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        鄭秀賢 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 1997 日本硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        현대일본어와 한국어에 나타난 여성어를 대조연구함에 있어서 어감이 보다 더 강한 표현인가 부드러운 표현인가하는 것을 중점적으로 정리했다. 일본어의 경우, 부탁하거나 변명하는 표현, 문말표현, 경어표현, 끝맺지않은 미완결문에 나타난 여성어를 중심으로 정리하고, 한국어의 경우 어휘상, 음운상, 경어표현상, 담화레벨에 있어서의 언어에 나타난 남녀차를 중심으로 정리했다. 금후 과제로는, 어휘사적 대조연구 및 사회언어학적 어프로치로서 지역별 여성어 방언 액센트에 나타난 심리적 의식차, 예를 들면 영·호남 사이에 있어서 상호 보다 더 매력적으로 느낀다거나 천박하다고 느낀다거나 천박하다고 느낀다거나 하는 의식차이를 조사해보고 싶다.

      • 現代日本語陳述副詞에 관한 小考

        鄭秀賢 동국대학교 1985 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        In Japanese language, the predicative adverb is distinct from other kinds of adverbs in the functional sense. In view of the importance of various forms of adverbial function in the Japanese language, this study is focused upon the analysis of the nature of adverbial function, classify them and then clarify the interrelationships among them on the basis of function. Predicative adverb help determine the whole meanings of as well as giving direction to a dsentence, and that such function would be fulfilled through the usage of predicative adverb. In other words, the nature and characteristics of a sentence structure would be greatly affected through the reaction to the predicate modus. While the circumstantial adverb is close to the side of dictum in a sentence, the limitted adverb is, on the other hand, is in somewhere in between the predicative adverb and the circumstantial adverb. The limitted adverb also carries double natures because it has the characteristics of restrictive nature combining with adjective in the area of dictum and, at the same time, adding evaluating impact. This article is designed to provide the definition of and interrelationships among the above listed forms of adverbs, namely that predicative adverb, circumstantial adverb and limitted adverb, and also intends to illustrate them with examples.

      • KCI등재후보

        『내훈』, 『어제내훈』 어미 비교 연구

        정수현 제주대학교 교육과학연구소 2018 교육과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        This study is intended to compare between『Naehun』and『Eoje-Naehun』, especially focusing on the uses of connective ending and final ending that show remarkable differences. For this study, constructions with the endings: ‘-r di ni’, ‘-n di ra’, ‘-r di ra’, ‘-n di ni ra’, and ‘-r di ni ra’ and constructions with the endings: ‘-r si/-r si ra’ and ‘-ri yeo’ were extracted and they were compared to the contents of『Eoje-Naehun』to look into the different aspects. Almost every ‘-ldini’ construction has connective endings and this demonstrates that ‘-ldini’ functions as a connective ending. The expression of the ‘-ndinira’ construction is not highly revealed in『Naehun』. The ‘-ldinira’ construction in『Naehun』did not have any ending or expression in『Eoje-Naehun』. The most distinguishing thing in the ‘-ndira’ construction is that the ending of『Naehun』is replaced with the ‘-ndira’ construction a lot in『Eoje-Naehun』and the ‘-ndira’ construction of『Naehun』is replaced with ‘nominalization+ira’ in『Eoje-Naehun』, in some cases. Although the ‘-ldira’ constructions have no big characteristics but a simple difference in orthography, ‘-O-’ disappears identically in all the ‘di’ constructions. The structure preceding ‘muthada’ changes and the ‘-m’ construction appears with a connective ending ‘-di’. ‘-lsi’ is replaced with ‘euro’, or appears as an expression of ‘-ndira’. All the states or conditions of previous clauses are to express reasons or causes for the contents of following clauses. In addition, ‘-lsi(ra)’ in the inserted note is expressed as ‘-mal’ or ‘-m’. 이 연구는『내훈』과『어제내훈』의 비교하여 대조하는 데에 목적이 있다. 특히, 두드러진 차이를 보이는 연결 어미, 종결 어미의 쓰임을 중심으로 살펴본다. 그 대상은『내훈』에서 어미 ‘-ㄹ디니’, ‘-ㄴ디라’, ‘-ㄹ디라’, ‘-ㄴ디니라’, ‘-ㄹ디니라’로 나타난 구문과 ‘몯ᄒᆞ다’ 구성, ‘-ㄹᄉᆡ/-ㄹ시라’ 등이고, 해당 구문들을 추출하여 그 내용과『어제내훈』의 내용을 대조, 비교하여 교체 양상을 살펴본다. ‘디’ 구문의 특성은 다음과 같다. ‘-ㄹ디니’ 구문을 정리해 보자면 거의 모두 연결 어미로 나타나는데 이는 ‘-ㄹ디니’의 기능이 연결 어미인 것을 확인해 준다. ‘-ㄴ디니라’ 구문은 그 표현 자체가『내훈』에 많이 나타나지 않는다. ‘-ㄹ디니라’ 구문은『어제내훈』에서 다른 어미나 다른 표현으로 교체되어 나타나는 경우가 없었다. ‘-ㄴ디라’ 구문의 특징은『내훈』의 어미가『어제내훈』에 ‘-ㄴ디라’ 구문으로 교체되어 나타나는 일이 많다는 것이다. 또한『내훈』의 ‘-ㄴ디라’ 구문이『어제내훈』에서 ‘명사화+이라’와 같이 교체된 것도 있다. ‘-ㄹ디라’는 단순히 표기의 차이를 보일 뿐이고 큰 교체를 하는 특징은 없다. 다만 ‘디’ 구문 모두에서 ‘-오-’가 소멸하는 모습을 살펴볼 수 있었다. ‘몯ᄒᆞ다’ 구성은 ‘몯ᄒᆞ다’에 선행하는 구조가 변화를 보이는데, ‘-ㅁ+조사(이라)’을 취하던 구성이 연결 어미 ‘-디’를 취하여 나타난다. ‘-ㄹᄉᆡ’는『어제내훈』에서 ‘으로’와 쓰이는 표현으로 교체되기도 하고, ‘-ㄴ디라’의 표현으로 나타나기도 한다. 모두 앞 절의 상황이나 상태가 뒤 절의 내용에 대한 이유, 원인이 되는 표현이다. 협주에 쓰인 ‘-ㄹ시(라)’의 표현은 ‘- 말’이나 ‘-ㅁ’으로 표현되고 있다.

      • 現代日本語慣用表現의 諸問題

        鄭秀賢 東國大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        This article aims at studying some peripheral problems of the idiomatic expression which are considered as mre Japanesque expressions, covering the followings. 1. The relation to the compound words. I set the line of demarcation between the compound words and the idiomatic expressions and I found but the coherence of the later is much stronger than that of the former. 2. The relation to the function verbs. The function verbs are closer to the idiomatic expressions that the main verbs do. 3. The relation to the figures of speech Dividing them into the simile and metaphor, I referred whether they belong to the area of the figures or of the idiomatic expressions. 4. the relation to the complex particles. I discussed whether the complex particles should be treated as the idiomatic expressions or not. 5. The relation to the onomatopoeia and the miesis. I presented some idiomatic expressions related to the onomatopeia and the mimesis 6. The characteristics of the vocabulary and the structure. Especially a lot of body vocabularies are used in the idiomatic expressions, in which, whoever, there are some structural constraints such as they only accept negative or passive forms and so on. Besides the above, the phasic expressions are considered to be studied more becouse they are close to the idiomatic expressions since they are fixed according to the situations. And it is requested to describe the meaning and usage of each idiom. However, I leave this problem to be studied more afterwards, based on lots of examples collected, classified and contrasted with the Korean language already.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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