserves our attention. The proposal of this study are as follows: First, Specific policies relating to welfare policies for older people in Korea include introduction of long-term care insurance to be rearranged. Consequently, medical care for the elderly with long-term care causes high costs burden. Therefore, in order to ensure quality and service competitiveness of its reasonable management produced in long-term care hospital. Second, the demand for new social welfare programs corresponding to the improves quality of the elderly and various social desires is relatively on the increase. However, currently, the satisfaction of leisure program in long-term care hospital is very low and the necessity of social welfare program is demanded. Therefore, service of social welfare program should further develop and facilitate various learning strategies including leisure programs for elderly care. Finally, the general hospitals need to be prepared their social network system between the long-term care hospital and other elderly care facilities. All sectors of specialties relevant to elderly long-term care should be systematically working together, so as to set up a sound master plan for nursing the aged. Both medical and para-medical should be secured and, they must be ready to work in good harmony. Therefore, the necessity of the prospects for developing health care for aging populations and encourages the sharing of differing national experiences concerning care for the elderly, including financing and the development of appropriate care models, particularly concerning the adequate provision long-term care facilities.

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