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      • 땅콩의 草型을 主로한 播種期가 生育 및 開花生態反應에 關한 硏究 : Arachis hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        栽培環境의 變化에 따른 땅콩 草型의 生態反應에 對한 硏究를 위하여 1990年에 葡蔔型, 半立型, 直立型을 供試하여 安城農業專門大學 實驗圃場에서 實施하였다. 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 主莖長은 葡蔔型 보다 直立型에서 晩播보다 早播에서 變幅이 컸다. 2. 分枝數는 直立型 보다 葡蔔型에서, 葡蔔型에 의한 減少가 半立型 및 直立型 보다 컸다. 3. 分枝長은 播種한 後 8月 24日 까지 伸長속도가 빨랐다. 4. 開花日數는 4月 20日 播種區, 5月 30日 播種區에서 모두 38日로 晩播區의 開花日數가 短縮率이 컸다. 5. 萊乾物重의 增加率은 葡蔔種의 경우 8月 24日에 가장 크며 半立 및 直立型은 8月 9日부터 增加하였고 9月 8日 以後부터는 鈍化하였다. 6. 收量은 直立型<半立型<葡蔔型의 順으로 많았으며 播種期에 있어서 早播와 晩播보다 5月 10∼15日에 收量이 많았다. These studies were carried out to study on ecological reaction of peanut variety depend on cultural environment at the experiment farm of An Sun agricultural technical college from April to ocotober 1990, Runner, Semirunner, Spanish type varieties were planted. The result obtained are summarized as follws : 1. Main stem of the spanish type was longer than that of the runner type cultivars. Stem length tended to be longer for early seeding date than for late seeding date. 2. Mumber of branches per plant was significantly greate for runner types than spanich types, the number of branches decreased the late seeding date more for runner cultivars than for semi-runner or spanish types. 3. The branch of a plant grow rapidly from seeding date to August 24. 4. The period from sowing to flowering of April 20, May 10 and May 30 sowing was needed 38 days in all varieties, so it was recognized that the perid from wowing to flowering was generally shortened in late planting time. 5. It was recognized that increasing rate of dry weight of pod in runner type is biggest at August 24, that in semi-runner and spanish type increased from August 9, but decreased from October 8. 6. Pod yields were generally in the increasing oder of runner, semi-runner and spanish type cultivars, seeding data had yield was highter to May 10~15 seeding that thes for early or late seeding date.

      • Stevia의 揷大部位別 試藥處理가 發根 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        揷木圃에서 生育한 Stevia의 根群의 形態形成을 알기 위하여 生育部位別 및 發根素處理에서 裁倍된 stevia의 根群을 揷取하여 比較·檢討한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 天揷穗에서 發根數는 無處理에 比하여 IBA處理區 生育이 2倍 促進되었다. 2. 試藥의 效果에서 IBA處理區는 IAA·NAA處理區에 비하여 揷木된 揷穗에 더 效果的이다. 3. 發根長 및 發根數에 있어서 天揷穗의 IBA處理區가 다른區에 比하여 가장 效果的이었다. 4. 生育 및 收量에서 揷木上部는 揷木下部에 比하여 播種期에 關係없이 約 0.5倍나 增收되었다. The formations of root system in Stenia plants was studied by means of an improved monolith method in relation to cutting type: At each growing stage and clone type treatment steuia field. The following results were obtained: 1. The number of root and length of root of the top stem cutting in IBA growing was to times accelerated at compared with no treatment. 2. The effect of a reagent of IBA treatment plot were effectual to stem cutting than IAA and VAA treatment plot. 3. Length of root and number of root shown IBA plot was most effective than each plot. 4. Growth and yield was about 0.5 times more in the top part cutting plot than the lower part cutting plot regardless of sowing dates.

      • 땅콩의 品種別, 播種期 및 開花期에 따른 生態反應에 관한 硏究 : Arachis Hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1985 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        栽培環境의 變化에 따른 落花生 品種別 開花의 生態反應에 對하여 硏究하기 위하여 安城農業專門大學 實驗圃場에서 實施하였다. 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 땅콩의 開花까지의 日數는 供試된 各 品種 共히 4月20日 및 5月10日 播種區에서는 65日, 5月 30日 播種區에서는 36日로 晩播의 경우 短縮率이 컸다. 2. 땅콩의 開花最盛期는 8月10∼8月20日頃으로 1株當 開花數는 300∼500個의 範圍에 分布하였다. 3. 땅콩의 分枝別 開花數는 第1分枝∼第5分枝까지의 開花數가 總 開花數의 80%, 以上을 차지하며 品種 및 播種期에 關係없이 下位分枝에서 많고 上位分枝로 갈수록 적었다. 4. 땅콩의 株當 10分枝의 品種別 開花最盛期는 匍匐型이 8月 11日∼8月20日, 半立型이 8月11日∼8月15日, 直立型이 7月26日∼8月5日頃이며, 株當 總 開花數는 匍匐型이 430∼545個, 半立型이 310∼318個, 直立型이 260∼315個 程度이였다. 5. 땅콩의 株當 10分枝의 播種期別 開花最盛期에서 4月20日 播種區는 7月26日∼8月15日, 5月10日 播種區는 8月1日∼8月20日, 5月30日 播種區는 8月16日∼8月25日까지였다. 6. 땅콩의 株當 10分枝의 1日平均 開花數는 適期 播種의 경우 匍匐型이 6.7∼7.4個, 半立型 4.3個, 葉落花生 4.0個, 水原15號 5.5個이었다. 7. 結莢率은 24∼28% 程度였으며 播種期가 遲延됨에 따라 減少하고 分枝別 結莢率은 第1分枝부터 第5分枝까지는 20∼50%였으나 그 以上 分枝에서는 直線的으로 低下되었다. These studies were carried out to study on ecological reaction to flowering of peanut variety depend on cultural environment at the experiment farm of An Sung Agricultural technical College. The result obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The period from seeding to blooming were 65 in the plots planted on April 20 and May 10 while those on May 30 were 36, The number of days from sowing to flowering decreased remarkably as seeding date was delayed. 2. It was recognized that the zenith of flowering is from 10 to 20 of August for the number of flowers per seed is from 300 to 500 individual. 3. Number of flowers from ist to 5th branches was amounted to 80% of total. The flowers were numerous in lower branches and less in upper branches regardless of cultivars of seeding date. 4. The blooming period of the branches per plant was from 11 to 20 of August for the runner type cultivars; from 11 to 15 of August for Semi-runner type; from July 26 to August 5 for the Spanish type. Total number of flowers per plant was 430-545 for runner, 310-318 for Semi-runner, and 260-315 for Spanish type. 5. The blooming period was from July 20 to August 15 for the plots sown on April 20, from 10 to 20 of August for those seeded on May 10. 6. Average number of flowers that bloom in a day for the ten branches per plant was 6.4-7.4 in runner, 4.3 in Semi-runner 5.5 in Suweon 15 and 4.0 in leaf peanut for optimum sowing date. 7. Podding ratio formed from 24% to 28% et reduced in case of later seeing, podding ratio per branch beared from first to fifth branch formed 20% to 50% but decreased from sixth branch.

      • 땅콩의 開墾地 土壤과 催芽種子에 따른 肥料效果가 生育 및 洙量에 미치는 影響 : Arachis .hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        1. 開花期는 有機物土壤과 開墾地 土壤에서 催芽안한 種子區에 비하여 催芽한 種子區가 3日, 標準施肥區에 비하여 複合肥料區가 4日 開花日이 短縮되었다. 2. 地上部 乾物重은 有機物土壤 보다 開墾地 土壤에서, 催芽 안한 種子區 보다 催芽한 種子區에서, 標準施肥區보다 複合肥料區에서 급격히 增加되었다. 3. 主莖長은 어떤 催芽한 種子區에서나 複合肥料區에서 4∼5㎝의 顯著한 差異로 地上部 生育이 旺盛하였다. 4. 種實收量은 어떤 催芽한 種子區에서도 複合肥料區效果가 컸으며 특히 開墾地 土壤은 有機物土壤에 비하여 催芽한 種子에서 複合肥料區에서 顯著한 增加를 보였다. 5. 萊實比率은 開墾地土壤의 複合肥料區에서 有機物土壤의 標準施肥區가 지연됨에 따라서 79.2%에서 45.2%로 점차 떨어졌다. 6. 100粒重은 催芽한 種子의 複合肥料區 전부에서 8.6∼11.9g으로 粒重의 增加는 種實의 肥大와 유실이 높은 結果라 하겠다. 1. Flower date was faciliatate earlier flowering grawth by (no pregerminated seed:3days, standard rate of fertilizer:4days) early date at reclaimed land soil of prgerminated seed and complex fertilizer than soil argnic matter of no pregarmnated and standard rate of fertilizer. 2. Top dry weight increased quite rapidly then began to fall slightly. Reclaimed land soil to pregerminated seed and complax fertilizer tended to yield more top dry weight than soil organic matter to no pregerminated seed and standard rate of fertilizer cultivars did. 3. Main stem lenght was very good over ground plant by clear-gap of 3~5㎝ in complex fertilizer culture at all pregerminated seed. 4. Seed yield was very much effect in pregerminated of complex fertilizer culture and, certarinly seed date reclained land soil was cleary increase in pregerminated seed of complex fertilizer culture than no pregerminated seed of standard rate of fertilizer culture. 5. Seed ratio in decline grom 45.2% to 79.2% under late seeding period in reclaimed land soil of complex fertilizer culture than soil organic matter of standard rate of fertilizer culture. 6. pregerminated seed of complex fertilizer was results in seed freshiness and hight fruition that 100 seed weight was increased at even all complex fertilizer date by 8.6~11.1g seed weight leuels.

      • 땅콩 포리에치렌 被覆栽培가 生育 및 수량에 미치는 影響

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        가. 殖壤土(水原) 1) 出現期는 4月10日 無被覆區 보다 被覆區에서 11日 短縮되였으며 5月1日 播種區에서도 4日 短縮되어 발아가 促進되었다. 2) 開花期는 4月10日과 5月1日 播種期에서 無被覆에 比하여 各各 13日 短縮되어 被期生育이 促進되었다. 3) 主莖長은 어느 播種에나 被覆區에서 2.9∼3.9cm의 顯著한 差異로 地上部生育이 旺盛하였다. 4) 100粒重은 全部 被覆에서 1.6∼4.4g로 粒重의 增加는 種實의 肥大와 充實이 높은 結果라 하겠다. 5) 4月15∼7月20日의 溫度 調査에서 10時 地面溫度는 5月30日까지 平均 -5.3℃의 差異로 被覆區에서 높았으나 그 後부터 7月20日까지 계속 떨어지고 있으며 10時 地中溫度는 被覆後 6月25日 限界까지 계속 24℃의 差異로 높게 경과하였다. 6) 種實收量은 어느 播種期에서도 被覆效果가 컸으며 特히 4月 10日 播種期는 無被覆에 比하여 被覆에서 顯著한 增收를 보았다. 나. 微砂土(驪州) 1) 出現期에 있어서 4月1日 播種被覆은 4月18日로 無被覆보다 18日 短縮되었고 5月1日 播種期에서도 3日短縮되었다. 2) 4月1日과 4月10日 播種期는 被覆에서 各各 7日 短縮되었으나, 5月1日 播種期에서는 別差 없었다. 3) 主莖長은 4月10日 播種期에서 被覆이 34.2cm 無被覆이 31.5cm로 2.7cm의 差異가 있었다. 4) 株當着莢數는 5月1日 播種期를 除外하고 어느 播種期나 3.1∼13.9莢이 많은 것은 收量 增大의 要因이라 하겠다. 5) 莢實比率은 被覆區에서 播種期가 늦어짐에 따라 66.3%에서 63.0%로 점차 떨어지고 있다. 6) 100粒重은 4月1日 被覆에서 58.7g 無被覆에서 55.6g으로 3.1g의 差異로 粒重이 增加 되었다. 7) 種實收量은 어느 播種期에서나 被覆에서 增收되었으며 4月20日 播種期는 被覆에서 194.1kg/10a 增收 效果가 있었다. Clay loam (Suweon) 1) Germinating date was ealier 11 date in mulching culture than no mulching and seeding date in May 1 was faciliatate germination at 4 early date. 2) Flowor date was faciliatate earlier growth by 13 early date at seed date in April 10 and May. 1 than no mulching. 3) Main stem length was very good over ground plant by clear gap of 2.9 - 3.9 cm in mulching culture at even all seed date. 4) It was results in seed fleshiness and hight fruition that hund seed weight was increased at even all seed date by 1.6 - 4.4 g seed weight leuels. 5) Overground temperature survey at 10 h O.A.M. from April 15 to July 20 is hight by gap of 5.3℃ in May 30. but it was low continuely in July 20 and underground temperature survey is hight continuely by gap of 2.4℃ in June 25 after mulching. 6) Seed vield was very much effect in mulching culture and, cerlainly, seed date of April 10 was clearly increaser in mulching culture than no mulching culture. Silt loam (Yoo Jue) 1) Germination period is earlier 18 date in mulching culture of April 1 than no mulching of April 18 and also 3 date in mulching culture of May 1. 2) Seeding period of April 1 and April 10 is earlier 7 date each in mulching culture than no mulching but it is not different seeding of May 1. 3) Main stem length is defferent of 2.7 cm by 31.5 cm in no mulching and 34.2 cm in mulching in seed date of April 10. 4) It is to be increasing factors of yield that 20 of fruit pod by per plant increase 3.1 - 13.9 pod through all seeding period except seeding period of May 1. 5) Seed ratio is decline from 63.0% to 66.3% under late seeding period in mulching culture. 6) One hundreds, of seed weight is increased on 3.1g difference by 55.6g in no mulching and 58.7 g in mulching. 7) Seed yield is a increasing ten dency through all seeding period in mulching culture and seed date of April 20 was affective inerease on 19% of 194.1 Kg yield by per 10 a in mulching culture.

      • 땅콩의 催芽와 全用複合肥料에 따른 멀칭 被覆裁培가 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        1. 開花期는 無被覆區와 無催芽한 種子 및 標準肥料區보다 被覆區와 催芽한 種子 및 複合全用肥料區에서 開花가 빨랐다. 2. 分枝數는 無被覆區, 被覆區에서 無催芽한 種子보다 催芽한 種子에서 標準肥料區보다 複合全用肥料區에서 增大하였다. 3. 乾物重은 無被覆區가 65.6g이고 被覆區가 135.8g로 70.2g의 差異가 있었다. 4. 萊實重은 無被覆區가 530㎏이고 被覆區가 585㎏로 55㎏差異가 있었다. 5. 種實重은 無被覆區가 215㎏이고 被覆區가 378㎏로 163㎏差異가 있다. 1. Flawer date was early the mulching and pregermiated seed or compler fertilizer than that no mulching and no pregerminated seed or stander rate of fertilizer. 2. Munfer of branch was mulching than that of no mulching. The pregerminated seed and complex fertilizer than no pregerminated seed and stander rate of fertilizer. 3. Dry weight is defferent 70.2g by 65.6g in no mulching and135.8g in mulching. 4. Weight of pods is defferent 55kg by 530kg in no mulching and 585kg in mulching. 5. Seed weight is defferent 163kg by 215kg in no mulching and 378kg in mulching.

      • Stevia의 揷木時期가 收量에 미치는 影響

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        揷木時期에 있어서 生育한 stevia의 根群의 形態形成을 究現하고, 定植時期에서 草長 및 收量을 調査하여 比較, 檢討한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 揷木苗에서 發根長이 30日 生育한 區에 比하여 50日區가 14.1㎜, 發根數 14.9個가 增加되었다. 2. 定植時期는 活着率이 30日에 比하여 50日區가 11%나 떨어졌다. 3. 乾葉收量은 7月10日에 比하여 5月20日에 定植한 區가 64% 增加되었다. 4. 乾葉收量은 定植時期가 6月20日 以後에는 급격히 떨어졌다. The formation of root system in Stevia Plants was studied by means of a improved monolith method in relation to the period of cutting; At each growing stage to length of main stem and on the yield treatment Stevia field. 1. The length of root of the cutting time 30 days growing was 14.1mm acclerated at compared with 50 days and the number of root 14.9 number. 2. The fixation rate of period of transplanting 30 days growing was 11% fall at compared with 50 days. 3. The yield of dried leaf(July-10) was 64% aulerated at compared with (May-20) of transplanting. 4. The yield of dried leaf was sudden fall by after(Tune-20) the period of transplanting.

      • 땅콩의 品種 및 播種期에 따른 開花生態反應에 관한 硏究 : Arachis Hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        땅콩의 品種別 및 播種期에 따른 開花의 生態反應에 對하여 硏究하기 위하여 安城農業專門 大學 實驗團場에서 實施하였다. 1. 株當 10分枝의 1日平均 開花數는 適期 潘種의 경우.匍匐型 6.7~7.4個, 半立型 4.3個, 水原 15號 5.5個, 와세다이루 4.0個이었다. 2. 땅콩의 分枝別 開花數는 第 1分枝~第 5分枝까지의 開花數가 總 開花數의 80%以上을 차지하며 品種 및 播種期에 관계없이 下位 分枝에서 많고 上位 分枝로 갈수록 적었다. 3. 땅콩의 品種別 株當 開花數, 子房數 및 萃數는 匍匐型이 많고 直立型은 적으며 適期播種에서 많으나 晩播에서는 적었다. 4. 1個當 萃數는 直立型 보다 匍匐型에서 播種은 早播한 것이 晩播한 것보다 各各 增加되었으며 分枝別 萃數는 第 1分枝부터 第5分枝까지의 全體 萃數의 92~97%을 차지하였다. 5. 子房柄數는 直立型 보다 匍匐型에서 增加되었으며 播種期가 지연됨에 따라 크게 低下하고 第 1分枝로부터 上位 分枝로 移動됨에 따라 直線的으로 떨어졌다. 6. 開花數에 對한 子房柄數 比率은 60~70%였으며 播種期가 지연됨에 따라 크게 減小하었다. 7. 萃數 對 子房柄數는 匍匐型 및 半立型은 35%, 直立型은 46%였다 分枝間에는 下位 分枝에서 높고 上位 分枝에서 낮았다. These studies were carried out to study on ecological reaction to flowering of peanut variety depend on cultural environment at the experiment from An Sung Agricultural Technical College, the result obtained are summarized as follows. 1. Average number of flowers that bloom in a day for ten branches per plant was 6.4-7.4 in runner, 4.3 in semi-runner, 4.0 in ilmect for optimum sowing date. 2. Number of flowers from 1st to 5th branches was amounted to 80% of total. The flowers were numerous in lower branches and less in upper branches regardless of cultivars or seeding date. 3. Number of flowers, gynophores and pods per plant tended to be higher for runner type cultivars less for spanish types and higher for runner type cultivars less for spanish types and higher for the optimum seeding and less or the late seeding date. 4. Number of pods per plant of runner type, earlier seeding, planting increased more than that of spanish type, later seeding, dense planting. Number of pods per branch beared from first to fifth branch formed from 92% to 97%. 5. Number of pods in runner type, earlier seeding increased more than that in spanish type, later seeding. The more position of branch went up, the more number of pods reduced. 6. Number of pods/number of flowers ratio was from 60% to 70%, and the more seeding date delayed, the more the ratio reduced. 7. Number of pods/number of pods ratio was from 35% in runner and semi-runner type to 46% in spanish type, and the more position of branch went up, the more the ratio reduced.

      • 땅콩의 草型에 따른 品種群이 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響 : Arachis hypogaea L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1978 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        本試驗은 땅콩의 草型을 主로한 品種群 分類 및 播種期의 移動이 땅콩의 生育, 收量請成要索, 收量에 미치는 影響을 究明코조 實施한바 다음과 같이 結果를 要約한다. 1. 品種群別 開花日數 播種期가 지연에 따라 全體가 短縮되었으며 短縮程度는 晩生群에서 커졌다. 2. 主莖長은 播種期가 늦어짐에 따라 增加하는 傾向을 보였다 3. 萊實種實數는 어느 品種에서나 播種期가 늦어짐에 따라 감소하였으며 小粒種보다 大粒種에서 萊當種實數가 적었다. 4. 收量과 중요한 形質의 相關에서 個體當着萊數, 100粒重, 個體當種實數등이 Virginia Runner 以外의 品種에서 收量과 높은 正의 相關이 있었으며 다른 形質의 相關은 거의 認定되지 않았으며 播種期에 관한 相關의 差異되 認定되었다. This experiment was conducted to study on Grouping of the Varieties by Plant Type and the effects of Seeding Date on the Growth, yield components and yield of Peanut, The oftained results was summaized as follows. 1. Flowering period in respective Varietal growp was Consistently shorted by delayed seeding date and the degree of shortening was more serious in late flowering Varietal group. 2. The lenght of main stem was tendency increased by seeding date delayed. 3. Nunber of pod per plant in all Varietal was remarkedly decreased by delayed seeding date and the degree of decreasing was more serious in large groin varietal group. 4. Highly significant positiue correlations were showed between yield and componets such as pot weight per plant. 100 grain weight and the number of grains per plant in all varietal groups except virginia Runner. However, the other characters were almost not correlated with yield and differences in correlation coefficients amony the seeding dates were found.

      • 땅콩 品種間 種子休眠性의 差異에 關한 硏究 : Arachis hypogae L.

        鄭禮杓 안성산업대학교 1979 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        本 試驗은 땅콩 品種間 種子休眠性의 差異와 生長調節劑인 IAA, NAA, IBA가 休眠打破에 미치는 影響을 究明코저 實施하였다. 1. 땅콩 品種의 種子休眠性의 差異는 크게 休眠性이. 强한것, 中間인것,그러고 弱한 것으로 나눌 수 있었다. 2. 葡蔔,大粒種인 品種은 休眠性이 强했고 直立, 小粒種 品種은 休眠住이 弱했으며 中間型인 品種은 休眠性도 中間程度였다. 3. 生長調節劑處理는 休眠性이 强한 品種에서만 發芽促進 效果가 있었고 生長調節劑間에는 그 效果의 差異가 거의 없었다. This experiment was Conducted to study the effect on the varietal difference of seed dormancy and IAA, NAA, IBA of growth hormone to dormancy breaking of peanut. 1. On the varietal difference of seed dormancy in peanut was divided a little over of great dormancy midway and weak. 2. Varietal for runner type and in large grain group was great dormancy, Erect type and in small grain group was weak, Middle type and in midway grain group was midway of degree. 3. Growth hormome treatment was effect of germination development of varietal of great domancy, growth hormone a little not difference of the effect.

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